"You are deliberately designing these, don't you just want to test their temperament?"

"Now that your goal has been achieved, why don't you stop?"

"Hehe, what you think is too simple, everything has just begun!"

At this moment, the hundreds of civil and military officials in the hall had gathered to wait to see Su Chen's jokes, and Su Chen utterly commented.

When Su Chen faced the hundred officials, he immediately smiled, not afraid at all. On the contrary, he watched the scene as if watching a monkey show, and his jokes fell directly on the person who spoke first.

"Why don't you look at it, don't you hurry down and kneel!" Su Chen felt a little bit wrong all over his body. He was secretly affected by the fourth-grade golden eye and immediately shouted angrily.

"Yes, when a foreigner from a foreign country dared not kneel down when he saw my majesty? I'm so brave, my Majesty, it's better to blame this person for a hundred times before letting him kneel and talk to us!"

One person immediately looked at Su Chen, stood out with an unhappy expression, and respectfully arched his hands to ask the King of Xijiang for instructions.

The King of Xijiang didn't speak, and watched Su Chen's reply quietly and with great interest. There was even a scene in his eyes that looked forward to Su Chen's answer not fulfilling his expectations, and he was heavily blamed.

"Hahaha, hilarious, so hilarious! It's booming in a trance!"

After Su Chen heard this, he couldn't control his laughter right away, and even covered his waist, laughing indifferently.

Even the tears even flew out. He looked at the joking and playfulness in the eyes of the hundreds of civil and military officials in Xijiang and the King of Xijiang, just like looking at a monkey show.

Civil and military officials: "..."

King of Western Xinjiang: "..."

Lu Yuyan: "..."

Upon seeing this, everyone was speechless!

What's so funny about your special mother's smile?

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, it's so funny, puff, hahaha, I'm sorry. I'm actually professionally trained, and I don't usually laugh unless I can't bear it...puff, hahaha!" Su Chen couldn't help but laugh. , Laughed, and joked with seriousness.

"Bastard! This is my Xijiang State Court, not your small place, shut up, don't laugh!"

Xijiang National Teacher couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately roared furiously.

"As expected of Xia Chaolai's wicked obstacle, I really haven't seen the world!"

"Tsk tusk, I have never seen such a brazen person!"

"Is there no one in your Xia Dynasty? You sent you such a brazen fellow to tarnish me, and I am embarrassed to go to the country!"

"Enough, kick this shameless person out of the court for me, and then take a thousand blame, and then give him a taste of the hallucinations of my Xijiang Shangguo, abolish his cultivation and arms, and let him kneel talk to me!!"

The king of Xijiang immediately hammered the dragon chair with anger, his face flushed slightly, and his anger rose.

When Lu Yuyan heard it, an anxious look immediately appeared on her delicate face, and she began to show a vigilant look. If the opponent dared to do it, she would fight with all her strength without hesitation.

Su Chen didn't panic at all when he saw this. He was not busy and his hands were not shaking. He smiled, like a spring breeze. He patted Lu Yuyan's shoulder gently and said in his ear, "It's okay, relax!"

Then, Su Chen had a fearless look on his face, and he walked forward directly, his gaze was like a torch, and a faint smile hung under his firm and confident gaze.

"Stand right here, let me see who dares to come up and do something to me? Come, come up and try if you have the courage!"

Su Chen took another big step forward and stood in front of the King of Xijiang incomparably close. He closed his eyes fearlessly, and the corner of his mouth was always up with a faint smile.

"It's arrogant!"

A military officer yelled angrily, stood up disdainfully, swiftly swept his body with a knife and slapped Su Chen fiercely with a loud shout. Although the speed of the knife was fast, it was still so short.


Even though the military officer slashed Su Chen with a vicious stab, his speed was still a bit short. When Su Chen drew in a slight figure, he slashed the stairs under the dragon chair with a single stab.


The king of Xijiang who slashed with the knife immediately couldn't help screaming, and couldn't help but shrink his legs upwards, but Su Chen always closed his eyes and smiled faintly, without showing any strangeness.

Seeing that the sword had actually missed, the military officer immediately refused to admit defeat and once again gathered his vitality and slashed at Su Chen again. This time the blade was very tight and directly blocked all the positions that Su Chen could hide from.

The blade swiftly shifted to a block, the sharp edge was exposed and dazzling, and it directly drew an arc-shaped silver light, and the sound of breaking through the air was also exceptionally harsh.

Su Chen heard the wind, and a smug smile suddenly overflowed from the corner of his mouth. He didn't panic at all. He never opened his eyes. He immediately burst out as if penetrating the void, but the fluttering punch was swaying and the speed was extremely fast. Soon people can't react to it.


Immediately, that punch also instantly changed into a palm. With the help of the thrust of the fist, a terrifying air current was also rolled up, and it slammed into the blade directly and blasted towards the general holding the blade.

Immediately afterwards, the entire knife was blasted to pieces with a "click", and the military officer that Su Chen directly blasted with a fierce palm was knocked out like a broken kite.

The military attache's figure continued to retreat involuntarily, and the remaining huge force pushed him fiercely onto a pillar. The pillar was smashed and collapsed with a "boom", and the military attache also spurted blood in the air.

The military officer, who was submerged by the wreckage of the pillar, was covered in thunder and lightning, trembling and struggling in pain, this palm was terrifying!!!

"Ding, congratulations to the host town for killing a military officer and rewards one hundred experience points. Since the shocked civil and military officials have already installed a big match with the king of Xijiang, I hereby reward the host with 30 points. I hope the host will continue to work hard!"

The corner of Su Chen's mouth showed a smug and informative smile again, and he retracted the slightly injured hand that was slashed by the blade, but showed no displeasure.

I didn't expect that I was guilty of pretending to be a crime, and I could still get points if I was successful in pretending to be a force!

And this palm of his is a simplified version of the Thunder Palm of Nine Changes, which he created temporarily through inspiration. Although there is no change from Thunder Tiger, it is still extremely powerful, and even a master of flying breath cannot easily accept it. under.

"Who else, please hurry up!!"

Su Chen turned around and yelled at the civil and military officials. His clothes were airless and handsome. He had never opened his eyes, but he gave people a very invincible feeling. No one dared to move on the spot.

The King of Naxijiang was also taken aback on the spot, and he even looked at the general who had previously reported the letter with some suspicion, and frowned.

Damn you, did you report a mistake? With so many strengths, you dare to say that it is the cultivation level of the pill cultivation realm?

This banned general also felt helpless, a little bit eager to cry, but when he first came, the cultivation base he showed to others was Xiu Dan, who knew he kept one hand, so strong!

The civil and military officials all showed timidity and fear for Su Chen. No one spoke again or had the courage to go forward and try to take Su Chen.

"Presumptuous, dare to openly attack people in my Xijiang court, is this your attitude when Xia Chao came to negotiate? Get this person for me!!"

Seeing this, I couldn't stand it anymore as a national teacher, and immediately pointed at Su Chen and cursed.

However, the court was silent except for him, and no one dared to do anything in vain, otherwise the former military officer would be the best lesson.

"Damn it, no one in my Dachaotang dared to take down this person. If that's the case, the national teacher will personally regain the prestige of my Xijiang!"

The national teacher was furious and furious, and immediately stood up holding the sharp scepter with an anger.

"Since the national teacher wants to make a move, the dragon son who is the father of the emperor can't shrink back, the national teacher, you and I will take this person together!"

The right prince in the queue smiled slightly, and immediately stood up, wanting to show himself in front of the father and increase his position in the hearts of the king of Xijiang to win the position of the prince!

The eldest prince who was still hiding in the dark saw this scene but gritted his teeth. Seeing that the right prince was already ahead of him, he couldn't fight anymore, and immediately had to secretly angry.

"Come, if you want to fight, I will accompany you to fight to the end. When I was afraid of the Great Xia Dynasty? A small country in western Xinjiang dared to compare with my Xia Dynasty? It's ridiculous!"

Su Chen laughed contemptuously, always closing his eyes, with a face of fearlessness, but in fact there was still some pressure in his heart, because he clearly felt that the cultivation of this national teacher was already half-footed. Entered the realm of wing-making.

Coupled with the right prince in the early days of Fei Breath, I am afraid his chances of winning will not be high!

However, Su Chen is a fuel-efficient lamp. He still closed his eyes, and he seemed to be awe-inspiring, and his clothes were not windy, and he was a handsome man, giving people a lot of pressure.

Moreover, when was he afraid? !!!

He hasn't released the real trump cards yet. As soon as Han Xin, who is the pinnacle of the Wing-Building Realm, came out, there is something he can't suppress in this court!

However, the national teacher saw that Su Chen was still so confident and fearless, and he couldn't help adding a lot of pressure. For this young man, he didn't even dare to take it lightly.

"What the emperor father said is, when do I have to compete with this kind of people in Daxi, isn't it just a negotiation? It would not be good to hurt the harmony of the two countries!" The prince right said slowly.

Immediately, the national teacher and the right prince also looked at each other and returned to the queue of the civil and military officials, silently.

"Someone really finds the right time to go down the steps. It's like a rat on the stove, daring to show off but not daring to do it. Why don't you fight to the end? I'm in the summer, when was there a trace of fear? ?"

Seeing that the other party was about to stop, Su Chen teased him, and immediately he was unhappy. Why don't you compete with me? Today I don’t want to end it easily!


The right prince was choked on the spot by Su Chen's words. What is it that I am a rat on the stove, dare to come out and pretend to be forced but dare not to do it?

When the civil and military officials heard this, they were ashamed and frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong.

I thought, eldest brother, people have given you a step down and started negotiations. Why are you still unhappy? ! !

Upon seeing this, the King of Xijiang frowned and was at a loss, "My friend, what do you mean? Isn't the purpose of your coming to our country just for negotiation?"

"What do I mean? How about you, the king, think about it carefully. Does your previous practice put my Daxia Dynasty in the eyes? Dare to ask everyone here, do you have a clear conscience?"

Su Chen opened his eyes abruptly and slowly as he spoke, and under the generous words, the fourth-grade golden eyes opened with extremely dazzling and sharp sharp edges, which instantly surprised the four.

There seemed to be a kind of coercion under his stern gaze. Under this coercion, people were more shocked and the words were more persuasive.

Su Chen's words resounded throughout the court, the civil and military officials were silent at this time, and no one responded to Su Chen's words.

The king of Xijiang frowned when he heard this, thinking what you guy is going to do? It makes people have an ominous premonition!

Su Chen's eyes fell on the civil and military officials, and he was very satisfied with the sluggishness and confusion of the civil and military officials.

"It's a big court, but the civil and military officials are so presumptuous. Before, I dared to say that I was a land of bullets. This puts Daxia in my eyes!"

Su Chen suddenly scolded, and immediately set his sights on the King of Xijiang, and the King of Xijiang couldn't help shaking his whole body. Perhaps it was the magical ability under the fourth-grade golden eye!

Then Su Chen turned his head and continued, "When did I have a shortage of talents? It's not a secret, in the next dynasty, he has never even had a single official or a half-rank, but he is just a horseman in an army. No matter, people who are stronger than me are almost everywhere!"

When Su Chen spoke, he was shocked to the entire court, and it was deeply shocking. This is horrible, and it is extremely scary to think carefully!

Lu Yuyan was slightly astonished as soon as Su Chen's words came out, but then she reacted and smiled slightly.

Even the king of Xijiang raised his brows, his face changed drastically, and he almost didn't shout, what? A person as strong as you is just a groom in the army? Anyone can be better than you?

You are too big to say too much! !

"If you don't believe me, you can look here. This is my token to enter the stable. I am really a real groom!"

As Su Chen said, he took out an ordinary groom token from his arms that he didn't know when he got it. This token was genuine and really ordinary.

Everyone was even more shocked after seeing it, but some people still didn't believe Su Chen, thinking that Su Chen was still deceiving everyone.

"And the reason why I can't stop laughing before next is really because you are so laughable and generous. I can't do anything to the horsemen. Why do you talk about going to war with me?"

Su Chen then put the token away, a smug smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth, suddenly raised the volume, and continued, "What's more, my Xia Chao is very noble. It is already a great country to negotiate with your country in person. It’s an honour, why did you ever need to bow down to you!"

Su Chen's face was indifferent but arrogant, "Say that I am no one? It's really ridiculous. In my imperial city, even the wing-making realm is running all over the floor. What you said before is really impressive. Belly laugh!"

Su Chen said, suddenly laughing again.

"Then what do you want to talk about?"

The national teacher frowned, although there was no way to refute Su Chen's words, he still frowned and asked.

"What am I going to talk about? Loss!!! I demand compensation for all the losses of my Daxia Dynasty!!!"

Su Chen yelled, his words impassioned as if something had happened, "Can you use your pig brain to think about it? Although I am just a groom, how much time and entanglement was wasted to come to you? What is the loss? Forget it? My horse is not being fed, how can this loss be counted?!!"

As Su Chen said, his fingers kept moving forward, pointing straight at the civil and military officials, his words were sonorous and powerful!

"As the saying goes, time is money and life. How many lives did I lose when I came to you to negotiate? How many lives did I lose if my horse was not fed? How many lives did I lose? Where does this account start?"

"And countless wing-builders in my Daxia Dynasty are waiting for news of my groom. How much time and life have been lost? This account"

All the civil and military officials all looked dumbfounded when they heard it, and the expressions of stunned expressions were quite wonderful. The traces of incomprehension, doubts, and even speechlessness seemed intriguing in Su Chen's eyes.

However, what Su Chen said is not unreasonable in the eyes of everyone!

Immediately above the entire court, the crows were silent, and there was no rebuttal to Su Chen's concept of stealing.

"Then what kind of compensation do you want!"

The king of Xijiang frowned, with a black line. He didn’t expect that Su Chen was not only strong, but also so eloquent. There was no other way but to temporarily compromise to see if Su Chen’s gourd was sold. What medicine.

"Gold one million taels! I want this gold one million taels!!" Su Chen shouted loudly, his voice seemed to resound through the clouds.

Su Chen's words couldn't help shocking the entire court, even Lu Yuyan frowned slightly, a little puzzled, she was really worried that Su Chen would get to the point where things could not be controlled.

"The lion speaks loudly! It is like the lion speaks loudly!" Someone immediately refused to accept it and shouted.

"Yes, this request is simply unreasonable!!"

"Yes, although you are just a groom, isn't it also a matter of negotiation and war with our country when you are sent here? In that case, why do you have to ask our country for compensation?"

"Yes, you are only here to negotiate a war with our country, and there is no reason to demand compensation from our country!"

This person's words immediately awakened everyone, and many people realized it one after another, and they all showed a look of indignation that Su Chen was simply making trouble.

"That's right for you, right for me, right?!!!"

Su Chen immediately waved his palm, and everyone hadn't seen how he made his move yet, and that piece of chestnut had already fallen on the heads of those who had spoken before.

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