
"Quickly, if you miss it, I won't give you a second chance!"

"Give you five minutes and you will show up quickly, otherwise you will never show up again!"

"Hmph, remember to prepare the funds quickly and come over, don't neglect me!"



As soon as Xiao Wuji appeared, the extremely majestic spirit aura immediately covered the audience, making many people feel a little dusty.

"Huh, in the early days of Jin Dan, I dared to dig the foot of the wall openly in front of this seat. I'm afraid you don't want to live anymore!"

Xiao Wuji snorted coldly, and the huge coercion was unreservedly released. The shocked Mo Yanshan's face was pale and it was extremely difficult to breathe.

"Clang... Congratulations to the host for being shocked and successful, and rewarding two hundred points!"

"Clang...Congratulations to the host for successfully acting as a force and rewarding 210 points!"

"Clang...Congratulations to the host for the successful suppression of the equipment, and rewards two hundred and twenty points!"

"The former... senior expert, yes... the junior has no eye on Mount Tai... offended!"

Mo Yanshan's face was as pale as paper, and he was immediately shocked by Xiao Wuji's terrifying pressure and he vomited two mouthfuls of blood. He coughed violently and gasped hard for mercy.

This old man is older than before, but he is still a lot worse than Xiao Wuji, who was suppressed at the beginning!

"Heh, you little baby is also interesting. This seat has just recovered recently. I don't like killing. Seeing that you can repair the golden core for a hundred years, I will spare your life for the time being, otherwise I will see you later..."

"When you cover your hands, you will surely turn into fly ash!"

Xiao Wuji said coldly and threatened, and did not embarrass the other party too much.

"Thanks... thank you senior!"

"However, if you dare to reveal today's matter a little bit, no matter where you are, this constellation will surely crush you!"

Immediately after Xiao Wuji said, he waved his sleeves and turned into a cloud of smoke and went back into the spring leaf ring.

As Xiao Wuji disappeared, this coercive force and the phenomenon of concealment and blockade also disappeared.

"Oh, I have said that the deputy master of Qingcheng Mountain is just an ant, so you dare to be presumptuous in front of the young master?"

Seeing Xiao Wuji's disappearance, Zhen Deshuai immediately pretended to be forced. After all, he couldn't take advantage of this opportunity. Wouldn't the opportunity created just now be wasted?

"Don't dare, don't dare, it's because the old man doesn't know Mount Tai. If you have time, please also ask the little friends to come to my Qingcheng Mountain as a guest. By then, my Qingcheng Mountain will be full of glory!"

Mo Yanshan smiled helplessly, he arched his hands and said in a very polite manner, if he could really climb such a strong on Qingcheng Mountain, it would be more than just brilliance!

"Oh, if you are a guest, you will definitely be a guest, but how do you want to resolve these misunderstandings now?"

Zhen Deshuai sneered and looked at each other with interest.

"Sorry, the old man has no eyes, but this time he was abrupt!"

"Hmph, boldly, just thinking about everything with your ‘sorry’, you are just daydreaming!"

Zhen Deshuai sneered. Now that he has the opportunity to meet such a strong man, he will definitely have to catch a wave with such an opportunity.

The opponent slapped himself to death like an ant, and naturally there would be no **** on his body!


Mo Yanshan is not a stupid person either. He understands what Zhen Deshuai means. If he doesn't pay a "hush fee" today, otherwise he will not be able to take half a step!

"In that case, I hope your Excellency will smile!"

With that, Mo Yanshan sent up a piece of golden iron with his hands, his eyes full of pain.

"Boy, the opponent is no more than Monk Qu Qu Jin Dan, now it is not easy for him to contribute this level of refining materials."

Xiao Wuji silently reminded him from the spring leaves ring.

He was afraid that Zhen Deshuai didn't know the goods at all. In the end, he would have to make a shot, and it would not be worth it at the time. Instead, he would have to lose some money.

Although Zhen Deshuai used Xiao Wuji's power to squeeze Mo Yanshan to death easily, the price he had to pay was not small.

He is just a mere divine soul, if not the remnant soul, but the original soul.

Otherwise, the moment you leave that piece of emptiness, you will be torn and annihilated by the force of restraint.

But even if it is a divine soul, if he appears too many times, the cause and effect cycle, heaven will come in person, causing everything to be destroyed on the spot!

He still has to be cautious now, he has to be a little jealous of his shots!

Zhen Deshuai heard everything that Xiao Wuji had said, and he immediately wanted to accept it as soon as he saw it.

"Forget it, forget it, if that's the case, then you are lucky, and I can barely take the Husky home to play with me!"

Zhen Deshuai put on a face of disdain and a look that values ​​time.


After Zhen Deshuai took the golden iron piece in his hand, Mo Yanshan could only sigh slightly, except for the color of painful flesh.

He did not expect that the rare treasures he had cherished for so many years would now fall into the hands of others.

And even if it fell into the hands of others, the other party didn't even pay attention to it, and even throw it to the pet!

This is absolutely unacceptable, but there is no way!

At any time, everything is determined by strength, even in modern times, it has not changed at all!

If you are a spicy chicken, so what if I bully you in every way?

The weak will never have dignity, and everything cannot be changed.

"Clang... Congratulations to the host for disdain to pretend to be successful... Reward two hundred points!"

"Clang... Congratulations to the host for the successful pretence... Reward two hundred and ten points!"

With a smug sneer on Zhen Deshuai's face, he walked away.

He didn't care about these at all, as if they were not as precious as his little time.

Zhen Deshuai didn't look back, he left and left quickly, and in a blink of an eye he had already arrived outside.

"Master, what exactly is this golden piece of iron? Could it be some awesome refining material?"

"Hmph, now I want to call out Master when I ask you? It's ridiculous!"

"However, this is indeed an extremely precious material, even in my original era, it is not common!"

"Oh? What is the effect of this thing?"

"As for what effect it has, I am afraid that only you will know it when you refine the instrument, but the teacher can tell you solemnly.

As long as it is an artifact of the lower rank than the murder weapon, just adding this one can at least abruptly increase the rank! "

Xiao Wuji said quite leisurely, as if these were not too strange.

Zhen Deshuai's eyes lit up. After taking the golden iron back into the system, what the system added was no different from what Xiao Wuji said.

After that, he immediately drove out of Dongcheng City and returned to the middle of Huizhou City.

Time passed extremely fast, and then the day's time disappeared.

The next day, the thief Zhen Deshuai left immediately, planning to go to the Yihongyuan in East Prostitution City for an appointment.

However, he thought of one person, and immediately picked up the phone and made a call!


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