The Strongest Demon-hunting System in the City

Chapter 277: Spar World (first more)

"Say important things, otherwise you may not be able to survive the three breath time!"

Zhen Deshuai was not moved at all, staring at this mature woman coldly.

"Well, the way to get the Thousand-Year Condensed Cold Mushroom is not in Tianlong Pavilion.

It is in the hands of a wealthy businessman named Ning Zexuan who has been in his home for many years, and this person will also go to participate in the Tianlong Pavilion auction! "

"This cool dead grass is the final piece of this auction, so just take it!"

"I, Xiao Ya, can guarantee that as long as you let me go, I will do my best to help you take this herbal medicine."

Xiao Ya's expression became solemn, but it seemed to add a little more charm.

But as if she had also made some major decision.

People who can reach the level of cultivation in this life are probably more afraid of life and death than ordinary people, because they all hope to go further and increase their life.

The most important point is that people like them have only one purpose for cultivation...

That is, longevity!

Those who pursue longevity will be even more unwilling to stop on this light and dark road, so Xiao Ya doesn't count the price!

"If that's the case, then I will spare your life for the time being!"

Seeing that the other party was very honest, Zhen Deshuai didn't care about anything, so he immediately released his hand, from the other party's body-up and down.

"Boy, you'd better keep this woman on the embankment. This person is not shallow, and even so, you can't easily believe it!"

Upon seeing this, Xiao Wuji couldn't help but reminded him to prevent Zhen Deshuai from completely trusting the other party.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm fearless, okay,"

Zhen Deshuai disapproved, turned around and wanted to leave.

Since this underground medicinal material market didn't have what he wanted, he actually didn't need to stay here anymore.

"Since the auction will be held tomorrow, at this point in the morning, wait for me at the gate of Yihongyuan!"

Zhen Deshuai stopped and looked back, but exhorted.

When he left this shop, he passed by another stall. Just as Zhen Deshuai chose to ignore it, the system and Xiao Wuji gave a prompt at the same time.

"Wait, the old man seems to have discovered something not simple!"

"Clang... the system has detected a rare item."


When Zhen Deshuai heard this, he also showed a suspicious look, and quickly cast his gaze on the stall next to him.

There are no rare items on the stalls.

A few invisible broken stones, a few bunches of ordinary broken grass.

There are even several "peerless magic" similar to "Tathagata Buddha Palm", and several divine books like "Jin Ping Mei"!

Zhen Deshuai looked around and shook his head. These things simply couldn't enter his eyes.

"Little brother, do you want to come and see my things? I have some good things here!"

The old man guarding the stall greeted immediately.

Zhen Deshuai almost covered his face and shook his head. This is the medicinal material market, selling extremely rare medicinal materials. .

How did this guy get in? Zhen Deshuai was also speechless.

"Boy, it's the purple broken stone!"

After hearing the words, Zhen Deshuai immediately reached out and touched the ordinary stone.

He held it in his hand and observed it carefully, but he didn't find anything at all, let alone Xiao Wuji seeing the purple light glowing on the stone.


Zhen Deshuai held the broken stone in his hand, his face kept blank, and could not help but a pile of question marks.

But then, the stone actually started to become warm, and gradually began to spot purple stars.

"Tsk tut, boy, I didn't expect you to have such a vicious look at your young age, good, good!"

"The old man is surprised by your bones and unique veins. You will definitely be a martial arts master in the future. This stone-breaking old man will give you away, but are you willing to follow him up the mountain to cultivate the Tao?"

Upon seeing this, the old man at the stall changed his expression drastically, with a greedy expression of pity and love for talent appeared on his face, and immediately asked Zhen Deshuai about it.

Zhen Deshuai didn't want to pay much attention to the other party at all, but silently looked at the gradually hot stone in his hand.

The temperature of this stone rose higher and higher, and gradually began to degenerate, and the roughness on the skin was melted by the naturally formed high temperature.

This made this stone gradually sublimated and became gorgeous, the skin is extremely smooth, but it is like a mirror, through which you can see the reflection of people in it!

"Tsk tut, kid, you..."

The old man was shocked when he saw that this broken stone had changed so drastically in Zhen Deshuai's hands, he was even more admired and admired.

"How is it? Boy, do you have that idea?"

The old man's heart to attract Zhen Deshuai has never changed, and he believes that this person will become a great weapon!

"Boy, this stone is not simple, I think it should be some kind of ancient crater or rare amber!"

When Xiao Wuji saw this, he couldn't help but remind him, obviously this thing was not common in his time!

Immediately, the silky stone turned into a crystal-clear spar due to the high temperature, and there was a heart-warming feeling in the hand!

However, with Zhen Deshuai's physique, this is nothing at all, it is completely bearable.

However, there is a hole in this spar, and Zhen Deshuai has penetrated his soul into it and gradually formed a brand new phenomenon.

It was full of monstrous flames, high temperatures raging, and lava everywhere.

There is no life in this world, a sense of death, accompanied by countless dense black spots.

Looking closely, these black spots were countless lives, it was terrifying!

But compared with the current earth, this world is too rich in aura, but it is obvious that the absolute danger here is!

And above that stood a woman who looked like a fairy.

The fairy black veil covers her face, and the hem of the black veil hides the hidden things in it. She has a graceful posture, and no one can compare with it under the allure of the country and the moonlight.

This person's green jade finger lightly clicks, the red love circle rippling, turning into ripples.

Zhen Deshuai couldn't help being immersed in it, unable to extricate himself!

"Wake up..."

"Smelly boy, wake up!"

People in the outside world have nothing to do with Zhen Deshuai at this time, and he can't detect any strangeness in the world of flames deep in this spar.

"Young man, wake up!"

"Fine, nothing, you and I are predestined, the old man will save your life today!"

"Tiangang Taoism, Taoism is boundless, under the sky, the three clear spirits, the Taoist guardian, and the three clear ancestors, help me, the old man is anxious like a law, wake up!!"


"Boy, don't be immersed in it, come back!"

Zhen Deshuai immediately felt a strong biting chill again, and immediately regained his sanity while trembling, gasping for breath.

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