"Why should an auction be held in Tianlong Pavilion?"


"Oh? How terrifying to this level?!!"

"It seems that what the urban fairy novel says is true, it turns out to be true!"

Zhen Deshuai let out a soft hey and was startled slightly, but he still didn't doubt Xiao Wuji's words.

But the next moment he quietly asked the system on his own!

"System, is what the Demon of Bliss said is true?"

"It's true, but the host doesn't have to worry. With the host's five-element heavenly veins roots and the protection of the dragon soul body, there is no explosion and death!"

"At most, it will bleed from the seven orifices, and the pores will burst all over the body. At most it will be a little painful and will not die!"

The system immediately downplayed and said indifferently.

The corner of Zhen Deshuai's mouth twitched slightly, not because he couldn't believe in Xiao Wuji.

No matter what Xiao Wuji said, his predecessor was a cultivation veteran who had cultivated for thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

It still belongs to the kind of people in the magic way, and it is necessary to beware at first.

Moreover, it seems that Xiao Wuji is now treating himself sincerely, and has already abandoned the identity of the former demon lord!


Zhen Deshuai sighed with a wry smile, got up and left the ice jade bed and walked out of his office!

According to what the system told him, he actually only needs to increase his strength to fully adapt to this ice jade bed.

When you arrive at the foundation building period, it’s not a problem to practice comfortably lying on it!

Zhen Deshuai then ordered the top Michelin chef to prepare breakfast for him in his own elegant room, and then began to eat.

Even though he can be regarded as a cultivator now, even if he is not hungry, the feeling of being empty in his stomach can't help it.

Many people in this graceful room recognized him, and they all greeted him when the mysterious and unpredictable chairman came back.

It made Zhen Deshuai suddenly happy, and he raised everyone's salary by nearly two thousand!

"Eh eh eh, boy, look, look, look, the female doll not far away from you looks pretty good!"

Xiao Wuji in the Spring Leaf Ring saw the young lady who had come to Fenghua for a part-time job not far away and did not look away and said to Zhen De Shuai.

Zhen Deshuai didn't take it seriously. Since the other party called it the Demon of Bliss, even if it was an age, it was normal for him to like a little girl.

"Don't worry, if your old man likes it, when you find a chance, I can bring a dozen of them over for you to enjoy!"

Zhen Deshuai drank a glass of milk and said slowly.

"Boy, it's a deal, as long as I have a chance, I will get more than a dozen of them. Don't forget then!"

"Good good!"

"By the way, my Elysium Demon Lord has been suppressed for thousands of years, and I haven't tasted female **** in a long time. These female dolls are so watery, they can definitely restore a lot of Yin Qi to the Lord!!"

Xiao Wuji showed a meaningful evil smile in the ring of Chunye.

Zhen Deshuai disagrees. Based on the "famous novels of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign" that he has surveyed over the years, if a generation of Demon Lord does not have such characteristics, he will still doubt it.

Afterwards, Zhen Deshuai behaved gracefully, finished breakfast quickly and quickly, got up and left.

"By the way, old man, you said I need a few spiritual herbs to help me when I hit the foundation, so what should you say?!"

"Huh, it's really not big or small, the old man personally accepted you as a disciple who sits down and teaches you personally. That is the blessing of your countless lives!"

"Oh, forget it, don't say it, let your direct disciple stop forever in the Qi refining period.

Then you can exist in my place forever in the way of souls, until my lifespan is exhausted, and leave this world with me!"

"Hmph, you guys don't know how to use these glib mouths!"

"Fine, nothing, I don't know how many lifetimes of bad luck I will meet you such Xiaoxiao!"

In fact, even if Xiao Wuji didn't want to say it himself, Zhen Deshuai could ask the system.

The system is omnipotent. In it, it is too simple to inquire about this information!

"You only need to gather the Thousand-Year Condensed Cold Mushroom, Bing Po Han Bing, and Silent Withered Grass, these three items are enough!"

For what Xiao Wuji said, Zhen Deshuai is almost unheard of.

Thousand-year cold mushroom?

Ice Soul Ice?

Silent withered grass?

Except for the second type, he seems to be somewhat familiar, the rest is indeed unheard of at all.

The ice jade bed in his office is probably of the same nature as the ice soul ice, or even the same kind at all.

So he is not in a hurry at all.

Although he doesn't know where the other two are, he still has the magical function of the system mall!

The system is omnipotent, and it shouldn't be difficult to buy it with the system's magical powers.

However, when Zhen Deshuai asked slightly, the corners of his mouth twitched.

The prices of the remaining two items are simply not what he can afford.

It is not enough to say that he really bought the bankruptcy. In fact, he really wants to buy the estimated forced rating.

Moreover, he still owes the system nearly 100,000 points to force the grid value.

"I remember that there is an underground medicinal material market in the neighboring East Prostitution City under the jurisdiction of the vertical and horizontal black school."

"Maybe, there are all the necessary medicinal materials!"

Zhen Deshuai suddenly remembered, and immediately said softly to Xiao Wuji.

"It's not too late!"

Immediately, Zhen Deshuai immediately drove to the neighboring East Prostitution City without delay.

Zhen Deshuai's driving skills are elegant, and the speed is like a white horse passing the gap, but it is only two hours to reach the destination.

"Here, it should be the underground medicinal material market operated by Zonghenghei faction!"

Zhen Deshuai muttered to himself quietly after getting off the car.

This vertical and horizontal black faction is the No. 1 underground force in East Prostitution City, and no one or organization dares to provoke it.

In terms of business, it is even more prosperous. Every year, it monopolizes many small economic veins and controls the import and export of a large number of drugs.

Before last month, he also asked Ren Jiu to lead many handsome bombers to the East City of Prostitution.

At this time, although it was still unable to compete with the vertical and horizontal black faction, under the protection of the huge backer of Zhen Deshuai and Shuai Botang, the development was also rapid.

Zhen Deshuai stepped into this seemingly unremarkable market.

There is no difference from other markets where you can buy vegetables. Even the hawkers sell nothing different from the real vegetable market.

"Hey, I remember it was here!"

Zhen Deshuai looked around and looked around, but he couldn't see the slightest clue.

Not to mention the underground medicinal material market.

At this time, a man who was smoking a cigarette and dressed like a young and Dangerous man who killed Matt came to him.

"You want to eat black?!"

"Eat black? Oh, indeed, lead the way!!"

Zhen Deshuai was startled slightly, and immediately reacted.

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