The figure at the entrance of the alley
The communicator with the plastic casing was smashed to the ground, and the chips and wires inside spilled out of the broken casing, and parts fell all over the floor.
Kailisa, who was the instigator, took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, and then took another breath to calm down her anger after being molested.
During this process, none of the people present spoke, and all of them remained silent, lest they be targeted by Kai Lisa who is now exposed and become her punching bag.
After regaining her composure, Kailisa rubbed her head and said with a very headache.
“Katina’s orthodox manufacturing blueprints cannot be kept. Since the demon god copied the coded runes, there is a high possibility that the other party can interpret the runes.”
The head of the knight group was silent for a while, and then said with a serious expression.
“It was a mistake. As early as yesterday at the meeting, the other party had already indicated that he could understand the code. If at that time…”
Carissa sneered, interrupting the Knight Leader’s fantasy.
“There are no ifs, even if the coup was launched early at that time, without Katina’s orthodoxy, the end of the early launch is that my heroic mother can solve all the high-ranking knights within 30 minutes.”
“I understand.” Knight Captain sighed softly, then shifted his gaze to Kailisa’s face, and said in a calm tone. “Then, how to solve the matter of the code mural.”
“Let Donald instruct the knights to cooperate with that man’s actions. If possible, try to make him copy slowly.”
The corners of Carissa’s mouth twitched. If it was possible, she really wanted to hold Katina Orthodox, and cut Yu’s fingers with that blunt, thick blade. However, this was impossible.
Even with the addition of Katina’s sword and the power of “Godlike” Michael, recalling that silver-haired figure, he still felt a sense of powerlessness in his body and mind.
…The existence called “Demon God” is a disaster that human beings cannot match.
Knowing this, Kailisa could only swallow her anger. Even if Yu teased her before, she could only speak softly.He prevaricated in slang, and didn’t lose his temper at the communicator until the phone was hung up.
When did she, Elizabeth Duze, Kailisa ever suffer this kind of grievance? If it wasn’t true that she couldn’t beat her, she would really rush back with Katina and kill people.
“I understand.” The head of the Knights nodded, he understood Carissa’s intention.
In the face of an unrivaled Demon God, they chose to let the opponent stay in Buckingham Palace for a long time, try to keep the opponent out of their plans, and the chessboard of the province was directly overturned by that existence.
This is the same as facing a natural disaster like a typhoon. Try to save yourself and minimize losses. Apart from paying close attention to the other party, do nothing, or… you can’t do anything.
Kailisa, who regained her composure, glanced at the three women beside her, paused her gaze on Villian, then turned her head, and said to the Knight Leader.
“Let the members of the Cavaliers from all over the place strengthen the occupation of the target, consolidate the foundation, and gather the rest of the force at Windsor Castle. Be sure to capture the Queen and the Supreme Bishop there, and imprison them in Impeton Prison. If the Queen shows signs of resistance if……”
Speaking of this, Kailisa closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them, they were already filled with bone-chilling coldness.
“…If you resist, you will be shot to death!”
Hearing these words, Vilian’s pupils shrank, and she covered her face in pain.
The head of the knight group was silent for a while, then nodded, holding the knight sword in his hand, and quickly walked out of the European tunnel. He was going to the carriage in front of the tunnel.
Looking at the back of the head of the Knights going away, Kai Lisa clenched the hilt of the sword in her hand, and murmured with absent-minded eyes. “…I hope you can understand a little bit, mother.”
The exit of a certain subway station in downtown London.
The originally bustling capital is now deserted.
White plastic bags fluttered in the breeze, and occasionally trampled leather shoes and dark red blood stains remained on the asphalt road.
The lights of the ambulance shone on the ground.
From time to time, there were injured knights, and when some attacks were launched, citizens who were trampled and injured in the chaos were carried into ambulances.
And the ones who were sent to the ambulance the most were the Puritan nuns and priests.
These people were all the losers who were unfortunately defeated by the knights in the retreat. There were many of them, but there were very few dead.
There is only one reason for this casualty rate. The knights who have obtained the rank of angels have reached the point where they can subdue the Puritans at will without killing the Puritans.
And the reason for this is very simple.
The order given by the higher-ups of the Knight Faction is to let these knights try their best to capture the Puritans and members of the Royal Faction while maintaining the results of the battle. These subordinate knights are just completing the task.
In fact, in the view of the senior members of the Cavaliers, rather than letting these magicians die tragically at the hands of their own family members, it would be better to send them to the battlefield and make things difficult for those French Gallic chickens.
As for whether the mages will switch sides, there is no need for the high-level knights to worry about it.
“The first team quickly cleaned up the streets in Xicheng District. The third team put restraints on these defeated people. Remember to use the sleep technique. Don’t blame me if you resist and get injured.”
Rough shouts resounded in the silent street.
Accompanied by the sound, the residents on both sides of the street secretly opened their windows, took a look at the knights on the road, and quickly closed the doors and windows after being caught peeping, for fear of being shot dead by these rioters who seemed to have come out of the Middle Ages.
In an alley not far from the subway station, Steele lighted a cigarette for himself leisurely and gracefully.
The knight who was chasing before was already thrown off and knocked down by him, and before he fled, he had already seen Shirley safely converging with the Puritan and lurking behind her.
Before they dispersed, the two waved in a joking manner, obviously not embarrassed by the embarrassing incident during their escape.
“Sure enough, this subway station has been occupied. This is really bad. The whole of London is controlled by knights. Even if it can be hidden in the sewers, if you want to leave London and enter the countryside, you will probably lose a lot of people.”
Stiyl frowned and murmured. And beside his ear, the earring piercing the earlobe was exuding a faint wave of magic power, transmitting his words to the hiding place of the Puritan sect.
“Shall I calculate the encirclement net? You are really embarrassing, but now, a temporary base is indeed needed, otherwise there will be big troubles in logistics.”
Stiyl grumbled, then turned his head, intending to turn to the suburbs of London through the alley.
And at this moment, Stiyl quickly hid behind the air-conditioning box on the side, watching the alley he was in vigilantly.
In the alley less than 30 meters away from Steele, there are a total of 3 alleys crossing this alley, and after passing through the 3 alleys crossing the alley, there is another main road.
And in the alley closest to the other main road, several figures wearing white hoods gradually walked to the junction of the alley, looking at the members of the Knights on the other main road.
Looking at the unidentified personnel, Steele stubbed out his cigarette, his face becoming serious.
“This area was assigned to investigate, but I, a Puritan, are the only ones. This is a bit more fun.”

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