"September Search, there are many ways of wind, do you say that I am in control of the ways, or do I just let kindness and benefit be good?"

"Do whatever you want, do whatever you want!"

"Then, this is what you said!"

Su Chen, Lu Yuyan and Tang Ransheng then walked down the God of War GTR and entered the Longmen Inn under the shocking gaze of everyone.

The Longmen Inn hasn't changed a bit, it still looks like what he had created before, and when Su Chen came in, the whole atmosphere changed suddenly. It was obvious that everyone was even more surprised that the person who came in turned out to be Su Chen who envoyed to Xijiang!

"Unexpectedly, Master Su actually came back alive!!" Someone couldn't help exclaiming on the spot, with a look of surprise, but the person who realized that he had said something wrong also quickly covered his mouth.

At this time, Mu Rouchun was not in front of the counter, I am afraid he went to a place he didn't know, and secretly contacted the mysterious person behind the Dragon Gate Inn!

And this Longmen Inn was much larger than it showed, and it was not as simple as it appeared on the surface. Su Chen's unknowingly illusion in the underground chamber was enough to explain it!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully completing the negotiation during the mission to the Western Xinjiang Kingdom, and for several consecutive waves to force me to show off my great summer, and retreat with a chic and handsome body, perfectly completing the challenge mission!"

"Ding, this task evaluation: A grade, great job! Get a task reward of 250 points, 1,500 experience points, a gold-level treasure chest!"

When Su Chen walked into the Dragon Gate Inn, the system's task completion prompt sounded immediately, and the task was perfectly completed and a gold-level treasure chest was obtained!

Su Chen smiled and walked straight into the Longmen Inn in a swift stride, ignoring everyone's surprised eyes.

At this time, above the front desk were the five brothers who had previously made Snow King shaved ice and other delicacies for him. At this time, they couldn't help being surprised when they saw Su Chen's return.

"My lord!!" The five brothers couldn't help shouting in unison.

Su Chen smiled and nodded, and waved, "Since I have come back, I don't need to be stunned. I should make the Snow King's shaved ice and restore the previous sales!"

"Yes!!" The five brothers responded in unison, with a look of ecstasy, and immediately got busy.

"The son!!"

At this time, a beautiful sound like the waves on the seaside rang from the Longmen Inn, a sound that Su Chen was extremely familiar with!

Su Chen looked for the voice, and when he found that wonderful and sweet voice, a soft body instantly plunged into his arms.

He looked down, and as he expected, it was his favorite maid, Xiao Bi!

"Xiaobi thought she would never see the son again!" Xiaobi said coquettishly in Su Chen's arms.

Xiaobi blushed and threw himself into Su Chen's arms with a surprised look. She acted like her, her petite body made Su Chen's heart warm, and she smiled slightly.

Su Chen smiled and gently stroked Xiaobi's head, as if a big brother had reunited for many years and had not seen his sister today.

Xiaobi's face was joyful, blushing and reluctant to get up in Su Chen's arms, acting like a jealousy, he was very reluctant to Su Chen.

"Okay, get up soon." Su Chen smiled slightly and gently stroked Xiaobi's head.

Immediately, Xiaobi stood up reluctantly and saw the deep concern for Su Chen on his face. Her shy face was as red and tender as a peach, and she looked at Su Chen, who was beside him, Lu Yuyanzhi, who was beautiful and unparalleled. Not only did Shi reveal a trace of doubt, but the whole person was stunned, as if he had suffered a bolt from the blue.

But Xiaobi was very smart, and the shock quickly passed through her eyes, and she couldn't help but set her gaze on Lu Yuyan's beauty like a wild goose. She slightly looked at Lu Yuyan, and then smiled in her small face.

"My son, who is this?" Xiaobi asked with a slight smile, her voice very sweet, with the sweetness of a girl, which made people feel very comfortable.

Su Chen smiled slightly, but did not evade, and directly replied to Xiaobi: "This is Yu Yan, who is the niece of Xuzhou guard Cheng Song, emmmm, can be counted as my half apprentice."

When Lu Yuyan heard the words, his gaze fell on Xiaobi's body immediately, and she smiled gently and decently, beautiful and comfortable, and nodded slowly.

"That's it..." Xiaobi listened, the expression on her face eased a lot, and she smiled lightly in her heart with a sigh of relief.

And Su Chen looked around and saw that there was an old man with white beard standing behind Xiaobi at this time. He was the housekeeper in Su Mansion, and he was known as the ‘Holy Hand of the Capital’.

Old Chen received the great favor of his father Su Jing when he was young, and now he is loyal to Su Mansion. He is one of Su Chen's trustworthy people, and he is extremely skilled in medicine and good at detoxification. Perhaps Su Chen This time, I will rely on him to help Lu Yuyan.

At this time, Old Chen was standing behind Xiaobi with a wistful smile, and nodded when he saw Su Chen.

"By the way, Xiaobi, why did you and Chen Lao come to this Longmen Inn? What happened during the period when I left recently?"

Su Chen immediately revealed his doubts, looked at Xiaobi and asked.

Xiaobi's face sank slightly when he heard Su Chen's question, and a sad expression appeared on his face. Tears quickly swirled in that eye socket because of Su Chen's words. The meaning of sympathy.

"My son, you don’t know anything. During the period of time you left, many things happened, but the drastic changes happened yesterday. All the servants in Su Mansion were either killed on the spot or killed by Nanalan. Yan De’s people were arrested, and there is still..."

As Xiaobi said, she started crying uncontrollably, sobbing constantly, and she couldn't help feeling sympathy. The tears fell like pear blossoms, and two tears fell on her red and tender face.

Su Chen was also suddenly furious. He couldn't suppress the expression of anger on his face, but he still didn't directly vent it under his control. Instead, he gently stroked Xiaobi's head for a little comfort.

Xiaobi kept sobbing, which made people feel sympathetic. Old Chen also sighed slightly when he saw this. He took a step forward and said for Xiaobi:

"My son, when you were away, Nalan Yande's forces collected some unnecessary things and persuaded the emperor to get the order to search for the family, and they rioted in Su Mansion yesterday.

Not only broke into the secret room of the master before his death and took away some precious items wantonly, but the general Cheng you sent was also seriously injured due to his awe-inspiring righteousness. At this time, they were also taken away by their people! "

After talking, Old Chen sighed, very helpless, but there was no way.

Su Chen was even more angry after hearing this. Unexpectedly, this Nalan Yande was already so arrogant at this time, even Cheng Song, a Tier 8 master of Feixi, was seriously injured as a result. Obviously, the opponent might be this time. Get the help of the powerful in the realm of wing creation!

Hearing that Cheng Song was severely injured and taken away by Nalan Yande's people, Lu Yuyan's beautiful eyes quickly flashed with shock and worry, and the green jade arms trembled slightly, which was also incredible and worried.


After sobbing a little bit, Xiaobi immediately wiped off two tears firmly on her face, but the clear tears still fell on her delicate face.

"Yes, Nalan Yande and the others were dispatched this time. The method was extremely heavy. At this time, the Su Mansion had been sealed by their people, and Chen Lao and I went out to collect it because of luck. The medicinal materials barely escaped the catastrophe."

Xiaobi nodded, still very sad.

Old Chen also nodded, his complexion darkened, and he sighed again, "Xiaobi and I know that you will definitely come back to this Longmen Inn, so we rushed over at the first time. As expected, we will wait for you, but this matter It’s not that simple, you might as well avoid it for a while, son?"

Su Chen's heart was still burning with anger, and his anger couldn't help venting with a "bang" and immediately patted a gorgeous European-style table that he got out of the system into a mass of fragments.

"This Nalan Yande is really bold!" Su Chen couldn't help but roar. He didn't expect that he was only away for a week, and even his own house was sealed!

From this point of view, his plan to control the government has to be forced to advance!

"It seems that the tiger doesn't show off. Some people really think that I, Su, is HelloKitty, and I don't have any real means, otherwise I will kick my nose and face!" Su Chen yelled, and the whole Longmen Inn was filled with His roar was awe-inspiring.

And what surprised him the most was that he had no idea why Nalan Yande was able to find the evidence to bring him down, and in broad daylight, he broke into Su Mansion and took away some evidence!

And these are bound to have something to do with his father Su Jing, and even Su Jing's death. This actually touches Su Chen's bottom line. If necessary, he will even strike out with the help of Han Xin and the system. Go and get rid of this Nalan Yande!

It's just that Nalan Yande is in such a high position, and his party members are all over the court. If he wants to break through, the difficulty is not small!

Although Daxia law has rules, everything is respected by martial arts, and victory is achieved by martial arts, but Nalan Yande controls such a large power, this time he even got the help of a strong wing maker, not only to beat Cheng Song He became seriously injured and imprisoned Cheng Song and Su Mansion in a fair manner. This is not so simple!

Su Chen thought about it this way, and immediately recovered his calm horribly, and took a deep breath. The news at this time has even reached the point where women and children are well-known. Presumably this is definitely not the case. Nalan Yande at this time even set After a trap, waiting for him to come back and jump in!

However, they may have also heard the news that the old killer came to the border to kill him, so they were so shocked after seeing him come back unharmed, and it seems that he summoned Han Xin to repel the old killer. God's deeds may not be spread.

But at this time, it wasn't just Nalan Yande's thing in front of him. Lu Yuyan was entangled in the dark spots on the Qingxia sword and couldn't solve the nightmare, so the vitality would be in danger of being sucked out.

And this vitality is the acquired energy produced after the monk has cultivated to the realm of pill cultivation. Although it can continue to derive, if it is suddenly worn out, it will not only lose the body, but also easily cause the realm to fall.

Lu Yuyan's situation is obviously more difficult. The black spots on the Qingxia sword are so special that even the system can't explain it temporarily.

There is an incomparably ingenious connection between vitality and monks. If this continues, Lu Yuyan will definitely be in danger!

"This matter has yet to be discussed in the long term, it is better to come with me first."

Su Chen sighed slightly, and walked straight up the stairs. Old Chen and others carefully followed behind him, and then came to the room on the third floor where Su Chen was previously.

After entering the room on the third floor, Su Chen slowly sat on the yellow rosewood chair and looked at Old Chen with a solemn expression.

"Old Chen, your medical skills are unparalleled, and you are good at detoxification. Could you please solve a tricky matter?" Su Chen asked.

"What are you talking about, the old man has always been willing to go to Su Mansion, and as long as he can do it, he will do his best!" Old Chen arched his hands and said respectfully.

"Okay, this is enough for you, Yu Yan, come here, Liang Jian!" Su Chen nodded and beckoned to Lu Yuyan.

Lu Yuyan smiled slightly, walked to Su Chen's side, and immediately raised the Qingxia sword that was eroded and occupied by the dark spots with a wave of his hand!

At this time, the Qingxia Sword is already full of black spots, and you can't even see the original thorough color. There is no such thing as'amazing' when you first met with Su Chen, and there is no such thing as a green rainbow. feel.

When the Qingxia Sword was taken out, Chen Lao Cang's face suddenly showed an extremely shocked look, and the expression on his face changed suddenly, unexpectedly.

At this time, although the Qingxia Sword was held by Lu Yuyan in his hand, he could clearly see a dark glow blooming, clearly spreading down, and tightly connected to Lu Yuyan's dantian, constantly absorbing Lu Yuyan. The vitality of the whole body.

For this reason, Lu Yuyan's face became paler at this time, her body weakened, and her strength might have been much worse than before!

Even the shot will have a certain price, which is why Su Chen insisted on not letting her help when he was in the Xijiang Kingdom.

The shocked look on Chen Lao's face was lingering for a long time, and he walked slowly two steps forward. After seeing the Qingxia sword in Lu Yuyan's hand from a close range, his expression became even more shocked.

"Shaban!!" Old Chen couldn't help but exclaimed.

Old Chen took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment in deep thought. After a while, he slowly opened his eyes and nodded solemnly. "The old man once had the luck to meet him once when he was young. !"

"What is the evil spot?" Su Chen showed suspicion, and couldn't help asking.

"Shaban is a rare calamity in the world, both good and bad. It is only owned by innate people. From birth, it is doomed to a lifetime of ups and downs, and it will go through countless calamities in a lifetime!"

Old Chen paused slightly, and then said, "This calamity is extremely special. It needs people with evil spots to go through it personally. Others are helpless, and the girl's evil spots are obviously acquired only after birth, not innate. Yes, I am afraid it is related to this sword!"

This old man deserves to be known as the No. 1 genius doctor in Beijing, and he is extremely good at unraveling all kinds of strange poisons. In just a few glances, he can see the secrets in Lu Yuyan's Qingxia sword.

Lu Yuyan nodded when she heard it, and smiled bitterly with a pale face: "This sword is named Qingxia. It is a relic left by my mother. It contains my mother's supreme sword rhyme, which is very important to me. "

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