"A group of spicy chickens don't really recognize what they are. It's best to look in the mirror before provoking next time!"

"Otherwise, don't put anything on your face, so as not to be slapped in the face again!"


"Oh? Lingshi? This thing is very rare! Are you making such a big capital?"

Zhen Deshuai heard that the other party had mentioned Lingshi, a rare cultivation god, and immediately became interested!

"Yes, it is indeed a spirit stone. Although the training effect cannot reach the level of rapid progress, it can also be moderate."

"I don't have much here, it's only five yuan, and I plan to save it for myself when I step into the Qi refining period!"

Pan Sheng nodded, his face couldn't help but a bitter smile showed a look of pain.

"Boy, although the spiritual energy contained in the immediate spiritual stone is extremely thin, it can sublimate your ice jade bed. Don't miss it at all!"

Xiao Wuji immediately reminded him quietly.

"Oh? In that case, if you are willing to pay two dollars, I will be able to protect you comprehensively by then, and it will not be a problem even to teach you back!"

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Even if the two shook hands and compromised, things were really hammered!

Actually, it wasn't that he wanted to use those spirit stones. If it weren't for Xiao Wuji suddenly reminded him, those spirit stones are still useful although they are bad;

Otherwise he wouldn't bother to go to this muddy water.

After all, he is also a person who doesn't pretend to be forced all day long, just pretends to be on the road, this kind of broken facts can't enter his eyes!

"Now, it's the third lot..."


Zhen Deshuai sighed and shook his head when he saw that the next lot was replaced on the stage!


Everyone was surprised to see that Zhen Deshuai actually reacted like this. I don't know why, but no one dared to ask.

"Now, on the fourth lot!"

"Tsk tut!"

When the host announced the opening of the fourth lot, Zhen Deshuai shook his head again, "tsk tusk" sneer, showing such disappointment!

"The auctions on the stage are rare treasures, but how can he still look like this!"

Everyone was extremely puzzled, even Xiao Ya beside Zhen Deshuai stared at him puzzledly.

And Zhen Deshuai was full of disdain, and a faint sneer hung from the corner of his mouth without saying a word.

"Okay, now it's the fifth lot!"

"This is a piece from the distant Kunlun Mountains..."


Zhen Deshuai sneered again without even looking at him.

When the fifth lot was sent to the stage, Zhen Deshuai still sneered and shook his head constantly, causing everyone to focus all their eyes on him.

"Is this person here to smash the scene?"

"Yes, that is, there are so many rare treasures, but this person has never held a sign from the beginning, and he always looks like this!"

"I think he is so arrogant. I think this person never thought about participating in the auction from the beginning, but came to smash the scene!"

"Yes, that's it!"

When Zhen Deshuai first showed such a look of disdain and mistake, everyone was puzzled;

In the second time, everyone was extremely confused, even slightly angry!

But by the third time, everyone was already angry, and even a little intolerable.

No matter where they are placed, these people are high-end people in the upper class, and their strength is extraordinary, and patience is naturally even worse.

If it wasn't for Zhen Deshuai's strength to be there, I'm afraid someone could not help but want to make a move!

"Everyone, I think this person is here to make trouble, and I suggest that this person'please' out of the Tianlong Pavilion!"

At this time, the aristocratic young master Han Li looked very upset long ago, thinking that he was confident, so he went ahead and spoke out for everyone what he didn't dare to say!

"Everyone, I believe everyone must have such thoughts in their hearts at this time. It is better for us to unite to expel this person. I believe that this person will definitely not be able to bear the anger of so many of us!!"

"Yes, that is, please let the great **** be more conscious of trouble!"

"Yeah, those who don't want to participate in the auction, please leave!"

Many people thought it was reasonable and made a fuss, but the people sitting in the back row were silent, afraid to express their opinions, for fear of getting angry!

The closing actor on the stage was also quite embarrassing. Unexpectedly, this group of people would not give him face and openly interrupted the auction process!

He didn't say much when he saw it. After all, Zhen Deshuai and the group of people were not very offended, and his Tianlong Pavilion was not strong enough to withstand so much anger.

On the contrary, he now expects what choice Zhen Deshuai will make!

At this time, Bai Li on the pavilion also saw this scene, her face was calm and relaxed, without any waves at all.

"Miss, although you didn't show any waves, I still know you care about him so much!"

"Miss, how do you think he will respond?"

Bai Li smiled indifferently, silently, watching everything quietly, but the answer was already in his heart!

"Hehe, it's really noisy, is it your bad eyes, or is my strength not obvious enough?"

"It's really not long-eyed, and you dare to take the lead in making trouble once you let it go?"

"Don't you know that there is a saying, "Shooting a bird?"

Zhen Deshuai flashed a step like a ghost to the young master of the family, Han Li, and sneered aggressively, pinching his face.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand and slapped it down with a fierce palm. Zhen Deshuai didn't use his full strength with this palm, but he almost killed Han Li with a palm.

Han Li's face was slapped into a pig's head without any suspense, and everyone around him was shocked and sweating!

"Clang...Congratulations to the host for the brewing explosive pretense, the extra critical strike bonus is 600 points for the force!!"

"Damn it, what a defiant kid!"

The old man surnamed Sun standing by his face flushed with rage, his heart burned, gritted his teeth like Zhen Deshuai, but he was indifferent.

He knew that he had no chance to fight back!

And Han Li, who was fanned into a pig's head with a palm, could only cover his face, crying silently, and did not dare to say a word.

He had been slapped into a psychological shadow, and he was immediately counseled.

Just kidding, under the suppression of absolute strength, no matter who it is, it is impossible to continue to resist life and death without fear of death!

"Little friend, I didn't expect you to dare... Do you want to be an enemy of my Han family?"

"Huh, the mere Han family is too embarrassed to do things in front of Ben Bixian, you dare to skin your old bones, don't blame me when you destroy the Han family, you didn't remind me!"

Zhen Deshuai snorted coldly, and a huge coercion immediately emerged, and it was pressed down so hard that it covered the audience with a terrifying momentum!

"Clang...Congratulations to the host for putting on a force like a terrifying aura, and an extra 500 points for the force!"

"Clang...Congratulations to the host for shocking the audience, with an imposing manner like a rainbow, and an extra four hundred points for the force!"

Everyone's heart is dull, cold sweat is constantly overflowing, and they are extremely afraid of Zhen Deshuai!

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