"But that's all! That's the way your tactics are?"

"Everything is just superficial work, you haven't seen the deep part yet!"

"Oh, really?"

"I'll let you see it later!"



A burst of rose petals fell down, and the murderous intent instantly filled the entire hall. A burst of murderous intent pierced through the air, and the shining silver light instantly penetrated the shocked Cheng Song.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Cheng Song slowly fell into a pool of blood in a burst of roses, the murderous intent still rippling in this hall and shaking the audience, a solemn murderous intent was secretly hidden in The rose killing array has an amazing aftertaste.

It was a kind of crushing of absolute strength in cultivation strength. This woman had not yet appeared, but just a word, she secretly displayed such a terrifying ultimate move, all of which made people daunted and amazed.

After this scene happened, the audience was in a state of sluggishness and shock, and there was no reaction for a long time! !

A generation of well-known veteran invincible powerhouses, Xuzhou guard Cheng Song was still vigorous and vigorous for a while. Didn't he expect to be easily obliterated?

Immediately, this scene happened so quickly, the other party's resolute moves and terrifying killer moves, even Nalan Yande, who is now headed, couldn't help being stunned.

"Search for me!!"

Zhang Lei reacted first, waved his hand and shouted.

Immediately, a group of people rushed in again, and immediately launched a fierce search, and they never put Su Chen in their eyes.

And the real intention of the huge force that they formed this time was not to completely overthrow Su Chen’s position on the top, but to target the deceased, deceased Su Chen father who had outstanding meritorious service during his lifetime. , Su Jing!

Immediately, a slender shadow slowly stepped into the main hall, and after appearing in the main hall, it was undoubtedly the supreme focus, and the air in the main hall became a bit colder at some point.

This woman stood in the main hall like an ice sculpture, with a slender and beautiful figure, and the air became colder by her.

The woman's face was covered with a thin ice sarong, and her whole body exuded a somewhat inaccessible horror atmosphere, giving people a feeling of being in a glacier, and even endless despair under the abyss.

This woman is extremely cold and looks very young, but the strength is invisible to the whole audience. The previous shot was an extremely powerful killer that ended Cheng Song, a well-rounded man on the spot. Veteran strong!

The breath radiating from the body is not only cold and cold, but also always gives people a very depressed feeling, as if involuntarily giving birth to a sense of humbleness, like a queen who stands high and cannot be approached.

"This veteran is not dead yet, take him away!"

The woman opened her mouth slightly, and under the veil of freezing cold, she slowly uttered a chilling sound of her back.

Nalan Yande was shocked when he heard it, and the expression on her face changed very quickly, but she didn't expect that this extremely terrifying woman would actually leave her hands on Cheng Song, and did not kill herself in the Rose Killing Array. Dead hand.

And after the woman appeared, the rose petals that were still scattered on the ground suddenly became extremely cold, and gradually formed a layer of frost, which disappeared when touched.

Immediately after Nalan Yande was taken aback, he ordered the people below to take Cheng Song down and involuntarily took a step forward. For some reason, this person felt extremely dangerous and inaccessible.

And this person's emergence is also a terrifying existence that is bound to shock one party! !


At the same time, Su Chen, while driving the God of War GTR, had already arrived at the border of the Western Frontier.

And it's not far from the border between the two countries. If he can break through the border of Western Xinjiang, he will be safe!

The border city of Western Xinjiang.

At this time, the border has already gathered a lot of powerful people, and even a lot of people who eat melons don't think it is too big to watch the fun. The first time they come to join in the fun.

"I heard that in order to capture that Xia Dynasty person this time, even the old killer **** of the gods camp will be alarmed!"

"Yeah, I'm afraid this is something that hasn't happened in decades. The old killer of the gods camp has been at ease for a long time, and no one has been able to be alarmed anymore in these years. I didn't expect to come out of the mountain again today. He is actually a Xia Dynasty !"

"That's right, although this person crushed everyone in the Divine Horse Competition, but his ignorance is profound, this time I am afraid that he will have to pay a painful price for this!"

"It's a pity. Although this man is just a groom, he is powerful. If he were born in Xijiang, he would have done a lot!"

Everyone was discussing Su Chen at this time, gathered under the city wall and waited for Su Chen's arrival.

At this time, the sky was dark, and in the dark dusk, the lonely darkness enveloped this barren wasteland, and everything was shrouded in a repressive atmosphere.

Gradually, under the noisy and solemn wind and wind, black clouds gathered together, and a dull burst of thunder roared.

In the twilight, there was a sudden gust of wind, and the sky again "boomed" with a few muffled thunders, and another change began to emerge.

Under the hustle and bustle of the wind and wind, a new and peculiar sound gradually rang from a distance, and gradually spread to everyone's ears, as if it were a peculiar music!

They never heard clearly how the music was performed, until a very familiar silver shadow that was shaped like a lightning slowly appeared in everyone's vision!

He's here, he's finally here, and he is driving toward everyone in the God of War GTR!

Immediately, Su Chen also galloped all the way, under the attention of all the people, accompanied by the strange and dynamic DJ quickly came under this border!

As Su Chen got closer, everyone heard the music that resounded in the wind.

"Su He Su He Su He Su He, Su He Presses Ma Lu He, Su He Su He Su He Su He, Su He Presses Mal Lu He..."

"The man has finally arrived, coming to us with dynamic music!" Someone exclaimed immediately!

"Although I don't understand the music at all, it still feels very interesting!"

"It's a pity, I didn't expect that in addition to his strong strength and excellent driving skills, he did not expect to be a music ghost. It is a pity that a generation of geniuses fell here!"

"But he can die in the hands of the Old Killing God himself. This is a death without regret. After all, the Old Killing God came out for him himself!"

Everyone started discussing Su Chen again in the rear, each holding their own opinions.

After Su Chen arrived, seeing the border of the West Frontier Country was so lively, he couldn't help frowning. He didn't expect that the speed of the other party was approaching this level!

But then, he immediately changed to a smiling face, and put his head out of the car window, with a smile that looked a little bit mean, and increased the volume of the music.

"Su He, Su He, Su He, Su He presses Ma Lu He..."

"Su He, Su He, Su He, Su He presses Ma Lu He..."

A dynamic electric tone immediately resounded and spread to everyone's ears to make them hear more clearly. Some people even started to shake it involuntarily.

Su Chen smiled and shook his head, "I'm sorry, I made a mistake, it's not this song, I'll change it!"

"How invincible is, how lonely, how invincible is, how empty..."

"On the peak alone, the cold wind blows constantly, my loneliness, who can understand me..."

Then, another very powerful song "Invincible" was played, and it immediately spread throughout the desolate border desert.

And the appearance of Su Chen instantly broke the original silent pattern above the desert.

"Eh, I'm sorry, I made a mistake again, I didn't expect me to be so popular."

Su Chen smiled slightly, changed the song again, with an expression of beating.

"If I were a DJ, would you love me..."

A burst of magic sound spread throughout the audience, but everyone followed him. They were immediately affected by the ability of Su Chen's one-star musician, and even almost forgot that the old murderer was waiting on the top of the old tree!


Immediately afterwards, a roar resounded through the clouds, spreading from the height of the sky, spreading to everyone's ears, and a majestic voice instantly recovered them!

Undoubtedly, it was the voice of the old killer god, and a roar easily broke the musical instrument played by Su Chen, the ability to control the emotions of everyone, and it was crushed in just a moment!


Immediately afterwards, a horrible aura madly attacked Su Chen, bursts of sounds that cut through the silence, extremely ear-piercing, and a wave of killing intent burst out of the air and plundered incomparably amazing killing intent.


In just an instant, an icy killing blade with endless chill had already pierced an inch in front of Su Chen's body, exposing the extremely dazzling silver light under this twilight, revealing the murderous intent.

But only at that moment, another swift black shadow flew up, and a vague black shadow instantly swallowed the murderous blade under the silver glow.

Then, a burly figure appeared in front of Su Chen, and one hand easily smashed that silver-maned sharp blade!

The sudden "meeting ceremony" of the old killing **** was immediately shattered, and the burly figure raised his head, showing his murderous intent and stared at the rickety figure on the towering ancient tree.

The two sides just met at random and played against each other, it was shocked by the faces of the audience around the scene, and they only felt incredible.

And above the ancient tree, the rickety old killer smiled with interest, his smile was gloomy and depressing, and what spread out was an extremely gloomy atmosphere.

"Hahaha, it's really interesting, I didn't expect that my **** evil old killer **** encountered such an interesting thing when he first came out in decades!"

On the towering ancient tree, there was a burst of depressing laughter, and the laughter spread to everyone's ears, but it made people tremble slightly.

Su Chen also raised his head, looked at the rickety old man on the ancient tree in the sky, beckoned slightly, and smiled slightly. Between you and me, there is murderous intent everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, the rickety figure leaped and fell, like a meteor that galloped down quickly, as fast as thunder and lightning, and it immediately landed not far from Su Chen in just an instant.

The old God Shaman immediately gathered his eyes, slightly squinted his eyes and quickly looked at Su Chen, and after passing the beautiful Lu Yuyan beside him, he hurriedly passed the burly Tang Ransheng's body, and then went dark Smiled.

"Young man, you are indeed very good. I didn't expect that there would be such a strong company around me. I just don't know, your surname?" The old murderer asked with a gloomy smile.

"Will you change your name or your surname? It's Su Chen!"

Su Chen glanced at him, and the rickety old man in a weird black robe in front of him squinted his eyes and smiled professionally, and replied.

The old killing **** immediately patted the gray on the black robe, his gloomy face showed an expression of interest, and he looked at Su Chen.

"Su Chen? Okay, I've written down the name, but I heard that the little friend has a thunder palm that is extremely powerful. With the help of the realm of pill cultivation, he can cross the boundary and kill the breath in one fell swoop? Can you see it?"

Immediately afterwards, the old killer's expression changed slightly, and without a word, he suddenly pulled forward and swept forward, waving an extremely depressing fist, instantly changing into an astonishing swift palm!

Su Chen also raised his brows when he saw this. He didn't expect this old killer **** to play cards like him in such a non-routine manner. He didn't expect the other party to say anything and just shoot!

Facing this old killer god, he brought great pressure to Su Chen, he did not dare to take it lightly, and suddenly opened the second level of "Shengan Zhenjing", power, and quickly twitched all his vitality. Massive thunder and lightning gathered in the palm!

Suddenly, the sky again "boomed" at the same time, and suddenly a silver lightning descended!

"Nine Changes Thunder Palm!!"

Su Chen's complexion changed slightly in an instant again, and because of the sudden emergence of this lightning, his nine-changing thunder palm also suddenly condensed.

As soon as he got out and rushed up, he swept up a large area of ​​thunder and lightning in his hands, and slammed directly to the old killer with a loud shout!

He has already cultivated the ninth order of Pill at this moment, and he also knows that this old killer must be a strong wing maker who has retired for many years. He also wants to try this time, how much difference is there between himself and that rare wing maker! !


A swift and violent lightning quickly appeared in Su Chen's palm, plucking a violent aura and blasted dullly towards the horrifying palm of the old killing god.

Two horrible palms blasted together frantically, and a gust of wind shook away immediately, and a majestic air current madly pressed towards Su Chen's side.

Facing Su Chen's powerful Nine Transformation Thunder Palm, the old killer's complexion also changed drastically, and his body shape couldn't stop backing a few steps, and that black robe was also intertwined with lightning, beginning Some are broken.

On the other hand, Su Chen's side is not so comfortable. Su Chen's whole body was blasted out with a violent palm of the old murderer, and his body shape fell back tens of meters away like a broken kite, his mouth stopped. A trace of blood dripped continuously.

The strong wing maker, really terrifying! ! !

Su Chen didn't expect that the gap between himself and the opponent would be so big, but fortunately his Nine Transformation Thunder Palm was a golden rank ninth-level supreme move, and the opponent did not take much advantage.

Tang Ransheng and Lu Yuyan turned their heads to look at Su Chen with worry.

While Tang Ransheng was about to take a shot, Su Chen waved his hand slightly, and a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth, and immediately wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth.

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