The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 247: 0 year starship plan

At the same time when Yang Chen received the sun mirror of the Zhenguo Tianzhao in the later generations, California in the United States on the other side of the Pacific Ocean was the sun.

In a laboratory affiliated with a research institute of the US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Steven blinked his eyes turning red because he had not slept all night and drank a cup of strong coffee to resist twenty-four. The drowsiness caused by the hours without rest, removed his eyes from the computer screen and took a long breath: "Dr. Nancy, the result is already out."

Known as Dr. Nancy, he is definitely a great beauty. He has long black hair, brown eyes that seem to speak, deep eye sockets, sculpture-like outlines, and a beautiful face with ancient Greek style. The flamboyant figure that can't be concealed by the white coat makes her become a star sought after in this mostly male research institution.

She wears a pair of gold eyeglasses on the bridge of her nose, and adds a little intellectuality to her beauty, which makes her full of charming charm. She looked up from the folder in her hand and asked, "Steven, the result is out? How?"

Steven gave a happy smile: "It's quite perfect."

"Perfect?" Dr. Nancy shook her head somewhat unbelievably: "Can it be called perfect? ​​In the field of materials, you can't find anything perfect."

"Yes, according to past experience, this is the case. But this time, maybe an exception. At least, it is perfect in all fields in which it can participate!" Steven said with some excitement:

"Think about it, an almost versatile material that can play an important role in almost everything you can imagine. How valuable is it? I am a little jealous of the guy who developed this material, he must send it Big fortune!"

Dr. Nancy was not as excited as Steven, but just nodded lightly: "Send me the experiment report. Also, don't forget to follow the process and send a copy wherever you should."

"Oh...damn. I'm so excited. I almost forgot this!" Steven quickly lowered his head and hit the keyboard. Two minutes later he said: "Dr. Nancy, it's already sent."

Dr. Nancy logged into the laboratory's internal LAN and opened the experiment report. Soon, the data specifically marked in red font fell into her eyes. She flipped the page quickly. There is no need to deliberately think about it, and judge the weight of the data in the current experimental report based on experience alone.

"Oh,! Am I blinded?" She whispered involuntarily: "It's incredible!"

Just at this time. The internal phone rang, and Dr. Nancy's eyes were also attracted by the report. Always reluctant to let go, she fumbled to pick up the earpiece and put it in her ear. The whole process did not look away for a moment: "I am Nancy."

"Dr. Nancy. The experiment report has come out, what's your opinion?" A slightly somber male voice came across.

"Mr. Gavin, you are also an expert in this area. Don't you understand?" Dr. Nancy said jokingly.

"Of course I can understand it. Because of this, I can't believe it. The experiment is you doing, you tell me, everything is rigorous, right?"

"Gavin, can I think you are humiliating me and questioning my professional quality?" Dr. Nancy was a little angry.

"Sorry sorry, dear, I just... just a little unbelievable."

Dr. Nancy sighed: "I can't believe it. It's hard to imagine that such a perfect material was not born in the United States. Even...not even born in any country in the free world!"

Steven, who was listening to the news next to him, suddenly opened his mouth. However, he knew the confidentiality system of the laboratory. He opened his mouth and quickly covered his mouth, without exclaiming himself, but gently said: "! Are these Soviets... well, the former Soviets Has a terrible breakthrough been made? Is it that the Cold War is about to return to this planet again?"

"This is really a disaster! For our free world."

Dr. Nancy shrugged: "Yes, it's a disaster. But this has nothing to do with us. That's a question that politicians need to consider. I just want to know, is the source of this magical material accurate? Really... true What is the product of that mysterious Eastern Kingdom? Even those polar bears are good, but... but it really shouldn’t be those yellow races., I’m not racist, you know...these yellow races are very talented in scientific research That’s right, it’s just...just that backward country..."

"I understand. I think that once our Congress knows about this situation, it may be just about to be turned upside down, maybe it will quarrel and want to sanction that country again, God knows? But in that case, we have no cheap Chinese goods. God. Since the financial disaster two years ago, there has been no cheap Chinese goods, so life is really sad. Well, fortunately all of this is a state secret, our lovely parliamentarians will not know, at least Not in the short term."

"!!!" Dr. Nancy said repeatedly, understanding: "Those stupid politicians will always mess things up."

"Yes, well, to get to the point, you know how important this material is. I hope you will immediately organize the manpower to crack it. The United States and the Air Force Research Laboratory need to obtain all the secrets of this material. Although this material looks It can be bought commercially, but unfortunately, the country in the East has responded quickly, and all orders have now been frozen. There are not many things in our hands, we can only rely on cracking. if not……"

"Well, as you wish, I will start immediately. But, as you know, the hope is not great. Unless we can get the original research data..."

"I understand that I understand. Reverse engineering is not that easy. Damn, that Eastern Kingdom has always been the best at reverse engineering. Whether it's our America or Europe or those polar bears, their reverse engineering has never hesitated. But I'm not like The result is that in my lifetime, I can actually see the day we have to reverse engineer them."

"This is science. You never know who will suddenly succeed in that place that you never dreamed of." Dr. Nancy replied calmly.

"That's right, this is science. Okay, so, Nancy, please have coffee someday. Honey. Bye!"


The phone was hung up. Dr. Nancy put down the receiver. The expression changed, became extremely capable, and shouted loudly, and the voice spread throughout the laboratory. All the researchers were alarmed: "Look, ladies and gentlemen. We have new tasks! All work is suspended. We have only one task now, yes. The only task!"

The laboratory suddenly became busy, and countless calls were made. Countless data are collected. In just a few minutes, all funding needs were approved by the Special Committee with extremely high efficiency, and a large number of material request orders have been accepted. And all were sent over within two hours.

And when this laboratory began to be busy, Gavin, who had previously spoken with Dr. Nancy, once again dialed the encrypted internal telephone: "This is the American Space Research Laboratory. Please give me Mr. Edward of DARPA."

DARPA, the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Department of Defense. Also known as the National Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, it is the organization, coordination, management agency and technical management department for military high-tech pre-research work of the US Department of Defense. It is mainly responsible for the research, development and application of high and new technologies. Mid- and long-term projects that are risky but have large potential military value, large investment, and cross-service.

Over the years since its establishment, DARPA has successfully developed a large number of advanced weapon systems for the US military. At the same time, it has accumulated a wealth of scientific and technological resources for the United States, leading the trend of high-tech R&D in the United States and the world.

Soon the phone was dialed, and a man's strong voice came across: "This is Edward."

"Mr. Edward, I am Gavin. I want to talk to you about the kind of material in recent days."

"Materials? What materials?" Edward began to wonder, and then immediately understood: "Wait, you mean that kind of material from China?"

Gai Wendao: "Yes, that is the kind of material, reconfigurable nano ceramics."

"Well, I remembered that you also sent a copy of the past test. How?"

Gavin did not answer in a hurry, but asked first: "I think the Oak Ridge National Laboratory should have received the inspection task, did their results come out?"

"Wait a minute, let me see, um, okay, that's this..." Edward's voice came over to read the information: "Yes, the test report is in my hands. Yours is also there. So, Gavin , Do you have anything to say?"

Gavin said solemnly: "I think it's time to start."

There seems to be no clear over there: "What? You mean the Centennial Starship Program? Is the time ripe?"

"Yes, it's mature. It's more mature than you and I thought. We must start it right away, listen, it's right!"

"Wait, according to the plan, we will submit this plan by NASA to His Excellency President in April of this year, and His Excellency President Clinton will play an important role, thereby attracting the attention of the public and capital, all preparations are already in progress If you don’t give me a good reason, I can’t accelerate the plan hastily, otherwise, I won’t be able to explain it to you. After all, it’s a plan that spans hundreds of years. It doesn’t seem to make sense to advance so many months in advance. Good reason? Of course there is. The time is ripe. We don’t have to wait for a hundred years, and now we can start formal planning instead of pre-research!"

"Mature? Really mature?"

"Yes, it's really mature, if you count this material. Then believe that in thirty years, the United States will guide humans to step on the land of Mars. You and I will have a day to and from Mars in our lifetime. Listen, it is a round trip, Not a one-way ticket as planned!"

There was silence on the phone, and only a variety of breathing sounds came, and it said after a long time: "Listen, I will call experts to prove this. If you are correct, then as you wish."

"God bless America!"

"God bless America!"

The phone was hung up, but the two sides of the call were full of heart and soul. A new era is about to start, and everything will not just stay on paper and science fiction.

In the future, it is already in sight... (to be continued.) Launch of new website

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