At the end of the dog days, during the hottest period of the year, Satian Leiko, who was in the single dormitory, didn’t really want to go out.
The smell of the outside world is approaching 40 degrees Celsius. Even wearing a cool short skirt, going out in this weather is not immune to the danger of heatstroke. Especially for elementary school girls who have just “dressed up”, they don’t want to go out.
But four days ago, a communication from the school teacher strongly and effectively made Saten Riko want to leave the air-conditioned bedroom on this hot summer day.
“Is it okay to wear this outfit in the past?”
Saten Leiko, who was at the entrance of the bedroom, bent her waist slightly, and from time to time turned around in front of the mirror, looking at the black-haired girl reflected in the mirror.
Ji-style black straight hair with a ladylike atmosphere, and a slender and slender figure wearing a white dress full of preppy style.
Although it was a cheap skirt, the pleated skirt style was matched with the girl’s Ji-style hair, making the girl in the mirror look like a lively little princess playing in a royal garden.
“Although it’s cheap, isn’t it too ostentatious to wear this outfit to a testing facility?”
Zuotian Leiko frowned slightly, her little face wrinkled into a ball, and her childish face was full of cute tangled expressions.
On the hardwood floor beside her, all kinds of summer clothes are densely placed, as if the goods of the clothing store were poured on the floor.
In fact, she actually poured the clothes from the clothing store on the floor.
Saten Leiko’s family is not bad, but she is not rich, so her monthly living expenses are naturally scarce, but the girl herself has an extraordinary sense of ‘money’ and ‘fashion’.
Relying on this keenness, and with the idea of ​​subsidizing the family, the girl opened a small online store in the closed network area of ​​the Academy City, and the clothes just now were the ‘goods’ she used to recommend.
To put it simply, it is clothes that are specially bought for you to try on in order to make product recommendations.
If it were another place, Saten Leiko might be a model for elementary school students to start a business.
However, unfortunately, although it is not obvious in the academy city, the principle of “ability first” secretly pursued makes the little talent of the girl useless.
After all, Saten Riko’s ability rating is Level 0. That is, an ‘incompetent’ whose ability is so low that even a machine can only observe.
Although it is cruel, the incompetent in the academy city is simply a model of wild children.
In addition to the daily arrangement of the school and the [super ability development course] used to comfort students and parents, research institutions that really work on developing ability will not pay attention to worthless waste rocks at all.
In the fitting, Saten Leiko couldn’t help but set her eyes on the white envelope above the shoe cabinet.
Originally, she also somewhat agreed with the so-called “waste stones” of the incompetent, but now she has changed her mind.
——『Talent Workshop
A superpower research institution with the concept of [cultivating genius], according to Saten Ruiko’s remarks from the “lady” who bought clothes on her online store.
The facility was abolished five months ago due to its problems, but 10 days later, a tough-style academy city executive reopened the facility.
And now, the restarted facility has sent an experiment invitation to her, the incompetent.
Without even thinking about it, when the teacher gave the announcement with a happy face, Saten Leiko naturally agreed directly.
After all, it is impossible for students who come to the academy city to have no illusions about superpowers, and at this moment, as an incompetent, being invited by a powerful experimental institution, it is strange that they do not agree.
“Speaking of which, have you heard that the high-level executive seems to be the ‘boy who lives in the female dormitory’ in urban legends??”
Saten Leiko frowned suspiciously. This kind of gossip has been widely rumored recently due to her factors, and at first, she also heard it from Tokiwadai’s eldest client.
“Impossible, that kind of young lady lives in a famous school with boys or something! How can there be such a harem novel scene in reality!”
Thinking like this, Saten Leiko once again focused her attention on the summer clothes on the ground.
“Sure enough, let’s wear casual clothes, this white dress is still a little too ostentatious!”

After tangled for a while, after 20 minutes, the time period for which the departure and the scheduled departure were infinitely approached, Satian Leiko finally changed her clothes, wearing short sleeves with red and white stripes, paired with denim shorts, and stepped out in the image of an energetic girl. bedroom.
“Hu… Hu… Hu…”
Jogging all the way, Saten Leiko couldn’t help but feel fortunate that she was wearing clothes that were easy to move around. Out of breath, she ran to the bus stop near the dormitory, where she was waiting for the bus to pick up the lab staff.
“So hot–!!”
After trotting less than 100 meters, the sweaty girl who was persecuted by the hot summer let out a grudge full of resentment.
And not long after Satian Leiko hid in the bus stop, a beige bus slowly approached the platform.
“D-1754! By the way, it’s this one!!”
Suppressing her cheering and restless mood, Saten Leiko kept waving towards the bus.
Under the skillful posture of the driver, the bus slowly stopped in front of Saten Leiko.
With bang! wipe! With the sound of jets, the door slowly opened.
“You’ve worked hard.” Saten Leiko politely greeted the driver, then stepped onto the bus and looked inside the bus. At this moment, the girl’s face couldn’t help but froze.
Saten Leiko glanced at the bus and looked around, all of them were pure and beautiful high school girls wearing Tokiwadai school uniforms, which made ordinary girls feel 1000% huge pressure.
‘I remember that Tokiwadai Middle School’s admission requirement is Level 3? ‘ The corners of Zuotian Leizi’s mouth twitched.
At this moment, she finally understood, the “sublime” concept of the “Talent Workshop” for cultivating talents.
Swipe, swipe, swipe!
A famous young lady all looked at Satian Leiko.
A dynamic girl with cute short sleeves and hot shorts was mixed among all the girls in Tokiwadai school uniforms, which obviously attracted the curious attention of the eldest ladies.
‘Speaking of which, is it really okay to let me, an incompetent, blend in with these rich, beautiful, capable and elegant young ladies? ‘ Saten Leiko, who was feeling the pressure, groaned in her heart.
“Then… If you don’t mind, how about sitting on my side?”
It seemed that the girl’s cry moved the gods. The brown-haired girl sitting on the right hand side patted the vacant seat beside her and sent a kind invitation to Saten Leiko.

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