"This round is an advantageous round, you need to grasp it, otherwise it will be difficult if you want to turn over!"

"Obviously, you dare not bet, you are afraid of failure!"

"So what, no matter how strong it is, you have to ask for stability!"

"This is the end of the matter, there is nothing left to say, the winners and losers, only the strong have the opportunity to stand!"

Su Chen pointed at Li Yingshuang and shouted.

"Okay, then I will fulfill you!" Li Yingshuang said softly and coldly.

Li Yingshuang swished immediately, and the terrifying icy cold that swept across his body suddenly swept over him like a storm, causing the temperature of the entire room to drop to the extreme in an instant, as if being in an extremely cold place.

Those who have achieved the realm of bigu are self-contradictory, able to release the space transformed by the true essence in their body, and introduce people into the illusory space in their body.

And everything is transformed by the true essence, real and full of murderous intent, a careless step will cause countless strong people to die here!

If you say that you have just stepped into the real threshold of martial arts practice when you arrive in the flying breath realm, then wing-building is really on the right path, while bigu is just a little fruitful, and then the next step on the virtual realm and the real world are just I won't know until later.

And if it is said that the flying breath realm is the emptiness in cultivation, only then will it be able to make the breath fly by, use it arbitrarily in the illusion and the invisible, and kill the invisible.

Then the Wing-Building Realm is half real, capable of transforming the essence of the body into true essence, achieving the effect of turning illusory things such as breath into reality, and having the ability to fly in the air.

At the same time, the wings transformed by the True Essence are also a symbol of the strength of the powerful in the Wing-making Realm.

But the realm of Bigu has achieved true illusion and consolidation, and truly mastered the step of "reality", which can completely turn all the illusions transformed by the true essence into real objects and a concept of space.

In short, abandon all obscure and difficult concepts, and the solidification of the realm of Bigu brings people into the space of cultivation in their body, which is more real and powerful than the dream realm, and it is right!

(Not mentioned before, I added it here)

At this moment, in the midst of ice and cold, Su Chen could not help but feel cold all over the Fei Breath Realm. If it were not for the protection of three powerful Wing-Making Realm peaks beside him, the terrifying pressure inside would crush him alive. kill!

Only then did Su Chen understand why Li Yingshuang's eyebrows and beards always seemed to have a layer of frost lying on it, so there was such a terrifying space hidden in his body!

Perhaps in the future, we can use this physical feature to identify the attributes of the opponent's solid space, so as to defeat the opponent!

But those with higher strength will not have obvious physical characteristics!

Li Yingshuang, beyond the ordinary, the realm of bigu!

Li Yingshuang dragged Su Chen and others into the frosty space of his cultivation. At this time, standing at the highest point in the space, the pressure on Su Chen and Han Xin was not even a little bit.

The scene at this time is no longer the same as the previous palace. I only know that I am in a piece of ice and snow, boundless, and surrounded by coldness and loneliness.


A sound of breaking through the air sounded as if it had pierced the void, and a sharp ice spear quietly attacked with a terrifying breath.

If you want to kill the ordinary wing-making realm, that is enough!

The speed is simply unimaginable, not to mention the fact that secret arrows are hard to prevent!

Wei Zhongxian reacted for the first time, the embroidered scimitar in his hand shone, and countless cold gleams bloomed, and immediately released the "Fast Speed ​​Realm" to form a barrier to protect him.

"Small carving skills, not enough!"

However, Xu Chu was completely disdainful of this scene. He screamed at the flying ice spear, exploding like thunder, and the tiger-head hammer in his hand burst into an astonishing light.

With a "boom" from Xu Chu's side, he instantly lifted the hammer and dropped the ice spear in a simple and rude manner.

"Small bugs have surprised the lord!"

Xu Chu held a tiger-head hammer with a look of disdain, and then turned around and arched his hands towards Su Chen to show his credit.

Su Chen nodded and didn't say a word. This tiger idiot Xu Chuguo really deserves its reputation!

"But it's a pleasure to be in Brother Wei's'Super Speed ​​Realm', the speed doubles!"

Xu Chu smiled and gave Wei Zhongxian a thumbs up.

"General Xu joked, your supernatural power is extremely brave, you are really a hero!" Wei Zhongxian quickly handed over to Xu Chu, and a wave of business talk was staged on the spot.

Xu Chu nodded, then yelled at the front pierced by the ice spear.

"Come on, let me have a good fight!"

"Hahaha, it's just an appetizer just now, let's have some dinner!"

As the icy smile swayed away, that soft and icy voice sounded, not knowing where it came from.

"You two protect the lord, let me fight happily, hahaha!" Xu Chu pointed to the distance and laughed.

Immediately, bursts of rain-like cones of ice suddenly came, and densely descended from the sky, terrifying, each of them could easily kill the existence of ordinary wing-making realms!

With a piercing sound, the cones of ice swept wildly like a violent hail rain.

"Hahaha, it's just right to come, just to show you the strength of my Xu Zhongkang!"

Xu Chu laughed, pointed at the ice cone rain, and geared up.

"The tiger is crazy!"

Immediately afterwards, Xu Chu roared, and the Tiger Head Hammer suddenly splashed with a dazzling fire, which suddenly became a lot bigger, and a burst of momentum that seemed to pierce the sky suddenly violently formed a horrible wave of madness and swept toward those ice cones.


Xu Chu wielded the big tiger-head hammer, and the madness of a hammer smashed the ice cones that swept through. Not only did the momentum not weaken, but the more courageous the war, the momentum was surging, like the tide of the Yangtze River, fiercely surging.



Xu Chu broke out and smashed all the ice cones that came in a steady stream, and the broken ice cones were cleaned up by Han Xin and Wei Zhongxian to prevent the debris from hurting Su Chen.

Su Chen just don't feel comfortable seeing this scene, okay, I have a master to protect him, just watch quietly.

What is even more exaggerated is that Su Chen directly took out a beach chair and lay on it, with Erlang's legs tilted, and on the small round table beside him were delicious grilled chicken wings, Snow King ice drink, Snow King shaved ice.

Su Chen watched this scene with extreme enjoyment, feeling that the sun was a bit dazzling, and he took out a pair of sunglasses and put on them, lying on the beach chair leisurely eating Snow King's shaved ice, and gnawing on the grilled chicken wings.

It's a peerless enjoyment!

"In such hot weather, it's so comfortable to eat a bite of shaved ice and a bite of grilled chicken wings?"

Su Chen smiled slyly, making Li Yingshuang who was in the dark couldn't help gritting his teeth when he saw it. I didn't expect this kid would really enjoy it!

In his extremely cold space, even if the temperature of the environment is not absolutely zero, the ice cold is absolutely something that people can bear. I didn't expect Su Chen to be able to live so leisurely, claiming that the weather is hot?

This is maddening the old slave!

"If that's the case, then I will give you a taste of it, and see how long you can survive!"

Li Yingshuang looked at Su Chen with a look of enjoyment and gnashed his teeth, and said viciously.

The people on Su Chen's side were so powerful that they were unexpected, and it was Xu Chu, who was known as the tiger idiot, who was extremely brave, and the peak of the Wing Creation Realm was able to continuously resist his ice cone rain without any consumption!

In the dark, Li Yingshuang was really shocked a lot.

Immediately after Li Yingshuang waved his hand, the clouds suddenly surged wildly, and a heavy downpour came. The rain was so fierce that it hurt people.

Su Chen quickly put down his sunglasses and stared, "Oh" I dare to love Li Yingshuang, this guy is going to be really serious!

The rain is getting stronger and stronger, like a needle-like rain madly hitting the barrier set up by Wei Zhongxian, trying to break through the barrier through consumption, directly capture the thief first, capture the king, and hunt down Su Chen!

Moreover, as the rain became stronger, the aggressiveness also continued to increase. Formation under Bigu would be greatly suppressed in the rain, and it would be easy to kill the strong in the ordinary wing-building realm.

When Wei Zhongxian realized this, his complexion changed immediately, and he quickly muttered obscure spells. The embroidered scimitar suddenly burst into purple light, dazzling and flaming.


The embroidered spring knife in Wei Zhongxian's hand flew "swish", and was immediately pressed down by Wei Zhongxian's palm, and shot into the ice and snow.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of runes spread out like ripples, filled the air in circles, and quickly attached to the surrounding barriers, acting as a reinforcement.

"Boom boom boom!"

Unexpectedly, the momentum of the rain was stronger, and the offensive of beating the barrier became even more fierce. The reinforcement of the barrier did not make the time to resist the rain longer, but made it more frustrating and courageous.

When Han Xin saw it, he immediately shook the silver dragon spear in his hand and slapped it on the ground. After a "bang", the silver true essence was swept away, like silver dragons roaming in the void.


At this time, the barrier became stronger, enough to withstand the fierce rain.

Su Chen was relieved when he saw this, but he quickly opened the big umbrella he had already prepared, and pretended to take a sip of Snow King's ice and pressure.

"Grandpa Li, you said the momentum of this rain is really strong, isn't it a bit like the rain when I went to Nalan's house for an appointment?"

In the icy and snowy ground, clouds rolled in the sky again, and for a moment the heavy rain fell from the sky, unabated.

In a blink of an eye, the sound of rain continued to roar, the sky seemed to crack numerous openings, and the rainstorm merged into waterfalls and poured down onto the ice.

Gradually, the heavy rain fell, causing tiny pools of water to accumulate on the ground. The pools accumulated more and more, and the shadow of the black sky reflected on the pools, which was terrifying.

A long dragon-like lightning appeared on the horizon, and with a sound, the majestic rain poured down from the sky like the sky collapsed.

The raindrops are connected together like a big net, forming as if the sky and the earth are covered by a net, and they directly pounce on Su Chen and the others.

The next one might be the realm of Li Yingshuang Bigu, condensing the truly terrifying place!

"Puppet, get up!"

A strange low drink came from nowhere, and the small pools of water piled up, and strange faces were formed in the shadows.

The faces of people condensed by stagnant water are weird, horrifying, and unpredictable.

Su Chen couldn't help but see a sudden cold behind him.

Immediately, the strange faces in the small water pools rose up, gradually forming bodies and limbs.

Those small water pools quickly formed a single figure, the figures were strange and unpredictable, holding different weapons in their hands, slowly attacking Su Chen and the others.

The body of the water man is crystal clear, completely composed of water, his face is full of weird expressions, fear, anger, strange joy...

The water people are moving forward without swift pace, the number is huge, and the accumulation is small, gradually forming a dense army.

This scene has the feeling of a mini version of "black clouds over the city".

Su Chen only felt cold for a while, feeling that things were not so simple!

The mini version of the water people gathered one by one, and gradually formed a team, the formation was neat and tidy, the pace was extremely neat, and the sound of stepping on the ground was uniform.

"Boom boom boom!"

The water people walked neatly towards Su Chen's side without rushing, and there was a "booming noise" on the ground, which was obviously not noisy, but it was very upsetting and it was just forcing. One of the most feared voices.

It's like rubbing the inside of an iron pan with a knife, and the uncomfortable and piercing sound made by the two frantically rubbing.

This is a bit crazy!

"Grandma a bear, watch me smash them back to their original form!"

Xu Chu felt a little hairy in his heart, and an angry look made people want to laugh.


Xu Chuhu was infatuated with his supernatural power, and the tiger head hammer was splashed with fire again, bursts of fierce and violent aura burst out, and the lion also used its full strength to fight the rabbit.

With a swipe of the hammer, Xu Chu's tiger-head hammer crazily landed on the mini-looking little water men.


When the tiger head hammer fell, countless little water men turned into a pool of muddy water and were beaten back to their original form.

However, this didn't show any improvement at all, because the next moment it was beaten back to its original shape, the pool of water instantly condensed into small water people, just like before, and continued to move forward in order.

"I'll smash it again!"

Xu Chu looked like he didn't believe in evil, swinging a tiger-head hammer and smashed it frantically again, smashing the little water man into a puddle of water again!

However, it didn't work. In the next moment, those stagnant water condensed into the original little water people again.

As the majestic rain continued to fall on the cloud, the legions of those little water men became more and more dense, and the number gradually became densely packed and huge to the point of frightening.

"Yeah! I still don't believe it!"

Xu Chu didn't believe in evil, and swung the tiger-head hammer frantically to smash the little water men's army, but the result was the same every time. After being smashed into water droplets, it would automatically return to its original shape.

This made Xu Chu very crazy, no matter what method he tried to kill the little water people, it was useless, and it would not have a fundamental effect.

Su Chen couldn't calm down after seeing this scene, things were far more complicated than he thought.

This is obviously specifically for dealing with Xu Chu!

Obviously only using brute force is simply not feasible!

Although I don't know what these little water people are here for now.

But since Li Yingshuang released it, it is definitely not a vegetarian!

And if you want to completely eradicate the immediate trouble, you may need to stop this majestic rain.

Otherwise, the heavy rain will continue to fall, and then these little water people will be continuously provided with energy, so that they will reach a level of immortality!

Su Chen concentrated in meditation.

But in the icy world released by Li Yingshuang, there is no suitable means for the time being.

The army of the Xiaoyu people gathered together, the number was almost numb to the scalp, and the dark group was constantly bombarding the barrier erected by Wei Zhongxian and Han Xin.

Although these small attacks seem to have no effect, the other party already has the upper hand psychologically.

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