Qingzi loses because of talking too much
In the kitchen of the Tono Mansion.
Gulu! grunt!
The soup boiled in the silver-white stainless steel pot was constantly tumbling.
The aroma of star anise, thirteen spices and stewed meat gradually permeated the kitchen while the soup was tumbling.
However, the two figures in the kitchen completely ignored the already cooked broth.
The plain white apron was put on Hu Po’s body, covering the large area of ​​skin in front of her body tightly. However, this apron was the only one on her body.
Whether it’s the smooth jade-like back, the light pink shawl hair, or the perfectly shaped figure, Yu can see everything at a glance.
However, Yuu’s attention was not here, but on the pink lips that hadn’t wiped off the lip gloss.
A moan-like whimper sounded slowly from those thin lips, and Yuu leaned on the screen separating the kitchen with a contented expression.
“Take it easy, don’t use your teeth, that’s right, that’s it.” You patted Amber’s head lightly, and made a guiding suggestion.
At this moment, Fujino Asakami came into the kitchen wearing white pajamas with Pikachu pattern on it, holding onto the tail of the Charmander doll.
Asakami Fujino ignored the astonished faces of Yuu and Kohaku, and shouted at Yuqing with a look of grievance. “Brother, I can’t sleep!!”
Yuu patted Kohaku’s head lightly, signaling her to continue moving, then turned her head and said to Asakami Fujino who looked aggrieved. “Didn’t my brother make a puppet to accompany Fujino? Why can’t I fall asleep?”
Yuu looked helplessly at Asakami Fujino, he clearly used Aozaki Touko’s superb puppet skills coupled with the out-of-the-box fourth method, logically speaking, the puppet was completely incompatible with it except for lack of ability and physical strength He is exactly the same.
In addition, he also arrangedA trace of soul was used to coax Asakami Fujino to sleep. Normally, it shouldn’t make the little girl unable to sleep.
“The pillow was stolen by a brown-haired big sister!!!” Asakami Fujino shouted at Yun Qing with a look of grievance.
At the end, she added another sentence. “And kissed my forehead secretly!”
“Huh?” Yu suddenly looked bewildered.
Aozaki Aoko bowed her body and walked briskly in the forest, constantly dodging left and right, avoiding all the towering trees in the direction of her advance.
After dozens of breaths, she jumped gently to the open space in front of the Kuonji mansion.
“It’s all right here!” Aoko Aozaki took out the vial in her pocket, and as soon as she took it out, a thoughtful expression appeared on her face.
“If it is released, if this guy runs away, he will chase and hurt the house with beads…” Aoko Aozaki looked at the storage bottle in his hand, and then looked at the cold and outdated foreign house in front of him, swallowing. Swallow.
“I will be killed.” Aozaki Aozi said with a trembling voice.
The foreign mansion in front of her is a precious relic left to her by Yuzhu’s parents, and she regards it as the most important treasure. If the pursuit is carried out here, Aoko Aozaki dares to guarantee her accuracy. Let the magic bullet hit this huge mansion.
“Hey!! And if the four girls in the mountain mansion called the police, they would definitely search this place. Then, where do you go to deal with the witnesses!!”
“That’s right!” Aoko Aozaki caught the flying vial, clenched it tightly, and walked down the mountain.
Aozaki Aoko raised her head, looked at the signboard of Shemu Amusement Park in the dark above, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly. “It’s still as desolate as ever.”
The super-giant amusement park covering an area of ​​350,000 square meters has everything that it should have. It should have been very lively even at night. However, because of the economic bubble, this amusement park closed down miserably.
And now, the amusement park that has been desolate for several years has already become a forbidden area for life in Misaki City.
Because killing and burying corpses here, unless there is a big demolition here, it is impossible for them to be discovered.
“This is it!!” Aozaki Aoko walked to the entrance of the labyrinth on the side of the amusement park, holding a bucket of water, blocking the entrance to the labyrinth, and threw the stored vial on the ground inside the labyrinth.
The vial burst instantly, and the figure of ‘Yu’ wearing a pajama with a Pikachu pattern appeared in front of Aozaki Aoko.
Whoa, whoa-!
With the feeling of getting revenge for a great revenge, Aoko Aozaki poured a bucket full of water on ‘Yu”s face.
Her tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and she glanced at Aozaki Aoko with cold, ruthless dark gray pupils.
“Are you awake?” Aozaki Aoko crossed her hands and reported it in front of Xiongyue, dragging the Xiongyuebu, who was far ahead of her peers, with a playful expression on her face.
“Connect the body—
Consciousness docking——
Partial ability docking——
——The connection is completed. ”
“Hey, aren’t you surprised when you see me?” Aozaki Aoko looked at Yuu with an expressionless face. She didn’t see any of the panic that was being poured into cold water and the panic that she was kidnapped. Feeling very unhappy.
“You’re… the help girl in the afternoon?” Yu, who had just poured her consciousness into the puppet, said with a look of surprise.
The blue magic bullet swept through Yu’s hair and directly bombarded the wall in the labyrinth, blasting it out of a pothole the size of a football.
“Aid your sister!!!” Aoko Aozaki roared furiously with blue veins on her forehead.
She took a few deep breaths and her face became cold. “Sure enough, what I hate most is a guy like you who can affect my mood!”
Before Yuu could reply, Aoko Aozaki continued to speak with a cold face.
“Let me explain the situation. The day before yesterday, you saw something you shouldn’t see in the park in the old town. In order to keep the secret, I must kill you here. Remember, it was Aoko Aozaki who killed you. A mature magician.”
“When you get to hell, remember the name of the person who killed you. If you turn into a ghost and come to me, I will take them one by one, and then send you to hell.”
Aozaki Aoko explained the reason to Yu in a slow tone. This is her style. She told Yu directly why she was killed, and then the two sides fought for life and death like duelists.
Of course, from Aozaki Aoko’s point of view, this is a one-sided hunting battle like a hunter.
The magic ball glowing with blue light appeared in Aozaki Aoko’s hand, and then the magic circuits engraved on her right arm were all activated. She always kept in mind the principle that a lion fights a rabbit with all his strength.
“Oh, so that’s it. By the way, what did you use to bring this body here?” Yu asked with a look of surprise. Although it was short-lived, it did cut off his connection with the doll, which in his opinion surprised him.
If he asks clearly, if he is targeted by this method in the future, there will also be a precaution, so he asks Aozaki Aoko.
“Huh? These are your last words?” Aoko Aozaki looked at Yuu with a look of astonishment.
In her opinion, this kind of question is really irrelevant, so she paused and pointed to the small bottle that shattered into several pieces on the ground.
“Hey, what is this called after imitating that one, oh, suet jade bottle! It imitated the function of this and brought you here.”Lilie said.
Then, a faint smile appeared on her face, a smile full of revenge. “Come on, it’s time to take you on your way, uncle.”
“Oh? If you can survive my pursuit, I can help you as well?” Aozaki Aoko showed the worst smile ever on her face.
“Oh, this really makes Uncle’s heart move.” The corner of You’s mouth grinned slightly, revealing a dangerous smile.
Before Yu could finish speaking, Wei Lan’s magic bullet slammed straight into Yu’s face.
At the same time, Yu unhurriedly took out a milky white jade bottle filled with mist, and said lightly with a calm expression.
“Aozaki Aoko (あおざきあおこ)!!!”

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