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After flashing, Bang releases rock bulges towards Wu Di’s plane, ready to make Wu Di unable to deal the damage after that.

And at this time, Penson also came up.

As long as Panson w, the rock sparrow receives a wave of damage, Wu Di will directly lose two-thirds of his health.

Bang’s wave of operations actually doesn’t make much sense.

Even if you hit a set of damage, you can’t kill Wu Di’s plane.

Because Wu Di was too steady in the first four minutes, he did not give SKT any chance to consume blood on the road.

However, Wu Di still operated a wave.

“Wu Di’s plane actually flashed directly, can Panson’s W hide?”

“No, he is not hiding from Pinson’s w. but from the rock bulge of the rock finch, and this wave of Wu Di looks like he is going to kill the rock finch.”

“Although it was fixed by Pinson W, before it was fixed, it had already used Flash to close the distance with the rock finch, as long as the control effect was over, the rock sparrow would definitely be damaged by the plane.”

Pinson’s W is short.

As long as it is not convex back by the rock sparrow rock, Wu Di can then use the e-skill and general attack output.

“Baolan Luo E to Wu Di’s side, and then W is in the position after the rock sparrow flashed.”

“This wave of IG’s cooperation is too perfect, there are no mistakes, the barrel plays the first wave of control, Luo plays the second wave of control, and now wait for the plane to take over.”

“FirstBlood!” Rita shouted: “Wu Di got the first head of his game, which is very, very important for the development of the aircraft. ”

LCK’s commentator wailed.

Just got off the road or the dominant road, and suddenly was caught in a wave.

In the domestic live broadcast room, IG bulls have been brushed.

“King Ning is finally not a bunch, that’s right, there is Wu Di’s competition, and if you catch it, it’s over.”

“The rock sparrow on the opposite side didn’t flash, just wait for another wave.”

“Bang, this person has a brain problem, knowing that the wine barrel hit the river crab on the lower road, and Nima pressed the line.”

“SKT has looked at it, but the eyes have just disappeared, who can count the barrel looking at the watch.”

After the plane took away the head of the rock finch, there was no skill left with Pinson.

So Pinson of Wolf handed over a flash and returned safely to the tower.

King Ning laughed: “The two hanhan on the opposite side, obviously there is no point in pressing Wu Dige’s line, and it is so dead pressing, if I don’t come to catch this, I will really become hanhan.” ”

A sudden blood.

Some interrupt SKT’s rhythm.

Little Peanut said: “This is beating us to the upper field, let’s go down steadily, just clear the line.” ”

Bang did not speak, after all, today’s tactics had been discussed yesterday evening.

Play Ueno, and then let you take 41 points and win today’s game without bloodshed.

But Bang is really angry, and Wu Di on the other side seems to be provoking him all the time.

“Wait for the flash, don’t hesitate. Directly flash the W plane, I should have a double wear by then, can second the plane. ”

Wu Di pushed the army line into the tower and chose to return to the city.

With a lot of money, coupled with almost no missing knife, Wu Di directly naked a dazzle.

“Wu Di’s basic skills as an ADC are too solid, almost no leakage in mending the knife, and this luck is also good, just enough to return home with a handful of dazzling money, this is only four.”

Back online.

Bang was startled when he saw Wu Di’s equipment.

Because he had just returned home, he had produced a 425 increase book plus a bottle of 150 potion, and there were still more than a hundred pieces left on his body.

One blood money, directly let the plane crush the rock sparrow on the equipment.

At four and a half minutes, the barrel brushed F6, ready to squat in the middle of a wave of Feike.

Feike’s robbery basically does not use W energy on the line, so it is difficult to catch a barrel without flashing.

So the barrel did not squat Feike again.

The rhythm in the early stage is still on the body of the field.

Little Peanut brushed his lower half of the field area and chose to come over and squat a wave of Wu Di’s plane.

Although SKT is mainly hit Ueno.

But the little peanut has just finished brushing the second half of the wild area, and the plane has not flashed, so it is okay to come to a wave to find opportunities.

“After the plane has the brilliance, both the clearance and consumption are a little easier, but they still dare not stand too far ahead.”

“No way, this is the strength of the system of Yanque and Panson, even if Wu Di is such an excellent player, he does not dare to press SKT’s way down after taking a blood.”

“You can imagine what kind of pressure the Lightning Wolf’s downward combination faced yesterday.”

This time period.

The director’s camera has been on the road, and at this time the blind monk of Little Peanut is also on camera.

Little Peanut only stayed for a few seconds, and he already felt that he couldn’t catch Wu Di.

Because Wolf’s Panson, simply w to Wu Di’s plane.

So Little Peanut gave up catching Wu Di and went to the lower half of IG’s wild area to find the location of the barrel.

The flash of the wine barrel is now used on the road, as long as the little peanut finds King Ning, King Ning will basically explain.

But it’s fine.

King Ning brushed the lower half of the wild area half a minute ago, and now he has brushed the three wolves in the upper half of the wild area.

“Little peanut is coming to catch the middle of the road!”

LCK’s commentary, hunching that the middle is a wave of very good opportunities.

Because the blood volume of the robbery and the demon Ji is very, very low at the moment.

“I have to say that Little Peanut’s field is really strong, this is less than five minutes, squatted once on the road, squatted once off the road, and now squats in the middle of the road.”

The middle line of troops has been pushed under the tower of broilers.

This wave of troops is a bit much, and the broiler chickens have to choose to use W soldiers.

At the moment of the broiler’s demon Ji W, Feike played a WEQ combo, and the damage of the E skill was instantaneous, hitting the damage, but the damage of Q Energy was dropped by the second stage W of the Demon Ji.

However, at this time, the blind monk had also come out of the grass, and then released Q energy towards the demon Ji.

Broiler chickens directly and decisively flashed.

The broiler chicken has just been robbed and slowed down, so this Q does not flash is a must.

The blind monk saw the demon Ji flashing (Hao Nuo Zhao), so he walked towards the river, and finally circled to the position of the blue square F6.

There are still six soldiers under the Demon Ji Tower, and the broiler should not be able to bear this six soldiers.

Sure enough, the broiler chickens still came back to collect these six tower soldiers.

The blind monk of the little peanut went out from place q in F6 and hit the broiler directly, and then on the second stage q, an e skill collected the demon Ji with residual blood.

Then the blind monk came out of the tower.

The official live broadcast room of the alliance.

“Little peanut’s blindness is too smooth, but the broiler is really greedy this wave, and those six soldiers can not make up for Zhu.”

“No way, the opposite side of the broiler is Feike, if these six soldiers don’t eat, it’s hard to fight later.”

“Broiler chickens still want to c.”

“This wave really doesn’t blame the broilers, who let the opposite side is Feike and Little Peanuts.”

“King Ning is uncomfortable, the little peanut took a human head, wait a while in the wild area, King Ning will not be able to win.”



Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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