"Damn, by the way, you kid has cheated the old man so many spiritual power plants have not settled accounts with you!

Although those are already withered, it is still the aura of the old man himself. Now that you have been pitted so much by you, it is natural to be weak to this point, otherwise it would not be the case. Let's talk, how do you repay the old man? ? "

Xiao Wuji immediately recalled the previous scene, still showing fleshy pain, and asked Zhen Deshuai.

"It's impossible to pay back. It's impossible in this life. I think Master, you certainly don't care about it!"

Zhen Deshuai didn't panic when he saw this, and he still smiled past his face.

"Hey, if it wasn't for your brave destruction to ruin the secret forest where you were your teacher, otherwise you can only kill the monks below the Jindan late stage!"

Xiao Wuji shook his head again and sighed, looking very helpless and melancholy.

At this time, Zhen Deshuai couldn't help but feel a little guilty, after all, this person has now become his master, the weaker the other party is, the more disadvantaged it is for him!

"Okay, okay, Master, you should give me Zhujidan quickly!"

Zhen Deshuai immediately put on a smiling face and responded with a smile.

"Hmph, nothing more, nothing more!"

Xiao Wuji gave a few cold snorts, and immediately flipped his right hand, and immediately appeared two azure blue pill that looked like a water stop!

"Thank you, Master!"

Zhen Deshuai thanked him, and immediately took the medicine and stored it in the system space.

"Forget it, forget it, the past is full of smoke, so let's leave this place first!"

Xiao Wuji suddenly frowned and revealed a look of sorrow, helplessly looking at his flesh that was still suppressed by the seal, his face full of dismay.

"Little guy, in time, if you can reach the stage of infant transformation, then maybe you also have the opportunity to save your body as a teacher..."

Xiao Wuji sighed and sighed with emotion.

"Infant change period? Ben Qixian will try his best, after all, this is not a realm that anyone can reach casually!!"

"Hahaha, that's all, let's go out first!"

Xiao Wuji laughed loudly when he heard this. He also knew that these things couldn't be anxious at all, and if he was eager to achieve success, he would easily become self-defeating.

Immediately, Xiao Wuji exuded a burst of white cloud and smoke, and shot a burst of verdant and soft green true power, transformed into a green mirror and immediately took Zhen Deshuai into it.


………………… Hearing this, the Demon Sovereign of Bliss gave a long, melancholy sigh, then said:

"I am a generation of Demon Lord Bliss Demon Venerable, and my life is Xiao Wuji! Unexpectedly, I was met by Nitang's little bitch-people thousands of years ago... Nothing, nothing, the past is full of smoke, and now the old man can escape the soul!"

Xiao Wuji said that at this time, he shook his head, full of unwillingness, and obviously regretted that he could not escape the formation together with his body!

"Well, since you and I have such a fate, it must be God's will. In that case, the old man will reluctantly accept you as a named disciple. From then on, you can call me a master!"

Zhen Deshuai was also ecstatic when he heard the words. The Demon of Bliss had already become his personal bodyguard, and now it is best to accept him as a disciple.

Then in this way, if you pretend to force the path of cultivating immortals, you will naturally go more smoothly!

At this moment, the Demon of Bliss laughed loudly and said:

"Don't think that this deity doesn't know what your kid is thinking about, I tell you, my spirit is not the perfect spirit of the peak period, and now it is very weak!"

"The ultimate power that can be displayed now can actually only help you obliterate people below the late Jindan stage!"

"If there is a chance in the future, you may be able to return to the peak state. At that time, the deity will have to rely on you kid!"

Hearing that, Zhen Deshuai was also a little helpless, and it was not so easy to walk sideways.

According to his guess, even the great elder of Maoshan, Ran Jianfeng must be a terrifying powerhouse of the Golden Core Stage!

If Ran Jianfeng underestimated the enemy, Zhen Deshuai was lucky, otherwise Zhen Deshuai would no longer exist at this time!

"Damn, by the way, you kid has cheated the old man so many spiritual power plants have not settled accounts with you!

Although those are already withered, it is still the aura of the old man himself. Now that you have been pitted so much by you, it is natural to be weak to this point, otherwise it would not be the case. Let's talk, how do you repay the old man? ? "…………………

"Well, since you and I have such a fate, it must be God's will. In that case, the old man will reluctantly accept you as a named disciple. From then on, you can call me a master!"

Zhen Deshuai was also ecstatic when he heard the words. The Demon of Bliss had already become his personal bodyguard, and now it is best to accept him as a disciple.

Then in this way, if you pretend to force the path of cultivating immortals, you will naturally go more smoothly!

At this moment, the Demon of Bliss laughed loudly and said:

"Don't think that this deity doesn't know what your kid is thinking about, I tell you, my spirit is not the perfect spirit of the peak period, and now it is very weak!"

"The ultimate power that can be displayed now can actually only help you obliterate people below the late Jindan stage!"

"If there is a chance in the future, you may be able to return to the peak state. At that time, the deity will have to rely on you kid!"

Hearing that, Zhen Deshuai was also a little helpless, and it was not so easy to walk sideways.

According to his guess, even the great elder of Maoshan, Ran Jianfeng must be a terrifying powerhouse of the Golden Core Stage!

If Ran Jianfeng underestimated the enemy, Zhen Deshuai was lucky, otherwise Zhen Deshuai would no longer exist at this time!

"Damn, by the way, you kid has cheated the old man so many spiritual power plants have not settled accounts with you!

Although those are already withered, it is still the aura of the old man himself. Now that you have been pitted so much by you, it is natural to be weak to this point, otherwise it would not be the case. Let's talk, how do you repay the old man? ?

If there is a chance in the future, you may be able to return to the peak state, and then the deity will have to rely on you kid! "

Hearing that, Zhen Deshuai was also a little helpless, and it was not so easy to walk sideways.

According to his guess, even the great elder of Maoshan, Ran Jianfeng must be a terrifying powerhouse of the Golden Core Stage!

Damn, by the way, you kid has cheated the old man so many spiritual power plant deities have not settled with you yet!

Even though those are already withered, they are still

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