Those eyes with an unbelievable look just stared at Luo Yu's serious and confident expression.

  "Could it be... you really in such a short time?"

  "Yeah. It's nothing, just going out for a walk, and taking these things is completely incidental."

  Luo Yu shrugged and said lightly.

  Although Luo Yu said it was very easy, Black Rabbit would never think so, and the trial would never be as easy as he said.

  It's actually really easy.

  "Thank you...Thank you. Now I can stand up and challenge "Perseus""

  Black Rabbit's lips were trembling and he didn't know what to say, but maybe that was all he could say.

  "No need to thank you. Besides, the fun is yet to come, and I'm not for anyone, but for myself," Luo Yu said with a smile.

  Although Luo Yu said this, without any explanation, it cannot change the fact that this is fighting for the guild.Only in this way, Black Rabbit's heart was full of emotion.

  "It's you who came to the guild in response to the call... Black Rabbit really thinks it's great"

  Black Rabbit urgently hugged the big burden on his lap.Confirmation is not necessary.Black Rabbit already knew what was inside.So she was more excited by their kindness than the spoils themselves.

  Black Rabbit wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and Huo Yi stood up.There was no more confusion in her eyes.

  She looked at the three in turn, and declared loudly

  "We will declare war on Perseus. Take back our partner, Lady Leticia."


  Ask for flowers, "for a reward", "for a collection", and "for a subscription". Anyway, if you don't need money for flowers, just throw some money to the author's fungus! ! .

Chapter 252

  "Please subscribe", "please collect", "please give a reward" for flowers !


  Five days later.

  The location is the fifth place in Hakoten, [-] Outer Gate. The Eighty-Eighth Division of "Eye of Summoning".

  The [-] outer gates are the outer gates in charge of the "class ruler" Shiroyasha who lives on the first floor.At the same time, it is also the headquarters of "Perseus", which is also under the "Eye of Summoning".

  However, hanging in front of the snow-white palace of "Perseus" headquarters, there is only one flag with "Gorgon's Head" painted on a white background.There are no twin goddesses flags on a red background.

  This is because the black rabbit and others and other scandals were exposed by Shiroyasha, and "Perseus" was punished by an indefinite ban on hanging the "Summoning Eye" flag.

  On the uppermost terrace of the White Palace, Luios looked down and greeted the kin who was beside him.

  "Five days have passed. I think the black rabbit will negotiate again, but there is still no sign. It seems that it is not going well. I thought I would definitely take this opportunity to get "Moon ~ Rabbit""

  "But is this really good? My "Perseus" headquarters can be located in the five outer gates, all because of the "Eye of Summoning" backing. And now I am ordered not to fly the flag..." The cronies smiled bitterly road

  "Yeah. In the worst case, the headquarters will go down one floor. Hmm, don't worry. It should be said that this situation is just right. Father is also dead, and we can hardly continue to stay in the five outer gates. Or say You don't want to support the guild?"

  The trusted man showed an embarrassed look.Luios said so, but it was by no means impossible to stay in the five outer gates.The most powerful gift he possesses is a power that not even the Demon King dares to be careless.

  As long as Luios is willing to lead the entire guild with all his heart and is willing to command the entire guild, whether they are the "hosts" or the contestants, they will be able to achieve twelve points of victory, but now..."

  The confidant shook his head helplessly.And a woman suddenly appeared on their terrace.

  "Sorry for coming late at night, Lord Luios"

  "Who is coming!"

  The trusted man shouted and drew the long sword from his waist.

  It was the "unnamed" black rabbit that landed lightly on the terrace.

  Luios couldn't help but stop his cronies and cheered

  "Oh! Why do you come in such a hurry! Sure enough, you have the intention to come to me!?"

  "...That's what I came here for. Tomorrow, I hope to hold a meeting with representatives of the guild. I wonder if you can spare time?"

  Black Rabbit said with a sad expression.And Luios stretched his arms with great excitement.

  "No problem, no problem! If that vampire isn't enough, it's fine to add something else!"

  "Louios-sama! The "Knight of Hakoniwa" is ready to trade—"

  Luios kicked his cronie's ass, who hastily interjected, to shut him up.

  Black Rabbit nodded with a melancholy expression and jumped off the terrace.

  "Haha, I finally succeeded! This time I don't have to flatter the "Eye of Summoning" sign! Good luck is finally my turn!"

  Luios smiled wildly and vulgarly.

  And the trusted man looked at the master who couldn't help but sighed heavily.

  "I didn't expect Black Rabbit to agree. Is it really a bloodline that can't resist devotion?"

  Luios, who was sitting at the negotiating table, has been sending hot eyes to Black Rabbit with a smirk, but Black Rabbit ignored him and said.

  "We "nameless" offered to duel with "Perseus""


  Luios's expression changed instantly.He frowned at the unexpected answer.

  Black Rabbit continued

  "The duel method can adopt the highest difficulty match that "Perseus" has"

  "...Huh? What? You're here to talk about this kind of nonsense? I already said I won't duel."

  Louis said disappointedly.Although he didn't feel that he would lose in a battle with them, the opponent had "Hakaba Nobles".As long as you face a rabbit with Indra's weapon, there is danger in accepting any game.

  Moreover, it is a great humiliation to have an equal duel with "No Name".

  Luios, who insisted on refusing, waved his hand and said:

  "If it's for this, then hurry back. It's really annoying. Although it's not a hobby, let's use that vampire to relax. Anyway, I'm going to sell it to a lecherous pig who doesn't mind even if it's scraps—"

  ——Boom, the black rabbit placed a huge burden in front of Luios.

  In the baggage, rolled out two precious jades with the seal of the red and blue "Gorgon".

  When the "Perseus" cronies who were accompanying him saw this, they cried out in shock.

  "This, this is!!?"

  "Meaning the gift of challenging Perseus...!? Could it be that he was just a nameless person and actually defeated the sea devil and the woman in gray?" Luios' face changed dramatically.

  "Could it be him..." Luios instantly thought of Luo Yu who he met in Shiroyasha.

  "That bastard—" Luios' face instantly turned hideous.

  "Hmph... Anyway, we are your opponents. Anyway, this game was originally designed to let other guilds know how much they have set up. Then I will be thorough, so that you will no longer have the strength to resist and completely... destroy you."

  Luios looked at the black rabbit hideously and said angrily.

  And the black rabbit stared at him without showing weakness and declared war.

  "The rudeness of your trampling on my guild is no longer necessary. "Nameless" and "Perseus". Let's compete in the gift game."


  after one day!

  Contents of "Contract"

  "Blessed Game Name "Assassination"

  List of Contestants: Luo Yu, Luo Hao, Erica, Izayoi, Asuka, Kasugabe

  'No Name' Coach Kim Russell

  "Perseus" coach Luios Perseus

  Defeat the host coach through conditions

  Defeat conditions require the coach of the participating team to surrender.

  The coach of the participating team is disqualified.

  Participant does not meet the above victory conditions.

  Stage Detailed Rules

  The organizer's coach is not allowed to leave the deepest part of the White Palace of the headquarters.

  Sponsor entrants are not allowed to enter the deepest depths.

  Participants must not be seen by the organizer (except the coach).

  Contestants who are seen are immediately disqualified and have no right to challenge the coach.

  Contestants who are disqualified only lose the right to challenge and can continue to participate in the competition.

  The oath "No Name" swears to abide by the above rules and participates in the bounty competition in the name of glory and banner.

  "Perseus" seal

  After signing the "contract instrument", the eight people were instantly engulfed by light.

  Then the dimensional distortion teleported the eight people to the gate of the palace, leading them to the entrance of the gift game.

  Standing in front of the door, Luo Yu and the others turned their heads inadvertently.The surroundings of the White Palace have been separated from Hakoniwa, floating in an unknown airspace.Here, it has become a place that is both in the little garden and not belonging to the little garden.

  "This is very similar to my Golden Sword Domain!" Luo Yu secretly said.

  "Do you lose your qualifications if you are seen? So, you want to assassinate Perseus?" Izayoi said excitedly, looking up at the palace.

  "In this case, Luios should imitate the legend and sleep. I don't think it's that simple," Jin En said.

  "Yes. Luios should be waiting at the deepest part of the palace. So we must first attack the palace. We are not like the legendary Perseus, we do not have the helmet of Hades. So without the gift of invisibility, we must make careful plans. "

  The black rabbit raised his index finger and explained.This time, the gift game is partly imitated by the legend of Perseus in Greek mythology.

  If you can't reach the deepest part of the palace without the "host" seeing it, you will be disqualified without even having to fight.

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