"What are you doing in a daze, run fast, the demons and demons are comparable to the powerhouses at the top of the upper realm, even if you are a Daoist, you can't resist its power!"

"Hmph, I'm not ashamed! Now the outside passage has been blocked by the Four Great Generals, if you want to go out, you can only go out with their bodies!"

"Fight to the death!"

And then, the appearance of Diao Sequoia immediately shocked the audience.

Obviously, this carved red cedar has an extraordinary position in the Western Xinjiang, but it all benefits from the title of the first apprentice of a Nanshan Master!

"This year Master Nanshan's first disciples have all come, so what does this mean?"

"Does it mean that this time, Master Nanshan will also be involved, isn't it a bit of a surprise!" Someone showed ecstasy and was very surprised.

"Tsk tsk, I heard the gossip that the first disciple of Master Nanshan, Carving Sequoia, had a sudden eruption of spiritual roots a few days ago. With the remaining injuries in his body, he broke through to the realm of flying breath in one fell swoop. It is really shocking!"

Someone immediately sighed in admiration, showing envy.

"What?!!!" After hearing this, someone immediately showed an incredible look.

"Then it's hard to say who's the crown of the horse racing contest this time!"

"Tsk tusk, this time the Shenju competition is really a feast for the eyes. The big prince, the left prince, the right prince, and the north prince gather together, and then meet the king Chu Liuyun, the first disciple of the Nanshan Master to carve red cedar, this is not easy Up!"

"But after they meet, which one is stronger and weaker will have to wait until the start of the competition to see the difference!"

At this time, people's eyes and topics all fell on the dark horses who had not yet started the competition.

At that time, everyone almost forgot that there was another person who made a sensation in the capital of Western Xinjiang!


Suddenly, a huge roar sounded, it was a sound that everyone had never heard before!

After a roar sounded again, a silver murky shadow quickly appeared in front of everyone, and the murky shadow smashed into the crowd at an extremely fast speed, and the fast people could hardly react.

"Fuck, run away!!"

"Oumaika, what the **** is this!!"

Everyone immediately exclaimed, shocked and surprised, and immediately swept back crazily at the fastest speed.


When the silver murky shadow was about to hit the crowd, suddenly there was another roar that soared into the sky. The silver murky shadow stopped his body at an extremely fast speed, forming a 90-degree arc. , Directly stopped suddenly.

And this series of moving, exciting and exciting operations is a must-have for Qiu Mingshan's body, "90 degree extreme drift!"

And when the silver rapid shadow suddenly stopped, the dust on the ground was also lifted up by the shovel, and the billowing dust covered the silver rapid shadow, and only the dazzling bright silver was still looming.

At this moment, people with good eyesight saw this scene immediately! !

"I bought Karma, so handsome!!!"

I saw a suave, handsome young man slowly walked down from the silver "shadow", a cold profile, I wonder how many girl aunts who were watching!

There seemed to be a slight three-point coldness and three-point sneer in his eyes, as well as the four-point carelessness. He clearly didn't care about it, and even admired the expressions of everyone.

"My God, is that a'God Horse', so cool and handsome!"

The handsome man immediately walked to the other side of the silver "Shiying". At this time, the dust and smoke dispersed, and everyone could see clearly. It turned out that this was a very coveted "God Horse". "! !

After opening the car door, I saw a beautiful long red hair floating in the dancing breeze. A beautiful young woman who was so beautiful that she could harm the country and the people came out gently holding Mei Nan’s hand. God horse"!

This scene is even coveted. Just imagine it is a great honor to be supported by such a beautiful man on this unprecedentedly handsome "horse"! !

After all visions were restored to clarity, people's eyes widened and their jaws fell to the ground in shock!

After everyone saw everything clearly, they discovered that they did not expect that the one who came down from this unprecedented handsome horse was the messenger who came to negotiate from Xia Dynasty!

This scene stunned people who had previously mocked Su Chen.

Before, they were still mocking Su Chen as a Xia Dynasty. They definitely hadn't seen the horse, and they couldn't even get a horse to participate in the competition.

Now, Su Chen, without saying a word, directly came up with a ‘smart horse’ that shocked them. This was shocking.

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly! The messenger of the Xia Dynasty still has one hand."

However, after this scene happened, everyone came to realize something.

"No wonder he didn't worry about the'Shenju' at all, he was still selling grilled chicken wings leisurely yesterday!"

"It's just that this ‘shenju’ just looks gorgeous. If it comes to strength, it’s probably far inferior to super-class ‘sages’ such as Juxian or Chiyan Shenju!"

"So what, the right prince bought dozens of his magical grilled chicken wings yesterday, and he has promised him that even if the final ranking is not satisfactory, he will try his best to retire!"

Immediately, the focus of the audience instantly fell on Su Chen, and those topics were also being discussed around Su Chen.

Even the Great Prince, Ju Wang Chu Liuyun, Northern Prince and others focused their attention on Su Chen.

Among them, the eyes of the left prince and Diao Sequoia were wrong, and they were the most shocked.

The Zuo prince looked at Su Chen and even gritted his teeth. He didn't expect Su Chen to be the messenger from the Xia Dynasty!

And it was precisely because of Su Chen that he didn't quietly obtain the secret magic tricks that were not handed down from the Spring Willow City Auction House!

Moreover, in the Chunliu City Fighting Skills arena, he was stunned by Su Chen's "cool ball skills", and it was for these reasons that made him extremely resentful of Su Chen.

And Diao Sequoia was also shocked, he did not expect that Su Chen would come to the Western Frontier, and would face him head-on!

Since the last time he fought with Su Chen, he was injured internally by the secret technique used by Lu Yuyan, and he has not been able to recover until now.

Although Lu Yuyan fainted weakly for a few days in the end, he actually sculpted Sequoia with the help of Master Nanshan, driven by internal injuries, and broke through to the realm of flying breath in one fell swoop!

But at this moment, when the carved redwood looked at Lu Yuyan beside Su Chen, his eyes became jealous!

And Master Nanshan once reminded him that if he is not a last resort, he must not provoke Lu Yuyan easily!

Su Chen naturally saw the two of them at this time, but he didn't say anything, but returned with a faint smile.

At the same time, some people's movements sounded behind Su Chen.

"Look, it's your Majesty the King!!" Someone exclaimed immediately upon seeing this.

At this time, the King of Xijiang came with a huge team, guarded by the national division, as well as dozens of high-level powerhouses in the Feiji realm, and the formation was extremely large.

He quickly came to the stage on the side, immediately sat on the dragon chair on the stage with a serious expression, and began to scan the heroes present.

And when his gaze fell on Su Chen and that extremely dazzling God of War GTR, he couldn't help but raised his brow, revealing a slight surprise.

But then he quickly recovered his expression and cleared his throat with a dry cough, "I am very happy that you all have arrived today, and there is another great happy event that needs to be informed!"

After hearing the words of the king of Xijiang, many people showed a trace of doubt and surprise, and they were all looking forward to the happy event from the king!

"That is, Master Nanshan is going out of the mountain in this Shenju Competition, and he has already come to this competition!" The King of Xijiang gave a look, and then said: "The champion of this Shenju Competition will have a chance to become Nanshan. Master's closed disciple!"


As soon as the King of Xijiang said this, it caused an uproar in the audience, and everyone was extremely shocked!

You know, the named disciples of Master Nanshan who can become the pinnacle of the illusion of the Western Frontier Kingdom are all like reaching the sky!

Not to mention the carefully trained disciple!

And even the carved red cedar, although the first disciple, received the inheritance of Nanshan Master, but this Nanshan Master is extremely demanding, but the carved red cedar has never been able to really enjoy the meticulous true transmission of that closed door! !

At this time, Diao Sequoia was shocked or shocked. Even he didn't know about the matter. This made him covet the title of champion, because although he was the first, he had never obtained the truly shocking skills!

Therefore, the audience immediately boiled, but only Su Chen still showed a calm expression, as if he had no interest in this matter at all.

What's a joke, Lao Tzu is a man with a system, what is the use of Master Nanshan?

Even if there are a hundred Nanshan Masters, they can't compare to Lao Tzu's omnipotent and invincible system! !

At the same time, a cloud of clouds in the sky suddenly changed dramatically. It was originally just a colorless and unremarkable white cloud. At this moment, it turned into colorful and floated slowly.

Immediately afterwards, the colorful clouds quickly turned into a clear breeze and quickly blew over everyone's face, and Su Chen could clearly feel that the breeze stayed in his short stay for a little longer than others. .

And that feeling was detected by the "Shengan Zhenjing", it is very strong, it is not an illusion at all, and this feeling is definitely not wrong!

Master Nanshan immediately stood proudly on the huge stage, standing upright next to the king of Xijiang, with great attention.

The appearance of the Nanshan Master instantly became the focus of the audience, which completely surpassed everyone before. That kind of reverence and awe in the hearts of the Xijiang people who practiced illusion was unmatched.

Su Chen squinted slightly and cast his gaze far away on the Nanshan Mage.

This Nanshan Mage has sharp edges and corners, with a starry eyebrow, and a silver hair fluttering behind him, but his appearance has a sense of fairy style.

This person has a peaceful face and looks like a kind old man. The three-foot blue scepter in his hand exudes the supreme mystery of illusion, which makes people awe in awe.

Master Nanshan squinted his eyes, and suddenly looked at Su Chen's gaze, and then a kindly smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he naturally moved his gaze away from Su Chen.

"This sacred horse competition is fiercely fighting, please show your talents as much as you can. If the champion of this competition is strong, he will become a true disciple of this seat, gain my mantle, and promote my Western illusion!!"

Master Nanshan looked far away, looking at everyone, and then said loudly, that peaceful but majestic voice could not help but awe the people present, and a burst of blood boiled in his heart, all with the champion of this horse racing competition positioning the lifelong goal !

"I announce that this year's Shenju Competition has officially started. Please, everyone, get ready for the competition!"

Under another order from Master Nanshan, everyone became attentive, and even a trace of desire ignited in their eyes, and then Shenju's various inspections and improvements began.

"Hey, wait, you see, this Xia Chaolai's sacred horse doesn't even have any runes recorded. How can he use illusion to drive him up like this?!!!" An idler immediately discovered this. Immediately exclaimed and pointed out.

"Yeah, he doesn't even have the most basic runes. Is he trying to trick us into pretending that he won the championship by using illusion? Hahaha!"

"It seems that the people of the Xia Dynasty are the people of the Xia Dynasty. I really haven't seen the "Shenju". I am afraid that this is a temporary preparation. Good-looking is good-looking, but it is also a mere appearance, and it is not real!"

"Yes, it seems that he can only take it out for a cutscene, hahaha!"

Some people around were immediately driven, and the inexplicable sense of superiority in their hearts immediately made them scorn Su Chen.

Su Chen laughed immediately after hearing it, and covered his stomach with a smile.

"It's worthy of a group of rural villagers, all of them are like frogs at the bottom of a well. If you haven't seen the world, you haven't seen the world. It's not your fault, but it's not right for you to come out to be ashamed!"

Su Chen leaned on the body of the God of War GTR and laughed endlessly, his laughter was full of contempt and contempt for the frog at the bottom of the well.

"Damn it, isn't it just a broken ‘God Horse’ with no runes, but what are you arrogant about?" Someone gritted their teeth, very upset.

"Yes, I think he will definitely not even be able to get started later, so he dare to despise me and wait, and see him still laugh later!!"

Su Chen sneered when he saw this, "My God of War GTR is comparable to that of you. In that case, when the game starts, if I can see the taillights of my car, what if I lose?!!!"

"Car taillights? What's that? But that's fine, I'll see you, the brazen guy, begging for mercy!"

Su Chen sneered immediately, ignored it, and started the final inspection of the car.

He believed that with his strength, it would not be a problem to crush this group of illusionists who rely on illusions to drive the moving horses! !

Immediately, the game will officially begin! !

The rules of this game are extremely simple, that is, three laps around the track of Queens Mountain, who can be the first to reach the spot after three laps, then who is the champion! !

Immediately, after everyone looked at each other, they entered this huge track. This track is extremely spacious, and you can't see the boundary at a glance. If you come at an ordinary speed, you will get a stick of incense if you don't talk about a lap. time!

Moreover, there are still links around the mountain on this track, the situation is complicated and driving will be very difficult!





Immediately afterwards, a loud bang sounded, and everyone looked horrified, and immediately began to perform various illusions. The countless illusions were dazzling and dazzling!

But when everyone was still performing endless illusions and began to drive the horse forward, a silver swift shadow made a "swish" and rushed out, so fast that everyone could not see the path clearly. How did Jiying rush out!

"Fuck! So fast, did he use illusion?!!!"

"Ma Ye, is this really the Xia Dynasty person? It's terrible, I abstained, I abstained, I won't be ashamed!!"

Immediately someone exclaimed and was so scared that they gave up on the spot!

At this time, Su Chen was sitting in the driving seat of the God of War GTR driving the God of War GTR with a smug smile, and Lu Yuyan, the co-pilot on the side, also enjoyed the extreme excitement comfortably!

In the blink of an eye, Su Chen had already arrived at the middle section of the track in an instant, and immediately, piles of obstacles were also floating on the face.

"Oh, isn't it just a little bit of obstacles? Can't it be difficult for me to bundle up my autumn famous mountain bike!"

"Puff puff!"

"The four great masters of demons and demons have joined hands and are afraid that they have reached a level comparable to the mirror of the Daoist. I am afraid that the old guys will also fall here!"

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