Zhen Deshuai is really treating him like a monkey in the zoo.

He didn't take Xu Tao seriously at all, but vented his anger like a plaything!

"Hehe, I think you should be tired of chasing you too! Shouldn't you be abused by me now?"

Zhen Deshuai suddenly appeared on the edge of the ring in the next moment, reaching out to stroke the sharp steel thorns at the edge.

A sharp sharp flash of light flashed between his eyes, and he suddenly sneered like a joke.

In the next moment, Zhen Deshuai suddenly turned into a ghost again, stepping into the invisible air, as fast as lightning, as fast as thunder.

He swept a cold breath and suddenly cut off the steel thorn with a palm, and suddenly grabbed the broken steel thorn and "disappeared" from his vision again.


As expected, Xu Tao possessed special skills and extraordinary skills.

Then, when he realized that something was flying towards him, he suddenly waved the two blades in his hand.


Suddenly, the blade violently collided with the broken steel thorn in Zhen Deshuai's hand, and a few sparks spattered, making a sharp sound.

"Hmph, looking for death!!!"

Immediately, Xu Tao let out a cold snort and violently waved the two blades in his hands, launching a fierce offensive against Zhen Deshuai.

"Oh, I'm looking for a dead end!"

Immediately, Zhen De's handsome sneer and malicious sarcasm were heard in the air.

At the next moment, Zhen Deshuai appeared out of thin air again, and the broken steel thorn in his hand suddenly swept away the opponent's double blade.

However, the broken steel thorn in his hand also flew out.

Immediately afterwards, the Qiankun Fuxi sword swept a cold light, and shimmered slightly before Xu Tao's neck.


Everyone drew a sigh of relief and exclaimed.

The whole process is not too fast!

"Ha, what else do you want to have more BB this time? Let the author have a few more words!"

Immediately, when Zhen Deshuai raised the Qiankun Fuxi sword in his hand, he immediately smiled like sunshine, and looked at him playfully!


The latter Xu Tao wanted to open his mouth to say something, but was directly interrupted by Zhen Deshuai!

"Well, you want a special supporting role to account for so many words? A novel like yours does not survive more than two thousand words. It's amazing that you can live to this day!"

Zhen Deshuai then paused and said solemnly:

"However, the author said that he didn't want to continue the water, and decided not to give you a chance!"

"Come on, be good, bear the pain!"

Zhen Deshuai immediately sneered and mentioned the Qiankun Fuxi Sword!

However, Zhen Deshuai did not use the Qiankun Fuxi Sword, but slapped his slap abruptly and "screamed" towards the latter Xu Tao's face!

"What's the matter, the first palm is for revenge for your daring to green me!"

Zhen Deshuai yelled fiercely, and slapped down with a vocal slap, and the latter suddenly had a blue nose and a swollen face!

"Ri, your mother sold it, and the second palm was for you so dare to pretend to be in front of me!"

Zhen Deshuai took the second palm down, and the latter's face instantly deformed, swollen like a pig's head.

"stop fighting!"

Xu Taomeng hugged Zhen Deshuai's thigh and begged for mercy!

However, how can Zhen Deshuai give up easily when he treats such a person?

Immediately, Zhen Deshuai ignored the persuasion behind him and did not care about Xu Tao's begging for mercy. He suddenly slapped him down again!

"This slap is for the author! Who made you live for so long, let the author want water for so long!"

"Let you live long!!"

"I let you live long!!"

"Clang...Congratulations to the host for the successful installation, reward 70 points!"

And what came out of the ring at this moment was only Xu Tao's continuous slaying calls!

"Don't, don't fight, let me go, give you money!"

Then Xu Tao said with difficulty enduring the pain!

After hearing this, Zhen Deshuai seemed to be even more angry, and once again turned his palms!

"I asked you to bribe Lao Tzu!"

"I make you special water!"

"Lao Tzu made you act so hard!"

"Clang...Congratulations to the host for the success of the pretender, and a reward of 60 points!"

"Clang...Congratulations to the host for the successful installation, reward 70 points!"


In the end, after the screams and begging for mercy dissipated, Xu Tao also disappeared into this world with a **** face!

Finally, Zhen Deshuai stopped his hands when he saw such a scene and took a deep breath!

But everyone off the court was full of horror, shouting and whispering constantly.

However, there are still people who think that this is the way to treat people like this!

"Heh, that's how I dare to go!"

Suddenly, Zhen Deshuai felt that the touch of "green grassland" on his head had disappeared.

And Luo Chunya in the audience saw this scene except for a shocked face, but still only a face of daunting!

Her face was dumbfounded at this moment, and her soul was greatly shocked!

How did she know that Zhen Deshuai had hidden so deeply!

He really has such a terrifying strength and background! !

At the moment she really regrets it! !

Therefore, Luo Chunya wanted to see if there was anything she could get back.

Then, she ran to Zhen Deshuai slowly, paused, thought for a while, gritted her teeth and decided to speak:

"Zhen Deshuai..."

However, he was immediately stopped by Zhen Deshuai!

Then, Zhen Deshuai looked up at the blue sky at a forty-five degree angle.

There was a little true feeling in the eyes, melancholy and helpless on his face, and even a little bit reluctant!

Immediately afterwards, Zhen Deshuai was full of vicissitudes, very melancholy and repeatedly said:

"Hug, as if you have never been together!"

"Well, it's too late to explain!"

"It doesn't matter what I have given, I ignore myself because I met you!"

"I'm so stupid that I have been struggling! Don't lie if you can't say love, just like it!"

"If you can't say hate, don't entangle, don't pretend to sigh!"

"Just blame myself for being too troublesome and keep hurting myself!"

"I told myself that feelings are like this, how can it be too crazy by accident!"

"Forget it, I am finally saved, I don't want to show my ugliness anymore!"

"No way, okay? Everyone doesn't stay, you will always get tired if you just get along!"

"Don't pretend to sigh, be considerate of everything!"

"Forgive everything, I try to find the answer."

"And the answer is very simple, it is a pity that it is simple!"

"Because of growth, we are forced to get used to it, because of growth, we suddenly go away and go away!"

Zhen Deshuai even sang with a beautiful and moving voice.

The melancholy and helpless expression on his face fully reflects this song!

"Clang... Congratulations to the host for his successful emotional upload and reward 100 points!"

"Clang... Congratulations to the host for his successful emotional upload and reward 100 points!"

"Clang...Congratulations to the host for being deeply rooted in the hearts of the people at this moment, and I specially awarded 100 points for the force!"

In an instant, everyone on the court kept exclaiming!

Some people even went back carefully to taste the sadness in the lyrics, and gradually substituted into their own emotional history!

Many people were deeply impressed by Zhen Deshuai's compulsion, and their emotions were affected!

"No, I have to go back to talk to my ex!"

Some people couldn't help it, crying out in tears! !

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