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At this time, the fragrant pot mostly went back to brush F6 or stone people.

As for where to go after the fragrant pot brushes the stone man, it is possible to go to the lower half of the wild area, or it is possible to go to the lower half of the wild area after returning to the city.

Anyway, go to the lower half of the wild area.

So Wu Di now, go to the lower half of the anti-incense pot, not only can he reverse the three wolves and toads, but maybe he can also squat to the blind monk.

Lexey and the blind monk are singled out in the wild area, and who wins and who loses depends on the operation.

The blind monk who first Q will definitely not be able to win Lexey, and the blind monk who is interrupted by Lexey will not be able to win Lexey.

All in all.

Lexi’s operating space is larger than that of the blind monk, and Wu Di now has an economic advantage.

On the big screen of the game.

The audience’s movements of the two sides are clear at a glance.

In the early stage of the game, the eyes of the audience were actually focused on the field, after all, it is difficult to have a single kill online.

Moreover, this shot is Wu Di, so there are more shots of wilderness.

The brushing route of the fragrant pot is exactly the same as Wu Di predicted, after the fragrant pot reverses Wu Di’s toad, brush the stone man, then brush F6, and now come to brush the three wolves.

If Wu Di hadn’t come to the wild, the fragrant pot 10 wave of brushing routes would have been a comfortable mess.

Wu Di’s Lexer, while brushing the toad, heard the position of the blind monk.

“Sure enough.”

Wu Di muttered, then flattened the toad and waited in the grass of the blue buff.

When Xiangguo saw the three wolves being reversed, he had already become alert, so he released a Q energy towards the triangular grass from a long distance.

Wu Di in the grass, without coming out of the grass, turned around and dodged the blind monk’s Q energy.

LPL’s commentary table.

Miller yelled, “Not good! This wave of fragrant pot was deceived, he must have thought that the triangular grass was nobody’s. ”

In RNG voice at the moment.

The spicy fragrant pot had already shouted: “Lexi just turned against my wild, you guys pay attention to it, it may be in our triangular grass.” ”

The field of vision that Xiao Ming had put at the beginning had disappeared at this time, and when he heard the words of the fragrant pot, he decided to go to the triangular grass to put another field of vision.

Xiangguo did not expect in any way, Wu Di did not think of catching the road, but waited for him in this place.

When the incense pot was close to the grass, Wu Di’s Lexey could start directly, and then jacked the blind man, and AQA’s damage was instantly hit.

One more A will trigger the angry E skill.

The blind man of the fragrant pot, without the slightest hesitation, flashed directly.

This set of damage of Lexi has already knocked out the blind man’s half-blood without using the E skill.

After Xiangbu escaped, he glanced at Lexid’s equipment and was already startled.

This Lexi has three long swords, and with his passionate talent, the damage he will hit will be explosive.

Kasabe is glad that he didn’t use W-eye. Lexi can hit the full amount of real damage of the E skill once again.

At that time, Lexey only needs to level a and be a blind monk in the fragrant pot.

Xiangguo felt Wu Di’s temper and went to reverse Wu Di’s two wild monsters, Wu Di not only wanted to reverse the wild monsters, but also wanted to kill him.

At this time, Wu Di also paid attention to the blind monk of blood and returned to the city near the second tower.

Wu Di shouted directly in his voice: “Wei Huang pushes the line, a wave can be crossed.” ”

Lexey and Xialo are naturally very easy to cross the tower.

Xiaoming’s Bloom is not as protective as the wind girl and Lulu, and he can’t keep the puppy at all.

The line of troops has entered the tower.

Wu Di came to the triangular grass on the red side.

RNG’s vision is that of Lexis.

However, RNG’s next road, at first did not think that Lexey would cross the tower, so now when I noticed that Lexey was going to cross the tower, there was no chance to run.

Wu Di and the other troops came in and directly entered the tower in the form of retreat.

Bob’s Bloom is not in a hurry to release the skill, he has to see who IG is resisting the tower, and then who to attack.

This wave of anti-tower is Baolan resisting first.

UZI was forced out of position by three people, and the operating space was already very small, and Luo’s w easily lifted UZI.

After Law gave Q energy, E skill returned to Kasumi’s side, and then stood on the outermost part of the defense tower, carrying the damage of the defense tower.

The three commentators on the commentary table couldn’t figure out what UZI had to do to be able to not die.

The chain of control between Lexey and Xialo is simply incomprehensible.

Bloom W dog’s big mouth, and then a Q can be released towards Luo, this Q can definitely be empty, after all, Luo still has two stages E.

That’s it.

The three IG people very easily crossed UZI’s big mouth.

LPL’s commentary table.

Rita said directly: “RNG and IG have fought so many matches, and it is the first time that the puppy has been targeted so badly in the early stage. ”

“Wu Di’s style of play reminds me of the factory director.” Miller laughed.

LPL’s live room.


“Dare to say that I am the director of the Di God Statue Factory, Muay Thai warning.”

“Xiangcao: I have been called on the next road, why did I come…”

“The god of the flute is more ruthless than the factory, and he caught two waves in four minutes, and what is even more terrifying is that both waves have caught UZI to death.”


This human head of the puppy was taken down by Wei Huang.

When crossing the tower, Wu Di did not think about taking people’s heads, but only wanted to hit his output as quickly as possible.

This wave went down the road and crossed the tower, completely crashing UZI Ah 397.


RNG’s voice suddenly became quiet.

Only Xiaohu is still easing the atmosphere: “It’s okay, it’s okay, there is still me in this wave, I can c.” ”

Tiger is playing vampire, he is not joking, he is very confident in his vampire.


Six minutes into the game, there was a wave of singles down the road.

But this time, it is no longer UZI who kills others alone, nor is Weihuang killed by others.

Before this wave of single killings, it is estimated that everyone could not think of this scene.

Wei Huang killed UZI!

In IG’s voice, there was a cheer.

“Yes! Wei Huang, finally wait for you to come to C. Wu Di quipped.

Wei Huang directly smiled awkwardly: “Brother Wu Di, don’t laugh at me, it’s not that you came to help two waves, let me get the head, and the mentality of the opposite UZI seems to have exploded.” ”

Wu Di also saw that he couldn’t imagine that UZI had played so many world competitions, and his mentality was still like this.

“I knew that when we used to fight with RNG, we just stared at UZI and fought.”

This wave of UZI was single-killed.

The barrage in the live broadcast room can no longer be stopped.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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