It’s Not Prince Snow’s Fault!
(At the beginning of the month, ask for a monthly ticket!!!)
The summoning center in the shape of the obelisk is located at the exit gate, and Yu took the lead to walk out of the huge gate that was three meters high.
Behind him, Lexington was leading CV-16 and Essex followed Yu, walking out of the calling center.
On the first day of the new year, Bell McCann, who was standing on Essex’s shoulders, flapped his wings and dragged less than 20 centimeters, like the body of a Q-shaped penguin, and flew to Yu’s shoulders.
According to Bell McCann himself, this state seems to be its true posture. The previously majestic and mighty eagle looks like the carrier aircraft it drives.
After initially grasping the balance on Yu’s shoulders, Bell McCann said bouncing on it.
“Hey! Lord Commander, because of your generosity, I don’t care about your previous two strokes. Oh, by the way, if you have two more strokes, can you give me an extra turkey?”
“Hey, two more strokes, aren’t you afraid of being completely stupid? No, two turkeys, are you trying to kill yourself and be a full-fledged eagle?”
The corners of You’s mouth twitched slightly, and she replied speechlessly. The size of a turkey is more than 10 times the size of Bell McCann.
Let’s not mention whether the watermelon can be stuffed into the apple.
“Oh, Commander, you underestimate me too much, you must know that the ship’s stomach is connected to a different dimension!!!”
Bell McCann flapped his wings and said with a laugh.
At the end, it also added a sentence.
“Although I’m only a carrier aircraft, Miss is very capable…”
“Bell…!!” Essex blushed slightly, raised her eyebrows slightly, and showed a dissatisfied expression on her face.
Even Essex, who had few mood swings, felt a pang of anger in the face of his pet, who was constantly selling for a turkey feast.
“Relax, Miss, the commander is not an outsider, Bell, I’m not trying to increase your relationship!!!”
Bell McCann jumped and turned around, and said to Essex with a nonchalant expression on his face.
Hearing this, Essex showed a rare annoyed look on his face. The girl raised her wrist and tried to grab Bell McCann.
Seeing Essex becoming angry, Bell McCann flapped his wings again and again, and gave CV-16 a look of panic.
After receiving the gesture, CV-16 on the side suddenly became embarrassed and hesitated.For a moment, she still held Essex’s hand.
“Captain, please calm down! Mr. Bell McCann, hasn’t it always been like this.”
“All the time?” Essex blinked, and his expression became more and more annoyed. Looking at his appearance, it seemed that there was a tendency to settle old and new hatred together.
‘can you speak! ! ! ‘ Bell McCann glared at CV-16, then quickly flapped his wings and took off over Yu’s shoulders, dodging Essex’s capture.
However, in the next instant, a hand grabbed its Q version of the body, like an iron hoop, and locked it firmly in the palm of his hand.
“Ah?!!” Bell McCann looked at Yu’s face that was close at hand with a confused expression, and his tone was extremely stunned.
Yu smiled kindly at Bell McCann, and that weird smile made Bell McCann shudder a few times, showing a terrified look.
The next second, Yoosan turned around, took Essex’s little hand, and put Bell McCann into the girl’s hand, saying with a smile.
“Come on, Dumpling, the bird you dropped!”
“Commander, I’m not called Dumpling.” Essex blinked blankly and responded subconsciously.
However, after feeling the touch in his hand, Essex didn’t care about Yu’s name, and immediately lowered his head, looked at Bell McCann who was shoved into his hand, and narrowed his red eyes slightly.
“Don’t bring something like this~!!!”
Turning around, Yu, listening to Bell McCann’s screams with a smile on his face, led the crowd towards the resource bank beside him.
On the convertible trailer blocked at the gate of the resource library, Shimakaze used those small hands to directly carry the metal tray at the front of the car to the parking space, so that Xuefeng and Veneto below could carry it.
Shimakaze, who was at a high place, spotted Yuu as soon as he approached.
The girl jumped lightly, stood pretty at the front of the car, raised her slender right arm, and waved it towards Yu constantly, greeting with excitement on her face.
“Ti~du, good noon~!!!”
“Good noon!” You raised her hand with a smile and responded with a greeting.
Lexington, who was walking behind Yu, raised his head and looked at the jumping figure standing at the front of the car.
“Wait, Shimakaze, the station is too high, come down quickly, it’s too dangerous!!”
“Oh, Sister Lexington, good afternoon~~” Shimakaze turned his head and waved his hand towards Lexington with a smile.
“Noon… Okay?! Wait, I’m not saying hello to you, come down quickly.” Lexington responded subconsciously, and then shouted softly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.
At this moment, Shimakaze saw the figure of CV-16, and the gesture of waving his hand suddenly froze.
The girl said with a bewildered expression. “Sister Lexington, become two?!!”
At this moment, Bismarck, who heard Shimakaze’s shout, walked out of the repository slowly, and even took Yukikaze and Veneto and drove out of the repository with a forklift.
“Shimakaze, has the Admiral come over? And how did Sister Lexington become two Ra?” Xuekaze turned his head in confusion.
“Lexington… Really turned into two…?!!”
The girl with thin purple hair said dumbly.
“Xuefeng, what nonsense are you talking about?” Veneto, who was driving a forklift, shook his brows, turned his head, and saw Lexington and CV-16.
The next second, Veneto rubbed his eyes vigorously and stayed on the spot.
“Wait, Veneto, Xuefeng, are you still stepping on the accelerator?” Bismarck, who was on the side, quickly avoided the forklift that was rolling towards her, and shouted at the two of them in astonishment.
After being shouted by Bismarck… Yukikaze immediately stepped on the brakes and shouted towards Veneto. “Quick brake!!!”
“Ah?!” Veneto was stunned for a moment, turned his head quickly, and stepped on the brake pedal.
However, the next second, Veneto said with a dazed expression.
“The brake… failed?!!!”
Veneto raised her head blankly, letting the open rear of the trailer keep magnifying in her red eyes.
Boom——! ! ! !
“My God!!!” Bismarck covered his eyes with a look of reluctance.
The corners of You’s mouth twitched as she looked at Veneto, who was buried in the twisted and twisted steel. She turned her head with embarrassment, and looked at Xuefeng with stunned eyes.
Aware of Yu’s gaze, Xuefeng turned her head blankly, and after seeing Yu’s figure, the girl’s lavender eyes faintly filled with tears.
Seeing this scene, Yu’s face froze, and she quickly said something to comfort her.
“No, it’s not Xuefeng’s fault, I’m not blaming you, really!!!”
However, hearing Yu’s comforting voice, Xuefeng said with tears in his eyes.
“Just now… the ability was activated.”
The words of comfort in Yu’s mouth were suddenly stuck in his throat, and his expression was extremely stiff.

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