Amakasu Touma led the group of people to walk on the intricate path. After more than ten minutes, the group came to a torii gate under the leadership of Amakasu Touma.
Everyone was amazed at the 200 stone steps and Qixiong Shrine surrounded by lush trees.
Izumi Masamune hugged the laptop, and aimed the camera on the laptop at the shrine above.
Izumi Sagiri yelled in surprise at home. Although she was yelling, her voice was only at the decibel level of ordinary people. “Brother, it’s a shrine, it’s a shrine, and it looks very old.”
As soon as the words fell, Izumi Sagiri picked up the electronic brush, cut off the screen, and kept drawing on the electronic board.
“Sagiri, if you want to collect materials, you can save them on the computer. Let’s visit the shrine now. Besides, don’t we have something important to tell that godslayer?” Izumi Masamune looked helplessly at Izumi Sagiri is busy drawing on the computer screen.
“However, it would be bad to miss inspiration.” Izumi Sagiri pouted, her cheeks puffed up, she was depressed for a moment, and finally put down her brush. Compared with painting, seeing her family again is the best thing for her important.
“By the way, it’s not like I haven’t been to Shiba Park, and I often come here for model shooting. Why didn’t I find it, such a big shrine?” Kosaka Kirino looked at the ancient shrine in front of him in amazement, at least more than a hundred years old. The history of it, and how such a huge building is hidden.
“Is all IQ spent on dressing up? You idiot, haven’t you read the catalog of forbidden books? Do you understand if the idlers disperse?” The black cat looked at Kosaka Kirino’s surprised expression teasingly, and continued to satirize Kosaka Kirino’s great cause. After several quarrels in the car, the two seem to have formed a relationship of mutual damage.
Kosaka Kyousuke felt relieved in his heart. Although he was a bad friend, at least Kosaka Kirino made friends, didn’t he?
“Talk about dispersing idlers? What is that?” Kosaka Kyousuke touched his forehead with curiosity on his face. As a high school student living in Yamato, it is a miracle that I have not been exposed to these popular works. Oh, all he has contact with are color gas magazines.
“It’s the name of the spell used to disperse irrelevant people, Kyosuke! I suggest you to make up for this novel, the Forbidden Book of Magic. It’s pretty good. You’d better take a look at a certain scientific railgun, by the way. Mention, Misaka Mikoto was in the recent Moe King competition…” Saori explained to Kosaka Kyosuke enthusiastically, while trying to preach.
PS: Yamato Residents, when encountering someone who has not seen their favorite works, they keep recommending them like a chatter, which seems to be a common problem.
“When it comes to works, I recommend ‘Fantasy Demon Sword’. I like the style of writing very much.” Hearing the conversation between the two, Masamune Izumi turned his head slightly and suggested to Keisuke Kosaka.
“Hey, pervert Izumi, as a light novelist recommending other people’s works, you are too useless, right, after all, there are only 3 volumes of 22W sales, although the illustrations are good. By the way? Sagiri, it is estimated that the sales are all It was brought by your illustrations.” The black cat had a narrow smile on his face, adhering to the way of belittling his elder brother and holding up his younger sister, swiping the favorability of Heizumi Sagiri.
“Really? Thank you…” Suddenly hearing the compliment, Izumi Sagiri lowered her head in a panic, and whispered thanks.
“Hey, I’ll be making my debut in the future, will Sagiri be my illustrator?” The black cat’s tail was exposed, and Mr. Erromanga’s illustrations are very popular. A senior illustrator is a The author’s sales guarantee. The black cat who is interested in developing into the light novel industry may miss the opportunity to hook up with top illustrators like this.
“Don’t dig my corner in front of my face! You bastard.” Masamune Izumi was furious and looked at the black cat fiercely. I can’t wait to eat it alive.
“You’re still here, perverted Izumi.” The black cat’s face changed instantly, and the little face suddenly became calm and natural, and there was no panic of being dismantled.
The steps gradually came to an end, until everyone stepped onto the platform above the steps.
The sky became extremely gloomy in an instant, a scene of a torrential rain coming, with thunder and lightning from time to time.
Suddenly, a lightning bolt several meters thick turned into a lifelike Thunder Dragon, the Thunder Dragon turned over and rushed down at the crowd.
The moment Thunder Dragon was about to hit the ground, a figure jumped out of Thunder Dragon and stood in front of everyone.
She has silver hair and delicate facial features that are very similar to Kasuga Ye Qiong. She wears an ordinary white shirt and slacks, with her resolute temperament, just like a beautiful man in a girly anime.
“Is this way of appearing domineering, everyone?”
However, as soon as he opened his mouth, his aura was completely destroyed.
“It scares people to death XN” everyone roared in unison.
“How can there be an idiot like you, your brain is only the size of a sesame seed, this method is no longer amazing, it is already frightening.” The black cat’s expression completely collapsed, frantically Yelling at Yuu.
However, the expressions of the others were not much different.
“Wait, you? Where did I seem to have seen you?” After the roar, Kesuke Kosaka looked at Kasugano Yu suspiciously. How could this feel so familiar? He seemed to have seen you somewhere, and only recently.
“Indeed, it feels so familiar.” Kosaka Kirino looked at Kasugano Yu suspiciously.
“His Royal Highness is very similar to his brother, they are twins, right?” Saori turned her head and looked at Kasuga Ye Qiong.
“Well, twins.” Kasuga Ye Qiong still had a dark face, looking at Yuu viciously. It’s definitely doing something bad to rush out so quickly.
“No, it’s like my brother/authentic temperament.” Izumi Sagiri and Kosaka Kyosuke said at the same time.
Hearing the sound, everyone looked at Masamune Izumi and Yuu Kasuga in unison, and kept scanning.
“You said, isn’t it, Masamune.” Kosaka Kyosuke patted Masamune Izumi on the shoulder, but there was no response.
From the moment Izumi Masamune and Kasugano Yu met, his expression became extremely empty, like a doll-like artifact.
“It’s really…” You smiled bitterly. In his soul space, eggs came one after another, exuding terrifying fluctuations.
“Hey, Masamune, are you okay? Cheer up.” Kosaka Kyosuke patted Izumi Masamune lightly on the back, trying to wake him up.
“Brother? What’s wrong with my brother!” As the computer screen was held by Izumi Masamune, the picture could not show Izumi Masamune’s figure. Hearing Kasaka Kyosuke’s eager voice, Izumi Sagiri asked anxiously.
“Yu, what’s the matter, what have you done? From the time we met, I felt something was wrong? Why do Izumi Masamune and your temperament imagine such a temperament?” A series of questions asked Yuu.
“My relationship with Izumi Masamune, in a way that you can understand, is probably…” Kasugano Yu spread out his hands, sighed, and said helplessly.
Masamune Izumi, who had returned to normal, did the same thing as Yuu and continued the second half of the sentence. “Makura, let’s have a good relationship with Makura Ye!”

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