Can you spare me some face?
Yu’s curious eyes gradually became strange.
Under his gaze, Lexington’s green jade fingers that were like condensed fat lifted gently, and the American-style short skirt worn by the company suddenly turned over, revealing the mysterious and indescribable absolute realm underneath.
“Shouldn’t it be…” You twitched the corners of his mouth and said in a strange tone. He had a hunch that he seemed to have guessed the next development.
“I knew it was this trick.” Bumblebee seemed to be frightened, and hid behind Yuu, looking like she couldn’t bear to watch.
In fact, however, the girl pulled Yu by the shoulders, poking her head and looking slightly gloating at the companies on the ground, as if ‘you deserve it’.
“…” Essex pursed his lips lightly, hiding behind CV-16 with a slightly pale face, and buried his face on the back of CV-16, looking like he couldn’t bear to look directly.
“Isn’t it…?” CV-16 twitched the corners of his mouth and stared at Lexington’s raised slap in a stunned manner.
“It’s actually this kind of punishment?” Chicheng opened his mouth slightly and cast an infinitely sympathetic look at the company.
Under the dumbfounded gaze of a group of people.
Snapped–! ! !
Crisp and loud applause suddenly sounded.
Looking at an indescribable snow-white part under the company, the incomparably bright red slap print, everyone fell into a strange silence.
“…Sister Lexington.” The enterprise snorted, her face facing the site, making people unable to see her expression, only the other party’s voice with a hint of crying.
Snapped–! !
Another slap fell, Lexington pulled his messy hair, and said calmly. “What’s up?”
“Can you close the door?” The company lying on the mat almost prayed towards Lexington in a collapsing tone. From the sound, YuuI can already imagine the face of the other party who is ashamed and angry.
“Isn’t it okay to be in the room?” Without stopping, Lexington slapped the company almost word for word, with a light-hearted face, as if he was doing something trivial.
The enterprise groaned, and after being silent for a while, weepingly said.
“Can you give me some face?”
As the Admiral of Qingdao, even the Governor-General respects his three-point colonel-level admiral.
However, it was me who was like this, and was actually spanked by my sister on the ground.
Most importantly, this kind of thing was watched by a group of people!
Especially the two of them, Essex and CV-16 are still her own juniors, Akagi and Kaga are enemies who have fought countless times in the past and were finally defeated by her, plus one she can’t wait to drink blood Zhou You.
This kind of shameful thing makes the company want to take out a machine gun and chug all the jerk who are watching jokes at the door.
‘This big power must not be known to people, and everyone who knows it must die! ! ! ! ! ’ There was a dark smile on the face of the company.
Crack——! !
The enterprise’s face stiffened, and he raised his head in astonishment and looked towards the door.
Ka-ka-ka-! !
A photo was slowly spit out from the camera in Yu’s hand, he nodded, and took the photo into his arms with a cherished expression, as if he were treating an incomparably precious and priceless antique.
“You guys continue, I’ll just take a look, don’t worry about me!” Noticing the eyes of the company and Lexington, he froze for a moment, and waved his hands with a face, just like a sunny boy.
Enterprise stared blankly at Yu’s chest, where, a brightly colored photo kept irritating her eyes.
Like a detonated explosive barrel, the girl stood up and roared frantically.
“I beat you to death!!!”
Before he finished speaking, Lexington, who had reacted, grabbed the company and pressed her to the ground with martial arts, making a dull loud noise with the mat.
Looking at the company that was constantly struggling, as if it was about to choose Yu, Lexington held down the other party with some difficulty, turned his head at the same time, and said to Yu with a slightly complaining expression on his face.
“Okay, I’ll just delete it.” You struggled for a while, but honestly deleted the record factor of the camera in your hand, but that photo, as if it had never appeared before, ‘disappeared’ in You’s arms. .
“Let go of me!!!” The company was like a salted fish on the shore, thumping its body, its fierce eyes and gnashing of teeth, as if wishing to bite off a piece of flesh and blood from Yuu’s body.
If Lexington hadn’t pressed her down, maybe the company would have rushed forward long ago, and the old and new hatred would be forgotten.
Seeing this scene, Lexington frowned, with a hint of displeasure on his face, and said in a rather cold tone. “What? Want to attack my commander again?”
Hearing the sound, the company that understood that Lexington was completely angry suddenly froze, and the previous struggle gradually stopped.
Compared to the younger Bumblebee and Essex, who had seen the honest man (Lexington) get angry, she knew very well the horror of the other party’s complete anger.
So I had to be honest.
However, just letting Yu go like that, how could the anger in the company’s heart be calmed down, especially when she looked at Yu Hou who was leaning against the door with a smug look on her face, the anger in the girl’s heart could no longer be contained.
(Yu: I was a little happy when I got a collection photo, so I just laughed. As for such a big hatred?)
After hesitating for a while, the enterprise raised its head and said to Lexington. “Miss Lexington, do you know why I attacked this bastard?”
“Huh?!!” Lexington frowned slightly, a hint of curiosity flashing on his face. Speaking of which, she really didn’t know why the company came to attack Yuu on purpose.
It stands to reason that if there is no deep hatred, the ship girl will generally not take action against the admiral, even if this admiral is not her admiral.
Seeing the curiosity on Lexington’s face, there was a slight struggle on the face of the company, as if hesitating whether he should say it or not.
“Oh?!!” Yu raised his eyebrows, with a playful smile on his face, obviously guessing what the company was going to say next.
‘It’s true, but it’s too sweet, company. ‘ Looking at the struggling company, Yu thought maliciously. You know, he forged an alibi!
However, at this moment, the company that had been paying attention to Yu saw that playful smile, and suddenly it was like a camel that was crushed by the last straw, and its defense line completely collapsed.
“Sister Lexington, lean your head over here, and I’ll tell you why.” The company closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, her blue eyes were filled with cold rationality. She raised her head, looked at the face of the company above, and slowed down. He spoke slowly.
Hearing this, Lexington squatted down without any hesitation and put his ears close to the girl’s face because of his trust in the company.
Following the whispering between the company and Lexington, Lexington’s face gradually darkened under the surprised eyes of everyone.

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