The Strongest Demon-hunting System in the City

Chapter 1627: You and I are destined!

"Thank you, senior, for coming here to help me, your great kindness, the junior will remember it in my heart, thank you!"

"You and I are destined, so the old man and I came out to save you!"

"Oh? What do seniors say?"

"Ness, your lord has won!"

"Congratulations to Master Su for a smooth triumph!"

"It's worthy of being a young and promising Master Su, this is nothing more than that of the Western Frontier country!"

After seeing the situation clearly, the people in the audience burst into cheers, and they either slapped Su Chen's flattery or ridiculed Sequoia.

"It's really helpless, I accidentally used my 20% skill, I missed it this time."

Su Chen stepped on the animal body of the fangs white spotted tiger, with a look of helplessness and guilt, as if he was serious about it.

"Oh, but life is lonely as snow, and the feeling of being invincible in the world is really uncomfortable." Su Chen sighed after winning, his face full of helplessness, pretending to be decent.

"Master Su is awesome!"

"Master Su is mighty!"

"Master Su is invincible in the world!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, the melon-eating people in the background all shouted in joy.

Immediately afterwards, the fangs white-spotted tiger at Su Chen's feet gradually turned into a phantom, and then turned into a piece of dust and dispersed without leaving a trace in the breeze.

"You! You beast actually extinguished my master's fangs white spotted tiger's illusion!" Diao Sequoia flushed his eyes and immediately cursed.

"Oh, what's the matter? Isn't it just a spicy chicken phantom? How about materialization, after all, it's not a waste?" Su Chen laughed playfully, staring at the carved red cedar very playfully.

"You! You wait for me!" Diao Sequoia was so angry that he had nothing to say, and immediately shook his red umbrella.

"Hey, don't rush to go, I won, leave your illusion skills to me!" Su Chen saw that the carved red cedar showed signs of escaping, and immediately rushed up with the sword.

"Huh, there will be a period later!"

Diao Sequoia ignored Su Chen, snorted coldly, and then turned around the red umbrella in his hand, and immediately a large plume of red smoke curled up again, quickly enveloping Diao Sequoia and the giant beside him.

Then, the carved red cedar and the giant Jia disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Damn, it's so fast!" Su Chen yelled, feeling helpless in his heart.

"Huh, there really isn't a good thing in the West Frontier!"

"Xijiang Kingdom is famous for its cunning, treacherous, and untrustworthy. I knew from the beginning that even if I won, that person would not be able to surrender illusion skills!

"Lesser Xijiang Country, one day will surrender to my great summer!"

When the crowd of melon-eating people saw the carved red cedar ran away like this, they felt it was not worth it for Su Chen, and at the same time they shouted.

"Okay, let's go, let's go, don't look at it, do whatever you want!"

Su Chen said madly, and at the same time stomped his feet with anger. He should have expected that this guy would not be so easy to hand over the illusion skills.

Immediately, the crowd of people eating melons dispersed in a rush.

"General Zhao, is she okay?"

Su Chen came to the commander in charge of the management of the barracks and asked.

"Master Huijin, I have been sent to the medical camp, but it doesn't seem to be a major problem, I just passed out in a coma." The commander said with respect to Su Chen.

"Okay, let you manage the military camp affairs first. If there is any movement outside the city or there is a problem with the defense formation, please report to me."

After Su Chen heard this, he relaxed, and then he sighed in relief and said slowly.

"Subordinates obey!" General Zhao respectfully said.

Immediately, Su Chen came to the marching camp to visit the injured Wang Kun and Lu Yuyan.

Wang Kun was already bandaged at this time, and he was relaxing in bed. It seemed that his injuries were not serious.

"Big, my lord!"

Seeing Su Chen coming, Wang Kun hurriedly wanted to get out of bed to salute, but the wound on his waist suddenly tore apart with his movement, and he screamed in pain.

"No, it's important to recover from the injury." Su Chen immediately stepped forward to help Wang Kun and let him lie on the bed to rest.

"Master Xie." Wang Kun bowed his hands and looked respectful, "By the way, my lord, how is the battle going?"

"I need to ask? Of course, the official suppressed the opponent, but I hadn't seen that person's cunning before, let him escape, and didn't get the illusion skills." Su Chen said with some regret.

"It's good if you win, and it's good if you win." Wang Kun breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, with a delighted smile on his face.

"Okay, I'm going to see Miss Lu." After Su Chen said, he walked away.

Lu Yuyan's place was not far from Wang Kun, and Su Chen arrived soon.

At this time, Lu Yuyan was still in a coma on the bed, with a dull look that made Su Chen a little distressed.

"If you can't hold it in the future, don't try your best, I have my own solution." Su Chen sighed and gently stroked Lu Yuyan's forehead, regardless of whether she could hear it or not.

"It doesn't matter if you are okay." Su Chen smiled bitterly.

Immediately, Su Chen stroked the loose red hair for Lu Yuyan, muttering constantly in his mouth.

"Okay, I should go back to the inn to take a look."

Later, after Su Chen ordered someone to come and watch Lu Yuyan, he left with confidence. He also had to go back to the Longmen Inn to see what was going on.

Immediately, Su Chen hurried back to Longmen Inn without stopping.

However, Jiang Sheng and Cheng Song were responsible for the food sales of Longmen Inn, and nothing happened.

"grown ups!"

Seeing Su Chen stepping into the door of the Longmen Inn, Jiang Sheng and Cheng Song also quickly stopped their work respectfully.

"Looking at the gentle face of the adult, I'm afraid I will return in triumph?" Cheng Song hurried forward to greet him, "By the way, where is my niece, my lord?"

"Triumph is a triumph, but the people of Xijiang are cunning and ran away without surrendering their illusion skills, while Miss Lu is a little overdrawn and is now resting in the barracks." Su Chen said slowly.

"Then..." Jiang Sheng hesitated to speak.

Su Chen glanced at Jiang Sheng, smiled bitterly, then went up the stairs and slowly returned to the private room on the third floor.

After returning to the private room, Su Chen immediately jumped onto the big bed in the room, exhausted all over.

Moreover, in fact, his vitality has long been overdrawn. If the system hadn't been helping him to recover, he would have been unable to support it long ago.

"System, open that lucky gift package for me." Su Chen said tiredly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for opening the lucky gift pack and getting a pack of Xiu Dan San!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for opening the lucky gift pack and earning two hundred professional essence points, which have been used automatically. Congratulations to the host for being a second-grade gourmet!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining five hundred points of exercises and one hundred points of apocalypse!"

A series of prompts from the system made him a little surprised. Not only did he advance to a second-grade gourmet, but he also obtained the essence of the exercises, points for the end of the world, and medicament.

"Take Xiu Dan San first!" Su Chen said slowly.

"Ding, the host used Xiu Dan San to complete, full of experience points, and successfully upgraded to the fifth level of the cultivation realm!"

After the cultivation base was greatly improved, Su Chen only felt refreshed for a while, and the previous fatigue was wiped out.

"Use all the essence of the exercises to enhance the "Shengan Zhenjing"!"

Today, he can easily defeat the white-fanged tiger, most of the credit is due to the second level of the "Shengan Zhenjing", power.

This effect instantly doubled his attack power, enabling him to smoothly defeat the fangs white spotted tiger that is almost comparable to the realm of flying breath.

This also made Su Chen more and more looking forward to the effects of "Shengan Zhenjing".

There are seven levels of Shengan Zhenjing. After the first level of entry, each level will provide him with an ability to reach the almost perfect state of Shengan.

The first one has improved all aspects of his physical fitness, the second one is strength, and the third chapter makes him look forward to it.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for raising the "Shengan Zhenjing" to the third level, gaining ability and speed!"

[Ability: Speed]: The speed will be greatly improved within the time of using a stick of incense! But it cannot be reused! (It will be upgraded as the realm improves!)

"Ding, congratulations to the host's "Shengan Zhenjing" to the third level, the power of the second level has been improved, and it can increase the power five times!"

Hearing that, Su Chen was almost happy.

At this moment, under his full strength, it would not be a problem at all to fight a strong man in the realm of flying breath. I am afraid that even Li Dingyuan, a zombie carrier of Tier 5, will not escape in embarrassment!

"By the way, since I have advanced to a second-grade gourmet, can I unlock new gourmet foods?"

While Su Chen was ecstatic, he also thought of this.

"Of course, the host can choose by himself, but can only choose one kind of preparation!"

Immediately, Su Chen immediately took out the somewhat outdated "Cooking Mystery Book", opened it and read it, and as expected, after being promoted to a second-grade gourmet, there were many more delicacies in the book.

And because he has already mastered "Cooking Mystery", he almost only needs to take a look at it, and the whole production process is immediately reflected in his mind.

"Emmm, hamburgers, french fries, ice cream, fried chicken, ah, that's it if you have it, grilled chicken wings!!"

Su Chen flipped through the "Cooking Mystery Book" and looked at the newly unlocked various delicacies, and finally decided to choose to make grilled chicken wings!

Grilled chicken wings is the taste of New Orleans. In the past life, it was one of Su Chen's favorite food. Not only delicious, but also very easy to prepare, the most suitable.

"Okay, just choose this New Orleans-flavored grilled chicken wings!"

Su Chen smiled and decided immediately, and then a series of all the materials needed to make grilled chicken wings appeared in his system warehouse instantly.

"Barbecue, seasonings, peppers, honey, emmm, it seems that there is not enough firewood!"

Su Chen counted the items used to make grilled chicken wings, and suddenly discovered that one important factor was missing, that was firewood!

If there is no firewood, the grilled chicken wings will lack a natural charcoal flavor, which will not be perfect.

"Okay, do it now!"

After that, Su Chen quickly went downstairs and came to the lobby on the first floor. Seeing Jiang Sheng, Cheng Song and others were still selling, he hurriedly greeted.

"Irebati, the sale of our store is over today, and we will all go back to each store and go to each mother. Our store will launch new food tomorrow, so stay tuned!" Su Chen's voice spread throughout the inn.

"How can this be? I came all the way from the capital!"

"That's right, isn't it dark yet? Are you unruly like this?"

Immediately there are newcomers who complain about not knowing the rules.

"I, here are the rules! Get out, don't disturb Laozi! Tomorrow obediently prepare your silver couples to come and wait!" Su Chen looked at the group of newcomers with disdain, and shouted domineeringly.

Immediately, due to Su Chen's lustful prestige, those newcomers disappeared one after another.

However, some old fried dough sticks had long expected this to happen, so they didn't panic at all and went straight up the stairs to the room to rest.

While Su Chen's food had an impact, the business of this inn became more popular than usual. No guest rooms on the second and third floors were left unused, and even the first floor was always full.

Many who came first, saw that the latter did not occupy the dominant position, they all laughed.

"Irebati, can you move? Get me some natural firewood outside. Be careful. Fresh dry firewood. Don't mess with those that are too cold!"

After those people left, Su Chen clapped his hands with enthusiasm, and immediately made Jiang Sheng and the others move, and they were all sent out to look for the dry wood that had not been completely frozen.

"Hey, don't go, maybe we don't have to go in a hurry. Why don't we stay and see how Master Su makes it?" A new middle-aged man was drinking in the corner of the lobby to relieve his boredom, seeing others scattered. , He quickly urged people to stay.

"What's so special, you newcomer looking for death, dare to spy on Master Su's cooking? You haven't seen how miserable the last person who did this!"

The man who was called by him came yesterday, and he immediately showed contempt when he saw that this man had such a bold idea.

Moreover, his gaze secretly glanced at Su Chen, and seeing that Su Chen hadn't noticed, he lowered his voice and said, and his gaze was full of fear.

"How miserable!"

The newcomer asked curiously.

"Oh, you are new here, so I might as well tell you that the last person who did this not only stole the delicacy of Master Su, but also dared to set up an archway opposite Master Su. , Guess what's the result?"

After the person cautiously confirmed that Su Chen hadn't noticed again, he whispered.

"How was the result?" The newcomer lowered his voice under the influence of the former.

"Huh, I'm so old. I heard that they only learned a little bit of tricks, and they didn't have the magical effect of Master Su at all. In the end, they not only whipped the fire for the whole night, but were also eaten by insects and ridden with snakes. When it was almost eaten by a lion, it was dragged out, and eventually it was hung on the wall to lure the zombies into the belly!!"

"Fuck, this is too miserable!!!" The newcomer couldn't control it immediately and exclaimed.

"Heh, that's not it, Master Su's temper is poisonous and smelly. All of these are his actions alone, and it makes him a little unhappy. The two top-level subordinates around you will even crush you. Duan, it's banning the nine races!"

"Wai Ri, WTF? This is too scary, isn't it? Mom, I can't stand it for being careful!"

Immediately, the man cried out again, and glanced at Su Chen, his face was full of fear and jealousy. What kind of monster is this TM? It would be too terrifying to destroy the Nine Clan at every turn. ! !

"Huh, so, if you are a newcomer, if you have any ideas, you'd better be honest. Otherwise, don't blame me for being banished to the Nine Clan for not being reminded for coming one day before you!" After a cold snort, the man left immediately. .

The newcomer was almost frightened, with a large psychological shadow on his face, and immediately slapped himself severely, so scared that he did not dare to continue, he would stay, and immediately ran and rushed out. To the inn.

Su Chen couldn't laugh or cry after seeing this scene, very helpless.

What's wrong with Guan Lao Tzu, this special mother? It's obviously that Liu Erye did it well! !

Moreover, the previous ones are obviously based on false transmissions, the more exaggerated the transmissions, the latter ones are even more exaggerated. Why do you want Jiang Sheng and Cheng Song to kill your Nine Clan if I am upset?

Su Chen was almost laughing to death when he heard this. Why do people now misunderstand him so deeply?

However, after he shook his head, he waited helplessly for Jiang Sheng and the others. He didn't bother to clarify this kind of thing.

An hour later, it was dark before Jiang Sheng and others returned.

A large group of people returned with piles of dry wood, piled up on the lobby, although some were already covered with frost, as long as they were not completely frozen, the problem was not too big.

After all these days of heavy snowfall, it is impossible to find the perfect dry wood.

"OK, OK, Eribati, move up, ready for my showtime!"

Su Chen greeted everyone to quickly move the firewood to the counter, and then put out various items for making grilled chicken wings.

What kind of grill, brush, fork, honey, cumin, chili, emmm, mustard, etc. Everyone who looked at it was almost dumbfounded.

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