The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 219: Happy cooperation

Standing in front of Zhou Weijian was a Japanese guest who attended the meeting tonight.

However, it wasn't Taro Kawasaki of the Mitsubishi Foundation, but another handsome middle-aged man, Jun Watanabe.

"Mr. Watanabe, what are you doing for me?" Zhou Weijian didn't quite understand the other party's intentions.

What is the origin of Jun Watanabe? I was able to please Wang Meimei and deliberately brought myself to a hidden corner in the villa to discuss things.

I heard that Wang Meimei went to Japan some time ago. Did he know him in Japan? However, after all, Wang Meimei is a big brother’s woman. Isn’t it wrong to just contact the Japanese?

He secretly guessed in his heart.

"Zhou Sang, I think we have a common enemy." Jun Watanabe said.

Zhou Weijian looked at Watanabe Jun's sincere gaze, and did not speak, but he had almost boiled his heart and was desperately calculating the other party's intentions.

Although he is also a dude who seems to only know about eating, drinking, and playing, after all, he was born in a family like Zhou's family, but he has a lot of hearts under his ears.

But the reputation of the Japanese in China is not very good. Although there are a lot of people catching up with it, it is all for the benefit. Some people are crazy about it, but they are ordinary people. People who are really born like Zhou Weijian must talk about their loved ones in their hearts, not to mention the notorious Japanese?

"I think I don't have any enemies." All sorts of calculations in my mind made Zhou Weijian seem calm on the surface.

"No, no," Watanabe shook his finger with a smile and shook: "Everyone saw the scene. Why should Zhou Sang hide it?"

The thought of being slapped in the public just now, and acting so stubbornly, Zhou Weijian felt the blood on his face, hot and painful.

Facing Mu Qingsi's female prowess, I didn't feel it, but after thinking about it, Zhou Weijian was very embarrassed.

"What about then?" he replied in a harsh tone: "The Mu family is not annoying. How many brain fragments do I have to eat to be stupid enough to go against the Mu family, or do I cooperate with the Japanese?"

"What is a brain fragment?" Obviously Watanabe didn't know this Chinese country's online terminology, and this question ignited Zhou Weijian's anger.

He said angrily: "What do you mean you don't care. I won't cooperate with you anyway!"

Despite this, Zhou Weijian felt quite stumped in his heart. but. But it did not come out.

To whom?

Mu Qingsi?

What a joke? It would be nice if she didn’t provoke you to that devil. Are you going to mess with her? Really don't want to live?

Yang Chen? That was the concubine's head of the devil's head.

Who else can there be?

Zhou Weijian only felt panicked in his heart, and even had difficulty breathing, exhaling heavily. There is a feeling that he is about to explode.

Why not destroy this world immediately? Hurry up and destroy it! Destroy that **** witch's head together with the **** in front of me!

"Oh, Zhou Sang, don't joke. I'm just a businessman. But I'm not stupid enough to provoke the Mu family like the behemoth family in both the political and military circles of China." Jun Watanabe smiled: "I mean, that is called Yang Morning man."

"What Yang Chen Liu Chen did, anyway, no way!" Zhou Weijian said without thinking. Suddenly he reacted: "Wait, you mean... Yang Chen?"

"Yes. Yang Chen!"

"Yang Chen!" Spit out these two words from the teeth, Zhou Weijian did not hide his hatred for him.

If it weren't for Yang Chen's knowledge of Mu Qingsi, Mu Qingsi's good special forces would not wait. How can I run out of love? If she doesn't run out, she will love her. Why would she go to that store to buy clothes? Don't go to the boutique to buy clothes. How could it be filmed? How can you be found without being photographed? Why can't I sit on the wax without being discovered?

In short, everything is Yang Chen's fault!


After all, it was Mu Qingsi's concubine!

Annoying him will cause Mu Qingsi!

So Zhou Weijian hesitated: "But..."

As if understanding his mind, Jun Watanabe comforted him: "Is Zhou Sang worried about Yang Chen and Miss Mu? Please rest assured. According to reliable information, Miss Mu and Yang Chen are not a relationship, but just ordinary friends."

"Then why are they walking together?"

"Together, it's just that Miss Mu's mission in the special forces happened to be related to Yang Chen."

Zhou Weijian hesitated and said: "Is the news reliable?"

Jun Watanabe smiled: "Zhou Sang, in your capacity, you should know that in your country, there are many friends who advocate China-Japan friendship and are very friendly to us. Their energy is not small. The news is that one of our friends passed on Yes, I think it’s still very reliable."

Of course, Yang Chen is from the metaphysical world, so I can't tell you this. My great Japanese onmyoji and ninja are also part of the metaphysical world. The wind and the grass in the metaphysical world is not so easy to hide from us.

Watanabe Junxin said.

Zhou Weijian looked at Watanabe Jun, unsure whether to believe him.

He also knew the existence of the pro-Japanese faction that the other party said. Even for some people and families in China, the pro-Japanese attitude is simply clear. But whether this kind of pro-Japan is really pro-Japanese, and really think that it should be a family of Huari, or is it just for the benefit and political needs, and may turn over at any time, it is not easy to say.

Anyway, with his background, he also knew some gossip. It is said that some people with low status did sell intelligence to Japan. Therefore, to say Jun Watanabe, the credibility is still relatively high.


What if?

"Zhou Sang, let's talk about it, even if Miss Mu and Yang Chen are a couple, what about the status of the Mu family, is Yang Chen high climbing? Could the Mu family fully support Yang Chen? Without the full support of the Mu family, even Mu Missy supports Yang Chen, how can that be?" Jun Watanabe said again.

Seeing that Zhou Weijian was still hesitating, Jun Watanabe finally cast a heavy weight: "Besides, with Zhou Sang's talents, are you really willing to be bullied by Miss Mu on your head for a lifetime? Moreover, Zhou Sang's brother seems to be the same ..."

"Don't say it!" Zhou Weijian's eyes were flushed and his spirits were manic.

Next to Wang Meimei is still helping to say: "Yes, Brother Zhou, how good is Miss Mu's background? I believe Brother Zhou will surpass him! Brother Zhou, you are Brother Brother Zhou, shouldn't he help him? ?"

Zhou Weijian finally made up his mind and gritted his teeth: "Okay! Mr. Watanabe, I promise to cooperate with you!"

"Very good, happy cooperation!" Jun Watanabe reached out with a smile.

When Zhou Weijian was persuaded by the Japanese, several Westerners who attended the banquet also gathered to whisper.

"Dear Hudges, when did Dassault Dassault ever think of running to the backward China to seek advanced materials and technology?" said a tall, middle-aged Caucasian man with blue eyes and an eagle nose. Called Mike, he is a person in charge of Bell Labs in China.

"Oh, Mike, it's not surprising that we are here. After all, although China's technology is not necessarily advanced, it can reduce costs on a large scale. After all, Dassault is engaged in the aviation industry. Even if the cost is reduced by one percentage point, it means that With a net profit of hundreds of millions of euros, why do we not come? After all, this is the world's factory!" Hudgens is a short, gray-eyed Westerner who spread his hands:

"On the contrary, you, Bell Labs, have always been the leaders and inventors of the most advanced telecommunications technology industry. You should have the most advanced technology in your hands. What are you doing in China?"

"We come for granted. In this country, there are many qualified front-line researchers. They may not have groundbreaking thinking or the ability to invent and create. But their basic qualities are very good. They must live without them! This is why we Lucent Bell set up a research center in China and recruit graduate students." Mike smiled and shook his head:

"As for the material, I have to admit that even in the scientific desert of China, there will be cactus. Such excellent people should immigrate to the United States, where they are their research paradise. I’m just The advancement of human science escorts."

"So, that material is useless in the telecommunications industry?" Hudgens' gray eyes turned: "How can I hear that if you add that kind of super ceramic powder to some components?" , Performance can be improved several times, and there is even a tendency to exceed the physical limits of existing electronic products?"

"That's just a rumor. The physical limits of modern electronic products are not so good to surpass, at least, it is impossible for the current technology not to be subversively updated." Mike said.

"Maybe I can think that you have found the key to disruptive technology advancement?"

Mike froze for a while and asked, "What about you? What did you find?"

"Nothing, we just found something that can help us enter the aerospace industry. The best part is that this technology is not patented! Can you imagine? No patent! A patented beauty seconds technology, you can use it to your heart's content It does not have to give its original owner even one euro in patent fees!" Hudgens said:

"Maybe ~ ~ we should first register a patent first..."

"Why not? Now that the material is so versatile, it should be added to the ranks of international intellectual property protection, rather than being omitted!"

European and American countries have always paid attention to intellectual property rights. As a country with a more advanced technological level, it is more beneficial to protect intellectual property rights, so they do it. But the United States and Germany more than a hundred years ago copied the technology of the cottage UK before they developed it. At that time, they did not mention the protection of intellectual property rights.

Because of this, squatting other people's patents can only be called a patent strategy, not robbers and thieves. What's the difference in essence?

As a large multinational company, they waved patent sticks to inventors to make profits. They did not know how many times they did, and they didn’t care how much more.

"So, I think we have a common language and have a good cooperation." Hudgens reached out his hand.

"Happy cooperation!" Mike and Hudgens clasped their hands together. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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