"Jiuyou's imprisonment will eventually end from today, break it for me!"

"Fuck, so terrible energy swept through, what's the situation?"

"No way, Jiuyou is about to awaken!"

"how can that be!"

"No reason!"

Immediately, Su Chen quickly completed a lap, shaped like a silver lightning, and quickly came to the foot of the mountain track for the second lap!

Looking at Su Chen's "swish" of smoke, it passed directly, and the King of Xijiang and everyone were dumbfounded. His situation simply peaked their cognition.

"Your Majesty, do you really want him to successfully complete the game and win the championship?" The national teacher standing by the king's complexion turned a little gloomy and slowly said to the king of Xijiang.

"Then, according to the opinion of the national teacher?" When the king of Xijiang heard this, he showed a little thought.

"As long as the king agrees, I can arrange it!!"

The teacher sneered slightly and said calmly.

Immediately, the King of Xijiang also nodded slightly in acquiescence, and then said, "In addition, how is the situation at the border of the Xia Dynasty now? Is it really a gathering of hundreds of wing-makers?"

"Return to your Majesty, I am afraid that this matter is not easy to tell, there is no news for the time being." The national teacher frowned slightly and replied.

At the same time, Master Nanshan's expression also showed a slight strange light, but it was only a moment, but it still made him shine, and Fang once again Su Chen's gaze had never been removed.

At this moment, Su Chen had already passed the foothill race track again, easily bypassed the numerous obstacles, and came to the foothill again.

"Te Niang, why are there so many obstacles than before? Isn't this plainly aimed at me?"

Su Chen scolded, although he still passed through easily, but the increasing difficulty also made him frown.

But he still stomped on the accelerator and rushed to the mountainside track directly at the limit.

At this time, his eyes were constantly changing with endless obstacles on the track, but without exception, he was easily passed by his fancy operations.

If it is to talk about technology, Su Chen is indeed very good, giving people a sense of shock before the eyes. At this time, Master Nanshan could not help showing a trace of appreciation, but it was still very light.

He felt that Su Chen was not enough. He also wanted to see Su Chen's more extreme skills. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The three-foot green stick in his hand gently touched the ground, and there was a circle of ripples. Spread away.

The mountainside also changed rapidly at this moment. Although it was very inconspicuous, the track changed drastically in just an instant!

At the same time, Su Chen had already galloped all the way, arrived at the halfway point of the mountain, and was sprinting towards the top of the mountain!

However, Su Chen also felt the strangeness at this moment, and quickly discovered the changes in the terrain, immediately frowned and slowed down.

"When did this track change? This shady is too much!" Su Chen frowned.

But at this time, the track in front of him did not know when it turned into a rugged five-round turn extreme track. The requirements were extremely demanding, and the corners were extremely limited. One accident was to fall off the cliff and drink hate!

"This is really super difficult, it is really exciting, maybe this section is the place to decide the outcome!" Someone exclaimed.

"That's right, these five consecutive extreme corners are extremely demanding for drivers. I am afraid that only a few extremes can pass smoothly. It also proves that only the strongest one is worthy of winning the first place!"

"When he came here, even the Xia Dynasty envoy couldn't help but slow down. I'm afraid this is also a big problem for him!"

"It's hard to say, if he doesn't cheat, maybe even he can't get through it easily!"

But Su Chen also sneered immediately, showing a confident smile, turning his head to face the co-pilot, "Yu Yan, sit down!"

When Su Chen said this, Lu Yuyan couldn't help but changed her delicate face slightly. She squeezed her seat and quickly checked whether the seat belt that Su Chen had fastened to her had been loosened.

At the next moment, everyone was scared and silly, I am afraid this is an operation only for lunatics! !

Su Chen suddenly stepped on the gas pedal, and the car broke out to the limit of speed in an instant, like a silver lightning quickly shuttled between the mountain roads and passed the first scimitar smoothly.

But this extreme drift process is also full of countless details, and every place is full of extreme detail operations.

"Impossible. This is a five-chain turn. If he drifts in the same way as before, the next sharp turn will inevitably fall down the mountain uncontrollably due to track problems. !"

"This time I am afraid that he will really suffer a loss, and this world will even lose a genius ‘God Horse’ rider!"

Many people shook their heads one after another, feeling that this is impossible!

And this is exactly what Master Nanshan hopes to see, what he needs is a miracle, a miracle beyond all, and only in this way can he gain the sight of his Dharma!

At this time, Su Chen had already entered the second emergency turn immediately, but at this time, after experiencing the stimulus just now, not only was he not nervous, but he became more excited, and his blood was boiling.

"Isn't it a continuous emergency bending? Open your dog eyes and see Ben Xiu'er's Tianxiu operation clearly. This wave is super handsome. I want one hundred thousand likes. If there is no one hundred thousand likes, I stand upside down. head!!"

Su Chen suddenly roared, the sound resounded throughout the mountain, spread across the entire track, but it was also slightly astonished. What is 100,000 likes?

But they only needed it. Su Chen didn't achieve the goal and just wash his hair upside down. For this reason, many people showed their faces full of jokes and playfulness, and some people shook their heads and sighed slightly.

A faint smile overflowed from the corner of Su Chen's mouth. He looked straight ahead at the emergency corner that was about to reach his eyes, but he didn't panic and his hands didn't shake. He immediately clicked on the DVD player in the car without any waves. A song of "Drift" by Jay!

At the same time, the loudspeaker and loudspeaker functions were also turned on, and Jay's exciting and exciting "Drift" immediately spread in all directions, resounding through everyone's ears.

"Added enough horsepower, rush to the end, look carefully

From zero to one hundred kilometers, who would dare to be my enemy...

I use the first person, I am drifting youth

The scale of winning and losing is calculated accurately

I set foot on the hot wheels, drifting youth...

Stomping on the accelerator is a matter of honor...

Gone, Gone, Gone proudly

I walked around the mountainside, the rain knocked

Have to float, proudly float

When I drive into the tunnel again, the sound of the wind is grim...

A beautiful and emotional "Drift" resounded through the sky, and many people were immediately mobilized. Some even directly changed the most powerful illusion and hurried out directly in the passionate singing.

"Gone to float, to float, to float, to float, to float..."

The sound of music came from the sound far away, echoing in the mountains and the clouds.

The onlookers even listened a little sluggishly, their eyes widened, it's the time, still in the mood to release the music?

"There are so many functions of this "Shenju"!"

"It's unbelievable that the music can still appear, but it sounds a bit strange. I can't clearly hear what I'm singing, but it's very emotional and sweet!"

"However, I think he is desperate. Before he dies, I want to put on a piece of music to cheer him up, hahaha!"

Although everyone watching could not help being affected by this song "Drift", they were a little bit dumbfounded. Although they were a little enjoyable, they still cared about Su Chen's ultimate operation!

At the same time, under the loud noise of "Boom", there was a sudden change in the distance behind Su Chen, and the left prince wanted to quickly turn the corner like Su Chen.

But at that moment, the right prince’s Juxian came, and the right prince quickly rushed to the front under a powerful illusion, and when he passed on the narrow mountain road, he just hit the hapless left prince.

The unlucky left prince immediately trembled violently. In an instant, even the man and the horse flew out and flew directly down the cliff. The precious horse horse that was riding was also completely deformed, like a ball of scrap iron.

This incident also reminded the king Chu Liuyun and the Northern Prince who were still ahead of the right prince.

Everyone also began to become vigilant, not only speeding through the track, but also being always on guard against those around them.

"I'm going, the Xia Dynasty messenger has accelerated again!!!"

Someone immediately turned their eyes back to Su Chen, and suddenly exclaimed.

"It's impossible. With the method just now, no matter how detailed it is, it's impossible to go around the corner to the limit!"

"This guy is going to lose control, it looks like something is going to happen!"

Everyone once again focused their gazes on Su Chen, both nervous and anticipating, and they even felt like a lunatic.


Su Chen saw a violent whistling wind blowing around him. Su Chen turned the steering wheel abruptly, with a sharp flash, and instantly rushed to the position of the inward curve, close to the edge of the mountain, swiftly running through the clouds.

Everyone who saw it was slightly startled, a little surprised.

"Although this position is very detailed and limited, it does not seem to have a big effect. He will definitely be thrown out at this speed later!"


At this moment, the wheels of Su Chen's God of War GTR made a muffled noise. It was not a puncture, but a wheel on one side plunged into a piece of grass in the mountain road at a very fast speed!

And the grass was a little lower than the mountain road, and it formed a pure natural drainage ditch. Su Chen's row of tires sank and immediately made everyone's eyes glaring.

"I'm afraid something will happen!" someone exclaimed.

But the next moment, everyone's voice suddenly stopped!


A sharp brake pierced the silent sky, resounding all around, extremely harsh!

Su Chen's car drifted steadily from the inward curve at that moment, the rear wheels quickly moved inward, drawing a perfect arc on the ground, and the front of the car followed the inward curve smoothly and fast, like a lightning bolt. Pass by like an instant!


The audience was silent at once, and there was only a row of neatly gasped voices!

Everyone was dumbfounded immediately, it was incredible!

"This... how is this possible?!!!"

"How can this extreme speed be even more extreme and stable than the first scimitar? Why!"

"That's right, one side of his ‘smart horse’ was already hung in the air just now, and the other side was still stuck in the grass. How could it be possible!"

Su Chen immediately raised a smug smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Lao Tzu, this legendary drainage ditch drifting and turning, how can you wait for these frogs at the bottom of the well to understand? Lao Tzu grew up looking at the initial D, otherwise how can he be called the famous autumn mountain bike god?!!!"

And the one who was going to stand upside down and eat flying, his face suddenly turned black, feeling a little weird, his face looked ugly like a fly swallowing.

"Ahem, I didn't say anything just now, it's not me who is going to swallow upside down, don't you admit the wrong person!"

And everything happened extremely fast, but only a few breaths away.

Su Chen smiled indifferently, looked at Lu Yuyan, who was still a little frightened, patted her shoulder lightly, "Yuyan, relax!"

Seeing Lu Yuyan nodded, Su Chen smiled and slammed the accelerator, swiftly driving towards the next curve that was already approaching.


Entering the road urgently, he once again swiftly slid a row of wheels out of the mountain road, and then the steering wheel slammed, and his right foot quickly stepped on the brake and accelerator.


There was another sharp and harsh sound echoing the cliffs, and the car turned quickly and smoothly in an instant, without any reduction in speed!

At this time, in addition to being full of shock, everyone watching had already begun to react somewhat.

"No, he must be deliberate!" Someone Ming Wu suddenly exclaimed.

"Yes, this guy deliberately slid the side of the ‘Shenju’ out of the mountain road, in fact, to use the small ditch outside the mountain road to involve the ‘Shenju’!

"It's really amazing. I didn't expect that there is this kind of method that can be used to corner quickly at the limit. It really refreshed our horizons!"

At this time, Diao Sequoia had already come to an urgent curve. He had already remembered all the scenes of Su Chen's operations in his mind.

In order to quickly catch up with the Northern Prince and the Right Prince, in order to be able to get a higher ranking, he had no other choice but to imitate Su Chen's method and quickly imitate the corner!

But he had forgotten that the reason why Su Chen can drift smoothly is because the steering wheel and the accelerator brake mechanism cooperate, and the most important thing is that his tires are rubber and elastic!

And their **** horse tires are all made of pure metal. If they want to drift, it is no different from looking for death!

After the "boom", Diao Sequoia pinched the seal and changed the speed. He controlled the horse, sliding one side out of the mountain path, and the other side also learning to slide into the grass.

But the next moment, Shenju Metal’s tire was accidentally cut off by the grass, and the mountain road was chopped by the metal tire! !

Accompanied by a muffled sound of "bang", together with a series of crushed rocks splashing into the sky, the sequoia carving horse suddenly broke away from his control, immediately lost control, and suddenly flew towards the outside of the mountain. Flew out directly!

Everyone was shocked and pale!

Even Master Nanshan raised his brows slightly, watching this scene happen with some shock.

"How can this be? Why can that guy do it, but I can't carve a redwood?!!!"

Diao Sequoia exhaled in shock, and at this time the entire divine horse had already flown out of the air, which was already useless!

And Su Chen naturally closed this scene in his eyes, stopped the car suddenly, and after a short pause, he quickly stuck his head out of the car window and waved to the carved red cedar flying out behind him.

"Comrade, are you going to heaven? Are you side by side with the sun? Remember to say hello to the sun for me! If you are dead, don't forget my magic secrets!"

Su Chen smiled trivially triumphantly, contemptuously and jokingly, and mixed with playfulness. After he yelled at Carved Sequoia, the Carved Sequoia was so angry that she was about to die on the spot, and he slammed the accelerator.


Immediately, Su Chen went through the fourth curve again, and a series of movements were as before, in one go.

Su Chen's tires are made of rubber, but their magic horse is pure metal. If they want to imitate deliberately, they will definitely steal the rice!

In the end, under a series of extreme operations, Su Chen passed the final curve smoothly, and once again drifted sideways and crossed the urgent obstacle. It was perfect and cool!

Then, he took out a grilled chicken wing and gnawed comfortably, the speed suddenly increased, and once again turned into a silver lightning galloping fast!

The right prince, who was thrown far behind him, took this scene in his eyes, very displeased, and even felt that his IQ was insulted to a certain extent!

Perhaps the opponent was bound to win this championship from the very beginning, and didn't care about his promise to him to retire!

The right prince immediately took out Su Chen's grilled chicken wings and gnawed suddenly, and the quick-freeze suddenly increased sharply. He quickly pinched the illusion technique secret to control the Juxian at his feet, and swiftly swept forward to chase Su Chen!

But he still refused to admit defeat and quickly ate up all the grilled chicken wings. With the speed of dozens of grilled chicken wings superimposed, his speed was already close to Su Chen infinitely, and maybe even a little bit faster.

"That's it? No way!"

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