Pondering for only a short few moments, Aziel shook his head in response.

"I have lived a very secluded life up until recently. What you both saw was basically just a breathing exercise to circulate one's Internal Energy. I have never heard of about the worldly matter, nor about any of these Martial Grandmasters besides my Master."

Seeing that the old man was about to ask again, Aziel raised his index finger to silence him and added.

"He has sadly already passed away. One of the main reasons I have left my seclusion and have ventured to experience the secular world. I am afraid I'm not the person you may be thinking of."

The elderly man seemed perplexed by Aziel's confession. He had only heard bits and pieces about the mysterious world of mythical people. Stories about Sects living hidden in the shadows, then again clans and powerful families with supernatural abilities and otherworldly nature were all but stories in old, dusty tomes.

Still, despite the boy's denial and even though he sounded honest, the old man felt that there was something more to the matter at hand. The technique he had just used was emblematic of the Martial Grandmaster's power.

But then, why would he deny it? What was the point, why did he want to keep the clearly obvious fact that he was a Martial Grandmaster a secret?

Unable to find an answer, the elderly man decided to push the question aside for now. His priority was to befriend this boy, regardless if he was the grandmaster or not. If he could do what a grandmaster could, what difference did it make anyway?

Plus, he was young and… quite good-looking. He could be a perfect match for his beloved, gorgeous granddaughter! The elderly man's mind raced as he tried to think of ways to get closer to the young man.

He quickly plastered on a smiley face and then said, "It doesn't matter. On another note, if I may be as bold to note, you don't give me the impression of a local. Are you from here?"

"Hmm…" Aziel pondered how he should respond to the old man. In the end, he felt that there was nothing to lose but more to gain. Building connections is almost as important as raw power after all.

"No, not really." He shook his head, displaying a charming smile. "As you have correctly guessed, I came from abroad, somewhere far, far away. My full name is Aziel Vor'thega, but just call me Aziel, like how everyone does. I have only just recently arrived here. Due to the disaster with Greytop Mountain, I am most likely stuck here for the foreseeable future."

"Aziel Vor… thega?" The elderly man and his granddaughter exchanged a confused glance. He turned his head around and asked curiously. "In that case, would you mind if we would call you Mr. Vor'thega? I wouldn't dare to call such a dignified master, by his first name, after all!" He coughed, masking his embarrassment before asking. "What about your teacher, Mr. Vor'thega? Was he from somewhere around?"

"He was also like me, somewhere far away, in another world." Aziel shook his head.

In fact, Aziel did have a teacher, just like how his brothers and sisters had. The Demon God, Cahal, their eldest brother was also like a Master to them all. When they were just mere kids, he was the one that taught them everything. He guided them on their path, making them the seemingly indomitable existences as they were back in their prime on Nova.

The old man's words made Aziel wonder about where exactly Cahal his eldest brother could be. Was he still on Nova? Which part of this endless cosmos could their old home be at? Was it in this universe at all? Though a lot of time had already passed, the memories of his old life were still clearly etched into his mind.

His old life, his own domain, the people he had left behind… What could have happened to them?

The elderly man misunderstood Aziel, as probably any normal person would. He heaved a sigh and then said heavily: "It is human nature to live and die. Your master would be proud of you knowing what you have become. I am old, and so are most of my friends if they are still alive. My martial arts exercise may have kept me going a couple of years longer than my buddies, but I feel that I am going to reunite with them very soon."

Just as the elderly man finished his words, he bent forward and was caught by a fit of a violent cough.

"Grandpa!" The girl shouted with a distressed voice.

With a hint of tears in her eyes, she helped the elderly man to his feet and gently patted his back.

"I am fine, my dear. Just some old wounds, that never fully healed." The elderly man waved a comforting hand at his granddaughter.

An idea flashed across Aziel's mind, he cracked a smile and said. "You should not force yourself too hard. From the sound of it, it is hurting your lungs, old man."

"Does Mr. Vor'thega have some knowledge in medicine? How could you know that?" The elderly man said incredulously.

Before Aizel could respond and say anything, the girl turned to look at him and explained with a sad look on her face.

"My grandfather had a close call with death back when he was young. He.. he-"

"I did something stupid and have suffered its consequences ever since. I was young, and thirsted for adventure…" The old man sighed, speaking up and forcing his daughter to turn silent once more. "My actions left me with these injured lungs. Back then, I couldn't get into a hospital in time, which resulted in this sadly irreversible damage. Because of its nature, it was impossible at the time to cure the symptoms completely."

The old man looked melancholic as he muttered with a sigh.

"I have learned to live with it, and besides… I don't have that much left anyway."

The girl, Kora looked at Aziel, batting her eyelashes with a hopeful look on her face. She loved him so much, she would do anything to alleviate her loving grandfather's pain.

"D-Does Mr. Vor'thega know of something that could help my grandfather's injury? I wonder… is there a way to cure him maybe?"

However, since the damage was caused by internal trauma, there was nothing modern medicine could do to help. Even the most advanced medical science has turned helpless against an injury that had been dragged on for decades unattended.

However, after witnessing the miraculous power of Aziel, the girl finally saw a sliver of hope in curing her grandfather.

"I will be frank with you, Mr. Vor'thega. Our family, the Marshals are quite influential in these parts of the county. You can expect to be heavily rewarded if you can save my grandfather. For that, you have my word." The girl locked her eyes onto Aziel's and announced firmly.

Aziel felt rather amused by how the conversation was going exactly as he had hoped. He faked a humble-looking smile as he spoke slowly:

"Sure! It's not that difficult to do so anyway. Since fate has brought us together, I will gladly oblige to your request."

Aziel carefully watched as their faces were lit up with glee.

"However, I will need a few days to prepare for it. In, let's say three days from now, I will bring you the cure. Would that work?"

"Y-yes, of course!" The girl exclaimed as a smile finally broke over Kora's cold and distant face.

Aziel had to admit that when the frown was finally lifted from her face, this girl looked quite the beauty. Still, he only admired him inwardly, and wouldn't do anything to actively pursue the matter any further.

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Vor'thega." Although the elderly man tried to remain calm, his trembling voice had betrayed him. He turned to the young man still sitting back at the vehicle and called out for him." Young Crag, why don't you come on over and give him our contact information? Also, please give him a ride home as well."

Then, the elderly man then turned around to Aziel.

"Please do not hesitate to call for Young Crag whenever you are ready. He will come for you and pick you up. Also, feel free to call for his aid if you need any help!" He offered with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Old ma- *khm!* Elder Marshal." Aziel nodded, addressing the old man in a more polite manner finally.

Aziel was given a ride through the park all the way back to his home. The ride home was mostly silent, the two only spoke when Aziel was given their contact information. After that, Aziel went straight home.

Though Aziel could have healed the old man right here on the spot, it would have raised several questions. Questions he wouldn't feel answering.

Hence he decided to utilize a much more subtle method, that at the same time would net him even more potential benefit and the loyalty of a powerful family as well.

He decided to concoct a medicinal pill for the old man. A simple Lesser Healing Pill would be more than enough to purge any mortal disease out of the old man's system.

Thinking about the potential cost of preparing all the necessary herbs and materials for it, Aziel sighed. He needed to keep this hungry woman satiated for the time being.

Luckily, the necessary ingredients required for concocting the medicine shouldn't be too expensive, the herbs needed shouldn't be that hard to find.

The Lesser Healing Pill was a simple low-grade miracle cure for cultivators back on Nova. It could cure the ailment, strengthen internal energy, and even slightly prolong the cultivator's life.

Still, although it was merely the most basic, "lesser" version of the pill, it would be more than enough to heal the old man's injuries. Even better, it could probably aid him to even push into a higher stage as well!

"The lesser version should be enough." Aziel pondered, pushing on the entrance door and stepping inside the mansion.

Just as he was about to take a step in, he was greeted with Lydia approaching him with a bright smile and heavy steps.

"Finally you are back, Aziel! Come let's go do some shopping!"

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