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For RNG, stability is a good thing.

Brother Feng was excited in the lounge, at least RNG played better than any other team.

“There’s hope.” Brother Feng muttered.

In the IG lounge.

King Ning straddled the chair and said directly to Kim Myung-so: “This wind girl must have died once before nine minutes, maybe twice.” ”

Kim Myung-so snorted: “You know again?” ”

“Of course, I’m a disciple of Brother Wu Di, how can I not understand his thoughts.” King Ning laughed exaggeratedly.

King Ning turned his head to Liu Feifei and said, “You said yes, sister-in-law?” ”

Although Liu Feifei is just a silver, she understands Wu Di’s character very well and knows that Wu Di will definitely go to this wind girl.

On the big screen of the game.

The game was already six minutes long, and Wu Di’s male gun brushed the first half of the field and began to come to the second half of the field.

For Tano, rhythm is crucial.

This wave caught the road, you can completely control the dragon, then brush the blue buff, brush the lower half of the wild area, and then brush the upper half of the wild area.

Wu Di took the scan and stood inside the Xiaolong Pit, letting Baolan come over and line his eyes.

When the second wave of the Wind Girl 397 went online, there was a real eye in the equipment column, and now the true eye has disappeared, and it is very likely that this triangular grass is very likely.

Baolan came from down and began to line the true eyes of the triangular grass.

EDG still has a view of the river, but he can’t see the male gun in the Xiaolong Pit.

So Xiao Ming was still very relieved and wanted to come over and block Bulong’s eyes.

Blonn, who is royal blue, first wanted to hit the wind girl with Q skills, but was dodged by Xiaoming’s position.

Bloom’s Q energy is indeed a bit hard to hit.

However, at this time, the royal blue Bloom directly flashed up to give a general attack.

Xiao Ming was suddenly stunned, because he didn’t see anyone behind Bloom, and this general attack seemed to be a little inexplicable.

“Save me!” Xiao Ming finally reacted, and there was a male gun in the Xiaolong pit.

Wu Di’s male gun, from Xiaolongkeng E to triangular grass, and then a wall Q with a general attack, instantly hit Bloom’s passivity.

After this set of injuries, the wind girl instantly lost blood.

The next general attack of the male gun directly killed Xiaoming’s wind girl.

UZI’s small cannon did not think of giving treatment, after all, the blue square triangular grass is still some distance from a tower, even if it is given treatment, the male gun and other general attacks can still kill the wind woman.

In the lounge of the RNG, Brother Feng hammered the table: “This Xiaoming, how can he be so careless without flashing…”

LPL’s commentary table.

Rita said directly: “I didn’t think that the two sides were deadlocked, and finally let Wu Di open the situation on the next road, this wave of Wu Di not only killed the wind girl, but also controlled this little dragon, and then brushed his own wild monsters, this rhythm is too perfect.” ”

While Wu Di was fighting Xiaolong, RNG reacted quickly.

RNG has no vision in Xiaolongkeng, and perceives that it has completely analyzed Wu Di’s many matches and knows that Wu Di is a field with very strong control ability.

And at this time, Marzaha of the middle single has reached the sixth level.

Marzaha is a very steady hero, a QEW move to play, the other party basically has no room to operate.

In the voice of the RNG.

The fragrant pot was already shouting furiously: “The male gun on the opposite side must be stealing the dragon, go over and take a look.” ”


“I’ll try to see if I can grab it.”

RNG finally decided to let the fragrant pot grab it to try, but the fragrant pot also knew that it was basically impossible to grab Wu Di’s dragon.

The fragrant pot inserted a vision in the little dragon, and after seeing the residual blood of the little dragon, an axe was thrown down.

Wu Di has punishment on him, and this Olaf is too dreamy.

After controlling the bafi, Wu Di helped the rock sparrow take the blue buff, and then brushed the toad and the three wolves.

This is the perfect rhythm that belongs to Wu Di.

When the fragrant pot finished playing the red buff and F6, he had already reached the sixth level, and at this time, he wanted to cooperate with the tiger in the middle and catch a wave of rock finches.

Little Tiger’s Marzaha has a flash, as long as the past big move is flashed, it can definitely keep the rock finch.

But at this time, Wu Di had already brushed the three wolves and came to the grass on the middle road.

The fragrant pot is in the grass under the middle road.

LPL’s commentary table.

Rita didn’t feel strange at all: “Wu Di is also too keen, this grab of the fragrant pot was squatted by Wu Di again.” ”

The doll shook her head: “What’s the use of squatting ah, male guns and rock finches, now you can’t win Malzaha and Olaf, Malzaha flashed a big move, with Olaf can be alone in seconds.” ”

Here it comes!

In the voice of the RNG, Xiaohu shouted up, flashed directly, and the QWE move was instantly given.

Olaf of the fragrant pot also opened a big move, and appeared in the middle from the lower river.

Wu Di’s male gun was directly thrown at the feet of the broiler rock sparrow, so that even if Olaf was close to the rock finch, it would be difficult to hit the damage of Pinga.

Then Wu Di started beating Marzaha.

Little Tiger’s Marzaha now has a shield, Wu Di can not use Q to break the shield, but keep flat A until the control effect of the rock sparrow is over.

The rock sparrow of the broiler, after the end of Marzaha’s big move, has turned into silk blood.

The rock sparrow flashes to open the distance, then the E skill breaks Malzaha’s shield, the W convex hits Malzaha, and then the Q skill continues to deal damage.

Wu Di used the E skill to adjust the position, and once again a Q energy against the wall, instantly hit two damage, and harvested Marzaha.

And on the other side, Olaf of the fragrant pot, a Q can throw the rock sparrow to death.

Olaf’s incense pot, the big move is not over yet, and Wu Di’s male gun, all skills have already been used.

So Xiangbu is a little confident, he thinks that as long as he sticks to the male gun, he can kill the male gun.

Wu Di saw the fragrant pot chasing him, frowned, and said in his voice: “This fragrant pot is bolder than before.” ”

The incense pot first walked to the place where the rock sparrow died, picked up the axe, and then threw it at Wu Di as a Q energy.

Wu Di’s position is a real cow ratio, and Olaf is empty except for one or two Qs close to his face.

Olaf, who has no Q ability, is like a tiger with teeth pulled.

Wu Di’s male gun, while retreating and walking A, looks extremely smooth.

“Lying groove, how do I feel that this fragrant pot is dying.”

Many people in the audience questioned this wave of operations of the fragrant pot.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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