The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

Chapter 48 - Investigation Results

Whilst Aziel and the group were busy recounting the events once again as well as introducing Aziel to the motherly woman, far away from them, at the foot of the mountain the scene was just completed.

Captain Frank Dalton could be seen standing in front of the largest mound of mutilated corpses. His arms folded, he was listening to the report of his second in command, the First Lieutenant.

"So, let me get this straight. After investigating the scene thoroughly and gathering every piece of evidence we could, our conclusion is… that we don't know what happened?!" Frank expressed with an annoyed face. How could not be? Though these low lives would not be missed by society, the fact was still that they were clearly murdered, and couldn't have died because of this supposed eruption.

"C-captain…" The First Lieutenant shuddered nervously, not daring to look the middle-aged man in the eye. "W-we can only make assumptions… but-"

"Speak, First Lieutenant. Even that is better than the big nothing you have to show up for the last hour of work so far." Captain Frank grunted with a cold, miffed tone.

As he spoke, his eyes turned towards the side, he suddenly stopped. He focused on many footprints faintly visible on the ground. Whilst for the untrained eye, it seemed that nothing strange was to be seen, his veteran, honed senses have spotted something lying underneath.

"W-well… I-I *khm* W-we have two theories." The first lieutenant spoke up, explaining the conjectures the team has going as of now. "W-we believe, that the bodies may have been brought here AFTER they have died. T-the outer districts, sectors of the city are known for the many gangs. Two smaller groups, could have clashed… fighting for territory maybe?"

"Hmmm… Unlikely." Captain Frank shook his head almost immediately." The victims should all be related to the Outcasts. A small-time group of gang bangers would stand no chance, even if it were just a side branch. As for the groups with some backing, they would be wiser to risk their lives for some measly gains. This sector is worthless in their eyes…"

Whilst speaking, Captain Frank focused his gaze on the East side of the clearing. His expression slowly contorted, transforming from his previously cold stern, outlook to that of resembling a hound.

"Interesting…" He muttered to himself, his gaze seemingly following a trail. "What is the second theory, First Lieutenant? Speak." He snorted whilst keeping his focus on the invisible trail.

"W-well…" The First Lieutenant was hesitant to speak it, as it felt way too outlandish and far-fetched. However noticing the growing displease on his Captain's face, she could do nothing but reveal her own theory.

"I… ehrm… I-it could be that some form of beast attacked these. Maybe startled by the mountain's sudden eruption it came down from his cave and met this group of people hiding in the forest. The group got scared and reacted rashly, causing the beast to lounge at them and tear them apart." She explained. Though quite nervous and hesitant at the beginning, she gained more and more confidence the more she explained, growing rather passionate towards the end.

"Hmm…" Captain Frank hummed as he listened to the second theory. "Who came up with this one?" He asked after a bit of thinking. From his tone, it was impossible to tell what he thought of it.

"Ehrm… This…" The First Lieutenant's body trembled at his Captain's question. Casting her gaze away, her body swayed, and fidgeted, looking for a hole to hide or a route to escape from the embarrassment and the scolding of the man.

After a couple of seconds, she gulped and spoke up in a meek, powerless tone.

"I-it was me, Captain…" She muttered, his gaze plastered on the ground.

"You?! Hmm…" Captain Frank revealed a surprised look on his face. The cold contemptuous look faded away for the first time. Not sure of what to make of his expressions, the First Lieutenant wasn't sure what to do, she kept on fidgeting in place and preparing her heart for the harsh tone and words coming any second now.

Yet, the expected outcome never came to be, the fearsome lion, his captain never roared, his anger could not be felt even after several seconds.

Hesitantly, First Lieutenant Lexie Long, or Alexandria Long officially opened up her tightly closed eyes and slowly looked up. As she did so, she was met with the robust back of his Captain, who was still focused towards the eastern edges of the forest.

"C-captain? Is something the matter?" Finally noticing the strange peculiarity of his actions, and that he was constantly focused on something, First Lieutenant Long asked.

"Did you or anybody else find something strange over there?" Captain Frank asked. His gaze focused on the path created by a couple of faint footprints that hid beneath the mud, the dust, and all the gore covering the aftermath of Aziel's carnage.

Frank walked over with a fixed gaze.

"T-that… No, Captain. We have not found anything worth mentioning." First Lieutenant Long replied thinking about it for a moment. "Why? Did the Captain…"

"I am not sure yet." Captain Frank spoke up before First Lieutenant Long could even finish.

Arriving at the scene a moment later with the woman following behind, Captain Frank squatted down, his fierce, piercing gaze scanning the ground around him.

A few seconds later he hummed thoughtfully, his gaze now looking towards the looming darkness created by the thick canopy of the trees.

"D-did my theory… ehrm… have any v-value to it?" First Lieutenant Long asked after some time. Still, not sure what to think, or if what she should be doing, she couldn't hold herself back and asked again.

"Hmm… Not sure yet, to be honest." The Captain responded after some silence. He kept on staring at the trees, pondering on something.

After roughly about a minute, he then pointed towards the direction he was facing, and exclaimed loudly, giving the new set of orders.

"Gather up! We are heading out!" He ordered.

Just as they were about to set out, suddenly a group of men, wearing dark business suits and dark sunglasses appeared around them. Their slick, neatly combed short hairs, clean-shaved faces, expensive suits, and ties made them look quite out of place in the thick and grimy battlefield. They looked more like a bunch of businessmen than anything else.

Captain Frank looked coldly at the figures and while his stance looked casual, he was ready to enter into battle at any second. His awareness was raised to its maximum, his muscles hiding under his uniform bulged ever so slightly.

He had a growing scowl residing on his face as he gazed at the strange figures surrounding them.

"Captain Frank Dalton, I have to ask you to stop investigating this matter any further. Your job here is now considered done, this scene and the area beyond this point is not off-limits to your group." Suddenly one of the business-men looking figures stepped forward.

He reached into his suit's breast pocket and showed an official-looking badge. The insignia was rather unique, somewhat resembling that of a crosshair but with three arrows pointing inside its center as its axis.

Three distinct letters stood out, I. S. P. A.

"F*ck..." Captain Frank grumbled instantly as he saw the badge...


Powerstone Goals:

100 Power Stones -> 1 Chapter,

200 Power Stones -> 2 Chapters,

300 Power Stones -> 3 Chapters,

Golden Ticket Goals:

50 Golden Tickets -> 1 Chapter,

100 Golden Tickets -> 2 Chapters,

150 Golden Tickets -> 3 Chapters.

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