Goal: Cloth the letter!
This summer, Bushutoxin has been a little busy.
It stands to reason that for her who has emerged in the fields of biology and psychiatry since she was a child, and takes a researcher as her development route, she should not have a chance to go out to work.
But now, it is very strange that when the sun is shining in the sky, she still wears the school uniform of the academy, and is moving in the remote alleys of the academy city.
He has been classified as a gifted child since he was a child, and when he was nearly 8 years old, he participated in the development and research of the ‘learning device’ of the Affiliated Hospital of Yamashita University, and successfully developed a special program to instill ‘intelligence into the human brain through electronic signals’.
It stands to reason that she, who can develop this kind of ‘learning device’, should spend her precious time on research instead of this meaningless behavior.
However, Bushutoxin still did this.
Even now, she was once annoyed that she had developed a ‘learning device’ that could be contemptuously called a ‘brainwashing device’.
The so-called learning device is a device that converts the information of ‘knowledge’ into specific electrical signals and directly transmits it into the human brain, eliminating the need for boring learning and memory and forcing people to remember.
This kind of technology alone is enough to be nominated for the Nobel Prize. Even if the program of the learning device is too rough, it will damage the human brain to a certain extent, but this kind of high-efficiency device that saves learning time is for human beings. , which is completely comparable to the achievements of the theory of relativity.
However, if this kind of program is used to “brainwash” 20,000 sisters or even more sisters, things will not be so wonderful.
Although he is young, as an expert in the field of psychiatry, Toshin Toshin was naturally invited to participate in the Absolute Ability Program.
Unlike those researchers who are so old that their humanity has been annihilated, Bushu Toxin is only 17 years old. Even if she tells herself repeatedly that those Misaka sisters are just ‘experimental animals’, her human nature is still ‘pure white’ by the other party. touched.
“In the end, it would be better to replace that kind of plan with guinea pigs.”
In the abandoned old building in the 10th school district, Bu Shutuxin frowned and said in a irritable tone.
Although it is realistic, if the experiment is done with ‘animals’, the cloth bundle letter will not have the slightest mercy.
After all, pity is something that only occurs to fellow countrymen who are considered weak.
After complaining, Bu Shutuxin began to pack up the documents on the shabby wooden table in front of him.
This is her base of activity and where she collects ‘intelligence’.
The tenth school district is the most chaotic area in the academy city. Various groups of incompetents and rioters are concentrated here, and crimes are happening all the time.
And this kind of place where the seven deadly sins almost converge is the necessary breeding ground for the “emotional program” developed by Bushutuxin.
And now that the program is developed, she naturally has no reason to stay here.
“Now, the 8864th Absolute Ability Person Experiment should have just ended…”
Toshin Bushu estimates the time of the experiment. As a developer of the learning device, she is currently in an important position in the experiment of the absolute ability person, so the experiment time is not a secret to her.
“There’s still 1 hour to start 8865 times. This time I won’t be able to catch up. Let’s start preparing for 8900.” Bushu Toxin estimated the time for his actions.
Of course, she wasn’t trying to stop Accelerator from experimenting. She didn’t have any powerful abilities, so she could only interfere as much as possible, and this kind of interference was naturally limited.
She turned on the computer on the desktop and looked at a certain program on the screen. It was an emotional program she reluctantly developed after living in a chaotic area for half a year.
“If this network like sister…”
Bushu Toxin narrowed his eyes. Once the input is successful, the emotional program filtered by her will be absorbed and learned by the Misaka network. After that, all clones will be born with human emotions and resist. .
Of course, even resisting is useless, but according to the investigation of Bushutoxin, as long as the sisters express their unwillingness to participate in the experiment, the first one will probably stop their actions immediately, right?
“Really, I would have such delusions when the first person stopped taking the initiative.” Bu Shutuxin patted his cheek, and relieved himself of the difficulties caused by immersing himself in collecting data for days.
At this moment, the broken spider web attached to the dilapidated wooden table made the pupils of the cloth bundled letter shrink.
“Someone is here!!” Bu Shutuxin’s expression became solemn.
Bundle up in this chaotic areaIt is naturally impossible for Toxin to arrange vigilance measures. Controlling spiders with drugs and letting them build webs in this building is one of the warnings that bind Toxin.
Once someone invades and touches the spider web, the spider silk connected to the table in front of her will break. This method, combined with this abandoned building, has become a natural warning.
…No one would care about the spider web in the abandoned building, or even destroy it, and would not feel the slightest bit at all.
“There are a lot of people, is it a group of incompetents? No, this kind of speed and efficiency is not what those scumbags should have.” Looking at the large cobwebs that were broken at the same time on the tattered wooden table, the cloth bundled letter wrinkled raised his eyebrows.
She hurriedly transferred the program to the magnetic card, stuffed it into her pocket, and took out the lighter at the same time, ignoring the computer and confidential documents, and threw it directly at the wooden table in front of her.
The wooden table, which had been deliberately touched with oil, suddenly burst into a lot of orange-red flames. At the same time, the cloth bundled letter quickly put on the smoke mask that was set aside, and quickly moved away from the emergency passage on the side.
The door was kicked open suddenly, and a famous soldier with a blood city drive gun, wrapped in off-white drive armor, rushed into the room.
He glanced around and looked at the burning table. The leading soldier put his hand on his ear and activated the communicator.
“Report captain, the target has fled.”
Outside the abandoned building, with a cigarette in his mouth, Kihara, who was leaning against an off-road vehicle, spit out an eye circle and pressed the earphone.
“Understood, everything went according to plan.”
After speaking, Kihara Shuta turned around, took out a rocket launcher from the car behind him, put it on his shoulder, aimed at the dilapidated wooden door in front of him, and grinned.
Accompanied by the sound of Ta Tata’s quick steps, the cloth bundled letter wearing a mask pushed open the dilapidated wooden door.
“It’s the general, little mouse!” Kihara Shuduo grinned grimly when he looked at the cloth bundled letter in front of him, who was suddenly stagnant.
“Indeed, General.”
A gloomy, hoarse male voice sounded from behind Kihara Kudo.

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