The Strongest Demon-hunting System in the City

Chapter 1877: It's kind to say a few words less

"Don't talk so much nonsense, show some real facts, right?"

"Don't make noise, or you will have to shut up forever, I will say a few words is the greatest kindness to you!"

Soon, there was a dispute between support and opposition to Su Chen in the Longmen Inn, and everyone placed their bets.

In the Longmen Inn, while the sale of peerless food was in full swing, he slowly walked into a man wearing a black robe covering his figure from outside the door.

The men behaved sneakily, on the contrary to the crowds in the hall.

He sneaked up to the front desk quietly and quietly said to Mu Rouchun, "Hurry up, give me ten foods!" It seemed that the situation was very urgent, and it seemed that he could not delay.

"Hey, why are you like this, it's really weird. You are all here to buy food. When you line up, it is the iron rules set by Master Su here. How dare you jump in the line?!!!"

"Yes, what's going on with you, this is really strange!"

"In my opinion, it's better to blast him out quickly, so as not to affect my mood while waiting for food."

The man heard that everyone around him started to reject him and wanted to blast him out. He was anxious, and quickly removed the black robe, his face was brought by the former strong man in Shu who claimed to be Liu Erye. Jin Yi man.

It's just that the man in Jinyi was arrogant and domineering at first, not queuing up, and was severely taught by Su Chen. For this reason, after Jiang Sheng took the action, Liu Erye accepted that he was invincible.

"Why it's you again! You are not welcome here, please go out, and next time, please come and follow the rules set by our Master Su." The leader of the five brothers said, frowned, and gave him a face. Complain.

"Five brothers, five brothers, please be gracious, now life is a matter of life, don't ignore yourself, hang up high!" The man in Jinyi was extremely anxious after hearing this, and he panicked and explained desperately. .

"Now that Liu Erye has something wrong, I bother you guys and sell my peerless delicacies!"


Hearing that Liu Erye, who was so powerful as to the ninth level of Feixi, had an accident, everyone was a little lost.

These powerhouses are those who can stand at the forefront of military force in the Great Xia Dynasty and the entire world.


Moreover, this Liu Erye has a great background, and he is also a civil leader in Shuzhong, and is admired by people.

"In the past, there was a drought in the central area of ​​Shu. The people were dying, crises broke out, and the court was powerless. The saints were even more indifferent to this. He never set aside money for disaster relief. It was also due to Liu Erye’s exhaustion of his wealth and his desperate rescue. Only then was it possible to resolve the crisis in Shu!"

In the past, Liu Erye used his own efforts to rescue the crisis in Shu, and now people have long regarded him as a hero.

And it has considerable prestige and belief among the people.

From this point of view, this Liu Erye's abilities are also outstanding. He didn't expect to say something happened and something went wrong!

"Yes, now that Erye Liu is in trouble, I can't help but let's say, where is Erye Liu at the moment? Even if I can't solve the problem, I must be a little closer!"

"Oh!" The man in Jinyi sighed deeply after hearing this, and shook his head desperately, gradually tearing his eyes, "It's useless, Liu Erye's injury is now dying, and there are probably only these peerless people in the world who can restore to heaven. Good food!"

The words of the man in Jinyi are like a lightning strike in the hearts of everyone!

how do I say this?

The condition is so serious that it needs to rely on these peerless delicacies to have hope?

Everyone also sighed slightly and shook their heads, sighing for the leader who is about to lose a prestige and authority in this world and who truly paid for the people.

"If this is the case, then we still have to do a little bit for the second master, and I will be happy to pay fifty taels of silver for free!"

"Yes, I'll count as one, I'll pay a hundred taels!"

"I have thirty taels!"

"I have twenty taels!"


"Thank you for your kindness! Thank you for your gratitude." The man in Jin Yi quickly bowed his hand to everyone with a weeping face to show his gratitude.

"Yes, Master Su said, these peerless delicacies are not omnipotent. They have only one chance for each person, and they are inevitable. Too much consumption may cause backlash!" The boss of the five brothers spoke again, sighing. Is full of regrets.

"This, how come?!!!"

The man in Jinyi seemed to be struck by five thunders. After listening, he lost his senses and fell to the ground with a soft body.

"How is this possible? The peerless food invented by Master Su is clearly omnipotent!"

"Yes, what happened last time my wife came here, but I only ate a little grilled chicken wings and it was all right!"

"Yes, you are obviously not willing to sell it to Liu Erye!"

"Profit merchants, you are all big profiteers!"

"That is, a gangster, just taking away the wealth of the rich!"

Immediately, the power of public opinion on the front desk immediately overwhelmed the five brothers and others who were in charge of the sales. The situation was critical and some were difficult to converge.

"Wait! Everyone, calm down!"

Seeing that the situation could not be restored, Mu Rouchun, as the agent shopkeeper, naturally couldn't wait to die. When even playing the role of the powerful force in the realm of flying breath, the situation stabilized when he forcibly opened up the coercion!

"This gentleman, please calm down, I have another way to save the second master, that is, I can only tell you one person, please follow me!"

The eldest of the five brothers hurriedly helped the man in Jin Yi and said quickly.

"Really?!!!" After hearing this, the man in Jinyi was very surprised, with a stern expression, "tell me quickly, tell me quickly, as long as the second master can be saved, we are willing to pay any price!"

The boss nodded, then turned his head and said to others, "Second, third, fourth, fifth, you and the other brothers and treasurer Mu will take care of this place, I will leave first!"

After saying this, the boss quickly pulled the man in Jin Yi out of the Longmen Inn and galloped all the way.

After the boss and the man in Jinyi left, everything returned to its previous appearance.

Then Mu Rouchun and others manage everything in the Longmen Inn.

In the lobby, those who bet are still betting, and those who collect money are still collecting money.

Ten miles after leaving the inn, the eldest of the five brothers stopped after confirming that no one was following him.

"Huh? This is what you said to save the second master?" Jin Yi Nan couldn't help frowning when he saw that the boss had stopped, and asked.

"Of course not!" The boss shook his head, "Excuse me, where is Grandpa Liu Er right now?"

"What? Are you trying to trap me and want to take the opportunity to murder Liu Erye?!!!"

The Jin Yi man's complexion changed drastically, as if he had suddenly realized, his figure receded back and forth.

How can he say that he is also a strong pill cultivator, and it would not be easy for the "boss" of the same rank to obliterate him!

"Take it easy. When did I say that I was going to murder Second Master Liu? I meant to bring Second Master to see Master Su in person. Perhaps only Master Su can do things that cannot be done in this world!"

"Boss" frowned, and quickly waved to Jin Yi man, wondering if he was too scary? Actually thought that I would murder you? !

"Boss" was also a black question mark face immediately.

"Huh, I was scared to death!" Jin Yi Nan walked back after hearing this, and he sighed in relief.

"By the way, am I that scary?"

"You're like killing people for treasure, can I not beware?"

After a short episode, the man in Jin Yi also took the "boss" to the location of Liu Erye non-stop.

After that, the "boss" was also worried all the way, raising the spirit of twelve points and making sure that no one was following, then cautiously led them to the hiding place where Su Chen was located.

Su Chen once told him that as long as there is a critical situation, he can come to a hidden place outside the capital to find him. Su Chen has only told him this secret.

The purpose is to prevent some tricky things from happening in Longmen Inn.


Beijing Chang'an, Imperial Palace, secret room behind Xuanhe Hall.

"Grandpa Li, the event is not good!" A **** in a black robe hurriedly ran to report to the **** Li Yingshuang.

"Huh, our family is very good, but you are not doing anything bad."

Li Yingshuang was studying a new secret technique in the secret room, and when she heard it, she stunned back with her feminine voice.

"It's about that prince, Li Yuanding!" The little **** did not dare to delay, and quickly explained.

"It seems that time is limited, so I have to apply more methods. The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength!" Li Yingshuang stroked the frosty beard calmly.


A hidden cabin on the outskirts of the capital.

It was already the second day of the imperial edict issued by Emperor Xuanhe.

Su Chen is still practicing with great concentration in the cave, concentrating on consolidating his realm and pondering "Nine Changes Thunder Palm".

"Thunder Lion Change!"

Along with the silver lightning that Su Chen swept up, a lion condensed from dense lightning quickly took shape. The speed was like a ghost, and the bombardment on the wall of the cave rang out with harsh blasts.

"It's great, the lethality of this Lei Shi has gone to the next level!" Su Chen was surprised by it.

Earlier, he discovered that inside this cave would not only double the effort of cultivation with half the effort, but also possess extremely terrifying resistance to pressure.

Before he was not proficient in using the Thunder Lion Transformation, the power of that power could not even shake the dust in the cave. At this moment, there were bursts of explosions, how could he not be happy.

As for the stability of the realm, he was already stable, and he was already skilled in using flying breath.

Flying breath, naturally, can make the breath swept across the void, speed and other aspects and lethality are all raised to a terrifying level.

So that you can kill invisible without sound!

Wing-making means to condense the external force into the internal force, so that the body becomes like a butterfly, with the ability to generate wings out of thin air.

It makes the cultivator even more like a tiger with wings, and the surge in strength will make Feiji a real thing!

It's just that after Su Chen broke through to Fei Xi, he was still extremely unfamiliar with it, and he couldn't feel the mystery of the realm of wing creation at all.


"Old Chen, Old Chen!"

An extremely anxious voice came not far from the hut. After listening to it, Old Chen was also in awe, and quickly followed the reputation.

Immediately, three figures emerged from the grass.

These three people are naturally the "boss" who hurriedly rushed from Xuzhou City, Jin Yi Nan, Liu Erye.

It was undoubtedly the "boss" who called Mr. Chen.

Liu Erye's injury was extremely critical at this time. He was still awake when he arrived here. Now he has passed out completely after arriving here, and his whole body exudes a breath of stench.

Upon seeing this, Old Chen hurried over, followed by Cao Mengde and Tang Ransheng.

"Quickly, help him to the back room."

When Chen Lao saw this, he was shocked, and he had never seen such a symptom!

After helping Liu Erye onto the hospital bed, Old Chen quickly picked up a flying breath to investigate the condition of Liu Erye. After checking, his face turned blue.

"This, this!" The superb medical skills of Mr. Chen were a little unexpected, and he was obviously shocked. "The second master's injury may not be able to recover from the old man's medical skills. His lifeline is dead at this time, but his vital signs are still showing. He is alive!"

"This is impossible, it is completely in the state of a living dead. If you have seen anyone with this condition before, then you can only say that it is the inhuman zombies outside the border!"

Old Chen was helpless at all, and shook his head after reading it.

After listening, the expressions of the man in Jin Yi and the "boss" were also extremely dim.

Jin Yi man had long heard that there was an old Chen in the capital with extremely superb medical skills, who could be called a brilliant rejuvenation, but he also disappeared with Su Chen. At this time, the medical skills were as good as Old Chen and he was completely helpless. Then who else in the world can save Liu Erye? !

"Then it seems that I can only ask Master Su to take action, I am afraid that I will have a chance!" The boss frowned upon hearing this.

"But the son is still concentrating on retreat!" Xiaobi added with some concern, "The son said that if there is nothing particularly urgent, he must not be able to disturb him!"

"Well, how can that be good!"

The boss is also worried, he brought the people, but now he is helpless.

After hearing this, Jin Yi Nan was completely desperate, and fell to the ground again, unwilling to believe that all this was true.

Cao Mengde watched from the sidelines for a long time, but remained silent.

At this moment, he watched intently, with an extremely serious appearance, so that everyone couldn't help but pin their hopes on him.

"Let me see how far this condition has progressed!"

Cao Mengde spoke, and immediately waved his hand, and a small golden light swept up in the air, followed by a sudden gap towards Liu Erye's temple.


Immediately afterwards, bursts of dark purple aura spread out, unexpectedly shaking away Cao Mengde's power, making him feel surprised.

Unexpectedly, it was so powerful that he would be shaken away!


As soon as Cao Mengde's thoughts moved, another bright golden light swept out of thin air, and once again slammed in the direction of just now.


Unexpectedly, that dark purple aura would be swept up again, trying to forcibly resist Cao Mengde's offensive.

But Cao Mengde had a second hand long ago, just to induce it to appear again.

Immediately there were golden lights in all directions, frantically rushing towards the dark purple aura. On the spot, the dark purple aura in Liu Erye’s body was instantly wiped out with a "bang"!

Then, Liu Erye suddenly bounced all over his body and shook, but he still didn't wake up and was still in a coma.

At this time, Liu Erye's body was extremely complicated, and everything just now was just the tip of the iceberg!

Upon seeing this, Jin Yi Nan was as happy as everyone else, but after seeing the real situation, his expression dimmed and he became even more desperate.

"Is there really no way?" Old Avenue.

"This disease is already dying. If it is half an hour ago, Cao Mengde may still be able to return to heaven, but there is no hope at this time!" Cao Mengde also shook his head and sighed slightly.

"However, maybe let Master Su come and see for himself, maybe he can still have a way!" Cao Mengde thought for a while, and said cautiously.

"That's great, please ask Master Su to come out, as long as the second master can wake up, we are willing to pay any price!" Jin Yi Nan was overjoyed and said quickly.

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