The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 1351: grateful

Originally, the shared power between the monster and the human will only appear in the contract relationship. For example, if Yang Chen signed a contract with the little monkey and became the master-servant relationship, the little monkey can use his own power to Yang Chen, but consume Very large.

But the three did not sign any contract with the monster in front of them. This should have happened, and the three of Yang Chen did not have to worry about the disadvantages caused by sharing. This is undoubtedly the biggest gospel, so the three are very Happy.

Of course, Yang Chen and Zhao Yu wouldn’t think so much, as long as there are advantages and no disadvantages, you don’t have to care about that much, but Dao Lingzhen is still a contemplative look, because I can’t think of the reason for it. Suddenly there was some anxiety, and people were a little irritable.

Dao Ling, a real person, scratches his head and scratches his head, and there is an itch in his heart. No matter what weird problems he encounters, he wants to get rid of it. If he does not understand his heart, it will be uncomfortable. The whole person will be upset and know to clear the problem. Only in my heart will I be comfortable and will I let myself go.

Yang Chen and Zhao Yu both looked at Dao Ling as a real person, and were a bit crying and laughing, and thought it was a pity that this guy wouldn’t go to the imperial religious disciples to understand the outside world. It is estimated that the disciples of Emperor Zong will also worship him.

But that's just Dao Ling's ability to be a real person. Every immortal has a strong man's dream in his heart. Everyone fantasizes that he can stand on the highest peak and glance at the world. Only strong cultivation can prove one. The existence of a famous immortal.

Just as mortals have the highest honors of having their cultivators to do backing or making money, the most expectation of most mortals is to be rich and powerful, so that they can get decent. DEK is very hard.

The rules of the world of mortals and the world of immortals are the same. Weak flesh and strong food. Whoever is strong is the king, but immortals are much higher than mortals, but their purpose is the same and become the strongest existence.

The light group in front of me was still shining with light. Suddenly, a light group leaving the light went toward the real person of Dao Ling in the distance. The real person of Dao Ling was slightly surprised but not blocked. The monster in front of him was regarded as a friend of several people. They will not kill them, so Dao Ling is not at all guarded.

The light slowly fell from the top of Dao Lingren’s head, gradually immersed in the Dao Lingren Tianling cover, only to see his body shuddered, countless thoughts suddenly appeared in his mind, and Dao Lingren’s face suddenly felt happy, You can't be excited.

It turns out that the monster in the light group is also an ancient monster, and it also has a strong ability to comprehend. It is a hostile relationship with the three-headed python. This relationship has been the same since ancient times. Therefore, when this monster is going to make a breakthrough, the three-headed Python felt a huge crisis.

If this monster is allowed to break through, there will no longer be a place for the three-headed python in this jungle, so when the three-headed python notices the monster’s breakthrough, it hurries from a distance to destroy it. Don't want this monster to break through.

The original timing was good, but Yang Chen and Zhang Yue were killed. Their arrival completely wiped out all the hopes of the three-headed python. Not only was the hope shattered, but even the three-headed python fell. Poor this ancient monster Bo Ming, thus disappeared in the long river of fairy cultivator history.

Perhaps the three-headed python in front of us is the only three-headed python left in ancient times. Today, this species should also disappear.

The ancient monsters originally had heart-to-heart sensibility with immortal practitioners, so the monster in front of them used that ability to subvert the cognition of the real people.

For the sake of immortal repairers or monsters, they are the most powerful existence, but because of a devastating catastrophe, many things have been lost. Today, these monsters have long lost the special abilities of ancient monsters. With the gradual increase, the demon beast's past style has long since declined.

In the eyes of immortals, today’s monsters are nothing more than a group of weak and persistent people. In the world of immortals, only immortals are the masters of the whole world. They have powerful cultivation practices, which are stronger than ancient mortals. It's too much.

In ancient times, there were many mortals, but there were very few who were able to cultivate immortals. In that catastrophe, immortal realm lost a lot, and few immortals were left. Later, after repeling enemies from outside, a powerful immortal was really depressed.

Although the seal has been set, the seal has been rushed for a day, only sooner or later. If the next invasion comes from the outside world, the world will become hell, and the scenery of the past will no longer exist. That fairy is really uncomfortable. Made a decision.

This immortal injected spirit roots into mortals, and the children they gave could have spiritual roots to cultivate immortals, but this immortal was not too powerful, and only allowed some mortals to enjoy such honors. An idea.

It is to set up the spiritual root in the reincarnation path, as long as those who pass through the reincarnation will have a certain chance to obtain the spiritual root, so there are mortals with spiritual roots everywhere in the world. Root, that will definitely produce an imbalance.

After the Linggen is still not available, this fairy has found some of the magical skills of the fairy world and spread them on the earth. Because the holocaust is really terrifying, there are very few exercises that can be left, so many of the best skills are in The world is more precious.

This fairy chose some mortal gifts and let them teach others. When mortals found that they also had spiritual roots that they could cultivate to become celestial beings, they yearned for the extreme. Since then, mortals have set off a wave of mortal leisure. These people are extremely talented. A lot of strong people quickly appeared.

After that, in order to restrict the power of the fairy repairer and worry about their omnipotence after gaining power, the fairy thought of a way to cultivate countless monsters and monsters. The number of monsters is not much compared to the fairy repairer, but yes These immortals have a restrictive effect.

Just when everything was done properly, the fairy discovered that the seal had cracks, so he sacrificed himself, and finally bet on that crack, he also became a part of the seal, and since then dissipated in the world, even the chance of reincarnation nothing.

Later, because of the disappearance of this immortal, some immortals cultivated evil hearts because they did not have powerful exercises. Afterwards, the world of immortals was in chaos, until the founder of Emperor Zong appeared, Tianlanxing This only stabilized.

"Thank you senior."

Tao Lingzheng bowed respectfully to the monsters in the light group to express his gratitude. His heart was as happy as he had just eaten honey, and then he stood up with a cheerful expression, This time the place of trial is also a lot of knowledge, can you be unhappy?

The body cultivation has been greatly improved, and the secrets of this ancient monster have been understood. When going out, Dao Ling and real people can show off well. Such opportunities are really rare, if they are in the outside sky blue star. There are very few such opportunities.

After all, there are quite a few Celestial Cultivators. Many relics or some powerful things have long been taken away by these field-cultivating Immortals, so there are still few resources outside, but the place of trial It's different. How rich are the resources inside.

Because the trial site only opens every once in a while, there is no certain way to enter it, and the trial site is still limited to a limited number of people. Under such protection, there are still a lot of resources .

And if the place of trial does not limit the time, it will also make the immortal practitioners swept away. No one wants to enter the place of trial. Nothing can be obtained. Such a result will be very uncomfortable. Fortunately, The place of refining limits time.

The Guta sect here is a big accident. The other places of trial are not so well treated. Generally, the immortals are allowed to enter for three to seven days. Seven days is the most, but the Guta sect is the most. But for thirty days.

No one knows the mystery of this, even the old guys of the three great emperors of the Emperor Sect are also unclear. It was just that one of the most powerful gods of Gu Ta Zong got a scroll in the past, because it was cracked. The mystery in the ancient scroll discovered the existence of Gu Ta Zong.

The ancient pagoda is opened once every thousand years, and the stone that needs to be tested is opened. This stone is not an ordinary stone. It must be made by an extremely high immortal practitioner, and the materials required are very peculiar and the materials are also valuable. No market.

Therefore, the great power in the realm of God would tear the void and look elsewhere. If it could not be so, Yang Chen and others did not have such a good opportunity for this trip, so they were very happy that they appeared in the Gutazong, Still a group of outstanding disciples.

There is no such good opportunity if it is changed to other sect gates. Today's emperor sect is large in scale and the background is extremely deep, but if it is less than the ancient Gatazong of the hidden world, it is also a rare ~One heaven and one underground, there is no comparison at all.

The Qingfeng Sect of Gu Ta Zong has stepped into the realm after reaching the realm of God. As for the realm behind them, the three of them are unknown. In the mind of all the practitioners, the realm of God is the highest level in the world of immortal cultivation. There is no higher state beyond that.

"Thank you for helping me when I broke through, and I have nothing for you, I hope you don’t mind."

The monster in the light group is very polite. The three people in front of him are his benefactors. They thought that the immortal would not intervene in the dispute between monsters and beasts, but Yang Chen’s performance was out of his accident. This man is rich. Compassion will worry about the monster.

Because the cultivation of this monster is extremely high, which is two levels above Yang Chen, so the thoughts in Yang Chen's heart can be ascertained with only one thought, but fortunately, Yang Chen did not disappoint him, but the monster was practicing hard. There is no powerful magic weapon or elixir, she can't use these things.

So I feel that this favor is very small for the help of several people, and I feel a little overwhelmed in my heart. How can Yang Chen and others feel that this gift is small. For several people, the improvement of strength can make them good at the place of trial. Live on.

Only if you are alive can you continue to cultivate immortals and continue to improve your cultivation. If you are dead, all your efforts will be in vain. Therefore, if you add this force, the chance of survival will be greater, and the three people are naturally grateful. of.

"Seniors are thinking too much. This is how much blessing we have earned to get it. It is already very good."

Yang Chen hurriedly replied that the other party was so polite that he was surprised. No monster has ever been so polite to talk to the fairy cultivator, even Zhang Yue is somewhat biased against several people. After all, the monster beast and the fairy cultivator are Natural enemies, this reality is hard to erase.

(End of this chapter)

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