Under the watchful eyes of the gods
Instinct impulse made Baiyasha’s golden eyes stained with blood red, and before the malicious killing intent was raised, a hand was placed on Baiyasha’s shoulder.
“…?!!” Shiroyasha turned his head slightly in astonishment, and saw the slightly concerned face of the silver-haired youth beside him.
“‘History of Humanity’?” Yu said with a slightly unnatural expression, but his indifferent tone seemed to identify the culprit.
“What about you? Wait, are you the same?”
Shiroyasha just wanted to ask Yuu how he found out, but then he remembered the identity of the other party that was similar to her.
——”Final Trial”
The only similarities and differences between the two of them are the authority granted by the center of the small garden.
There is no free lunch in the world, and now, this inexplicable impulse is the obligation that the two of them should perform after they gain power.
“It’s a little tricky.”
With his eyes half-opened, Yun looked at the goddess who had already started the final preparations below. Due to the fact that he was an outsider, his impulsiveness was much less than that of Shiroyasha. This was proof that the central center of the small garden had little restraint on him.
However, this does not mean that he will be willing to let the so-called center be arrogant there.
You took a deep look at the Queen Mother of the West. The other party’s previous actions gave him a good inspiration. As the origin of this bad thing, then don’t blame him for repaying it.
He let go of his hand sluggishly, and Shiroyasha hugged Shiroyasha’s waist from behind, cheek to cheek, pointed to the two rows of peach trees below which connected the mountains, and muttered softly.
“Peach tree.”
Bai Yasha’s eyes lit up immediately.
Immediately, his body moved suddenly.
The silver day suddenly left the place where he was sitting, and suddenly rushed towards the Tianshan Mountains below.
One after another divine light turned into chains, and it was the ancestor gods who guarded the Quartet when they found something unusual, and they all took action to intercept Bai Yasha’s rash move.
However, the chain transformed by the divine light suddenly stagnated halfway through the flight, and the white snow adhered to it.
Suddenly, the sky became clear.
Ten suns appeared in the sky, illuminating the eight wastes in the universe.
“Sorry, this road doesn’t work.”
In the sky where the wind and snow drifted away, You stood in the void, holding a roll of parchment, and smiled leisurely.
The parchment glowing with black light began to scatter with the wind and snow.
At that moment, alarm bells rang in the hearts of all the ancestors, and a terrifying sense of crisis surged from their hearts, occupying their entire minds.
With a loud shout, it exploded directly, and the wind and snow for thousands of miles were directly scattered, and the map of mountains, rivers, and shrines covering the whole world glowed with colorful divine light.
The surrounding ancestral gods retreated coldly, and in a matter of seconds, they retreated thousands of miles, avoiding the parchment that was about to fall, and stared at the battlefield that was about to erupt in the distance.
However, the expected war did not happen today.
The goddess who drank before, was standing in front of Yu, looking at each other with a complicated expression.
“This is?!!”
The ancestral gods all around began to lose their minds, so they could only press their hands, but their hearts were paying attention to the Queen Mother of the West, who stepped into the Tianchi and was about to make her final leap, condensed with all kinds of great magical powers, and was ready to make a bold move in times of crisis.
“You two…” Nuwa opened her mouth and hesitated, but in the end she didn’t say anything accusing, but just glared at Yu with an ashen face.
The Halloween Queen on the side took a few steps and came to the vicinity. After a moment of hesitation, she glanced at Shiroyasha who had already descended to the ground, gritted her teeth, and stood beside Yu, expressing her position.
“Okay, now it’s three.” Seeing this scene, You grinned and said with a slightly happy mood.
Nu Wa’s expression began to turn black, and the Qiankun Ding on her left hand trembled slightly, but she still did not make a big move, but held back her anger and said as calmly as possible.
“Okay, don’t make trouble. At this time, it’s not the time for you to be childish.”
This inexplicable word made the surrounding ancestral gods look strange.
Playing a childish temper?
When Kunlun’s ultimate plan was at the most critical stage, when she saw that the Queen Mother of the West was about to make her final leap, she threw her child’s temper. If it was their son, she would have been beaten to death long ago! Still having a temper? Go to hell!
But the problem is, Nuwa’s current attitude…is it too vague? At such a time, anyone who takes action should let go and suppress it. Why would they do such… a behavior that is biased towards the other party?
“It’s strange, I thought you would directlyhands-on. “The index finger and the middle finger are holding the authority of the devil, and you look at Nu Wa in surprise.
He originally thought that he was going to pull the Kunlun gods into the “Final Trial of God and Buddha”, and then communicate with each other after knocking down the other party’s spiritual status, but Nuwa’s strange actions allowed him to get the time to communicate with little effort. , and all he needs is this short period of time.
“If you want to fight with me, I will accompany me to the end after the matter is over, and now I immediately collect the “Demon King Authority” and let the following Bai Ye stop.”
Nuwa looked at You with an ugly face. The sudden movement of the other party at such a critical moment really disrupted Kunlun’s plan, but now that she has not made serious actions, she actually does not want to do it directly.
‘That unknown existence is too dangerous, even if Tai Yi pays attention from outside the sky, the risk of taking a shot is too great. ’
Nuwa looked at the silver-haired girl who was in a high dimension and overlapped with You, and she kept thinking about the reason why she didn’t do it.
Although she has the ‘qualification’ to attack Yu, and the other party can’t even resist, but with this slap, the domestic violence is like ironclad evidence.
At that time, Greece will be involved in nine out of ten, and the outcome will inevitably go in an unpredictable direction.
Nuwa pondered again, and having found the reason, she took a few deep breaths, regained her demeanor, and said to You with a kindly tone.
“Be obedient, don’t be tantalizing, just hold your hand, and I’ll make lotus seed soup for you later, okay?”
The ancestral gods all around looked at each other with a strange look. If it weren’t for the light of the gods still there and their beliefs still the same, they would all wonder if Nuwa had been ripped off.
Yu looked at Nuwa with a strange face, a little strange about the other party’s reaction, but before he could say anything, the White Yaksha below had already started to act.
“……This is?”
First of all, the Queen of Halloween gave a soft exclamation in surprise, and then the eyes of the gods and Buddhas in the sky suddenly shifted to the bottom.
At the foot of the mountain that day, the silver-haired and golden-eyed woman pinched the snow with her hands, turning it into an ice shovel, and then shoveled it against the roots of the peach tree beside her with a snort.
“This is?!!”
“How stubborn!!”
“Shuzi is not enough for someone!!”
Under the doubtful or eccentric gazes of dozens of ancestor gods, Shiroyasha began a vigorous tree-digging operation.
“A peach tree!”
“Two peach trees!”
Bai Yasha meditated silently, his golden eyes dazzling as if mortals saw a dazzling, beautiful and sacred gold coin.

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