The Strongest Demon-hunting System in the City

Chapter 1647: Nine pole meteorite!

"Are you looking down on us?"

"Huh, it's just a mere 30,000 years, so don't be so arrogant!"


"So what do you think?"


"Yes, do you think it is necessary?"

"Look, what is this thing?!!!" Su Chen said with a bright look.

As Su Chen's words fell, Chen Lao, Xiaobi, Tang Ransheng, and Cao Mengde all focused their attention on Su Chen alone.

As soon as he finished his words, Su Chen immediately took out a golden royal object with dazzling golden glow in the middle of a wave of his hand.

A wave of domineering and awe-inspiring majesty suddenly rippled away, and suddenly what appeared was the tiger charm of the dynasty that ruled the three armies!

Under the coercion of the tiger charm of the dynasty, those with weaker strength will have difficulty breathing. It is a necessary item for the emperor of each generation of the Great Xia Dynasty to command the three armies.

Here is a world respected by martial arts, and those who obtain this dynasty tiger talisman should have the right to subdue countless thousands of troops!

Those who see this tiger talisman should be like seeing a contemporary emperor!

"Dynasty Tiger Symbol!!"

Immediately, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed in unison.

Su Chen immediately raised a smile proudly, it was naturally rare that he used the "beautiful male trick" to finally get Concubine Shu to steal from the palace.

But this Emperor Xuanhe would never have imagined that this majestic tiger charm actually stole the concubine he once loved the most!

Old Chen also nodded solemnly, "With this dynasty tiger symbol, we will have the ability to control the lifeline of the entire dynasty, and everything will be safe and sound."

Tang Ransheng also nodded. Although he was not from the Daxia dynasty, this dynasty tiger charm has always been eye-catching in all dynasties, and he has heard of it.

"Huh, then Xiao Bi can feel more relieved." Xiao Bi was also relieved with a sigh of relief.

She knew that her son was definitely not the kind of person who made decisions blindly without chance!


At this time, Cao Mengde spoke. He touched his beard and raised his doubts.

Su Chen smiled and followed Cao Mengde's words, "It's just that, it's not me who commands the three armies and controls the lifeline of the entire dynasty, but needs someone else. This person also needs to have some insight into the army! "

Su Chen quickly said what Cao Mengde wanted to say, and cast him a glance of approval.

As expected, Cao Mengde, the hero of the Three Kingdoms, really saw the worries in his heart.

Those who control the three armies under the command of the Tiger Talisman of the Dynasty need not only the strength and the ability to suppress the unconvinced riots, but also the understanding and insight into the military.

This condition is more stringent.

Jiang Sheng and Lu Fangli may be very qualified, but they are still in a coma at this time, so they can't.

Although Tang Ransheng was also very powerful, he didn't know anything about the situation in the army, so he couldn't.

As for Cao Mengde, Chen Lao, Xiaobi, let alone, they are not the best candidates.

Therefore, at this time they were a little worried, and they all frowned slightly.

"Lord, let me come!"

At this time, an old and strong voice came from the depths of the room.

Everyone followed the prestige and saw Old General Cheng Song slowly walking out, his eyes firm and powerful, and he couldn't see how he was seriously injured before.

"General Cheng, you woke up! Are you injured?" Su Chen asked with some worry.

"The old man woke up when the imperial decree came, and the injury was not serious. After lying down for so long, the old man's body is already in good condition. At this time, he just lacks the candidate to lead the three armies. You must stand up, otherwise you won’t defeat the wise old man I?!!!"

Cheng Song said loudly and powerfully, his words were touching, and the high strength of Fei Xi's eighth rank was revealed.

Su Chen and Chen Lao looked at each other, and signaled him to go forward immediately to check Cheng Song's injuries again.

Afterwards, Old Chen turned around to report to Su Chen, with a hint of shock in his eyes, "Report to Young Master, General Cheng's injury is indeed no serious problem, but there is still a slight lack of recuperation."

"Since everything is okay, why not recuperate? Wouldn't it be a waste of time? The old man's body, the old man knows that there is no problem naturally!" Cheng Song immediately shouted after hearing it.

Su Chen and Xiaobi smiled at each other when they heard it, and then he nodded in acquiescence.

Because Emperor Xuanhe only had to go to the palace within three days, the time was also quite urgent, and there was no room for delay.

"Lord, Cheng has been in the army for many years and has had a lot of friendship with the generals. He knows a commander in chief. As long as you agree, I will be sure to come forward and convince him!" Cheng Song immediately said powerfully.

"How sure?" Su Chen asked immediately.

"Seven percent!!" Cheng Song replied quickly.

This answer is undoubtedly the greatest assurance.

After hearing this, Su Chen nodded solemnly, "Officially allowed!"

"Cheng Song thanked the lord!"

Cheng Song immediately saluted Su Chen after hearing it, and said with great joy and respect.

Then, Cheng Song solemnly received from Su Chen the solemn and sacred Emperor Tiger Talisman, which meant that it could command the three armies.

And Su Chen was also very relieved to let Cheng Song do such a big event, and he didn't worry that Cheng Song would swell to betrayal after getting the Tiger Talisman of the Dynasty.

After that, Cheng Song also hurriedly disguised himself and hurried out immediately.

Then, Su Chen also walked to the deepest part of this room alone.

This house was built secretly by his father, Su Jing, who spent a lot of money in secret, and has many unknown ‘magical powers’.

He came to the deepest point, here was just a white wall with nothing.

But if a special technique was used to seal the battle, a large number of formation patterns would immediately emerge on the white wall.

Immediately after that, a passage was suddenly opened, and it appeared bald in front of Su Chen.

Su Chen walked in without hesitation, the passage was not deep, and soon reached the innermost point.

This is obviously a very large cave, connected to another spiritual vein full of spiritual energy, and the space is so vast that it is impossible to imagine.

Moreover, the intensity of the spiritual energy here is many times stronger than that of the outside world, it is almost rare in the world, and the practice must be more effective with half the effort.

Moreover, this place is different from the outside world. Even if the outside is damaged, it will not be affected in the slightest.

It's really the best place to hide, take refuge, and practice!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for discovering an excellent training site. The training results are twice the result with half the effort. Now you only need to pay ten points to start the real training mode here. The training results will be improved again, and you can practice here for only 100 days. It's equivalent to a day outside!"

The words of the system sounded immediately, making Su Chen couldn't help but be overjoyed, and immediately agreed to the system's request.

Cultivating here for a hundred days is actually just equivalent to one day in the outside world, this is a rare one in the world!

He has three days of cultivation time here, which is comparable to other people's cultivation for a year!

Enough to make him stronger!

After that, after a roar in the cave, the aura here really became more intense, as if opening the door to a new world.

Su Chen became even more ecstatic, and immediately found an excellent practice site at will, and sat down cross-legged to start the practice.

In the last decisive battle with the iceberg woman, he forcibly broke through to the realm of flying breath in the moment of crisis. At this time, he has not yet consolidated the realm. This time there was a chance.

And he won the second change of the Thunder Palm of the Nine Transformations [Thunder Lion Transformation]. He hasn't had a chance to explore it. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he can just study it!

This time, Nalan Yande and the others dared to ask them to go alone. There must be a way to deal with them. Naturally, he could not take it lightly!

Su Chen sat down, and quickly entered the cultivation state with the convenience of the system, converging his take-off breath, and gradually began to incorporate a large amount of spiritual energy into his body.


Xuzhou, Longmen Inn.

Today's Longmen Inn is still open, Su Chen is not there, the five brothers and others are also sent to do some chores.

However, after obtaining Su Chen's consent, they will always start selling peerless delicacies.

The rules remain the same, with the poor and the common people first, and the rich, businessmen and landlords behind.

Although Su Chen was not there, the soldiers from Han Xin's side were helping, and everything would not be too busy.

All of this is managed by Mu Rouchun, the agent of Longmen Inn.

Longmen Inn is an extremely mysterious force. The diners here are mixed with all kinds of people. In the private rooms upstairs, there are many rich people living in them.

On the third floor, a thick seal was added, and everyone under the wing would be severely suppressed!

Coupled with the remnants that Su Chen found under the ground in the past, and the formation that existed in order to cover up a certain secret, this Longmen Inn can be said to be a lot of secrets!

Of course, the most mysterious thing in the Longmen Inn is the real shopkeeper, and the old dragon who has chosen each agent shopkeeper to take care of the business.

These two people, including the current generation of agent shopkeeper Mu Rouchun, are unheard of, unseen!

But until now, Mu Rouchun still vaguely remembered that he seemed to have met the old man!

However, after passing the test and officially becoming the agent shopkeeper of Longmen Inn, he passed out with his eyes.

When she woke up, all the memories of Lao Long and the previous Longmen Inn and those in power were erased!

Over the years, she has also given up careless thinking in order to take care of the Longmen Inn, which shows how remarkable this woman is.

Soon, there was a dispute between support and opposition to Su Chen in the Longmen Inn, and everyone placed their bets.

In the Longmen Inn, while the sale of peerless food was in full swing, he slowly walked into a man dressed in a black robe covering his figure from outside the door.

The men behaved sneakily, contrary to the crowd in the hall.

He sneaked up to the front desk quietly, and quietly said to Mu Rouchun, "Hurry up, bring me ten foods!" It seemed that the situation was very urgent, and it seemed that he could not delay.

"Hey, how come you are like this, it's really strange. They are all here to buy food. The line is the iron rules set by Master Su here. How dare you jump in the line?!!!"

"Yes, what's wrong with you, this is really strange!"

"In my opinion, it's better to blast him out quickly, so as not to affect my mood while waiting for the food."

The man heard that everyone around him began to reject him, and wanted to blast him out. He was anxious, and quickly removed the black robe, his face was brought by the former strong man in Shu who claimed to be Liu Erye. Jin Yi man.

It's just that the man in Jinyi was arrogant and domineering at first, not queuing up, and was severely taught by Su Chen. For this reason, after Jiang Sheng took the action, Liu Erye stopped after he admitted that he was invincible!

"Why are you again! You are not welcome here, please go out, and, next time, please come and follow the rules set by our Master Su." The leader of the five brothers said, frowned, and also gave him a face Complain.

"Five brothers, five brothers, please be kind. Now that life is a matter of life, please don't ignore yourself, hang up high!" The man in Jinyi was extremely anxious after hearing this, and he panicked and explained desperately. .

"Now that Liu Erye has something wrong, I bother you guys and sell my peerless delicacies!"


Hearing that Liu Erye, who was so powerful as to the ninth rank of Feixi, had an accident, everyone was a little lost.

These powerhouses are the powerhouses who can stand at the forefront of the military force of the Great Xia Dynasty and the entire world.


Moreover, this Liu Erye has a great background, and he is also a civil leader in Shuzhong, and is admired by people.

"In the old days, there was a severe drought in the central area of ​​Shu. The people were dying, crises broke out, and the imperial court was incapable. The saint was even more indifferent to this. Only then was it possible to resolve the crisis in Shu!"

In the past, Liu Erye used his own efforts to save the crisis in Shu, and now people have long regarded him as a hero.

And it has considerable prestige and belief among the people.

From this point of view, this Liu Erye's abilities are also outstanding, and he didn't expect to say something happened and something went wrong!

"Yes, now that Liu Erye is in trouble, I can't help but let's say, where is Liu Erye right now? Even if I can't solve the problem, I must be a little closer!"

"Hey!" The man in Jinyi sighed deeply after hearing this, and shook his head desperately, gradually tearing his eyes, "It's useless, Liu Erye's injury is now dying, and there are probably only these peerless people who can regain power. Good food!"

The words of the man in Jinyi are like a lightning strike in the hearts of everyone!

how do I say this?

The condition is so serious that it needs to rely on these peerless delicacies to have hope?

Everyone also sighed slightly and shook their heads, sighing for the leader who is about to lose a prestige and authority in this world and who truly paid for the people.

"If this is the case, then we still have to do a little bit for the second master, and I will be happy to pay fifty taels of silver for free!"

"Yes, count me one share, I will pay one hundred taels!"

"I have thirty taels!"

"I have twenty taels!"


"Thank you for your kindness! Thank you for your gratitude." The man in Jin Yi quickly bowed his hands to everyone with a weeping face to show his gratitude.

"Yes, Master Su said that these peerless delicacies are not omnipotent. They have only one chance for each person, and they must be reversed. Too much consumption may cause backlash!" The boss of the five brothers spoke again, sighing. Is full of regrets.

"How can this happen?!!!"

The man in Jinyi seemed to be struck by five thunders. After listening to it, he lost his senses, his body weakened and he fell directly to the ground.

"How is this possible? The peerless delicacy invented by Master Su is clearly omnipotent!"

"Yes, what happened last time my wife came here, but I only ate a little grilled chicken wings and it was all right!"

"Yes, you are obviously not willing to sell it to Liu Erye!"

"Profit merchants, you are all big profiteers!"

"That is, a gangster, just taking away the wealth of the rich!"

Immediately, the power of public opinion on the front desk immediately overwhelmed the five brothers and others who were in charge of the sales. The situation was critical and it was difficult to converge.

"Wait! Everyone, calm down!"

Seeing that the situation was irreversible, Mu Rouchun, as the agent shopkeeper, naturally couldn't wait to die. When even playing the role of her own powerful strength in the realm of flying breath, the situation stabilized when she forced the formation of coercion!

"Mr., please calm down, I still have another way to save the second master, that is, I can only tell you one person, please come with me!"

The eldest of the five brothers hurriedly helped the man in Jin Yi and said quickly.

"Really?!!!" After hearing this, the man in Jinyi was very surprised and looked horrified. "Tell me quickly, tell me quickly, as long as we can save the second master, we are willing to pay any price!"

The boss nodded, then turned his head and said to others, "Second, third, fourth, fifth, you and the other brothers and treasurer Mu will take care of this place, I will leave first!"

After speaking, the boss quickly pulled the man in Jinyi out of the Longmen Inn and galloped all the way.

And after the boss and the man in Jin Yi left, everything returned to its previous appearance.

Then Mu Rouchun and others manage everything in the Longmen Inn.

In the lobby, those who bet are still betting, and those who collect money are still collecting money.

Ten miles after leaving the inn, the eldest of the five brothers stopped after confirming that no one was following him.

"Huh? This is what you said to save the second master?" Jin Yi Nan couldn't help frowning when the boss had stopped, and asked.

"What do you mean?"

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