: Finally Going Out
There seemed to be feathers passing over the tip of her nose, and the sudden itchiness made Yu open her eyes.
It was a small tuft of jet-black hair, which was pinched by the girl’s slender and slender jade fingers, constantly brushing the tip of Yu’s nose.
“Are you awake?” He blew on Yu’s face with a charming voice and warm breath.
Yu turned her head slightly, and turned her eyes to Tono Akiha who was resting on her right arm.
The white sheet covered the girl’s body, revealing only the fragrant shoulders with a hint of pink. Following Tono Akiba’s mischievous movements, the sheet slowly slipped down a section, revealing the snow-white and slender arms.
“Trickster!” Looking at Akiha Tono who was tickling her with her hair with a wicked smile, the corners of Yu’s mouth rose slightly, and she pinched Akiha Tono’s nose with a light smile, in exchange for the girl’s slightly dissatisfied snort.
“Don’t pinch people’s noses~~~”
The door was slowly pushed open.
Jade Jade, who had already put on the nun’s uniform, walked in. Seeing the two people playing, Liu raised her eyebrows. The smiling face turned expressionless in an instant.
“Breakfast is ready.” A voice filled with resentment reached Yuu’s ears.
“I know about Jade.” Yu turned his head, nodded towards Jade with a natural expression, and then lightly pinched Tono Akiba’s delicate nose. “It’s time to get up, Qiuye.”
“Hold me up~~~” Tono Akiba lazily raised his lotus arm, hung it around Yu’s neck, and said coquettishly with a thick nasal voice.
Jade’s eyes suddenly turned cold.
Tono Akiba froze all over, as if he had fallen into a cold winter, turned his head tremblingly, and met Jade’s resentful eyes.
“…Okay, I get it.” Tono Akiba blinked, pouted, lifted the sheet with a displeased expression, and bent down to pick up the white gauze skirt on the ground.
Seeing Tono Akiba standing up, Jade snorted softly, like a general who had won a battle, and stepped forward to cross the scattered men’s clothes, and walked to Yuu. A sweet smile appeared on his face. “It’s time to get up.”
Yu stood up, and without shyness, showed the unusually conspicuous mermaid line under her thin appearance.
Jade’s face flushed instantly, she quickly raised her hands and covered her face, but the gap between her fingers was slightly open, staring intently at Yu’s figure.
Seeing Jade’s behavior of hiding her ears and stealing the bell, Yu’s face showed a look of tears and laughter.
“Help me put it on.” Yu lowered her head slightly, put her cheek against Jade’s side face, and bit her delicate earlobe lightly.
“Hmm~” Jade snorted softly, her face became more and more ashamed, she hurriedly leaned down, and sorted out the scattered clothes on the ground.
Like a model puppet in a shopping mall, Yu let the girl in front of her put on clothes for herself.
After tidying up the placket of the white shirt, Jade took a few steps back, her index finger against her chin, and she kept looking at Yu’s figure, frowning slightly.
“…Less winter coat!” Tono Akiba, who had already changed clothes, took out a black coat from the closet and reminded Jade softly.
“It’s time for breakfast, Amber should be in a hurry.” Looking at Yu, who was in a suit and leather shoes, even with a slightly green face, Yu Cui stepped forward with a smile, hooked Yu’s arm, and pulled led him to the restaurant.
In the restaurant of Tono House.
“…It’s so slow, you guys came out after Fujino finished eating.” Amber sitting at the dining table covered her grumbling belly and looked at the three people walking out of the corridor with dissatisfaction.
After approaching the dining table, Jade let go of Yuu’s arm and pulled away the chair in the main seat.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Yuzui sat on the chair that Jade opened, and said apologetically to Tono Akiba and Kohaku who were beside her.
“Don’t apologize, it’s not a big deal.” Tono Akiba shook his head gently and said to Yu with a gentle face.
Amber raised her brows and looked at Tono Akiba with a surprised look on her face. As usual, her older sister should reprimand Yuu with a grumbling expression, blaming him for not setting an example and respecting the rules as a parent, why now…
Amber, who focused his attention on Tono Akiba’s facePo, seeing the charming rosy face, his expression changed suddenly, and he said to You with a look of gusto. “Dad, can you explain which room Qiuye slept in last night?”
Tono Akiba blushed, lowered his head slightly, picked up the knife and fork and started to focus on the breakfast in front of him.
“My room.” Yu replied calmly.
Hearing the words, Amber’s face suddenly pulled down, and he turned his eyes to Jade, who was the same enemy. The two sisters stared at Tono Akiba with malicious eyes.
The huge door of the mansion was slowly pushed open.
The three girls in nun clothes slowly walked out of it, walked along the courtyard corridor covered with stone bricks, and strode towards the gate of the iron fence.
As students, the three of them naturally couldn’t escape the part of the school class. Even if they were in charge of Liyuan College, they had all kinds of privileges, but dealing with the busy time period at the end of the semester, reporting on campus, and dealing with management chores were essential. less behavior.
After advancing more than ten meters, Amber, who was walking at the back, turned around and shouted at Yun Qing. “Dad, I will trouble you to prepare the ingredients for dinner.”
“Leave it to me.” You nodded slightly and waved to the three of them.
Kuonji Western Building
Aoko Aozaki put down the binoculars with a displeased expression and said fiercely.
“It’s finally out.”

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