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"Clang...Congratulations to the host for the successful redemption, reward a little bit of force!"

"Clang...Congratulations to the host for the successful redemption, reward a little bit of force!"


Like a hard-working cleaner, Zhen Deshuai is constantly "sweeping" the fallen leaves in the dry forest!

Wherever he goes, the ground will be cleaned up.

Soon, a large area was cleaned up by him, and the fallen leaves disappeared after turning into a forced grid value.

However, there will naturally be an upper limit of tolerance when the number is large.

"Clang... the system friendly reminder: Your recovery function is already overloaded, and this kind of aura withered leaves will no longer provide the exchange function!"

Hearing this, Zhen Deshuai stopped his actions, and after a calculation, he expected that the urine nature of this system would naturally be like this.

However, he is not so greedy. In such a short amount of incense, he has easily obtained nearly 20,000 points of forced grid value!

However, his inspiration flashed, suddenly his eyes fell on the dead trees, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but overflow with a meaningful "hehe" smile!

"Since these dead leaves have aura and can be exchanged for compelling grid points, presumably these dead trees are almost the same!"

Zhen Deshuai smiled "hehe", and arrived under a dead tree in a flash, breaking a branch at random!

"Dang... the system detects the aura withered wood, redeem it for rewards, ten points to force the grid value!"

After hearing this, Zhen Deshuai was immediately ecstatic, which really confirmed his guess!

It seems that this place must have been brilliant in the past, otherwise it would not have been able to exchange any arbitrary value for the forced rating!

Zhen Deshuai was pleased to exchange it immediately.

"Clang...Congratulations to the host for successfully redeeming Reiki Withered Bark, and get rewards. Ten points are forced!"

"Since each leaf and branch can be exchanged for forced grid value, how much is the whole tree worth?"

Zhen Deshuai showed greed on his face, and with a wave of his hand, he uprooted the dead wood beside him.

"System, exchange!"

"Clang... Congratulations to the host for successfully redeeming the Reiki Withered Tree, and get a reward, one hundred and fifty points worth!"

"Good guy!"

Zhen Deshuai couldn't help but sighed in admiration, and at the same time, his eyes flashed by cold light, constantly flashing a greedy look.

He immediately uprooted several dry and thin withered trees, and immediately disappeared after the exchange!

"Clang... Congratulations to the host for successfully redeeming the Reiki Withered Tree, and got a reward of 150 points!"

"Clang... Congratulations to the host for successfully redeeming the Reiki Withered Tree, and got a reward of 150 points!"

"It seems that this wave is about to be sent!"

Zhen Deshuai looked at the dense, but could not see the end of the dry forest, and he was immediately ecstatic.

He thought to himself, if he really wants to redeem this entire forest, would he still be underdeveloped? ?

Zhen Deshuai was delighted, and at the same time a few thin withered trees disappeared instantly in his hands.

"Clang... Congratulations to the host for successfully redeeming the Reiki Withered Tree, and got a reward of 150 points!"

"Clang... Congratulations to the host for successfully redeeming the Reiki Withered Tree, and got a reward of 150 points!"

"Clang... Congratulations to the host for successfully redeeming the Reiki Withered Tree, and got a reward of 150 points!"


Wherever Zhen Deshuai goes, there is no grass in the legend.

Whether it was a grass or a tree, the moment he passed by was like experiencing the baptism of a "locust storm", and everything disappeared instantly!

The place he passed by did not leave any grass or tree, it was as if it was looted by an insect plague, it was completely cleaned! !

"Clang...Congratulations to the host for successfully redeeming, and getting a reward of 100 points!"

"Clang...Congratulations to the host for successfully redeeming, and getting a reward of 150 points!"

"Clang...Congratulations to the host for successfully redeeming and getting a reward of 200 points!"


"Hahaha, I'm so immortal, there will be no grass here!"

The surrounding area was constantly filled with Zhen Deshuai's indulgent laughter, and at the same time, his compulsion score had accumulated to more than one hundred thousand points, which was as if he had a wealth of money.

But at this moment, the world suddenly trembled violently, and the dry ground cracked again and again, and the surrounding air instantly became turbid.

An old and full of majesty voice suddenly rang, and shouted: "Stop it!!"

Zhen Deshuai's eardrum was suddenly shocked, and two lines of blood flowed out.

Zhen Deshuai immediately stopped his hands, his face was filled with incomparable shock.

This kind of coercion is unprecedented, beyond the past, no matter who it is, no matter where it is sacred, it has never been given!

Including the peak Demon King that Zhen Deshuai felt before was less than one percent! !

Zhen Deshuai's chest was dull, and his throat was sweet, and blood spurted out immediately!

Under the voice full of ancient majesty, he felt uncomfortable as if suffocated by a boulder on his chest.

If it weren't for the special meridians in the body, the dragon soul seemed to be able to form a little resistance to this power.

Otherwise, under the pressure of this sound, Zhen Deshuai might burst into a cloud of blood on the spot!

"Mom really sells it!"

Zhen Deshuai yelled angrily, knowing that the other party might not be able to kill him, and immediately came up with confidence!

However, he still took some pills to suppress the shock!

"Hmph, there are not many pills, just a few dozen of them!!"

Dozens of medicinal pills of good quality immediately swayed extremely special miraculous effects under the guidance of Zhen Deshuai, and forcibly formed an invisible wall formed by the power of medicine in front of Zhen Deshuai, and he forced the ancient The majesty has weakened a lot! !

Going down this time, instantly lost tens of thousands of points for Zhen Deshuai, which inevitably caused him a bit of pain! !

"Hmph, little guy, this immortal doesn't know exactly how you got here, but your previous things have already violated the rules of this place!"

"If it weren't for the kindness of the old man, I am afraid that the blood mist that has been bombarded and killed by the prohibition here has long been gone!"

That majestic voice sounded again, but it didn't have the aggressiveness and pressure of the last time!

However, Zhen Deshuai was not in the slightest, and he arrived immediately unconvinced:

"This place is forced by the immortal to enter by relying on his own luck. How sacred are you? Come and strangle Lao Tzu now!"

Although Zhen Deshuai can estimate that the other party may not be able to obliterate him, he is still a little guilty in the face of such a big pressure! !

"Hahaha, the mere qi refining period is so bold! Interesting!"

"However, you are so happy?!!!"

Immediately, a smoky **** hand that was forcibly turned into an entity suddenly slapped Zhen Deshuai, suddenly collapsed in all directions! !

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