The Strongest Demon-hunting System in the City

Chapter 1839: The tear of the fourth layer!

"The story will start to get interesting when it gets here!"

"Yeah, everything has just begun, the previous three levels are just an appetizer!"

"But I didn't expect them to survive now!"

Afterwards, after Su Chen finished bathing and changing clothes, he immediately went to the palace to complete the handover ceremony for promotion. This time, Li Yingshuang was still presided over by himself.

"Master Su, work hard!" Grandpa Li smiled slightly, stroked that frosty beard, and handed him the handsome seal carved from jade and ice jade.

This handsome seal looks extremely domineering, and the sculpture on it is an unknown fierce beast, majestic, majestic and majestic.

And there seems to be a hidden charm on it, others can't see it, but Su Chen's own system can be seen at a glance.

"Thank Grandpa Li, long live the emperor long live long live long live!" Su Chen respectfully accepted the Shuai Yin with his respectful hands.

"Ding, I found a treasure seal. The current level is unknown. After the host's strength increases, I will explore it by myself. Wearing it on my body will increase my luck by ten points!" The system prompt sounded abruptly.

"Oh? Can you increase the lucky value? Not bad!" Su Chen was also delighted when he heard it. This kind of thing that can increase the lucky value is very rare in the system, and even if it does, it is too expensive.

Sometimes the success or failure of things depends on this little luck!

Then, after completing some tedious things, Su Chen finally completed all the rituals thoroughly.

"That's the time to form an envoy camp." Su Chen pondered a little in the barracks, and finally decided.

He originally wanted to go there alone, so that not only would he personally pretend to be a force, but it would also be more difficult to show his majesty and prestige.

However, in this way, it is a bit difficult for him to single-handedly break into the Western Frontier. All the illusionists in the Western Frontier are sinister and cunning, and this will even increase the difficulty for him to complete the task.

"You, you, you, and you, go out and listen to the order!" Su Chen finally selected several generals after the military camp headquarters.

These three generals are all generals who have led or personally participated in the war with the West Jiang Kingdom, and have accumulated some experience with the illusionists of the Xijiang Kingdom.

His negotiating team should not be too large, otherwise he will not show sincerity. These three generals, one is a veteran of Tier VI, one is a middle-aged general of Tier III, and one is only more than thirty. He has already cultivated his peak at the age of.

After thinking about it, Su Chen decided that it was enough to send these three people to follow, and the main reason was that these three people had a relatively clean foundation and were not under Nalan Yande's or had something to do with Nalan Yande. people.

"The three of you are following the order, you will be envoys to the West of Xinjiang with this general this time. As for the reason, I think you are also clear in your heart. Please sign up!" Su Chen looked at the three people standing respectfully in front of him and said slowly.

"Subordinates, Lu Fangli, see the general!" The strongest and oldest general immediately knelt down respectfully.

"Subordinate, Bi Xing, see the general!" Then, the middle-aged general also knelt on one knee.

"Subordinates, Zhao Yu, see the general!" The last one was the younger general of the peak Xiu Dan!

"Yes, let's get up. If a major event can be achieved this time, you will definitely have a lot of merits, and this general will give you some good things before going out!" Su Chen nodded slightly and smiled.

Then, Su Chen took out three servings of Snow King Shaved Ice and Snow King Iced Drink, and grilled chicken wings.

"One serving per person, don't have to be polite with me, just treat it as a small meeting ceremony!" Su Chen said slowly.

Since this mission will be dangerous, you can't be stingy with this little thing, and he sent people to find out the foundation of these three people, they are undoubtedly clean, and they are all loyal and loyal to the court.

"Thank you, my lord!" The three of them were very excited when they saw that Su Chen gave them these food as an inspiration, and thanked them in unison.

"It's okay, just eat, so you can get on the road." Su Chen smiled slightly.

Afterwards, the three of them all looked satisfied and ecstatic after eating the food. Veteran Lu Fangli also reached the seventh stage of Feixi, and Bi Xing also reached the fourth stage of Feixi.

And the happiest person was Zhao Yu, who had been wandering around the peak of Dan for some time.

Immediately, Su Chen and the others prepared what they needed, and after sending a letter to Xijiang State for negotiation, they set out on their way.

After a little thought, Su Chen finally decided to go to Xuzhou and ask Shang Jiang Sheng to go with him, so that he would be safer.

If the Xijiang Kingdom really wants to kill or use some conspiracy, they can also have the power to retreat.

Immediately, Su Chen and others also rushed to Xuzhou from the capital.

After coming to Xuzhou, it is still so lively here, even if there are zombies everywhere outside, and there is even the risk of attacking the city at any time, there is still a constant influx of people.

Just to be able to buy Su Chen's magical food in this troubled world!

Su Chen led the people all the way to the Longmen Inn. The business of the inn was still so hot, and the queues to buy Su Chen's delicacies were still queued outside, very hot.

When they came to the first floor of Longmen Inn and saw the magnificent and magnificent scene on the first floor, Lu Fangli and the three were also surprised.

The three of them are very loyal and unwilling to join forces with Nalan Yande and others. They were not only demoted but also not reused in the dynasty. They were guarded in the capital all the year round, so naturally they could not come into contact with the novel things like Su Chen.

"Well, our shop will start now, and we will not sell all food!" A domineering voice echoed in the huge Longmen Inn lobby.

Everyone turned their heads full of resentment, puzzled and angry.

Who are you? You, do you think you can't sell if you don't sell it?

Ma Dan, the long queue that I've been in for so long finally arrives, so you can't sell it?

Everyone swept their faces and looked out the door.

"I said if I didn't sell it, I wouldn't sell it. Who would dare to give me an opinion?" The domineering voice echoed again, and Su Chen walked into the front desk of the inn with the domineering and chic.

"No, it's Master Su who is back!" Someone exclaimed immediately!

"My God, it's really Su Master. I heard that he only used one move in the capital to kill the high-level Mo Jie Mountain with the strength of pill cultivation!"

"More than that, I also heard that Lord Su was promoted to the second rank general by the emperor, and this time I will bring someone out to negotiate with the Western Xinjiang!"

Someone kept screaming out in exclamation, and some people who had originally wanted to make a mistake saw that it was Su Chen immediately lowered their heads and did not dare to say anything.

"Okay, let me go all the way, this shop will stop the sale of food!" Su Chen glanced at the people Ling Ran and immediately, with a wave of his hand, all the food was returned to the system.

"My lord, you are so anxious to come back, are you rushing to Xijiang?" Jiang Sheng asked quickly when he saw this, and Cheng Song immediately cast a puzzled look.

"Well, that's right, Jiang Sheng, you will go ahead with me right now, and I will feel at ease if you are there. If Cheng Song, you should hurry back to the capital and stay in my mansion for a few days, guarding Su Chen. , I'm afraid Nalan Yande will make some waves when I'm not here!"

Su Chen whispered to the two of them, avoiding everyone's eyes and ears.

"No!" Jiang Sheng and Cheng Song immediately responded in unison.

"Everyone, from now on, Longmen Inn will no longer sell my peerless delicacies. As for when will they be sold again, just wait for my news!" Su Chen faced the crowd, his eyes and breath spreading like the people of the world. Out.

"Ah, how can this be done, but after waiting for three days and three nights, I didn't sell it if I couldn't buy it?" a young man yelled.

"Young man, keep your voice down. No matter what your status is, you'd better shut up. Complaining is terrible!" The kind-hearted person immediately reminded the person, which made the person calm down.

"My lord, this is the total income these days, you can count it!" Cheng Song handed over plate after plate of gold ingots, plate after plate of silver ingots and some silver bills to Su Chen's hands.

"In addition, I have paid her all the dividends of treasurer Mu these days." Cheng Song added.

"Okay, good job. Seeing that General Cheng is so bold and loyal, you must be indispensable when I Su Fei Huang Tengda!" Su Chen smiled slightly and patted Cheng Song on the shoulder!

"Master Xie!" Cheng Song responded excitedly.

"Okay, it's time to set off." Su Chen glanced at Jiang Sheng, Lu Fangli and the others slowly.

Immediately, Su Chen and others were slowly preparing to leave in the eyes of everyone.

"Master Su, please stay!"

As soon as Su Chen and the others left with their front feet, a familiar voice from Su Chen came from behind, which was very sweet.

When Su Chen looked back, it was the red hair, the face of Lu Yuyan, who was extremely beautiful, flushed slightly.

"Oh? Girl Yuyan, your injury is healed, when did you come to the inn?" Su Chen looked at Lu Yuyan and smiled slightly.

And Cheng Song also looked dazed, startled, he also didn't know when Lu Yuyan came to the inn.

"Well, they are all cured, but my lord, can you bring Yuyan with you this time on your mission to Xijiang?" Lu Yuyan said with a serious face.

"Oh? Then do you know that there will be a certain risk in going to the West Xinjiang Nation this time? It may even be impossible to avoid a fierce battle with the insidious and cunning West Xinjiang Nation!" Su Chen couldn't help laughing immediately when he heard it. Up.

The Western Frontier Kingdom is located in the western part of the Shenzhou Continent. It is located on the border and the land is barren. The people of the Western Frontier there are illusionist, and the strength is even unpredictable.

However, due to lack of resources and poor land, the Western Frontier State often went to war with the great resource power in the east of the Daxia Dynasty. After repeated trials, each dynasty never gave up, and now it wants to cause an uproar in the troubled times.

And Su Chen and the others also marched westward, along the shortest route to the border of the Great Xia Dynasty, and took the large teleportation array.

"Those who come will stop, this place is the border of my Great Xia Dynasty. If there is no customs clearance document, you are not allowed to go out without authorization!"

When Su Chen and the others passed this last city, the short-eyed guardian directly brought Su Chen and the others down.

This person is only more than 20 years old. He is obviously a young lieutenant, and his father is the main general.

This person looks arrogant, looks domineering, and even feels contemptuous and disdainful of waiting for others.

"Come on, if there is no customs clearance certificate, then you only need to deliver enough silver taels to leave the city, one hundred taels per person, hurry up!"

This person stood proudly on the city wall, looking down at Su Chen and the others, arrogantly, seeing that Su Chen and the others were very well-dressed, it must have been a big family who came up directly and opened his mouth.

And that appearance is very conspicuous, and I usually do this kind of thing.

"Damn, I'm so impatient, I dare to block my way, Jiang Sheng!"

Su Chen was also very puzzled when he saw this person. He didn't expect that his reputation was so big that there were still people who didn't know him. He immediately glared at Jiang Sheng and said coldly, indicating that he was ready to teach a lesson.

"My lord, I don't need Master Jiang to do it, it's enough to come down!" The middle-aged general, Bi Xing, frowned when he saw him, and immediately rushed.

"Dog things have eyes but no beads, I don't even know General Su!"

Bi Xing didn't talk nonsense, immediately a flying body, relying on the strength of the fourth order of the flying breath, directly boarded the city wall.

The young lieutenant defending the city was immediately stunned. He didn't expect that Bi Xing was so strong that he would come up before he could defend the opponent.

And after Bi Xing went up, he didn't say anything else, and directly gave the young lieutenant who was arrogant and domineering the young lieutenant a big ear, and scolded angrily, obviously this person has a hot personality.

"Original, it turned out to be General Su, cough cough, it's the little one who doesn't know Mount Tai, and doesn't know Mount Tai. Open the gate and welcome Master Su!"

After Bi Xing slapped a big ear, the young lieutenant became honest.

Rubbing his eyes, after seeing Su Chen's appearance again, he forced a smile on his face and forced a smile to order.

This young lieutenant was used to being arrogant in defending the city, and he was slapped up by Bi Xing before he woke up. Although he was at the border, he still knew who Su Chen was.

"Hmph, get acquainted next time." Su Chen snorted coldly, and the one who took Jiang Sheng and the others strode into the city gate.

In fact, he was still a little puzzled, he had made such a movement, and there were still people who could not recognize his face. What a shame!

Is it because you are not handsome enough? Impossible, I am definitely not the kind of person who has nothing but handsome!

After that, Su Chen and the others didn't slack off either, they quickly skipped the city and came directly to the teleportation formation.

"Oh, it turned out that General Su came here. It is the old man's fault that he failed to welcome him far in advance!"

Just as Su Chen and the others arrived at the teleportation formation leading to Xijiang in the city, an old voice came from behind them.

This person has a square face, but his appearance is amiable, and he is not tall but does not look like a rickety at all. This person is the father of the previous young lieutenant and the main guard of the city.

"It's okay. When I hurried, it would be inconvenient to talk to you with the general, but if there is an emergency, you will shout at the bottom, and the general will listen to the order to open the gate to meet Su."

Su Chen smiled slightly, arched his hand towards this person, and said calmly.

"My lord, as long as you get past this large teleportation formation, you can leave the border area of ​​my direction!!" Jiang Sheng said slowly.

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