The Strongest Demon-hunting System in the City

Chapter 1896: Listen to the wind

"This is the end of the matter, so there is nothing to say about everything, I don't think it will end so soon!"

"It's better to have something interesting before this is over!"


Many of the flying generals were killed or injured in the void of despair, and the strangulation phantom array called the sky and earth net was torn apart by the basketball on the spot at this time.

The Strangling Fantasy Net, which was gathered like hard work by the national teacher, was also dissipated by a blast at this moment, not to mention what caused the wing-making realm powerhouse to suffer a big loss!

"Ding, congratulations to the host town for killing a flying general and rewarding 600 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host town for killing a flying general and rewarding 666 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host town for killing a flying general and rewarding 888 experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host town for killing a flying general and rewarding 888 experience points!"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through to the ninth level of pill cultivation. There is still five thousand experience points before the pill cultivation is completed!"

"Ah ah ah, I'll get you beast!"

Immediately, a roar containing a monstrous killing intent snarled, and after the voice fell, an old rickety figure pushed away the basketball that was heavily pressed on his body with difficulty, trembling with a scepter and barely supported it.

The original image and vigorous temperament of this national teacher were instantly destroyed, and the originally tall and straight body became rickety and old at this time, and the whole person seemed to be more than twenty years old!


As a result, the ruthless words of this national teacher just came out, it was a dullness in the chest, and then he looked at him, feeling an incredible spout of black blood, and the whole body trembled a little.

And this battle is indeed because they really underestimated Su Chen. The task of Su Chen was only in the realm of pill cultivation. No matter how strong he was, he was only a cultivator in the realm of pill cultivation, like a praying mantis in front of the wheel.

Praying man’s arm is a car, and he doesn’t know what he can do. In the mind of the national teacher, he has such an evaluation of Su Chen. He originally thought that he would preside over the battle with his half-foot-made wing repair base. No matter how strong Su Chen is, he can’t be a turtle in the urn. Make any big waves!

But he was wrong. Su Chen didn't want to break the formation at all, but controlled an unknown mysterious force to instantly strangle them with the power of the outside world!

But at this time, in the heart of the national teacher who has gone through countless years of wind and rain, and has been accustomed to the big wind and waves, Su Chen is just the last struggle, in fact, he is already poor!

"The generals listen to the order! Kill me if you haven't died!!"

The national teacher suddenly wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and in order to maintain the final image, he immediately trembling and finally stood firm, waved his scepter, and roared.

Immediately, many of the generals who were relatively strong and barely survived the terrifying Fireball Strike with their strength showed a deep fear of Su Chen. They trembled slightly, but he dared not to do it again. !

Su Chen laughed when he saw it, and poked his head out of the car window again, looking at everyone with a mean look of jokes, "How about? Come here if you want to go, anyway, this kind of move like just now is just commonplace. , I can put a few hundred tricks at will to beat me to the end!"

Damn, are you still human? With such a powerful move like this, even the cultivation base of the Wing-Building realm would not dare to say that it was just a few hundred moves, right? You are too scary, right? ! !

As soon as Su Chen said this, it instantly echoed in everyone's heart. Many people who were still alive were deeply afraid of it. They trembled violently and constantly wanted to retreat, and many of them even There is no tears about this.

Even the national teacher raised his brows after listening, and his eyes stared at Su Chen with an incredible shock!

But then, with his qualifications as a national teacher, he naturally saw the clues, and immediately the scepter clicked on the floor and shouted, "He must be at the end of the crossbow at this time, so he will only say these words to scare us!"

"And if he really has such a strength, he would not negotiate with us before in the court, but directly kill him, not to mention that he is only a groom, soon, at this time, he must be after casting the spell. Very weak, killing him while he is sick!!"

As soon as the words of the national teacher came out, it instantly affected the hearts of the surviving Fei Bree generals, and they realized instantly, with an angry expression on their faces.

"Yes, he must be at the end of the crossbow at this time and he can't make a big wave!"

"Yes, I'll go up and kill him together, and then I will appreciate the military merits!!"

"That is, he will fall in a pool of blood later, don't worry, we can definitely kill him without leaving it!"

The severely injured generals regained their confidence under the influence of the national division, and immediately nodded affirmatively, squeezing their weapons and making plans.

"Hmph, it's not your fault that you have no ability, but I can't blame me if you want to come out to be embarrassed!"

Su Chen snorted coldly, and the Jiuyuan Longquan Sword in his hand suddenly splashed out an extremely dazzling golden light.

And if it wasn't for the system's spellcasting to have a cooling time, he would have cast another ‘Fireball Strike’ to completely solve the people in front of him right now, otherwise, how could he waste time BB with them so much!

At this moment, although those flying generals were killed a lot by his'fireball blow' on the spot, it also instantly made him enough to make money back, but at this time, there are still more than ten who can continue to fight. This made Su Chen couldn't help feeling a bit of pressure!

And at this moment, he was already weakening, and he couldn't help but start to sweat big beads all over his body. Even though the surface was still very strong, it was actually the end of the force.

"My son, do you need me to take action?"

Lu Yuyan showed a look of distress, her beautiful eyes were full of worry and looked at Su Chen, looking at Su Chen's appearance, and even a little bit dissatisfied.

"No, you don't have to take action, I can settle it all by myself!"

Su Chen smiled bitterly at Lu Yuyan and waved his hand, seemingly far-fetched.

Lu Yuyan was already in trouble at this time, so how could Su Chen get her involved?

Moreover, the black spots attached to the Qingxia sword will speed up the absorption of vitality when the user uses it, and may even squeeze the vitality of the person without knowing it!

Moreover, this Qingxia sword is already bound to Lu Yuyan and cannot be unlocked, so how can he let Lu Yuyan take action?

Although he knew that Lu Yuyan had mastered a secret method that could greatly increase her strength in an instant, she would have a better chance of winning, but the price was extremely high. How could he be so cruel!

"Damn it, if only Jiang Sheng, Lu Fangli, and Tang Ransheng were here at this time!"

Su Chen was a bit unwilling, gritted his teeth, if Jiang Sheng and others were there, he wouldn't be so single-handed, at least the odds of winning would be around 80%!


Su Chen gritted his teeth, directly blasted the accelerator and galloped away, and at the same time grabbed a basketball and waved his vitality and blasted out suddenly.


The basketball rolled up a majestic vitality and ignited a raging flame on the spot, and it blasted directly towards the national teacher and others.

Then, one basketball after another suddenly blasted over, magnificent.

"Hmph, little bugs, he is really poor!"

The national teacher snorted and waved his scepter when he was about to split the basketball that came first in half.

But the rest of the people didn't dare to slacken their efforts, and hurriedly waved with all their strength to resist.

However, at this time Su Chen smiled triumphantly and contemptuously again, banging the accelerator violently and turning into a swift shadow, blasted out at that moment, giving the opponent no chance to react.

When the national teacher reacted in an instant, Su Chen had already galloped out and disappeared, leaving only a **** of white eyes and a confused face in the wind.

"Grass, what to see, it's not fast to close the gate!!" The national teacher roared, flushed with anger.

"Yes, hurry up, close the city gate soon, and then all will catch up with me!!" The commander who was reprimanded also hurriedly shouted.

Immediately afterwards, those people, together with the national division, quickly drove a magic horse and quickly followed in Su Chen's footsteps.

"Huh, you want to chase me just like this? Let's practice for a few more years!" Su Chen snorted jokingly, laughed, and put his head out of the car window towards the national teacher who was trying to catch up with him. The others sneered and said:

"You waited for the Rats to be the flying generals of the Western Frontier Kingdom? It's really rubbish, so you dare to fight with my country with Tobu? Don't laugh to death!"

"Little beast, today's humiliation, I don't share the same with you!!", the national teacher roared, his entire face was red and blue, and he immediately roared, yelling at his side to manipulate The general who is looking at the horse.

"Give me all my strength to catch up. Whoever can win his head, the local division will make him a general in front of your majesty!!!"

The roar of the national teacher resounded through the entire city, even a bit deafening, and the generals on the divine horse didn't dare to slacken off immediately, and immediately took out the bow and crossbow attached to the flying breath of Hengkong Tengren and pointed directly at Su Chen.

"Swish swish!"

A sharp arrow rushed out like a light rain in an instant, the target pointed at Su Chen, and the sound of breaking through the air was extremely harsh.

"Small bugs!"

Su Chen smiled contemptuously, slammed the steering wheel, released the clutch, stepped on the brakes, stepped on the accelerator, and put into gear. A series of operations were completed in one go. The drift of the clouds and flowing water was completed in an instant, and the small group of "arrow rain" was easily avoided. .


After Su Chen used drift to easily escape the "Arrow Rain", the accelerator slammed to the end and rushed out like a sharp arrow "swish".

"Trash, where's the guarding army? All let them come out and shoot arrows, are they all stupid?"

The national teacher roared angrily, seeing that the speed was gradually being shaken off by Su Chen, it was even more furious.

"Yes yes yes, hurry up, archer, get ready to release arrows!!"

The leading general immediately yelled anxiously, put a signal smoke toward the sky, and ordered the archers hiding in the dark to release arrows!

But what can this do? Even the arrow rain Su Chen put by the ten Fei Bree generals himself can easily escape, not to mention those archers below the realm!




Immediately, thousands of bows and arrows burst out from the dark in an instant, the speed is extremely fast, the densely packed area is simply dazzling, and there is a kind of overwhelming aura directly to the large area where Su Chen is located, but the lethality is obvious. Far inferior to the previous offensive.


Amidst the arrow rain, only a majestic sword qi slashed out violently. The sword qi burst into the air and flooded many flying sharp arrows instantly, resisting a large part of the offensive.


Then, after the sword aura came out to resist the overwhelming arrow rain, Su Chen's God of War GTR once again "swish" turned into a silver lightning and galloped out directly and flew away ten pieces of the national teacher and others. street.


"In fact, my Royal Highness Qiao Biluo came from the Yanzhi anchor. It takes one hundred thousand silver taels to meet in public. If not, 80,000 taels are fine!"

"No, no, I'll give two hundred thousand silver taels. As long as I can see His Highness Qiao Biluo, I will be willing even if I can't get married!!"

At this time, in a small alley, a 58-year-old aunt was chatting happily with a young man known as the "Top One", and even the transaction had reached the final step.

"Then, everything is up to you. This is a little bit of heart. I hope you can bring it to His Royal Highness Qiao Biluo."

The ‘rank one’ man carefully handed the 58-year-old grandmother a storage ring with lots of gold, and smiled slightly.

"Okay, I will bring you good things!" The fifty-eight-year-old grandma accepted the ring and smiled with excitement on her face.

"Oh, isn't this Grandma Qiao Biluo, why are you here?"

Suddenly a voice came from the depths of the alley, and then a swift silver shadow rushed past, extremely fast, leaving the stunned'bang one' man with only a mean smile and disappeared. Up.

"Huh? are His Royal Highness Qiao Biluo?!!!"

The man codenamed ‘Bang No.1’ was slightly surprised and immediately reacted, and when he understood Su Chen’s words, his anger was unstoppable.

"No, that's not the case, listen to me explain'List No. 1', I...Bah, His Royal Highness Qiao Biluo is really from the Yanqi anchor!!"

"Huh, what else can I explain, quickly, return the ring to me, I want to log out of my account!!!"

The ‘bang one’ man snorted coldly, angered, and there was some incredible shock on his face that he had never expected!

Unexpectedly, the famous anchor Qiao Biluo, who is well-known for thousands of miles in Western Xinjiang, turned out to be a 58-year-old grandmother! !

Immediately, the ‘rank one’ man turned his head and ran away even without the ring. After a short while, the incident spread throughout the entire Western Xinjiang country and shocked the entire Western Xinjiang country! !


In other words, Su Chen had already galloped across half of the city at this time and instantly came to a side gate in the city.

However, when he came to the side door, he was still a step late!

Originally, according to the guidance of the system, the best shortcut to leave this city was this side door, but it was still too late.

"Damn it, system, what do you say?" Su Chen asked the system helplessly.

However, at this time, the system has not yet responded, and a familiar voice rang from the front.

"Hmph, you little beast is now desperate, so let's catch it!"

As soon as the voice fell, Su Chen slowly walked out of a figure, it was the national teacher, and beside him stood several high-level Fei Xi generals.

Su Chen was also taken aback when he saw this, thinking that the other party had already dumped him ten blocks just now, how come he suddenly rushed to him now!

When Lu Yuyan saw it, she looked at Su Chen with a worried expression, and stopped talking.

And Su Chen also planned to turn around and run away. Among these people, the one that worries him the most is the national teacher whose strength is comparable to or even better than Jiang Sheng!

"No, they must not be so fast, die for me!"

Su Chen suddenly remembered something, his eyes flashed with two rays of light, one red and one blue, and immediately shining away. The figure of the "national teacher" and the rest were immediately twisted into a ball, and even torn apart by his fourth-grade golden eyes. In pieces!

Phantom, this is just a phantom!!!

But it was too late for Su Chen to see through. This national teacher deserves to be an old river and lake who has been in this position for so many years, and Su Chen caught Su Chen by surprise!


I saw that phantoms suddenly exploded, and the huge energy exploded immediately blasted Su Chen's God of War GTR into pieces!

The explosion was deafening, and silver fragments drifted away in the wind. Once brilliant, the God of War GTR, who crushed everyone to win the first place, disappeared and disappeared in the dust.

However, Su Chen is a man with a system, how could he die so easily!

On the eve of the explosion of the phantom, Su Chen realized that something was wrong, and immediately led Lu Yuyan to smash the door of the car and jumped out, fortunately to escape the catastrophe!

However, the illusion of this national teacher is also extremely unpredictable. Only at that moment, Su Chen was accidentally hit by the illusion in the explosion. Before he knew it, when he recovered, time had passed for a cup of tea. effort!

"Little beast, go to hell!!"

At this time, the horse that the national teacher was riding in hurried over, and when he got out of the car, the horse showed a nearly crazy smile, and he couldn’t wait to wave the scepter and set off majestic vitality and slammed into the ground, but it seemed to be infinite. Li Dun violently attacked Su Chen's position.

Immediately, the entire ground was lifted up under the loud noise, and a majestic energy continued to explode, forming an extremely terrifying destructive impact that rippled away, spreading rapidly like a circle of ripples. Spread.


Su Chen didn't expect such a thing to happen either, and exclaimed, the third level of opening the "Shengan Zhenjing" was to bring Lu Yuyan to raid backwards quickly, and this was the chance to escape the destructive impact.


The loud and deafening noise keeps on, of course, and it still reverberates in this city for a long time, making people feel numb in their scalp.

And with the loud noise, under the flying dust fragments, there are still many rubbles splashing continuously, and the moment they quickly pass by is hurting hugely.


After a gust of wind whizzed past and the dust and smoke dissipated, the two figures stood tall on the broken ground.

An old figure that looked a little rickety was the national teacher who stepped into the wing-building with half of his foot. His face was ugly at this time. After suffering Su Chen's previous heavy injury and this blow, his skill at this time was already great. decline!

The other figure is quite the opposite. The burly figure standing between the dust and sand is extremely strong, but it exudes an unpleasant smell and a special smell that makes the scalp numb.

When all the dust and smoke dissipated, everyone could see the true face of that burly figure, and this burly figure was filled with an extremely daunting aura.

Moreover, as soon as he shot, he was able to draw a tie with a powerful national teacher and instantly rescued Su Chen, who had not yet been able to react. It was really shocking!

After seeing the face of that burly figure, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

The burly figure under the dust is exactly the Tier 4 zombie whose half-human body has a flying breath cultivation base, Tang Ransheng! !

"Ding, congratulations to the host for discovering a Tier 4 zombie servant!!"

After listening to the system's words, Su Chen reacted and pulled Lu Yuyan to his feet slowly.

For a while, even he was shocked by Tang Ransheng's strength, and he was so resolute and drew a tie with that national teacher when he shot, even better.

What he didn't expect was that even though Tang Ransheng was living in Sand City after he used the system to make a contract, he was actually a half-human body with a special physique, and there was no rejection at all. It was just two or three days. Adapted so quickly!

Apparently, he didn't dislike the current appearance in the slightest.

Su Chen was also relieved after seeing Tang Ransheng's arrival. After recalling the previous events, he was not much shocked at Tang Ransheng's strength.

The special physique of a half-human corpse is half human and half corpse. At the same time, it has the cultivation base of flying breath and the special abilities of Tier 4 zombies, and it also has the mind when it was born, so it is even crushed. That national teacher is not surprising!

At this time, everyone on the side of the national teacher was full of fear. Except for the national teacher who had seen countless winds and waves, the others were still trembling.

"Who are you? He is the key figure wanted by our country in Western Xinjiang, and I hope your Excellency will raise your hand!"

The Xijiang National Teacher paused slightly, squinted his eyes slightly, and at the same time, a trace of doubt passed quickly in his eyes.

He really couldn't think of a Tier 4 zombie who was so powerful and could be called a little king outside the border suddenly came to this small city to help Su Chen!

Moreover, what makes him even more puzzled is why this Tier 4 zombie is not bound by the secret orders and laws between the heavens and the earth, and the strength is not weakened at all, but stronger?

Facing the words of the national teacher, Tang Ransheng remained silent and did not speak, then turned his head and glanced at Su Chen, Su Chen couldn't help being startled by the cold and secluded breath.


Su Chen yelled, waved his hand and consumed points again, bought a God of War GTR from the system store, and beckoned to Tang Ransheng.

Tang Ransheng then looked back at the National Teacher and the others dumbly. After shaking the opponent's legs, he did not hesitate to walk to Su Chen's side, but he did not go to the God of War GTR.

Under everyone's suspicious gaze, Tang Ransheng flew away and suddenly picked up the majestic vitality, and the black shadows instantly condensed and gathered all of them on his fists.


Immediately afterwards, Tang Ransheng made everyone stunned and blasted out his punches, and quickly swept up afterimages in the air. Everyone hadn't seen the punches so clearly, and the punches were instantly rectified. A huge hole was blasted out of the extremely hard city wall.

After the city wall was blasted out of a hole for a while, there were still countless broken spells, and the large formation of the city guard was shattered by that punch together, and countless fine formations fluttered in the air.

Su Chen immediately blasted his accelerator, galloped out without hesitation, and rushed towards the big hole in the city wall without saying a word.

Upon seeing this, Tang Ransheng immediately swept his body and quickly followed, then opened the door of the car and got on to Su Chen's God of War GTR.

All the people who watched this scene were confused, and they were still messy in the wind after Su Chen left.

And under the whistling of the wind, the broken guard formation was still "cracking", reminding everyone that what happened just now was not an illusion, but a real existence!

And this scene also shocked the national teacher, who had been in a high position for many years, who had been accustomed to seeing strong winds and waves, and almost made his jaw drop.

"Madan, what else do you look at one by one? Don't hurry back and inform the people in the gods camp, let the gods kill the gods out of the mountain, and quickly go to the border to stop this person!!!"

The national teacher roared, and the leader Fei Xi next to him was a big-eared bus, who was very angry with anger.


The general quickly responded with a swift voice and galloped away, following the instructions of the national teacher, not daring to neglect the slightest.

"Hmph, this son is really terrifying, no matter what his shocking background, he will definitely make him unable to leave my country of Western Xinjiang!!"


At this time, Su Chen drove the God of War GTR all the way to the remote place of the Western Frontier Country, where resources are scarce and there are few people within a hundred miles.

On the God of War GTR, Su Chen asked Tang Ransheng indifferently without looking back, "Have you completed your revenge plan?"

"No, this person has disappeared. I have been searching for him for a few days and have not been able to find him. After hearing your news, this is why I quickly came to save the formation with the help of the secret."

Sitting in the car, Tang Ransheng had already recovered his former appearance when he was a human. He shook his head, slightly regretful.

Su Chen smiled slightly when he heard it, and didn't say anything, but if Tang Ransheng could arrive at the start of the Shenju Competition as scheduled, he would obviously leave at this time.


At the same time, the Xia Dynasty, the capital of Chang'an, the Su family!

At this time, the Su family was in turmoil and noise, and the headed man brought a group of men and horses to the gate of the Su family with a calm face.

"Give me, search!!!"

The man held his saber and pointed straight ahead with a calm face, and gave an order immediately with a deep cry.

After the order was given, the people that the man brought behind all poured into the Su Mansion from the front gate openly, and filed in to carry out a series of searches.

However, some of the thugs who had been stationed in the Su Mansion for a long time did not dare to waver at all, and they all froze in place. This kind of thing was almost never seen.

Due to the high volume of movement, Cheng Song, who was ordered by Su Chen to come to Su Mansion to guard him, was shocked to meditate in the elegant room at this time, and quickly hurried out with a twitching figure to find out.

When Cheng Song came to the main hall of Su Mansion, he saw a lot of people searching for something wantonly. They didn't regard this place as Su Mansion, and didn't put Su Chen in his eyes. Cheng Song was also furious when he saw it!

"A bunch of bastards, who allowed you to trespass into the Su Mansion, Master Su hasn't been around for a few days now, and he's very courageous!"

Cheng Song's voice resounded through the main hall, and the screams made the people stunned immediately, not daring to move at all.

"Oh? It turned out that General Cheng came here, who I thought it was? It's okay, it's okay, continue the search!"

At this moment, the middle-aged man who was headed by the middle-aged man walked slowly outside the main hall. As soon as this man came in, he looked at Cheng Song jokingly with a provocative tone.

This person is the father of Zhang Lei, who was crushed by Su Chen's Ten Steps and Ten Poems at the Jingxin Lake Banquet and was in a mess, the second-ranking official, Zhang Lei!

"Master Zhang, what do you mean by this? How long has it taken for Master Su and Master Jiang to embark on the Western Xinjiang country before you can't stand it?"

Cheng Song arched his hand towards Zhang Lei with an angry expression. At the same time, he thought that it was not unreasonable for Su Chen to come and watch and guard Su Mansion. Su Chen had never expected this to happen.

"General Cheng, what you said is wrong. Why can't my officer be able to bear it? My officer is just following orders!"

Zhang Lei looked at the somewhat angry Cheng Song with a joking and contemptuous smile, and at the same time he even had a glimmer of anticipation in his heart for the next scene.

"According to orders?" Cheng Song frowned immediately, revealing doubts, wondering if the other party had found another reason to defeat Su Chen?

"Yes, this is a search warrant authorized by the emperor. I hereby search the General Chaqi, the mansion of Su Chen, the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and investigate the ties between the Shangshu of the former Ministry of War and the people of Xijiang!!!"

As Zhang Lei spoke, he took out a golden dragon token from his arms, and the emperor's prestige that was released was a search warrant granted by the emperor!

Cheng Song was also startled when he saw it, but he didn't expect the other party to come here really well!

"How about it, General Cheng should let you go, lest you offend Lord Nalan, you will not feel well in the future!"

Zhang Lei still smiled jokingly. He has been waiting for this moment for a long time. As long as he can search for key items, he can keep Su Chen from turning over and insult his son Yixue Jingxin Lake. Shame!

"Huh, don't think about it, I was originally ordered to watch and guard the Su Mansion specially by Master Su to prevent some villains from taking the opportunity to sneak attack behind them. If I am here, who dare to see!!"

Cheng Song snorted coldly, pulled out his saber, and shouted, the majesty of the domineering veteran was revealed in an instant, and everyone was shocked that none of them dared to move.

At this moment, a tall young man walked in slowly with a faint smile on his mouth. It was Nalan Yande's second son, Nalanyun.

At this time, Nalan Yun revealed a different and powerful aura, as if a qualitative change had occurred, which was obviously a sign that he had just entered the realm of pill cultivation.

"General Cheng, why are you doing this? What benefit did that kid give you? My Nalan family can give you three times as much as his to join us, and it can also allow you to rise higher and higher, and enjoy all the glory and wealth. It will be impossible to reach in this life. Height, get out of the way!"

Standing behind Zhang Lei, Nalanyun said in a joking and very tempting tone that the conditions offered were very attractive. In the eyes of others, this point made many heroes compete.

However, Cheng Song turned his head and snorted coldly again, with a look of disgust and contempt, and didn't want to bother with him at all.

Cheng Song's eyes widened and looked a little angry, "Don't use your father Nalan Yande's habitual trick to fool the old man. How dare you even say this little bit of profit?"

For him, the most important thing is the word "righteousness". Both Su Chen and Su Jing have been kind to him. He is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. How can he do things that are treachery in his entire life.

And if he is coveting this mere glory and wealth, how can he still be a mere defender of the city with his powerful strength throughout his life?

Besides, if it hadn't been for Su Chen's appearance, he would still stay at the seventh stage of Feixi so far, even a hurdle that would never pass in his life!

"Huh, Cheng Song, are you trying to disobey the emperor's order?" Zhang Lei lit up the emperor's licensed dragon pattern search warrant again, snorted, stared at Cheng Song sternly, and waved at his subordinates. Search for me!!"


The people brought by Zhang Lei immediately responded, and immediately rushed into the depths of the main hall.

"I see who dares!!!"

Cheng Song yelled, his saber did not move, just a movement of his mind, a sharp breath came out in the air, under the sound of "swish", like the light of a knife, the person who rushed out first It was the separation of the heads, and they fell down with a "bang".

As soon as Cheng Song took the shot, the breath of Feixi's eighth rank spread out. The faces of those who were shocked on the spot were pale and did not dare to shake. After learning from the past, even Zhang Lei was still staring at them and did not dare to take their legs again.

"General Cheng, you!!!"

Zhang Lei immediately yelled, his eyes fell on Cheng Song, and he stared at the opponent fiercely.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, do it!!"

Suddenly, behind Zhang Lei came an extremely majestic and stern voice.

Immediately afterwards, a number of figures continued to appear, and all the powerful suddenly appeared. The person headed was the Nalan Patriarch, Nalan Yande, who was opposed to Su Chen, the leader of a major power above the court! !




Immediately afterwards, a series of dark arrows shot out toward the main hall, and the sound of breaking through the air appeared extremely harsh.


Facing the sudden dark arrow, Cheng Song raised his brows, and hurriedly waved his whole body's vitality and breath, and quickly resisted with his sword. The sword was like the wind, and the appearance was swift and energetic. Although he is a little old, he is still old and strong!


Nalan Yande let out a cold sigh, and suddenly dozens of powerful men who had cultivated a pill and flew out from the dark, and quickly sacrificed their ultimate move and blasted Cheng Song, who was still resisting.

"As long as I, Cheng Song, are still here, I don't want to take another step!!"

Cheng Song yelled, the tiger's body shook, his body exploded with majestic vitality, the saber suddenly slashed forward, the blade instantly swayed a burst of fierce arrogance, the flying breath was majestic, and exploded with a terrifying breath. Directly overwhelmed the ultimate move that everyone used madly.

Cheng Songfei breathed his eighth-level peak strength in full bloom, and his absolute strength instantly crushed him. He took a sudden step forward, and a swift tiger palm suddenly slashed out, and what followed was a deadly killing.


Immediately, many people with weaker strength were smashed into the air instantly, their expressions shocked and frightened, and even more so, they suddenly spewed out a mouthful of old blood and became very weak.

"I can't help myself!"

Cheng Song looked at the people contemptuously, his face was full of disdain, and he became extremely jealous when he was always strong and powerful.

"Kill me!!"

Nalan Yande let out a slightly unwilling roar, lifted a sword and went to battle in person, followed by several powerful men who were also Feixi behind, with awe-inspiring aura.

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