The Strongest Demon-hunting System in the City

Chapter 291: Can't help you

"Now, get the first lot!"

At the end of the curtain, I was shocked a lot, and immediately shouted in surprise.

He didn't expect the other party to have such terrifying strength.

He came to an end to establish Tianlong Pavilion, the chaotic Hong Kong and Guangdong Province, for so many years, he has not been able to meet each other here, and he really feels a little eyeless.

Although the Closing Qian is the head of the Tianlong Pavilion, his strength is the pinnacle level of the fourth layer of the Qi Refining Period.

But judging from his years of experience, this Zhen Deshuai can reach the progress of his cultivation for most of his life at such a young age, coupled with his arrogance exuding from his bones.

It's really hard to believe that he is not a disciple of a big cultivator family and a big power.

Of course, although these are all the self-confidence that Zhen Deshuai came out of after gaining the system.

The first auction item is just some ordinary goods, but it can be moved to the first lot by Tianlong Pavilion, which is extremely precious to ordinary people.

"On the second lot!"

The second lot also slowly appeared on the stage following the closing order.

This item is nothing but a jade that has been opened, and it is still the kind of jade with a certain degree of damage.

However, it was robbed by everyone, and the auction price continued to increase. One route soared from 500,000 to 5 million!

"Official officials, in fact, they want that piece of jade too!"

Xiao Ya couldn't help showing his coveting color when seeing the price being pushed up to such an extent, and threw a wink at Zhen Deshuai.

"Oh, woman!"

"Aren't you a female president with a net worth of nearly 10 billion? Can't you get this little money?"

Zhen Deshuai sneered, turning a deaf ear to Xiao Ya's charming and charming eyes, and rolled her eyes back at her.

"Never mind, but that piece of jade is broken. I hope that the high officials can help me improve the quality at that time, and the quality of refining the treasure will be higher in the future!"

"Improve quality? As far as I know, this is not something anyone can do!"

Zhen Deshuai almost showed a look of surprise, but he stopped him and forced a cheeky sneer.

He did not expect Xiao Ya to say such a thing!

"Hey, don't pretend the officials, I know you can do it.

The emerald ring you are wearing must be a magic weapon for forcibly improving quality! "

"Furthermore, I feel a breath from an extinct refiner who has been extinct for many years!"

"five million!"

Xiao Ya said indifferently, and raised the sign in her hand that marked a bid of five million.

Zhen Deshuai had to say that this woman's instinct was really accurate, and she could still feel the breath of a refiner in him.

Although he was not an extinct craftsman for many years, Xiao Wuji, who lived in the ring of Chunye, was indeed. Xiao Ya was right to say so.

So, this woman is really not easy!

Don't even think that she has just reached the threshold of thirty, but she is an incomparable vixen, with a strong sense of awareness, plus her cultivation base and all other things, can explain the specialness of this woman!

This woman is not a high-level child of a big power, she must be the descendant of the mountain gates who live in the mountains and forests in seclusion!

Don't take it lightly!

"No help, the friendship between you and me doesn't seem to have reached that point!"

He and Xiao Ya had only met for two days, how could the friendship be so good that he exposed Xiao Wuji!

"Six million!"

Xiao Ya frowned slightly, faintly annoyed, and raised the sign again, bidding with herself, venting Zhen Deshuai's anger at refusing to help her!

However, this woman is really greedy, and she even imagined that Zhen Deshuai would help him.

"Interesting, I didn't expect the female president of Xiaose Group to be interested in this broken jade!"

In the distance, a middle-aged man who also sat in the front row showed a playful smile, looking from a distance.

In the end, the broken jadeite was photographed by Xiao Ya at a high price.

That piece of jade is not really that unbearable, in fact, there are still some noticeable places.

But only for those of them, with Zhen Deshuai's vision, it is not enough!

"Dang... through the detection of this system, this jadeite can be refined into a first-order magical artifact at most!"

Zhen Deshuai didn't have much interest when he heard the system's remarks.

Not to mention that there is no one in this world who can refining tools except him, even if this thing is now given to him for nothing, I am afraid he will not take a look at it, let alone do some things that may waste the force!

"Don't say I won't help you, it's really helpless. The refiner has been extinct for many years. The breath you feel is probably fake. Give up!"

Zhen Deshuai decisively cut off Xiao Ya's desire to ask him to help.

"Well, sir!"

After Xiao Ya responded, she remained silent and there was no other movement!


It's really hard to believe that he is not a disciple of a big cultivator family and a big power.

Of course, although these are all the self-confidence that Zhen Deshuai came out of after gaining the system.

The first auction item is just some ordinary goods, but it can be moved to the first lot by Tianlong Pavilion, which is extremely precious to ordinary people.

"On the second lot!"

The second lot also slowly appeared on the stage following the closing order.

This item is nothing but a jade that has been opened, and it is still the kind of jade with a certain degree of damage.

However, it was robbed by everyone, and the auction price continued to increase. One route soared from 500,000 to 5 million!

"Official officials, in fact, they want that piece of jade too!"

Xiao Ya couldn't help showing his coveting color when seeing the price being pushed up to such an extent, and threw a wink at Zhen Deshuai.

"Oh, woman!"

"Aren't you a female president with a net worth of nearly 10 billion? Can't you get this little money?"

Zhen Deshuai sneered, turning a deaf ear to Xiao Ya's charming and charming eyes, and rolled her eyes back at her.

"Never mind, but that piece of jade is broken. I hope that the high officials can help me improve the quality at that time, and the quality of refining the treasure will be higher in the future!"

"Improve quality? As far as I know, this is not something anyone can do!"

Zhen Deshuai almost showed a look of surprise, but he stopped him and forced a cheeky sneer.

He did not expect Xiao Ya to say such a thing!

"Hey, don't pretend the officials, I know you can do it.

The emerald ring you are wearing must be a magic weapon for forcibly improving quality! "

"Furthermore, I feel a breath from an extinct refiner who has been extinct for many years!"

"five million!"

Xiao Ya said indifferently, and raised the sign in her hand that marked a bid of five million.

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