Immediately afterwards, Liu Yunshang frowned, patted the table suddenly with a "bang", stood up abruptly, and objected:

"You guys, you can't say the same thing. If these poems are made by others, then these people's talents will certainly not be lower than ours, and they are such excellent classics. How can we never hear of them?"

"Yes, and it's not a coincidence, it's not just one or two poems, but ten poems. Even in the great Daxia Dynasty, this kind of thing will obviously not happen!"

Immediately someone listened to Liu Yunshang's words and was awakened by him, and quickly got up and said, supporting Su Chen.

"Yes, this is not a coincidence. I would also like to believe that the talents of Master Su are much higher than those of us talented people!"

"Yes, this must have been improvised and original by Master Su. Those of you who dare to say insulting the talent of Su Da, must be jealous in your heart, but you are really brazen!"

Immediately, more people stood up and began to support Su Chen, and Su Chen smiled happily when they saw it.

Unexpectedly, I didn't even want to refute you before I could speak for me.


Wang Xun was immediately choked by Liu Yunshang's words, and couldn't answer at all.

"No way, I know that the talents here are too outstanding, and they are much better than some guys who have a little bit of self-reliance and think that the world is invincible, but you have to be jealous, envy, and cruel me. The way!"

Su Chen gently sipped his tea, smiled slightly, and finally spoke.

His indifferent gaze fell on Zhang Shuyu's body, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Then do you have any way to prove that this must be your own original creation on the spot!" Zhang Shuyu gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"There are more ways to go. It just depends on whether you are willing to believe it. If there is no amount of proof, you will still be unwilling to believe. If you don't want to believe, I can't help it. Why don't you decide."

Su Chen shrugged, and his indifferent expression was filled with a trace of scorn, so Concubine Shu couldn't help her beautiful eyes when she saw it, and laughed "puchi".

"Well, if that's the case, then I also want to learn from Master Su and compete." Wang Xun still didn't want to believe it, and said with some disdain.

"Okay, you can decide what you want to discuss." Su Chen smiled slightly, not afraid that Wang Xun could beat him.

"Then compare the pairs, since Su Da's talent, Hua Wushuang must be fine, right?" Wang Xun said calmly.


As Wang Xun's voice fell, everyone immediately took a breath.

Speaking of the right pair, this Wang Xun is definitely the first person!

He didn't know how many times he won the championship of the pairing conference again, and surpassed how many talented people who claim to be brilliant.

"Since Lord Wang wants to go out and compete with Lord Su in person, I'm afraid the chances of winning are not great!"

"Master Su, don't promise him! You should change to someone with a better chance of winning."

Some people who supported Su Chen began to persuade.

"Okay, no problem, isn't it just the right pair? At first, I traveled all over the world as pairing pairs. Everyone would respectfully call me "right immortal" when I saw them. You actually want to compare this to me. Is it too self-conscious?" Su Chen laughed and said loudly.

After listening to Su Chen's words, the changes in the expressions of the people became more abundant.

Even if you pretend to be a poetry fairy, now there is another "right fairy"?

The strength of Wang Xun is obvious to everyone. Some people who do not believe in Su Chen's strength all looked at each other and shook their heads. The smile was very disdainful and speechless, and there was a look of expectation that Su Chen was defeated by Wang Xun. .

"Okay, I look forward to Master Su's wonderful performance, Master Su will write a question!" Wang Xun smiled and shook his head playfully.

"No, you lose everything anyway." Su Chen shook the folding fan very calmly, as if he didn't put the matter on him at all.



"Master Wang is the first person in the capital to be able to deal with opponents. How dare you to speak so much?"

Those who supported Wang Xun but were not optimistic about Su Chen shouted angrily.

"Quiet, today we are only friends, why should it be so, it is better to let this palace come up with questions."

Concubine Shu also frowned slightly when she heard that, and after looking at Su Chen, she looked at Wang Xun again.

"Wangjiang Tower, Wangjiangliu, Wangjiangliu Wangjiangliu, Jianglou is ancient, Jiangliu is ancient." Concubine Shu Gui took a deep breath and said slowly.

When the question came out, everyone was even more shocked. It was obvious that the imperial concubine was very extraordinary when she spoke.

Moreover, the pair must be neatly matched, and the artistic conception must be consistent. This comes up, the imperial concubine and the empress pose a little problem for the two.

The question at the beginning was extremely difficult. Not only did many people frowned, but even Wang Xun, who was the first person to the pair, fell into rapid contemplation. .

Su Chen heard a puzzling smile on his face, and when he saw it was so simple, he was even more disdainful.

While Wang Xun was still thinking quickly, Su Chen had already spoken abruptly, "Yinyue Well, Yinyue Shadow, Moonlight in Yinyue Well, Moonlight for thousands of years, Moonlight for thousands of years."

"Emperor Concubine, how do you think I am right?" Su Chen smiled slightly and looked at Concubine Shu's peerless face.

"Very good!" After hearing this, Concubine Shu immediately showed a happy smile on her face, taking the lead to bulge.

"it is good!!"

"As expected of Master Su, he is really talented!"

Just when many people hadn't reacted, there was already thunderous applause from the audience.

Still thinking hard, Wang Xun, who hadn't come up with the whole pair completely, was a black thread, and began to greet Su Chen's ancestors in his heart.

Special mother, are you a human? So fast! !

"In that case, I will come up with the next question. If you can't answer it in half of the incense, you will be considered a loser!"

Wang Xun, who hadn't finished thinking, saw that he had lost so quickly from the beginning, he simply gave up the question and said decisively.

"Okay, please say it!" Su Chenyun said lightly and lightly.

"An inch of earth is a temple, and there is a poem beside the temple, and the poem says: The moon sends the monk to the ancient temple.

Wang Xun said fiercely, thinking that the difficulty of this question is not small, it depends on how you can answer the perfect answer within half a pillar of incense!

With regard to this question, Wang Xun was unable to match up with a suitable bottom line within a short period of time, let alone Su Chen, the new dark horse.

Everyone frowned when they heard it, and suddenly their minds became blank.

It is a pity that Wang Xun, who is the first person of the pair, asked a question at random, and the difficulty was so high. Everyone suddenly dared to take Su Chen's behalf. It's Wang Xun! !

But when everyone was starting to dislike Su Chen, he tasted the tea and suddenly "poofed" and sprayed all the tea in his mouth.

"Can this kind of scorching couplet be considered difficult? You really underestimate my Su, for such a simple Xianlian, Su doesn't even bother to go!"

Su Chen immediately yelled in disdain, and the expression of disdain to answer was just pretending, and his face was full of expressions of hatred for iron and steel.

"Huh, it's light, but you are telling the bottom line!"

"Yes, bragging everyone knows, but why didn't you tell me the answer?"

Su Chen's words were echoed by everyone in the next moment, and all they cast were full of contempt.

"Qi, a bunch of idiots, all clean up my ears for me, listen carefully!" Su Chen scolded, flicking his sleeves, shook his folding fan slightly, and stepped forward.

He slowly walked to the window one step at a time, looked deeply out of the window, suddenly lightly squeezed his hand, and instantly gathered some white snow.

What Su Chen's behavior saw was that everyone looked awkward, but it also made people look good with the unruly demeanor of the poetry and the indulgent solitaire.

Su Chen finally slowly opened his mouth. He looked at the tightly clenched white snow in his hands, and said slowly, "Shuangmu is a forest, the forest is forbidden, and the cloud is forbidden: the axe enters the forest in time."

At the beginning of Su Chen, everyone was stunned at first, with a look of astonishment in the same place, then when they reacted, they realized that Su Chen's connection was simply wonderful!

"Okay, that's great!"

"Master Su really has an unparalleled literary style, which really impresses us!"

"It's worthy of being a man who claims to be'to the king', and he is really terrifying, and he is really a role model for our generation!"

The shouts of the crowd immediately rang throughout the attic hall, and the crowd was all impressed.

Su Chen smiled slightly, and didn't care about everyone's praise of him. He fanned his folding fans and said arrogantly, "I have been invincible in the world in terms of literary prose for many years. wind."

He then walked forward slowly, and gradually came to Concubine Shu.

Concubine Shu was sitting in the seat originally prepared for him, her face was full of admiration from beginning to end, but after this time, her cognition of Su Chen rose to a higher level.

"The concubine, you said, am I right?"

Su Chen smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to Concubine Shu. The palms slowly opened. An epiphany carved from flying snow was lying on it like a baby bird. It was very beautiful and contained a sense of winter and summer. Aesthetic artistic conception, once appreciated, it is impossible to extricate itself.

"It's so beautiful!" Concubine Shu Yingying exclaimed with her small mouth opened slightly, and she stretched out her jade arm to slowly catch the snowy night flower in Su Chen's hand, and looked at the snowy night flower in the eyes of the snowy night flower.

"Emperor concubine, if you like it, this snowy night flower will be given to you." Su Chen smiled slightly, warm and moist.

"Okay, that's really thanks to Master Su." Concubine Shu obviously likes it very much, with joy on her face, her smile is simply beautiful.

And Wang Xun, Zhang Shuyu and others saw this scene. At this moment, they were all gritted teeth, full of black lines.

Damn it, why is he so good? Why is he a winner in life! ! !

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