Conversations in the Student Union

“Idol club?”
Ayase Eri, who was sitting on the chair, looked at the four people in front of her with some doubts.
Those were Takasaka Honoka, Sonoda Kaimo, Minami Kotori, who came to ask if there was an idol club in the school, and Kasuga No Sora who was forcibly brought here.
At this time, Takasaka Honoka put her hands on the table and asked expectantly:
“President, is there a ready-made idol club in the school?”
“It’s too close.”
Ayase Eri couldn’t help but leaned back a bit, then seriously thought about it and said:
“It seems that there is such aThe community is coming…”
When she said this, Ayase Eri turned her head and looked at Nozomi Tojo next to her.
“Xi, where are the stacks of documents that record the club?”
At this time, Nozomi Tojo was looking at Kasuga Nozomi, and the smile on her face was very much like the smile of the legendary aunt.
That’s why I don’t want to come here…. There is Sonoda Kaimo in front of me, but Kasuga Yezong of Yuyunan Kotori is embarrassed and unable to advance or retreat.
At this time, Ayase Eri, who was next to her, couldn’t help but shouted softly, “Hope! It’s time to get back to your senses.”
“Ah, what’s the matter?” Tojo Nozomi asked with a puzzled look on his face.
“I remember that you kept the club files. Help me find the records of the idol club.”
“Wait a mininute.”
Seeing that Nozomi Tojo finally moved, Erika Aase sighed, then turned her head and glanced at Kasugano Dome.
Is that person’s younger sister…. She’s surprisingly cute… But Erika Ayase is not Nozomi Tojo after all.
At least staring at Kasuga Ye Qiong’s face, she couldn’t do it.
So after just one look, Erika Ayase turned her head and looked at Honoka Takasaka, she couldn’t help asking:
“I remember that you belong to the Kendo Club? Although it is possible to change the club in the second phase, isn’t it a pity to give up the Kendo Club?”
At the same time as she said this, Ayase Eri glanced at Sonoda Kaimo, as if to remind her.
After receiving the signal, Sonoda Kaimo blinked, but only then did he realize that he and Honoka were both members of the Kendo Club.
Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but say:
“Hoi Naigo, let’s forget it. After all, we already joined the Kendo club last semester.”
However, just after she finished speaking, Takasaka Honoka pressed Sonoda Kaimo’s shoulder, her eyes shining brightly and said:
“Hai Mo, let’s go to the department with me!”
Sonoda Kaimo was stunned, and then said with a somewhat uncontrollable expression:
“Why did the topic turn into a division together!”
“Because the kendo field is too troublesome to clean.”
Takasaka Honoka tilted her head and said with a very disgusting expression:
“And it’s only the two of us who often go to practice.”
“Ah, this…”
This topic, Sonoda Haizue is really difficult to answer.
After all, it is indeed a bit troublesome for two people to maintain the cleanliness of such a large kendo field and practice kendo.
At this time, Ayase Eri, who was next to him, put his chin on his hands, narrowed his eyes, and said with a very dangerous expression:
“So that’s the case. Are there only two members of the Kendo Club actually on the books? It seems that we will have to make a new budget later.”
“There are 20 people in the editor, 2 people are practical, hehe~~”
“It’s over!”
Takasaka Honogo covered her head, looking like she had a big accident:
“Oops, the secrets of the Kendo Club were leaked, the seniors will definitely be angry!!”
“Isn’t that of course? Idiot!” Sonoda Haimo said speechlessly, covering his head.
Nan Xiaoniao next to him suddenly realized:
“It’s no wonder that every time I go to the Kendo club, I see Honoka and Haimo. It turns out that the seniors rarely go there.”
When Kasuga Ye Qiong heard this, she quickly pulled Nan Xiaoniao to her side:
“Little bird, don’t add oil and vinegar.”
Do you still think Ayase Eri’s anger level is too low? You can tell just by looking at his expression, the student council president is obviously pissed off, right?
“Honey, where’s the budget sheet?” Ayase Eri asked with a dark face.
Tojo Nozomi, who was still stepping on his feet, rummaging through the documents in the cabinet next to him, replied:
“The third document on the left, you can find it by flipping through it.”
Ayase Eri directly took out the document, flipped through it, then directly drew a horizontal line on the budget, and then filled in a number again.
“It’s cut in half.” Takasaka Honogu seemed like I was in a big disaster.
“It was cut in half.” Sonoda Haimo nodded expressionlessly, and then said, “Honoka, now I support your transfer.”
“But the transition I hoped for was not like this at all!” Honoka Takaban said with tears in his eyes.
At this time, Nan Xiaoniao asked in a low voice, “But, does an idol club really exist? I’ve never heard of it.”
“So that’s the case, can’t even turn around?” Kasuga Ye Qiong said suddenly with a look on his face.
This time, Honoka Takaban’s face became even more embarrassing.
Tojo Nozomi was surprised for a moment, then turned his head, shook the document in his hand, and said:
“There really is an idol club, but the name seems to be the Idol Research Department.”
While she was talking, she flipped through the document and handed it to Eri Aase:
“Well, the number of people has reached the edge of the abandoned club.”
“Is it another club that is repeatedly jumping in warning?”
Ayase Eri took the document and glanced at it, then frowned and said:
“Even the popular Kendo club is cheating. I now seriously suspect that this department is on the verge of being abolished.”
However, as soon as she finished speaking, she looked at Takaban Honogo’s pitiful appearance as if she was about to cry, and was a little frightened:
“What’s your expression? I shouldn’t have done anything, right?”
Takaban Honoka put her hands together and said:
“Please let it go!!”
“Even if you say so…”
Ayase Eri tilted her head helplessly, glanced at the document and said:
“Second year Nicole Yazawa, do you know her? She is now the head of the idol research department.”
When Takasaka Honoka heard these words, she and her friend looked at each other, then blinked and said:
“Eh, I don’t know!”
“If you don’t know each other, it’s hard to get the other party to agree to join the ministry.”
Ayase Eri’s expression was not what I expected.
She came from the same elementary school as Sui Naguo, Haimo, and Xiaoniao. Of course, she knew something about Sui Naiguo’s rashness.
“Okay, I’ll keep you a secret about the Kendo club, and I’ll explain to the third-year senior about the budget cut. You can rest assured.”
“Eri…” Beside him, Nozomi Tojo quickly covered her face with a look of helplessness.
Ayase Eri is holding the worst job on her own.
Three years ago, the senior didn’t care about your student council president, the funds were cut, and you didn’t try to put on small shoes for Ayase Eri?
Why do you always take the toughest things on you?
However, at this time, Honoka Takaban patted his chest and said:
“Do you want to consult with the seniors of the second year? No problem, wrap it up with me 々~!”
Ayase Eri was silent for a while, then sighed:
“In the end, why do you have to join the idol research department? Is there any special reason?”
“That…” Honoka Takaban turned his gaze away, looking like he was talking to the left.
Ayase Eri frowned and said:
“I have to doubt your motives for your performance.”
Seeing this, Kasuga Ye Qiong next to him said directly:
“Honoka saw the news this morning, and then she wanted to debut as an idol.”
“Ahahaha~~” Takaban Honoka touched the back of his head and said, “It seems, that’s it.”
Ayase Eri blinked, and looked at Honoka Takaban blankly.
That’s it?
You want to be an idol because you read the news? This is too weird, right?
No, with this idiot’s character, it is estimated that it was only three minutes of enthusiasm.
Thinking of this, Ayase Eri sighed and said:
“If this is the reason, I won’t help you to transfer.”
“Isn’t it okay to step back with the approval of the minister?” Takasaka Honoka asked suspiciously.
However, Sonoda Kaimo hurriedly pulled her and said in a low voice, “But in the end, the student council president still needs to sign!”
“Eh? Do you still want this!!” Takasaka Honoka was shocked.
Seeing this, Ayase Eri sighed helplessly:
“Really, can’t you change your character well?”
“Ah, sorry!” Honoka Takaban apologized habitually.
But that expression was obviously like ‘I will dare next time’.
Ayase Eri put the document aside, stared at Takasaka Honoka, and put pressure on her eyes and said:
“Give me a reason why I have to let you transfer!”
After hearing this, Takaban Honogu subconsciously raised a small face and said seriously:
“President, a major president said that I am very suitable for debut as an idol!”
“A big boss on the street? I understand.”
Ayase Eri nodded, then said directly to Sonoda Kaimo:
“Sonada-san, pay attention to Kasaka-san in the future, otherwise I suspect that she will be defrauded by some bad youths in the society.”
“This….” Sonoda Kaisu heard these words, turned his head and glanced at Kasugano Dome, with a very embarrassed expression.
She can’t take this word very well! !
However, at this time, Kasuga Ye Qiong nodded seriously and said:
“That’s right, just pay attention. It’s best to keep people in the house and never let them go out.”
Hearing this, Takasaka Honoka and Sonoda Kaimo blinked, and the two looked at each other and silently distanced themselves.
However, beside him, Nan Xiaoniao said with sparkling eyes, “Hey! Does Xiao Qiong also think like this?”
“Huh?” Kasuga Ye Qiong heard the words, glanced at Nan Xiaoniao, and then suddenly stretched out his hand.
Seeing this, Nan Xiaoniao also stretched out his hand, and the two of them immediately held their hands together.
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“I think it’s better to keep Haimo locked up.”
“Huh? Does Xiaoniao like to bully serious people?”
“Eh? Does Xiao Qiong like Honoka?”
“No, I’m talking about you…”
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Looking at the two who reached an alliance and then broke down in an instant, Honoka Takaita and Haimo Sonoda breathed a sigh of relief.
Beside her, Ayase Eri was so frightened by the two that she almost wanted to call the police.
Are these two guys potential sadists? ! !
Ayase Eri looked at the two with a twitching mouth, and at this moment, she heard a faint female voice from behind.
“If you think about it this way, it would be interesting to keep Eri in the basement too~”
Ayase Eri only felt a chill, she forced herself not to look back, held her breath, looked at Honoka Takaban in front of her, and asked in a slightly trembling voice:
“All in all, don’t believe what people in society say. They all approach you with bad intentions.”
Takasaka Honogo said with a look of surprise:
“Eh? So, Mr. Yu is like this too?”
“Yes, including… um, Yuu?!!”
Ayase Eri was stunned for a moment, then turned around and looked at Nozomi Tojo. The two looked at each other, then turned their heads in unison, looked at Takasaka Honoka and said:
“Did he say you are suitable to be an idol?” x2
Looking at the two people who were speaking in unison in front of him, Honoka Takasaka nodded blankly and said, “Do the president and Tojo-senpai know Mr. Yu?”
“No…” Ayase Eri opened her mouth, butIs helpless: “It can’t be said that it is just acquaintance.”
Ayase Eri suddenly shivered, feeling a chill.
She turned her head, and suddenly saw Haruhi Ye Qiong with a faint look in her eyes, and then her expression froze slightly.
Speaking of which, there seems to be some gossip that Kasuga Ye Qiong has a serious brother-control tendency, isn’t it? Can you trust the gossip?
At this time, Nozomi Tojo next to him stared into the abyss of Kasuga Nozomi, but he still smiled and said:
“Oh, if he said that, then maybe Takasaka really has that kind of potential.”
Even if Takasaka Honoka didn’t, Iyu’s character would probably use a lot of resources to create a future.
In a sense, behind Takasaka Honoka, there is a resource that is envied by the idol industry to eat lemons.
After Tojo Nozomi said this, Takasaka Honoka’s eyes suddenly became brighter.
“Well, at least I haven’t seen Yu see the wrong person.” Tojo Nozomi said with a smile at this time.
Although I haven’t seen him see a few people yet. Tojo Nozomi whispered in his heart.
“Like this….”
Sonoda Kaimo blinked, turned his head, and looked at Takasaka Honoka with a strange expression.
Such a stupid Takasaka Honoka is very talented in idols?
If Yuu was the only one who said it, she could still be considered a liar, and Kasuga Nozomi said the same, and it could be considered her usual brother-in-law speech.
But Nozomi Tojo said so?
Maybe, this is true? Is Honoka really talented as an idol?
Then, isn’t it a bit bad for me to stop Honoka like this?
However, if she is like this, if she is deceived, no, if it is Xiao Qiong’s brother, she will not be deceived for money and sex…
All of a sudden, Sonoda Haizue was a little confused.
At this time, Nozomi Tojo next to him said with a smile:
“Speaking of which, Mr. Yu has a bunch of talented girls gathered around him.”
“Very talented?” Takasaka Honoka grasped the key.
At this time, Nozomi Tojo nodded, and then counted with his fingers:
“Currently popular pop singers, popular writers with sales of 200,000 in their debut works, best-selling light novelists with a total sales of one million, and well-known emerging pianists all seem to have received advice.
Besides, the doujin game that I co-produced is also a hit. I also run a large publishing house and a TV station myself, so I am a very capable man. ”
Especially in a certain area of ​​ability, especially spit out… Tojo Nozomi added in a low voice in his heart.
“Like this?”
Ayase Eri suddenly showed a ‘shaking worldview’ expression.
That person of the same age who is very gentle on the surface, but is actually a little out of character, is actually such a powerful person?
To be able to give pointers to so many people across industries, and to run a large media-related company at the same time, Yuu’s eyesight must be very high, right?
In this way, he thinks that Takasaka Honoka has the potential to become a super popular idol?
Thinking of this, Ayase Eri couldn’t help but look at Takasaka Honoka in front of her with a hint of hesitation in her eyes.
In terms of appearance, not to mention alluring, but she is also a very cute girl.
Body? Upper middle? temperament? Just ordinary people? Apart from this, it seems to be the character full of vitality..
Full of energy?
Ayase Eri nodded thoughtfully and said:
“I see, that’s right, no wonder he values ​​you, Takasaka!”
“Eh? Me? What’s wrong with me?”
Takasaka Honoka pointed at herself with a bewildered face.
what happened to her?
“Is there a problem with Honoka?” Beside him, Sonoda Haimo couldn’t help but ask.
“It can’t be said that it’s a problem, can it?”
Ayase Eri thought for a while, then explained:
“What do you think is the selling point of the idol profession?”
“Face?” Sonoda Haimo’s eyes were erratic.
“Pretty clothes?” Nan Xiaoniao thought about it.
“Body?” Kasuga Ye Qiong lowered his head, then quickly raised his head.
Ayase Eri patted her forehead, then sighed:
“It’s youth and dreams!!”
“In the final analysis, a career like an idol with an average lifespan of no more than 10 years, a profession with great competition pressure and low status, isn’t it just a dream to sell?”
“My own dreams, the audience’s dreams, and the dreams of both parties overlap everything, so they are the so-called idols!”
The crowd suddenly looked stunned.
At this time, Takasaka Honoka said with a little admiration, “As expected of the president, you know idols well!”
Ayase Eri’s expression froze immediately, for fear that some people would ask her why she knew so much about idols, Eri quickly changed the subject and said:
“Yu Yu, he should have seen this potential in Takasaka.”
“Potential?” Sonoda Kaimo and Minami Kotori widened their eyes.
“Yu?” And Kasuga Nozomi’s attention was slightly different.
However, before she could speak, Takasaka Honoka had already touched the back of her head and laughed straightly:
“Hehe, am I that good?”
“I haven’t said anything yet.” Ayase Eri said very speechlessly at this time.
“‘Eh, is that so?” Takasaka Honoka blankly touched the back of his head.
At this time, Sonoda Haimo, who was next to him, asked curiously, “Does Honoka have any potential?”
“Yes, it’s hard to think about.” Nan Xiaoniao also asked a little tangled.
“You guys…” Takasaka Honoka was suddenly heartbrokenappearance.
When Ayase Eri saw this, she sighed slightly and said:
“Probably because of vitality, don’t you think Kosaka-san is a little too lively?”
“Listen to what you said…” Sonoda Haimo opened his eyes wide.
“It seems to be!” Nan Xiaoniao clapped her hands and said.
Immediately afterwards, the two recalled the past, and then answered each other as if they were giving confessions.
“It seems that I haven’t seen Honoka’s frowning face at all.”
“At most one day, I will be heartless.”
“I’ve never seen a crying face before.”
“Does it count when you yawn?”
“Always do things according to intuition and whim?”
“Isn’t this talking about idiots?”
“Drawing is also very good.”
“I just love to write some invisible poems.”
“The smiling face is very cute!”
“But I think it’s more interesting to cry.”
“You…” Kosaka Honoka looked at Sonoda Kaisue and Minami Kotori with a flushed face, puffed up her cheeks and said, “Besides, I’m about to get angry!”
Beside, Kasugano Dome concluded:
“Is this a compliment or a sarcasm!”
Ayase Eri also said with embarrassment after hearing this:
“Okay, okay, all in all, Kosaka’s character is really very suitable for idols, a career that sells dreams, and that kind of energetic smile is really pleasing.”
“So this is ah!”
Takaban Honoka immediately showed a look of enlightenment.
So she is very energetic? And Yuu saw right through her that she was amazing?
Although I feel that Yu is very sunny, it seems that she is more powerful!
“Is it because of this?” Sonoda Haimo played with his hair.
After meeting Honoka once, he judged Honoka’s potential. Looking at it this way, Yu seemed to be a very powerful person, but he misunderstood her.
Beside, Nan Xiaoniao didn’t have too many surprises.
Her mother had already told her that You was very cunning at home, but now she knew that You had a strong eye, which was not what she expected, and it was a matter of course.
“But!” Ayase Eri changed her style and said calmly:
“I won’t approve the application for transfer.”
Honoka Takaba, who was still a little happy, suddenly said angrily:
After being called out like this, Ayase Eri suddenly felt a little unnatural.
Without her status as a junior at the same school, if there was a quarrel, Ayase Eri would really have nothing to do with her childhood sweetheart Honoka Takahata.
Thinking of this, she immediately explained:
“In the final analysis, Honoka, you are always popular for three minutes. At this point, I don’t believe you can become an idol.”
“Also, don’t think that being an idol is a good job. With your current appearance, you haven’t even set a goal. What kind of idol can you be?”
Kosaka Honoka thought for a moment, then said:
“Become a campus idol and increase the school’s competitiveness in recruiting students. Does that count?”
“Your goal is what you want now.” Ayase Eri sighed, and then said distressedly: “And what does campus idol have to do with recruiting students?”
“It’s related!”
Takaban Honoka immediately retorted:
“Didn’t you say (Li Mo’s) in the morning, that some TV station is planning to hold a campus idol contest in order to strengthen the enrollment of colleges and universities.”
“Is there such a thing?”
Ayase Eri said in shock.
“No?” Kosaka Honoka replied in confusion.
Seeing this scene, Sonoda Kaimo patted his forehead, took out his mobile phone, opened the web page, and handed it to Eri Ayase, saying:
“Look at this.”
“The first lovelive contest? There really is one!”
Seeing the above information, Ayase Eri said with a look of incredulity.
What’s more, it is supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and the government and private enterprises hold a campus idol contest?
Although it feels strange, the fact seems to be the case.
“If that’s the case…” Ayase Eri murmured to herself.
By attracting new students through campus idols, wouldn’t this prevent the school from being abolished?
In an instant, Ayase Eri felt as if she had grasped the key!
Thinking of this, Ayase Eri coughed dryly and said:
“Well, since that’s the case, it still makes sense in front of this target.”
“Eriri!!” Honoka Kosaka was moved when she heard this.
“I’m called Senior at school.” Ayase Eri said angrily, and then said:
“However, let me explain in advance that it is impossible to open a new department when there is already an idol department.”
“So, if you want to join the Idol Research Department, you have to convince the current minister yourself.”
“I see!”
Hearing this, Takaban Honoka nodded immediately, then turned around and ran:
“I’m going to communicate with her now!”
Ayase Eri yelled, but found that Honoka Takasaka had already rushed out.
“You didn’t even take the address!!”
Ayase Eri was about to cry because of Takasaka Honoka.
Seeing this scene, Sonoda Haimo could only smile wryly and said:
“In that case, I’ll send it to her.”
“Then I’ll leave it to you.” Ayase Eri sighed helplessly, and handed over the document.
After receiving the document, Sonoda Haimo said in surprise: “Speaking of which, Eri, why did you suddenly change your mind? Didn’t you just want to agree?”
“Well, I also have my reasons.” Ayase Eri forcibly stopped the topic.
“ThisLike? Sonoda Haimo didn’t ask much, just turned to look at Nan Xiaoniao and Kasuga Yeqiong, then turned back and bowed slightly: “Then, let’s go first.” ”
“Go, go to the altar.”
Ayase Eri waved her hand, waited until everyone left, then dragged her cheeks and sighed:
“It always feels more tiring than the work of the student union.”
At this time, Nozomi Tojo, who was smiling and saying goodbye to Kasuga Nozomi, put down his hand and asked with a smile:
“Does Eri want to use the school idol to save the abandoned school?”
“Well~” Ayase Eri tilted her head, obviously not wanting to answer this question.
“Why don’t you go by yourself?” Tojo Nozomi asked with a smirk.
“It’s too long-winded.”
In the student council, only Ayase Eri’s dissatisfied and charming voice was left.

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