The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 160: George's new discovery

Sitting in the hard sleeper car seat near the rear of the car, George fiddled with his latest Apple phone to surf the Internet.

As a senior executive of China, a large multinational company, George has lived in China for more than ten years. If you don't look at your appearance, I'm afraid no one will recognize it. This man, who is a master of Beijing movies and full of rustic slang, is actually a foreigner.

And his other hidden identity as the recipient of the title of honorary paladin of the Holy See made him also come into contact with the Chinese metaphysical circle and joined the Chinese metaphysics forum.

Now, on the train on a business trip, he is busy using the 3G network to browse the posts of China Metaphysics Forum.

"Huh? Some days don't come, it seems that a lot of things have happened to this Chinese Metaphysics Forum?"

As soon as he entered the forum, he saw the top posts. Post titles and clicks are far more than other posts in the forum.

"Eternal Truth! The Ultimate Mystery of Reiki-A Brief Introduction to the Theory of Energy Particles", posted by the running dog under the Chongyang Gate, clicked on 200,000, and posted 12,000.

"Nonsense, Ten Thousand Years of Misfortune-Refute the "Summary of Energy Particles"", the poster I am proud of at the Dragon Gate, click 185 million, follow 10,000.

"Who is bullshit, and will be wrecked for years!" -Refute ‘Reject ‘Energy Particle Brief Description’’, the poster flutters a duckweed in the wind, clicks 179,000, and follows 9,000.

"On the Empty Reality of the Theory of Energy Particles", posted by Shaoyang Zhenxian, clicked on 150,000, followed by 7,500.

"Longmen School's disciples were abolished and repaired as (1)" after they were abandoned. The poster was a metaphysical reporter. He clicked 250,000 and followed 15,000.

George's eyes were on the post briefly describing the theory of energy particles.

For him, the internal disputes in the metaphysical world of Hua Guo are all dog-biting dogs. It doesn't matter at all. What he cared about was something that looked similar to scientific theory.

As the owner of the Holy Paladin honorary title, of course, he has a very firm and even rare firm belief, which should be disgusted with technology.

But times are different, not in the Middle Ages. Right now science and faith are perfectly combined. The mainstream theory now circulating among the elite of the Holy See is. Science is the best treasure God has given to mankind, and it is also the best and most appropriate tool for mankind to be redeemed and establish the heavenly kingdom on earth.

As the elite of the Holy See, at least one of the preparatory elites, George fully endorsed this theory. And he does not matter scientific knowledge or scientific literacy. It is also worthy. At least, he can go to any first-class laboratory or research institute in Europe and America to be fully qualified for the work of core researchers.

After coming to the backward China. George found that most people in this country can say that they have no faith, or that they believe in science. Out of a vigilance against this country with a long history of civilization. He is very concerned about the development of science and technology in China.

Of course, more cases. George's attitude is full of sarcasm.

At the beginning of this time, George also had this attitude:

"Energy particle theory? God, what a joke? How could this scientifically backward country have such an advanced, avant-garde theory? It must be a scientific scam like water to oil!"

of course. George, who has a high scientific literacy, does not rashly draw conclusions. He murmured a few words in disdain. Start to calculate the formula in the theory of energy particles in my heart:

"Huh? There seems to be no problem with the mathematical argument of this theory? And let me check... well, as if I can't see any flaws... Damn, there are no super calculations for me here. Not even a personal computer, a human brain The computing power is still too poor."

George looked dignified at the back of the post: "Anyway, this theory should be paid attention to."

And his face became more and more dignified: "What? Is it still possible? It seems that this theory should focus on."

In the end, there was only shock left on George's face: "It turns out that! Turns out that way! I can't think of what I never got an answer in the Holy See, but it was answered by the content of this energy particle theory. No matter how important this theory is, Excessive! What? Fak!"

I was flipping through, and the train had already started. Because of the problem with the mobile phone signal, after the train started, the 3g network situation started to get worse, the loading of the post was repeatedly interrupted, and George had to refresh it again and again.

However, even so, there is still not much content to be loaded every time, and he is very worried.

"Schett!" As the speed of the train increased, the network conditions became worse and worse, and even for a moment, George had to curse, gave up the refreshing effort, and looked up at the carriage.

"Huh? Why is there a person from the Chinese metaphysical world?" When he saw Bao Yihua, George clearly felt the spiritual fluctuations of the other party: "They are not the most low-key and low-key monks in the Chinese metaphysical world. Do you keep a distance from the world? How can this person radiate power fluctuations without concealment among ordinary people?"

Among ordinary people, there are also some people with sensitive perception, who can feel the fluctuation of spiritual power. If you do not cover up your own spiritual fluctuations, it will have very serious consequences for these ordinary people with keen senses. Therefore, both Chinese and foreign monks in metaphysical circles have hidden rules for converging their own power fluctuations. In particular, the metaphysical circles of Huaguo adhere to this unspoken rule particularly.

"But this is a matter of Chinese metaphysical circles, and it has nothing to do with me." George looked at Bao Yihua indifferently and shook his head. After thinking about it, he took out his iPhone and continued to struggle with the 3G network of scum.

But this time, perhaps in order to change his mood, he clicked on the post of "The Longmen School's disciples were abandoned and repaired as (1)". This time maybe it was good luck, the post opened quickly, and he read it in two or two, thoughtfully.

"It seems that there has been a lot of trouble in the Chinese metaphysical world. And it has something to do with the theory of energy particles. It should be carefully watched." George held the chin in one hand and waved the screen in the other, secretly playing. idea:

"It seems that this theory has a lot of opposition among the conservative, backward, and decadent Chinese metaphysical circles. Especially when something like this happened, maybe the scientist who invented this theory could not stay in China. ?In this case, it can be operated..."

This kind of research talent has been beaten by conservative forces in the country, and was eventually beaten out of the country to make achievements in foreign countries. The Yankees and the Japanese on the small islands of the sea have done a lot. With the development of science and technology in the United States and Japan, the contribution of these talented people is not small. Although Europeans do not do so much, they are not uncommon.

In fact, in the past two years, through George alone, he dug several researchers to Europe, and the research has also produced good results, so that George has received many awards from the Vatican Holy See headquarters.

However, those people are just tinkering and perfecting in the old pattern, and they can't be compared with those who open up new scientific situations like the scientist who pioneered the theory of energy particles.

One is an ordinary research talent who is important but not indispensable. The other is a peerless genius like Newton and Einstein destined to subvert the history of scientific development.

If such a person can be dug into the corner successfully, it would be simply...

George almost saw the scene where he was sealed as a saint by the Holy See.

Flowers, applause, the importance of the Holy See, the Lord's praise, this is how many times he has dreamed of dreaming! And all this, right in front of my own eyes, seems to be within reach...

He shook his head vigorously, struggling to interrupt his imagination: "This kind of talent must be valued by the Chinese government. It is not so easy to dig a corner. But..."

An evil smile appeared on his face: "Why don't I help them? After all, those old-fashioned talents represent the long history of China. As old friends of the Chinese people and admirers of Chinese culture, help them protect Tradition is the virtue of my great honor paladin, and my unshirkable duty!"

"However, in a country full of heretics and pagans, there are too many people who stubbornly hold some patriotic creeds. Humans are all God’s people. Return to God’s arms is the most salvation. A good way, patriotism is really too narrow. But in case that scientist is also such a person..."

There was a bit of coldness in George's eyes: "As the proverbs of this country, there is an unpredictable situation in the sky, and there are disasters for mankind. The sinners who do not believe in God are so miserable and miserable. It is really pitiful.

In his cold eyes, there was a little bit more messianic compassion of the savior.

"Very well, just do it. Get off the train and contact the Vatican to apply for support. Such an important scientist cannot be overestimated!"

Having made up his mind, George was ready to study this post in order to come up with the most suitable strategy for digging corners.

At this time There was a sudden "catch fugitive" in my ear, and the car suddenly became chaotic. The man who was discovered by him to be full of aura wave ran over here frantically.

George watched coldly, not intending to intervene. However, as soon as the other party ran beside him, a voice from the flight attendant made the other party stop. Nothing else, but that name made him immediately concerned: Bao Yihua.

This reminded him of the post just now. Although there were many people with the same name, but combined with the fluctuation of the aura that the other party could not control, George affirmed his judgment.

Could it be that this is the protagonist of that post? Luck yourself so good?

George's heart suddenly became alive, and he saw the other person looking back in his busy schedule. George gave him a meaningful smile, but he scared the other person to a stagger.

At this time, the two men in black had rushed over.

George stood up suddenly, blocking the way of the two men in black!

As an old friend of the Chinese people, how can he die without help? (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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