Mu Rouchun went to open the door with a thug with sleepy eyes. As a result, a flood of people swarmed in, almost a stampede accident.

"Bold, have you forgotten the rules set by the deputy shopkeeper yesterday?" Mu Rouchun's newly dressed makeup was rubbed off a lot, and she immediately shouted out in awe.

"No, the beauty shopkeeper of Shengshimeiyan is angry, everyone will line up!"

Hearing the sound, everyone quieted down, lined up in order, did not dare to make a second, quietly waiting for the arrival of Su Chen and others.

"Yo? When did I become the assistant shopkeeper, weren't we just a cooperative relationship yesterday?"

Su Chen responded, holding a wooden fan in one hand and placing one hand behind him. He looked like a handsome young man in the expectant gaze of everyone, slowly leading a few majestic soldiers into the counter.

He looked at Mu Rouchun, who was still extremely coquettish, and did not speak, but Mu Rouchun glanced at him and left.

Immediately, Jiang Sheng, Cheng Song and the five brothers also arrived, squeezing through the long line, and came to the counter with difficulty.

"My lord, is this a newcomer?" Jiang Sheng immediately asked when seeing a newcomer.

"Yes, they are all of their own. This is Master Jiang, and this is General Cheng. Those five are just like you guys." Su Chen nodded and introduced the five soldiers.

"I have seen Master Jiang, General Cheng, and five colleagues." The voices of the five soldiers were surprisingly consistent.

Then, today's sale officially began!

"Well, let's be special today. Today's sales are directly divided into two teams, one is the team for receiving free benefits for the poor and the other is the official sales team."

"Cheng Song, you and the five brothers will be responsible for the poor people's side, and Jiang Sheng, me and the new buddy will be responsible for the official sales."


"Great, I finally don't have to wait for a day!"

"This is very nice, long live the deputy shopkeeper!"

The team instantly boiled, and many rich people immediately stood up excitedly and quickly lined up first.

"The old rule is first come first served. Today's Snow King shaved ice sells fifty taels of silver. Snow King ice drinks, seventy taels of silver!"

"Wow, it's so cheap. Fortunately, I'm witty and come early."

After hearing the price, many people who had already moved the entire family property over showed joy.

"Check your identity and start selling!" Su Chen said, officially opening the sale.

"Don't buy from him, they are black shops, we, Snow King shaved ice thirty taels of silver, Snow King iced drinks fifty taels of silver!"

As soon as Su Chen's words fell, a deep voice rang. Su Chen looked intently, and it turned out that it was the giant who took the lead in peeping last night.

At this time, the giant's eyes are bloodshot, and he has two dark circles under his eyes. Although he is holding a bit of a dog-like Snow King Shaved Ice and Snow King Ice Drink, they look just similar. , In fact, the effect is very different!

And Su Chen couldn't help but smile when he looked at that giant Jia's hand that was so cold that he had cracked.

"What are you laughing at? I'll let you go bankrupt later and see if you still laugh out!!" Seeing Su Chen's smile, the giant Jiao immediately turned his heart and frowned.

Had it not been for Su Chen, he would have never known that there was something like Snow King's shaved ice, and he would not have gone to dig an ice block with all his might on a snowy night!

"What, thirty taels of Snow King shaved ice? Fifty taels of Snow King ice drink?" Someone reacted immediately, with a shocked voice.

"Yes, it's so cheap!" Ju Jia immediately smiled triumphantly when someone questioned him, then glanced at Su Chen contemptuously, and said triumphantly.

"Misty Grass, looks very good, give me ten copies of Snow King Shaved Ice!"

After Ju Jia finished speaking, someone immediately shouted. Su Chen saw that he was also an acquaintance, but he didn't expect that among them shameless peeping thieves would actually play the role.

"In that case, give me some copies!"

Because of the support, someone immediately bought it.

"I want too, I want too!"

"Give me some copies too!"

Although the group of poor people on Cheng Song's side was still receiving their favorite food in a quiet and orderly manner, Su Chen's side was already in a mess.

"Don't worry, everyone, you can bring me to the opposite shop!" The giant ecstatic finger pointed to the opposite shop. They gathered together overnight. At this time, they also imitated Su Chen and made a counter and placed it. Many finished products.

Afterwards, Ju Jia glared at Su Chen and found that not only did Su Chen lack the resentment and incomprehension that he had expected, but instead laughed endlessly. He was inexplicably angry watching him.

Then, the entire official sales team was taken by the giant to the shop that was opened at the opposite time and had a rough storefront.

"My lord, what's the situation? Are you in no rush?" Jiang Sheng frowned, his expression very anxious.

"What's the hurry? Can you solve the problem in a hurry? Look well and study hard!"

Su Chen scolded with a smile, and lay on the beach chair yesterday without paying attention, shaking the wooden fan, which was very relaxing.

Cheng Song also glanced at Su Chen when he saw this, but immediately started the sale of the poor team.

"My lord, your delicacy is unique in the world. It is not only delicious, but after eating it, it feels full all day long. It's amazing." An old woman held the Snow King's shaved ice, kindly Smiling contentedly.

"Yes, my lord, you are a good person, and we will remember your great kindness."

"Yes, adults don't need to worry. I think they must be imitations. They must be made soon. Adults don't have to worry, there must be a way."

Everyone helped Su Chen to speak, but Su Chen didn't pay much attention, but smiled faintly.

"Don't worry, everyone, even if my inn is at a loss, it will always provide the people with food for free." Su Chen shook his fan and smiled.

"Master Xie, you are a **** in the sky, a saint through the ages!"

Su Chen's words immediately drew the response of the people, and they all expressed their thanks.

"My lord, this is the jade pendant from my ancestors. Now give it to you. If it wasn't for your Snow King's shaved ice yesterday, or grandpa would have hated the snow disaster..."

A little boy excitedly held a finely carved jade pendant and looked at Su Chen with gratitude.

Su Chen smiled slightly when he saw it, stroked the boy's head, took the jade pendant, took a copy of Snow King shaved ice from the wine rack and handed it to the boy, "Go back and take care of Grandpa."

After the boy thanked a few more times, he knocked his head and walked away slowly.

"My lord, they seem to be selling like a raging fire. Do we want to take some measures, such as lowering prices?" Jiang Sheng saw that the shop opposite was extremely busy, and still couldn't calm down.

"No, my delicacy can only be increased in price, but never reduced!" Su Chen resolutely said.

Subsequently, more and more people poured into Xuzhou City. There were refugees and some people who came to buy Snow King's shaved ice, but they were all attracted to the opposite shop.

Because Su Chen is notoriously expensive, and it's still very dark, no one cares about it at all!

"My lord, last night, the court sent one hundred thousand elite soldiers to help. Also, your majesty has already forgiven your business, uh... In addition, your majesty asked you to recruit more peerless beauties into the palace... ."

Jiang Sheng on the side suddenly thought of something and whispered in Su Chen's ear.

"Okay, I see, but is there any movement from the dog thief Nalan Yande?"

"My lord, not for the time being. Instead, the chief eunuch, Li Yingshuang, and Grandpa Li have sent a message to you, my lord, to win you into their Xilin party!"

"Draw me up? Let's leave it here for now." Su Chen smiled slightly. He knew this as early as Grandpa Li helped him for the first time, but he didn't expect him to move so fast.

Su Chen silently counted the time, and almost half an hour passed, and there should be something wrong with the shop opposite.

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