The Strongest Demon Lord in the Modern World

Chapter 67 - The Lamb Walking Into The Lion's Den

In the looming darkness of the night, a strange shadowy silhouette stood atop a building top just opposite of a huge manor's foreboding bone-white tall stone walls.

Dressed in loose, baggy, and oversized -albeit quite elegant looking- clothes, his eyes were locked on the tall seemingly insurmountable man-made barrier that was below him.

Yet, his eyes seemed to be focusing not on the structure that easily dwarfed over his meager height. No, his eyes slowly followed along a path, he was focusing on the thumping, pulsating life force pacing behind it.

A lonesome guard, patrolling the outer premises quite have reached the far edges, just completing his large patrol as it checked this far away corner of the manor's ground.

Aziel sneered as the tall, brawny man casually approached closer and closer to the dark and augur corner. Though he was unaware as of yet, this poor, miserable human wasn't just approaching this dreary veer but was actually reaching towards his own gruesome demise. Towards his own death.

Lady Fate, was quite a cruel mistress, indeed. Even though he was like any other fallible creation under the heavenly firmament and his life was just as plagued, dotted with the sins and mistakes as any other, it still couldn't be said that his prospected future was justified.

Yet, there was nothing he could do about it, he, just like the more than a dozen gang bangers from before, will have a new purpose to serve. His soul, his very essence will serve as further fuel to add to a Demonic Entity's ever-growing collection, his genetic material will be both nourishment and new addition to a sort of General Collective.

His lifetime memories that would inevitably flash before his eyes as his soul would be sucked out and then processed by this predatory monster of another world, it would also play before that being as well.

Perhaps, in its own, grotesque way such a fate may not be that bad after all. Looking at it from another angle, this worthless mortal, by joining the Collective, would finally serve a purpose than just drifting across the vast, and turbulent Sea of Life. His life, by being abruptly stolen from him, finally gains meaning. It would be WORTH something. Even if that would only value a minuscule amount, it would still be something, right?

Aziel sneered at his own, rhetorical thoughts. If he wouldn't be already focused on the task, and wouldn't be attempting to skulk in the dark, stealthily trying to make his way into the central building where he lost the signal from the mysterious old man from the auction, he would have laughed out at his own self.

Since when did he get so sentimental? Just a couple of million years and he already acts like a decrepit old man?

'Heh...' He scoffed at himself inwardly, before shaking and clearing his head with a softer sigh. As the warmth of the hot air escaped through his lift, it also carried all his emotions along with it, leaving behind a cold-blooded ancient carnal predator that have just locked in on his newest prey...

As the cold gust of wind blew against the night, suddenly Aziel's childlike figure vanished from its previous location only to reappear atop the walls, just above the patrolling security guard as it turned around to walk back.

He soundlessly jumped down and sneaked right up to the man's back. Without wasting a second, his right arm blurred as it shot forward. At an instant, his fingers morphed, changing into similarly sized, claws just in time as it reached the man's back and effortlessly tore through the fabric of his shirt and the kevlar chest hiding underneath.

Aziel's other hand also shot forward, reaching towards the stunted and startled man's mouth and nose, blocking their entrances, muting all potential yelps that would have escaped otherwise.


Only a couple of muted guttural, croaking groans could be heard, as Aziel's right are pierced through the bones, flesh organs, and eventually skin tissue again and make its way out in the front.

A bloodied and gory small hand appeared at the lower ridges of the guard's rapidly waning vision. Before his sight completely melded with the increasingly welcoming darkness, he could just barely make out as it waved at him in an eerily bizarre manner.

"Quite the brute, are you? Not even saying hi... Heh... humans." Aziel muttered to himself as he pulled his arm back, widening the horrific hole that was already present in the man's upper torso.

"Anyway... time to work. Show me what you got, human." He muttered silently, watching with a curious gaze as the solid body of the corpse swiftly lost its shape, returning to a floating ball of dark viscous mass and flew right into his vessel.

In the next instant, he could feel the heady and intoxicating sensation... No matter how many times he had done it already, this feeling will always be a thrilling experience, it never gets old.

He could follow as the new mass made its way deep inside him, slowly transforming and whilst the physical mass was absorbed, seemingly vanishing into the void, the man's essence and soul was gradually absorbed and processed.

Aziel sighed silently as he gazed at the sky. He closed his eyes focusing on the emerging series of new memories, visions of this so-far unknown man.

The security guard or as Aziel had now just understood through the initial memories of his early years that he had just skimmed over, Johann Ganz was as boring and predictable of a man as it could be.

He wasn't an overly bright kid, somewhat at the lower end of what could still be considered as average and not crossing over to be considered moronic. Yet, thanks to his huge body and his inherited huge natural muscles he could be said to be good at PE and sports.

He was also well-liked amongst the weaker sex, he had quite good to look at with chiseled facial features and dark blue, deep-set eyes, and wavy dark chocolate hair. He never had a lack of bed warmers.

During his last year of school, just as he was slowly growing worried about what he would do with the rest of his life, a letter came coming from the Military, he felt somewhat relieved. He could still take some extra time whilst doing his service to his country and train to be a soldier.

Aziel sighed, already growing bored of the senseless visions, he fast-forwarded the appearing images, focusing on the last days of Johann's life. The rest, though they may not be completely useless, was completely worthless for his current situation.

As the images flashed through in before his mental eyes, he focused as they came closer to the last days. As they approached the beginning of last week, Aziel eyes grew wide with surprise at what he had seen....

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