A group of oriole laughing!
In the crowded crowd, a teenager wearing beige short-sleeves pushed aside the large number of people, inadvertently bumped into Sister Misaka’s arm, and under the action of inertia, Sister Misaka, who had just taken a step, fell to the right side. Go, happened to hit Shirai Kuroko on the body.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, are you all right?”
“Look at the road a little bit, you!!”
Shirai Kuroko, who was in pain after being hit by Sister Misaka, glared at the other party with a bad tone. Although she understood that it was natural for such a dense crowd to be scratched, she was really annoyed by being hit by a passerby.
At this moment, Kuroko Shirai heard a strange buzzing sound, like the sound of a mosquito flapping its wings.
Before Shirai Kuroko had any doubts, sister Misaka, who was lying in her arms, snorted softly, rolled her eyes, and fainted like that.
“Eh? What’s the matter? Did you bump into it?” Kuroko Shirai, who noticed the abnormality, asked Miss Misaka in surprise, and said in a stunned tone.
According to the strength of the impact just now, it is impossible to faint, right?
Shirai Kuroko thought so, but the lightness of the mass from her shoulders and arms made her reassure.
‘It’s normal for a body to be so thin, it’s normal to faint when you get hit, but the food at my elder sister’s house isn’t that bad, right? ‘ Shirai Kuroko thought a little wildly.
“Fainted? I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.” Just like a good student when he realized he made a mistake, the expression of the boy who bumped into him immediately changed, as if he was very afraid of something wrong with Sister Misaka.
“I…I’ll take you to the hospital.” The young man said in a panic, as if he was afraid that Shirai Kuroko would make excessive demands, but in this situation he couldn’t act against his conscience.
“Ambulance, ambulance.”
Seeing that the other party took out his mobile phone and seemed to be calling the emergency hotline, Shirai Kuroko frowned and directly stopped the other party’s behavior.
“No, I am a space capable person, and we will handle the rest of the matter ourselves.”
Shirai Kuroko rejected the other party’s good intentions, and immediately helped Sister Misaka, ready to activate her space ability.
And at this moment, the tingling sensation of the needle suddenly came from Kuroko Shirai’s left arm.
She turned her head in astonishment, but what she saw was the expression of speechless astonishment on the face of the boy who looked like a good student.
“Really, it’s really speechless to meet your peers.”
‘The body can’t move? Thinking is also… powerful anesthetic! ‘ Shirai Kuroko widened his eyes and looked at the boy beside him in shock and anger.
“Are you all right? The ambulance will be here soon.”
The other party said such worrying words, but in reality, he was grabbing Shirai Kuroko’s arm and dragging the other party’s body to prevent the two from falling.
Not long after, the ambulance bell rang.
The red and white ambulance with a cross printed on it arrived at the scene, and then four nurses in white coats got off the car with a doctor, and took a stretcher with them.
The four female nurses professionally carried the two to a stretcher and sent them to the car. The short-sleeved boy who had previously subdued them was also accompanied into the car.
Shirai Kuroko helplessly watched herself being carried into the car, and at this moment, in her blurred vision, she saw what looked like a mosquito, circling and flying in the short-sleeved boy’s hand.
“Your movements are really fast at the racecourse. The arranged ambulance came so soon.”
The short-sleeved boy brushed his hair covering his ears, and used wireless headphones to communicate with his compatriots who had arrived safely.
“Ambulance? Charle what are you talking about? The car I arranged has just arrived near the destination and is on standby…”
“Then what is this car I took?” Charle’s face was stunned, and he raised his head in confusion. At this moment, the stinging pain from the needles suddenly spread from his neck to the cranial nerves.
Charle turned his head in astonishment, and he saw the amiable smile of the crooked male doctor behind him.
“Don’t worry, it’s just some euthanasia medicines, to help you sleep happily~~”
“Is this a present-day newspaper?” Before he passed out, remembering what he had done to Shirai Kuroko, Charle laughed a little to himself, and then he cursed with a venomous expression. “Doctor… I won’t let you go.”
The flat-headed doctor nodded sarcastically and said, “I understand, I understand very well, but the premise is that the doctor can survive the pursuit of the dead servant.”
Immediately, under the effect of the medicine, the boy named Charle gradually lost his breath.
“Okay, let’s drive. Our time is very tight. If we find something abnormal in those terrifying dead servants, it will be bad.” The flat-headed doctor opened his mouth to the driver with a dignified expression.
The flat-headed doctor is glad that the one who needs kidnapping is only 1/10,000 of Miss Misaka’s individual.Thanks to this, the guards beside him were not so strict.
Although the defensive ability brought by the guards in the crowd is comparable to that of an international diplomat, but fortunately, those “death servants” who are famous in the dark side of the city and even in the world have not been dispatched.
Come to think of it, no matter how many powerful monsters there are, they will not be placed next to a mere clone. However, it was also thanks to this that their operation this time was a complete success.
“I understand.” The driver nodded after hearing this, and then quickly started the vehicle.
The vehicle quickly moved away from the scene and moved towards the expressway dedicated to ambulances. However, just as the vehicle was about to enter the dedicated lane, an accident suddenly occurred.
“Boss, is there a woman in the middle of the road ahead?”
The driver’s words made Doctor Flathead’s expression change, and he immediately ordered loudly.
“Don’t worry about her, just bump into her!”
“Okay!!” After the driver got the order, he stepped on the accelerator heavily.
Right in front of the passage, Fanfeng Runzi, who was standing in the middle of the road, sighed and said helplessly.
“I always feel that my image is about to be shattered.”
“Don’t worry about it so much, the queen meant to stop them, Runzi, do you understand?” In the mind of Fanfeng Runzi, Koukoko Early Bird’s playful voice sounded immediately.
“I see.” Junko Fanfeng said this, then rolled up the sleeves of her dress, she raised her hand, and moved towards the head of the galloping ambulance.
Heavy… punching.
Boom—! !

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