The Collision of the Final Trial
The abyss-black light shone, and the orange-yellow parchment fell to the earth like raindrops.
On brown paper.
With eight heads and eight tails, black shadows like rivers covered the paper, and in the center, a crimson crazy eye stared at everything in the world.
The sublime divine voice speaks…
It tells the identity of the descendant to all things between heaven and earth.
At the same time, declare to all beings!
Announcing the coming of the final trial!
It is the Demon King!
It is the cause of the destruction of mankind——α!
Its trial is the “Lastembryo”!
The eight-headed and eight-tailed Demon King of Evil bloomed with a spiritual figure, and took over the authority of the order of heaven and earth from Hakoten. The pitch-black parchment spread all over the world, and the infinitely expanding spiritual figure bloomed with a splendid divine brilliance, expelling all the light between heaven and earth.
“What a joke, “Evil God” is actually defined as “sacred” by the center? ! ! ”
Skaha, who looked directly at the Orochi Orochi, ignored the blood and tears left in the corners of his eyes, and cursed in a frenzied tone. What is this, ruthless, unreasonable, just the evil snake god who ruthlessly destroyed the Celts, and is actually defined as a glorious and holy existence by human history? What is the wrecked fellow, is it sin? ! !
“Skaha, good and evil are never opposites!”
Kesba sighed in frustration, and he finally understood where the ominous premonition in his heart came from.
He stretched out his hand to borrow the parchment that was falling from the sky, looked at the scarlet crazy eyes on the paper, and slowly closed his eyes.
“I can’t escape, I can’t refuse, is it a trial given by heaven and earth! From the beginning, was it useless to contain the enemy and transfer the younger generation!”
The time that the demigods had tried their best to win was completely meaningless. When the final trial was announced, the surrounding space would be forced into the battlefield of the trial.
And that range is far from the distance that those druids, or even ordinary gods, can quickly escape.
——From the beginning, the Celts were doomed!
“Has it finally been used? ”
With a clear male voice, it sounded faintly.
Skaha and Kesba were stunned for a moment. They were expanding their spiritual powers, and the Orochi Orochi, which showed its essence, also stagnated abruptly. The seven pairs of golden eyes moved down slightly, staring intently at the silver-haired figure.
Then, the three of them saw the corners of Yuna’s mouth twitching, and the relaxed smile on the other’s face.
Inexplicably, courage came to the hearts of Skaha and Kesba. The situation is not too tricky, the unexpected support seems to have the means to fight against the evil god! Their future is not over yet!
The body of the eight-headed snake gradually dimmed, and the huge dark green snake body wriggled and twisted, but the seven snake heads were still watching Yuu closely.
It narrowed its snake eyes and carefully observed Yu’s face, trying to infer whether the other party was bluffing, but he didn’t find anything, the other party seemed to be really prepared, or expected to Becomes like this, and stares here with a little joy.
Happy? Orochimaru pondered for a moment, making sure that he had not misunderstood. It did sense joy in Yu’s eyes. The emotion was quite abrupt, but it was unusually familiar.
It’s like… it’s expression when it sees its prey.
“Your expression surprised me a bit.”
Yaqi Orochi said in a loud voice that after blooming its hidden spirituality, it thought it would gain the fear of the enemy, but what it did not expect was the joy of the enemy.
A belligerent? Orochimaru secretly guessed. There are always some martial arts gods in the little garden, and they start wars at will, and it happened to meet such people?
Orochimaru has exerted its wisdom, and its opponent is not a Korean myth or a little bug like Skaha. It is an enemy worthy of its thinking and trying to defeat.
“It’s not unexpected for me, I’ve been thinking about it before, after that incident, the final trial should be a matter of course, but it has been useless, no matter how Lappzi collects information , there is no news of the final trial, whether it is upper or lower.”
Yu grinned, looking at Orochi Yachi’s eyes that were gradually widening, his smile gradually became crazy.
“But you reminded me, are they all hiding? After getting this spiritual identity, I have been hiding myself, so as not to be discovered by the upper-level group of gods who are still weak, so there is no news, right!!”
Orochimaru resisted the inexplicable sense of unease in his heart. He didn’t understand why his hidden spirituality was known in advance. It stands to reason that after obtaining this unexpected power, he did not show it to anyone. Right?
“Who… who are you!!” He asked, but Orochimaru had a terrifying answer in his heart.
Perhaps, the lucky one whose strength suddenly increased is not the only one? ! !
“first meet!”
The arc of the corners of You’s mouth grinned a little bigger.
“The compatriots who are the final trials!”
The pitch-black parchment fell from the sky. This time, it was no longer the eight-headed and eight-tailed snake, but the way inscribed with the gods, which interpreted the mysterious truth of the gods with inverse logic—the “Reverse Kabbalah Tree of Life”!
It’s “God Killer”
It is “The Beginning Demon King”
It is the “reversed God”
It is the cause of the destruction of gods and Buddhas “α”!
Its trial is the “Final Trial of God and Buddha (atheism)”!
The speechless lofty will announces the arrival of Ragnarok to all things in the world! !
Orochimaru’s eyes shrunk to a small point because of the shock, and the demigods who lived not far away stared blankly at the two trials that complemented each other in the sky. Too much information, too much fear, from hope. The despairing fact shattered their thinking and shattered their rationality.
“Then, the exchange of names is over! Let’s start a happy fight!”
Yoo laughed, and ten dazzling rings of light appeared behind him, interweaving into the most sacred and great secret treasure.
——【Simulated Star Creation Map】Atheism! !
“Fall down from the high heaven! Gods!!”
The inevitable phenomenon happened under the circumstances that Orochi couldn’t understand.
Its scales lost its divine blessing, its fangs lost its former sharpness, its body became as heavy as a mountain, and its spirituality lost its divine brilliance.
It descended from a lofty snake god to a weak “serpent”.
Its soul can’t control its huge body like a mountain, and actions that were easy in the past have become more difficult than going to the sky, even if those actions are just opening its eyelids and wriggling its body.
The lofty snake god was reduced to a poisonous snake and lost control of himself. He could only stare at him and fell to the ground weakly, staring at the grinning silver demon in the sky.
“I’m honored to tell you, Mr. Yaqi Orochi!”
“You are captured!”

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