Dare to pit your grandfather, wait to die! 【Extra】
Putting down the handle of the landline, Nakiri Sen Zuo Yuemon, who was sitting on the office chair, let out a long sigh, and at this moment, he felt a coldness around his neck, he looked down, Only then did he realize that the neckline of his silk pajamas was slightly wet with sweat.
Discovering this, Nakiri Senzao Yuemon was stunned for a moment, and then he showed a wry smile.
“It’s really… I’m so old, yet I’m still panicking like this.”
At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Nakiri Senzao Yuemon immediately turned his head and looked at the doorway.
“What’s up?”
“Master, Doctor Xiaoyogi has arrived. Do you need to let him in?”
The butler’s voice came from outside the door immediately, and Nakiri Xian Zuo Yuemon frowned slightly, and immediately ordered. “You take Dr. Koyogi to the living room to rest for a while, and I’ll go there when I deal with a few things.”
Following this response, Nakiri Senzao Yuemon sighed again, leaned back, leaned back on the soft chair, looked at the delicate chandelier on the ceiling, and showed a wry smile.
“Erina, you girl, you have given me a big problem for Grandpa!”
Nakiri Senzao Yuemon is a little panicked now, Amakau Touma’s hint is obvious, Erina’s temperament is not suitable for Yuu, if you don’t want to cause problems in the relationship between the Nakiri family and Yu, it is best to put another A granddaughter, Nakiri Alice also sent over.
This kind of result is not what Nakiri Sen Zuo Yuemon wants to see. His plan in advance is to let Nakiri Erina and Yu, the demon king, get involved, and use Yu’s influence to expand the industrial tentacles of the Nakiri family. , and Nakiri Alice is a fuse, in the future commander of the Nakiri International Catering Group.
ThisIn this way, even if the Nakiri family is secretly controlled by Yu in the mainland, the purity and prosperity of the Nakiri family can be guaranteed to a certain extent. However, now, Amakasu Touma’s reminder made him extremely terrified.
He didn’t believe that there would be no hints from Yuu behind Amakasu Touma’s actions. Although he had only seen it once, the mature Nakiri Senzayuemon still saw Yuu’s strong desire to control under his gentle appearance. This time Amakasu Touma’s reminder is probably Yuu’s warning, warning him not to think about betting on both sides.
And the conflict between Nakiri Erina and Yu was probably just a cover, an excuse used by Yu to beat him.
“It seems that a decision must be made!” Nakiri Senzayuemon slowly closed his eyes. It was impossible for him to ignore Yuu’s warning. In this country, no one could ignore Yuu’s warning.
Moreover, the entire top circle of the island country has been trying to get in touch with Yu, trying to use the influence of the other party to expand itself, no matter how bad it is, it must ensure its own status. The Nakiri family who had a certain reputation in the circle got this opportunity, which couldn’t help but make Nakiri Senzuo Yuemon feel uneasy.
Thinking of this, Nakiri Senzayuemon pressed his heart and said with a wry smile. “Speaking of which, that young demon king is really shrewd.”
Yu is very shrewd in choosing his subordinates. First, he gave priority to destroying the top resources of the Jingsi family, and then recruited its remnants. After vacating a lot of resources that should have been occupied by the Jingsi family, he used the Jingsi family The remnants remained stable, so that only the other four forces looked at the fat meat eagerly, and did not dare to take a step beyond the thunder, and could only desperately fight for the meat that Yu threw out in an attempt to win his favor.
“It’s almost like picking an obedient pet.”
Nakiri Sen Zuoyuemon said with a solemn face, just this kind of method, he dare not underestimate Yu’s castle, even if the other party may have listened to the opinion of the think tank, but since he dared to adopt this strategy, it means that Yu has Extremely ambitious, and may even plan to restore the ancient system of the emperor, intending to rule the mysterious side and the scientific side at the same time, and become the king of gods on the ground.
Thinking of this, Nakiri Senzayuemon suddenly made a plan. No matter what, Yuu will inevitably cause turmoil in the upper class of the island country. In this struggle, if the Nakiri family wants to go further and gain more space, the only way is to Follow in the footsteps of Jinyou, because only this one choice is the choice with the greatest chance of winning.
Nakiri Senzayuemon, who was paying attention, picked up the phone and dialed an international number. After the beeping busy tone, a slightly surprised voice appeared on the other end of the phone.
“Father? Why did you suddenly call me in the middle of the night? Oh, I almost forgot, it should be morning in Japan.”
Nakiri Senzayuemon pondered for a moment, then spoke. “Zongwei, the Nakiri family now needs Alice to return home.”
“What? Let Alice go back to China? Didn’t you say that you won’t let Alice go back until next spring, when Yuanyue High School starts?”
Nakiri Zongwei on the other end of the phone was puzzled and said that his father seldom backed down and changed his mind on agreed matters, so this sudden change made him feel a little ominous.
Nakiri Senzuo Yuemon was silent for a while. Nakiri Zongwei resisted inheriting the family and advocated freedom. He knew very well, otherwise he would not let the first heir go to Denmark and his wife to create Nakiri International, but as long as he He has not yet abdicated, and Nakiri Zongwei is not yet qualified to have the right to speak on family affairs.
Thinking of this, Nakiri Senzayuemon assumed the posture of the head of the family, and said in a deep voice. “This is not a negotiation, it’s an order!”
“…I understand. However, the withdrawal procedures in Denmark and the return visa need to be processed for a few days. I hope there is a buffer zone, and I hope to hear your explanation after Alice returns to China.”
After being silent for a while, Nakiri Zongwei immediately replied. He more or less guessed that his father needed Nakiri Alice to do some dangerous things that were extremely beneficial to the Nakiri family, but the danger should not be great, otherwise Nakiri Senzayuemon would not ignore his protest, so Nakiri Zong Wei didn’t intend to break up with his father, but for the sake of his daughter, he still insisted on asking for the right to know.
Nakiri Senzawa Yuemon hesitated for a moment, but somehow he still didn’t want to get too stiff with his son, so he explained vaguely. “If everything goes well, maybe I can upgrade to great-grandfather.”
“…” Nakiri Zongwei on the other end of the phone was suddenly speechless. What the hell is this? Coauthoring this dead old man put on the patriarchal posture, is he trying to hug his great-grandson? Alice is only fourteen years old, bastard, the doctor told me that your old man can live another 30 years, why is it so urgent?
“I understand, but if the other party doesn’t satisfy Alice, I can only say that there is no destiny.”
Nakiri Zongwei sighed speechlessly. He still doesn’t resist his daughter’s blind date. Anyway, it’s a matter of time, but he also understands that political marriage may cause Nakiri Alice’s resentment, so he gave himself a gift in advance. The old man made a deliberate decision, he was planning to stand on his daughter’s side anyway, and there was no need to discuss this.
Nakiri Sen Sayuemon frowned, his face was a little displeased, but he immediately thought of Alice’s temper, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.
“It’s okay, after all, I’m not that kind of unreasonable old man~”
“It’s good if you can understand, then I will do Alice’s ideological work first, and I will handle the formalities by the way, and I have to explain to Leonora.” Thinking of explaining to his wife, Nakiri Zong Wei suddenlyNo longer in the mood to gossip.
Nakiri Senzao Yuemon nodded in understanding and said immediately. “Go ahead, I’m just dealing with something.”
Afterwards, Nakiri Senzao Yuemon hung up the phone, and after a moment he took the handset again and dialed a number.
“Erina’s situation, after all, we need to know about it! And Alice’s affairs, she must cooperate with her.”
Nakiri Senzao Yuemon sighed, but his face revealed a playful look. Pit your grandfather and me? Then I’ll call Alice, who is against you the most, and then the fiancé will be taken away, don’t blame me for not reminding me!

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