Several dozen life forms of similar nature to the three that were already present in front of Aziel have slowly started to convey towards their direction.

Though he couldn't make it out for absolute certainty, whilst he could feel some faint dread in their signatures, most of them were filled with greed, and strangely… lust?

Aziel raised his eyebrows in question at this peculiarity, casting his gaze on the trio in the next second once again.

Obviously, he had understood that there was a vast disparity, a barrier erected between him and these younglings due to the inability to converse. Their language, whilst much more sophisticated than the gurgles, roars, and animalistic sounds of Dinah's tribe, vastly differed from Nova's Common tongue.

Even their kin, the humans back in his home world didn't seem to match them, compared to that crude, harsh language, this one that the young central male have talked with had a certain soothing trait, a warming rhythm to it.

Normally, in any other case, if he found himself in a strange situation such as this, Aziel's normal approach would be to absorb the trio and assimilate their knowledge. This way he would not just learn their language, but would also swiftly learn of the current history and familiarize himself with the world.

However, because of this female, that for some unknown reason reminded him of Dinah, Aziel couldn't act on his first instinct. Through this action, or actual lack thereof created this rather awkward scene when neither party could understand each other.

Still, as he looked at the clothing, the attire he was presented, he understood what he probably wanted to convey. His old clothing, the fur-made straps of the wildlife from before have long since given into the dredges of time.

Though he wasn't too bothered by it, he accepted the offering with a neutral gaze and a nod of his head. He grabbed the clothes and inspected them.

He was surprised by the fine high-quality threads, reminding him of the nobles and aristocrats of his old world. Putting the lower half aside for the moment, he picked up the light grey, long-sleeved shirt, raising it in front of his eyes.

He frowned as he noticed the lack of energy emanating from it. It was thin, slim, and with the lack of any energy embroidered into it, Aziel wasn't sure what kind of protection could such a piece of clothing provide. Was there any point in wearing it?

Still, unaware of the customs, as well as because if the was a genuine offering from these mortals, he decided not to complain, but put it on. After that, he inspected the second piece he was given, which was a sort of leggings.

Like the strange cloth chest piece he was given, the leggings were also devoid of any infused energy or essence. Though it was a layer thicker than the shirt, it was still rather weak in terms of natural resistance, providing barely any protection for the wearer.

'Are these slave rags perhaps?' Aziel pondered for a moment, ultimately deciding not to react and just continue inspecting the events to get a better understanding.

Grabbing the pants by the helm, he equipped it as well.

As soon as he did so, he could see the nervousness ease in the youngsters' eyes. Whilst the female was still rather tense, as well as acting like those annoying elves, bashful, the two boys seemed to have calmed down considerably.

After his emergence and the initial roar of the mountain, the events have gradually begun to calm down, which though Aziel remained ignorant of, the boys and Myra have noticed. Feeling that the disaster have somehow miraculously have avoided them, and their lives were no longer in critical danger, the boys have finally managed to calm down and reign in their emotions.

"Jake!" Jai called out for his friend, his eyes fixated on the now-clothed stranger.

Seeing no reaction from his friend, he reached out, grabbing his shoulder to get his attention.

"What?" Jake asked.

"What should we do now? He is definitely from some other faraway country..." Squinting his eyes, Jai scrutinized the stranger's face for a bit before adding. "...Probably somewhere east, though I have no idea what is going on with those weird eyes of his..." He muttered.

"Hmmm..." Jake hummed, deep in thought, not sure of what to think of at the moment.

"Well, I think th-"

Noticing how the neutral expression of the stranger abruptly changed, transforming into a deep frown as he swept his starry, mystical gaze to the tree line behind them, Jake's words froze in him.

In the next moment, before they could even ask, all of them were alerted to the distant sounds coming from behind. People were closing in on their direction, and from the sound of it, whilst they weren't overly disciplined, they were a single unit.

Realizing what they could be, all three of them frowned and turned around facing the trees as well. The boys clenched their fists, as their frowned slowly settled into displeasure.


Aziel was surprised yet again as he silently watched the reactions of the trio. He had long since noticed the approaching group, but as thinking of they might be the rest of the group where these three had come from, he chose to ignore it at the time.

The stench of human greed has filled her nostrils, forcing him to frown with a growing annoyance swelling inside him. The corrupt taint that was present in Nova, he could once again sense it.

Yet, strangely these youngsters were different. Their obvious hostility and rising alertness have made Aziel question and doubt his initial conjectures.

'Are they two different parties?' He pondered, slowly looking over the backs of the youths, before raising it towards the distance. His heightened, unusually sharp eyes could already make out several silhouettes crossing through the thicket.

Holding strange tools in their heads, that vaguely reminded Aziel of the dwarven automated ranged weapons, they didn't seem to be friendly at all.

'Let's wait and see if they have any affiliation with these three...' Aziel thought, following the approaching figures with his gaze.


Jake and his friends were rather tense as soon as they realized that they are no longer alone. They were nervous, agitated, and even slightly scared as they realized that after surviving one natural disaster they have fallen into another one.

They knew immediately that the approaching group couldn't be the police or any official party but rather something different entirely.

Jake sighed, steeling his resolve, whilst also thinking of what he should do next. Thinking of the 'poor' unknown boy behind him, he made up his mind.

"Guys... We need to save him, we can't escape..." He muttered the order.


Author Note (AN from now on): A slow chapter for now, but expect things to get pretty crazy in the coming chapters! :D


Powerstone Goals

100 Power Stones -> 1 Chapter,

200 Power Stones -> 2 Chapters,

300 Power Stones -> 3 Chapters,

Golden Ticket Goals:

50 Golden Tickets -> 1 Chapter,

100 Golden Tickets -> 2 Chapters,

150 Golden Tickets -> 3 Chapters.

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