You can do it! 【Extra】
Because the beige curtains were drawn, the light in the hotel suite looked a bit dim.
Next to the large double bed, a figure stretched out his hand, placed it under the landscape painting on the wall, and turned on the light.
Slap! After the switch was pressed, the chandelier directly above lit up with lavender light. The light of the chandelier was very weak, a bit like the soft tone of the sleeping lamp. While illuminating the room, it revealed a different meaning for this suite.
In fact, in the minds of the hotel staff, suite number 410 is also known as a ‘couple suite’. One can imagine what this suite is used for.
The sound of splashing water sounded softly. It was the sound produced when taking a shower. Not long after the sound of water sounded, a slight scent of soap came faintly.
In the washing room separated from the bedroom, through the frosted glass, one could vaguely see a figure taking a shower.
Under the trick of the designer, the lavender lighting is matched with the frosted glass door of the bathroom, and a strange atmosphere permeates the entire room.
Suddenly, hurried footsteps sounded, and with an ear-piercing creak, the glass door of the bathroom was pushed open.
“Ah!!!!” The girl’s exclamation resounded throughout the room.
“What are you doing!!” Yu stretched out his hand with a calm face, pressed a white foam from the shampoo in the basket beside him, and wiped it directly on his hair which was already covered in foam.
“What are you talking about~ The original plan of screaming, what is your expression?” Kasumigaoka Shiwa, who was standing at the door of the glass door and holding a video camera, twitched the corner of her mouth and looked at Yudao with some displeasure.
Yuu turned on the sprinkler, and hot water sprayed out from the shower, pouring it on his silver hair, taking away all the milky white foam.
“Hmph~~” It seems that because of taking a shower, Yu hummed an unknown tune in a happy mood, and began to rub his hair.
At the door, standing next to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, Ying Lili, who kept screaming slightly, opened her hands and looked at the scene in the bathroom with a little shy blue eyes.
“Eh…” Ying Lili’s face froze when she saw the real scene, and her face was full of anger at being played. “Bastard, what does it mean to wash with a bath towel!!!!”
“Want to see?” Yuu untied the bath towel calmly, and just about to pull it away, he saw the backs of Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Eiriri and their red and pink ears.
“Don’t look down.” You shrugged, tied up the towel, and continued to take a shower.
Xiazhiqiu Shiyu turned around, her beautiful and delicate face was full of anger, she glared at Yu viciously, and said angrily.
“My great teacher, great writer!! Can you cooperate in collecting materials?!!!”
“Okay!” Yu rubbed her hands, and said in an extremely indifferent tone.
“Very good, let’s do it again.” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu took a deep breath, nodded, held the camera in his right hand, and closed the glass door with his left.
The glass door swung open.
“Gah——!!!!” The sharp male duck’s voice suddenly sounded.
Hearing the sound, Xiazhiqiu Shiyujiao’s body tilted, and with a bang, he hit the door on the right, and the camera in his hand was almost thrown away.
Ying Lili stared at the bathroom in a daze, and Yu, who was washing her upper body calmly, looked bewildered.
The next second, two furious female voices sounded in unison.
“What the hell is your name!!!!” X2
“Isn’t the set plot not that the heroine takes a bath and is smashed by the male protagonist? Of course, being smashed is a scream, right?” Yu said calmly, rubbing her arms.
“Then there’s no need for that quack-like duck cry!!!!” Eri Ri angrily grabbed the disposable toothbrush beside him and smashed it directly at Yu.
Yu turned his head sideways, dodged the toothbrush attack calmly, and said flatly.
“Sorry, in fact, even if I’m being peeped, I won’t call, so in order to cooperate with you, I can only force myself to make this sound.”
What if he was spied on? Men are directly beaten to death, women are judged by their appearance, and it is still good to beat them to death with low appearance.
So, Yuu really couldn’t make that kind of scream when being peeped.
Hearing this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu resisted her anger, squeezed the video recorder in her palm, her eyelids twitched, as if she was suppressing something.
Taking a few deep breaths, Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s face was stern, with a frosty face, her cherry lips lightly said.
“Listen now, when Sha Yujia was smashed by a straight person in the love hotel in the fourth act, she should be teasing her with a blushing face!!!”
“Oh~?!!” You raised his eyebrows, looked at Shiyu of the Hill of Xia with some surprise, and then said incomparably indifferently. “Sorry, blushing teasing or something, I don’t understand at all.”
Hearing the sound, Kasumigaoka Shiyu gritted her teeth and handed the video recorder in her hand to Eiri next to her. “Sawamura, hold it for me.”
“Oh!” Ying Lili took the camera, raised it to the front, took a few steps back, aimed at the two people in front, and started to shoot.
“I see clearly, this is probably the reaction…”
Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu raised her hand, used her pure white wrists to stand in front of the proud upper body, and gathered up the long white legs that had already taken off her black stockings, her cheeks were slightly red, shy and timid. Looking at Yudao.
“What~what~ Well, you broke in on purpose, are you planning to wash together?”
“Uh…!!” Yu and Eiri looked at Shiyu of Kasumigaoka with bewildered expressions.
“That’s what it looks like, I can do it!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu straightened up and put both hands in front of him, his red eyes like agate were full of sternness.
Yu raised her hand and looked calmly at Shiyu of the Hill of Kasumi in front of her.
“Sorry, no!”
“This kind of simple death request, even a paramecia can imitate the behavior, you actually told me that it can’t be done?” Kasumi Hill Shiyu stared at Yu angrily, his eyes full of gloomy expression.
Yu took off the towel on the shelf above and said calmly.
“You can do it! I won’t do it anyway!”
“Very good!!” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stomped her feet angrily, staring at Yu with hatred, as if her eyes were about to burst into flames. “Yingli Li, you go!!!”
“Eh!!” Ying Riri responded subconsciously, and then screamed out in shock. “Ehhh, why am I here?!!!!”
“What’s wrong? Do you have any comments?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu turned her head, narrowed her eyes slightly, and smiled at Ying Lili with a smile.
“Of course there are opinions!!!!” The girl’s frantic voice resounded through the sky.

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