The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 241: New casting methods

"Speaking of this input equation," Yang Chen pointed to the black hole that devours the surrounding light all the time: "Some parameters can be stored because its own function is to absorb energy and information. Although its weighted value is not high, But the function is very powerful."

"Weighted value? What is this?" Wang Xiancheng asked.

"The so-called weighted value is actually a parameter related to the power of spells." Yang Chendao said: "As I said before, in the new energy particle theory, the traditional system has been abandoned, and the magic power is used to determine the magic order. Practice. However, after all, the power of this spell is also one of the important indicators of a spell. This parameter must still exist. In the new theory, this parameter is the weighted value."

"What is called a weighted value? The so-called weighted value is actually a measure of how much energy particles that build a particle equation can be amplified after the spell is cast." Yang Chen raised a finger and pointed to the input equation: "For example The weighted value of this input equation is only from zero to one. So what is the weighted value of zero? The weighted value of zero is the power that can amplify the power of energy particles to 1024 times degree."

"1024 times? Sounds like a lot." Wang Xiancheng thinks this number is already very large.

Yang Chen smiled and shook his head: "It just sounds a lot. Because the number of energy particles that the monk can control is still not enough. So, especially the initial monk, even if it is amplified by 1024 times, the energy that can actually burst out, It’s not big. However, if the weight of a spell is lower than 0.1, that is, the amplification power is less than 1024, then it is basically not qualified for the spell. So, generally speaking, the weight of 0.1 Is the smallest value."

"The weighted value of 0.2 is equivalent to a magnification of 2048 times, and so on. The rest will be deduced by analogy. The weighted value of 1 is a magnification of 10240 times. At present, the highest weighted spell in the entire metaphysical world, It will not exceed 10, which is 102,400 times magnification. As for the higher realm. That is another matter."

Yang Chen remembered the knowledge he had learned in later generations.

It should be said that the magic with a weight value of 10. That is the limit of meteor order and even satellite order. However, the higher planetary order, stellar order, and even the constellation order, nebula order, galaxy order, black hole order, etc., may reach the level of only one hand to destroy a huge galaxy as large as the Milky Way. That weighting value is quite large.

Of course these are even in later generations. It's just some legends. After all, even the Trojan Federation that has been able to cross the starry sky. It is only in the legend that there is a faint shadow of this powerful existence, and even the highest level they can touch is the constellation order. And it's just indirect contact.

"However. The power of the spell, the weighted value is an aspect. The base value of the spell itself is also an aspect." Yang Chen continued to explain to Wang Xiancheng while playing with the two particle equations in front of him: "The so-called base value. In fact is The number of energy particles that construct the energy equation of the spell. For example, in this input equation, the base value of the spell is 30, because it is built with thirty energy particles."

"The equal order of the spell is of course determined by the complexity of the particle equation used to construct the spell. It is differentiated by the unary particle equation and the binary particle equation. However, if you want a convenient distinction, you can also use the base value to distinguish. The base value of first-order spells generally does not exceed 128, and the base value of second-order spells is at least 1024."

"So, the current power of a spell is equal to the base value multiplied by the current weight and then multiplied by 10240. The reason why it is current is because according to different environments and different circumstances, the weighted value of a spell will be certain. The range fluctuates. So the magic power value will also have a fluctuation. This range is called the weighted interval. For example, in this input equation, the weighted interval is 0.1-0.2, and the base value is 30. Then the spell power range is also Between 30720 and 61440."

Finally, Yang Chen concluded: "With this standard, you can basically clearly distinguish the power of the spell. With accurate data calculation, you can clearly see the spell's casting and the evaluation of the effect of the spell. Understand. If you have clear data on the magical power of the enemy’s and our opponent’s battles, then you can be targeted and maximize the efficiency of the battle.”

"Not only that, the magic weapon, alchemy, cloth array, etc., with accurate data, can reach the most perfect level. In a sense, the theory of energy particles is to uncover the essence of Reiki Next, the result of digitizing all the traditional practice systems. Therefore, everyone who studies the theory of energy particles should study these carefully. This is the basis of whether you can understand this theory."

Regarding Yang Chen's reminder, Wang Xiancheng nodded: "I understand Yang Chen. I will definitely study mathematics and other scientific knowledge. Although..."

He said sadly: "Although these things are very painful to learn, but I believe that with the qualifications of my disciples in Chongyang Palace, since I can overcome the levels of cultivation before, then I will definitely be able to overcome this scientific study now. Level!"

At the end, his eyes were full of confidence.

Yang Chen nodded recklessly, still too young. These things are not what Xueba wants to learn, but the pain is enough to make you want to die. Anyway, Yang Chen really wants to come back again, and he doesn't know if he can persevere.

Of course, since Wang Xiancheng is confident, Yang Chen will not attack his confidence, so he will not give him a wave of cold water, and continue to point to the two particle equations: "When speaking of the input equation, it looks like Black holes in science. Well, you haven't learned the content of black holes yet. I won't explain them in detail here. I will slowly read the book after I go down."

Wang Xiancheng scratched his scalp. Although he didn't understand it, it didn't prevent him from taking down all the contents of Yang Chen's story and slowly comprehend it. In the Chongyang Palace, he had learned this way.

"In fact, this input equation was originally parsed from a simulated black hole. But it is still different from a black hole, that is, it cannot swallow matter, and only swallows a small part of energy, mainly it What is swallowed is information data. After swallowed, it can transfer these data in some way."

Yang Chen pointed to another particle equation that emits white light: "This transfer can only be transferred to another particle equation that is a pair with it, which is the output equation. And this output equation can be seamlessly combined with Any other equation is connected, and the solution of the equation is output as the parameter of the other equation. Moreover, it can not only output the data that was transferred from the input equation before, but also process and calculate the data and output the operation result. ."

"That is to say, if I realize the parameters of a particle equation, I directly pass it to the input equation, the input equation can be transferred to the output equation, and through this output equation, I input the desired In this magical particle equation. This does not require me to manually set the parameters of the particle equation. Wang Xiancheng, maybe you think, is this an extra step?"

Wang Xiancheng nodded: "...It seems like it's a bit overwhelming..."

"Yes, if I just cast a spell and have only one goal and only want to achieve one result, then this is indeed superfluous. It is not as fast as I directly add the parameters when constructing the particle equation. But you Think about it, if I have more spells to cast? My goals are more than one, and my results are more than one? At this time, if you manually, you must initialize the particle equations one by one, add parameters, and then release."

Seeing Wang Xiancheng's disapproving expression, Yang Chen smiled and said, "Maybe you will say that our predecessors and monks all cast spells like this. It used to be true that the spells were cast in the past. Many goals. However, the energy particle theory system has subverted this iron law. This is one of the revolutionary meanings of this theory."

He pointed to the input in the air and input two equations: "Like now, I used light microscopy to grab a lot of surveillance camera images and got the location of these surveillance cameras. Then I have to kill these surveillances, but I can’t There is too much noise, what is the traditional way? You can only continue to cast spells, one by one to kill these surveillance cameras. However, in the new energy particle theory cultivation system, we don’t have to be so troublesome."

"Look," Yang Chen said, and he flicked the dark sphere into the equation at and flew to the light microscopy that has now displayed many surveillance camera frames.

As you can see, countless light spots flew out of the light microscopy and fell into the input equation. If you count carefully, you will find that the number of these light spots is exactly the same as the number of all monitoring.

After absorbing these light points, the input equation is just a slight distortion of the dark sphere, and there seems to be more ambilight outside.

"Now, I have received all the monitoring data and parameters of photomicroscopy for the input equation. By adjusting the parameters in the equation of the input equation, I can easily decide which convenience and which items will be received. data."

"What is this Ambilight?" Wang Xiancheng asked when he saw the vision above.

"The above Ambilight can intuitively reflect the amount of data received by the input equation. The brighter the Ambilight, the more data, the more data. Once Ambilight covers the entire equation, you can't see the internal Input equation, then it means that the capacity of this input equation is full, you must change to a new input equation, or provide energy to increase its capacity."

Yang Chen answered. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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