The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 310: Miao Gaoliang's depression

Over the past month, the Chinese Metaphysics Portal Forum has developed explosively.

When Zhang Bingyu invested in the establishment of this forum, although it was regarded as a personal act, because of her status in Tianshi Mansion, in fact, this act was also known to Tianshi Mansion, and even the ancestors of the Temple Hall Everyone knows that it is equivalent to the default.

Since one day the temple is the default, others asked Daya, or Xumishan and Xiaoxitian. Even the Chinese Metaphysics Promotion Association, which is equivalent to a government agency, has finally defaulted. So much so that in this network era, the establishment of their own websites, including the China Metaphysics Promotion Association, did not establish their own forums, but in their own websites, the links that should belong to the forum were directed to Chinese Metaphysics. Portal.

In this case, unless the entire metaphysical community agrees to re-establish a new authoritative official website, then in the eyes of all monks, this authority and official will be served by the Chinese Metaphysical Portal Forum.

It was just before that people in the metaphysical world just built a website, just hoping that they would not be too backward in this era of rapid changes and endless new technologies, and they did not have much luxury in themselves.

But after the storm of energy particle theory and so on, the metaphysical community began to pay attention to the network, and many monks who had never used the network visited the Chinese Metaphysics Portal Forum for the first time. Many monks who visit only occasionally start to visit frequently, and even spend free time every day in this Chinese metaphysics portal forum.

Not only that, Zhang Bingyu even used the default of the ancestors, various major schools and the Chinese Metaphysics Promotion Association to let the forum staff to advertise everywhere, and also attracted many ordinary people from non-metaphysical circles to join the forum.

Slowly, this forum has not only become a communication platform for the metaphysical circles, but has also become a communication platform for ordinary people and monks in the metaphysical circles.

This also made the forum netizens who were purely monks in the metaphysical world mixed with many people, making the forum even more chaotic.

But this is a good thing for Miao Gaoliang.

Before managing this forum, the popularity was not high. It's kind of deserted. The workload is also small, but Miao Gaoliang is boring.

However, since the energy particle theory started to develop in the Chinese Metaphysics Portal Forum, this was originally just a leisure and entertainment forum that everyone used to chat idle and idle, and occasionally exchange information. Finally, he started to move towards the core of the metaphysics network.

The release of the energy particle theory is a wave. I don’t know how many people were bombed out. Controversies and quarrels about this theory have caused the entire forum to become lively, and the daily visits have more than doubled.

And that post about Bao Yihua is another wave. This time, more people were bombed out. The quarrel was even worse, the number of visits to the entire forum skyrocketed by more than ten times, and the number of posts increased by more than five times. It even includes the number of hits and replies per post. They have increased by at least three or four times.

All of this greatly increased Miao Gaoliang's workload as an administrator and technical director. Instead, he felt not bored and full.

It's just that this fulfilling feeling soon became more boring and empty. Because the hardware resources he mastered were too good, the additional work could not be processed for long.

After all, Zhang Bingyu is the little princess of Tianshi Mansion. Although his spiritual talent is not good, that position is there. The pocket money on hand is calculated in tens of millions.

Of course, she was banned recently, and this pocket money was brought under control.

However, the China Metaphysics Portal Forum is her only "career" outside the Dust Detective Agency, and she has also set up a network company called the "China Metaphysics Portal."

The operation of this company has not been affected because she was banned.

The Qingchen Detective Office was unable to open because she was banned from the foot. But this website, even if Tianshi Mansion did not let Zhang Bingyu shut down, instead thought it was a rare and serious cause of this little princess in Tianshi Mansion. During the time she was banned, she increased her investment, probably to compensate Zhang Bingyu. Get banned.

The wealthy Tianshi Mansion directly added 20 servers, each of which was built with the latest and most advanced blade servers, and new blades could be added at any time according to technological progress. The core server directly bought a supercomputer through their relationship with the government. The storage capacity is PB level.

In addition, the network bandwidth has also been increased. Twenty optical fibers with a bandwidth of 10G each are pulled directly, and each server has an independent optical fiber. I also purchased a communication satellite service from Europe to communicate directly with the United States. Even if the Sino-US submarine optical cable fails, it will never affect the access of American netizens.

With such a package, it costs hundreds of millions of dollars, and it almost reaches one billion.

But does Tianshifu spend money? One billion at a time, trivial. You don't need to report this money to Zhang Tianshi, just sign it with the elders in charge of the affairs of the Tianshi House. As long as it can make the little princess happy, as long as it can make the little princess's career start, Tianshi Mansion does not mind this effort.

Of course, so far, Tianshifu is still not clear how this little princess’s career is going to develop, and you don’t need such a good thing...

Tianshifu spares no expense on the investment of the capital, resulting in an absolute surplus of hardware equipment for the entire Chinese Metaphysics Portal compared to the demand of the Chinese Metaphysics Portal.

With the current number of forum visits, less than one thousandth of performance is simply not used. If nothing else, it means that the data of the entire forum will not exceed 20G, but what is the capacity of the hard disk now? Go to PB! One PB is equivalent to one thousand TB, and one TB is equivalent to one thousand GB. How big is this excess storage...

Of course, as a technical house, such a high-performance server and network, let Miao Gaoliang have fun. What kind of game, what kind of hacker, what kind of CG video, can play vigorously anyway.

But playing with it, he felt bored.


If he had changed to a person who had met a monk in the metaphysical world, he would have no problem playing it all his life. But now... I have seen those who can really turn over the river, live forever, call for rain, fly to the sky-well, these are exaggerated claims-but in short, after seeing these non-humans, who would be like games? Something interested?

Most of those games are also content within myth and fantasy. But that's a game, that's fake! After you have seen the real, can you still be interested in fake?

There is no need for hackers. No matter how powerful a hacker is, you can make waves on the Internet, but your own strength is still weak. You can control the traffic in a city. You cannot control the excretion of your body. You can add hundreds of millions of dollars to your bank account. You cannot increase your lifespan by one second. You can control the missile launch of the United States, but you can't move a hundred kilograms, but you can't beat a little bastard.

What does that mean?

What else can you compare to being a monk?

No, absolutely not!

This is the human desire for evolution from the depth of the genes.

As the administrator of the Chinese Metaphysics Portal Forum. The so-called Jinshuilou platform gets the moon first, and Miao Gaoliang is not unprecedented in gaining a peerless mind. Successfully become a monk, one day to break through the sky, from the immortal dream of traveling the universe.

But unfortunately. Under his pleading, Zhang Bingyu once asked the people in Tianshi Mansion to test his talent. The final result is: he is not suitable for cultivation.

He was very dissatisfied, so to speak, let Zhang Bingyu give him an entry mentality. Half a year of hard work, what happened? Didn't even practice a fart. Not to mention spiritual power. Induction smart machine can not pass this level.

And not only this, with the convenience of being an administrator, he went to find many monks to find an entry mentality. Looking at Zhang Bingyu's face, most of the other party did not refuse. However, as a result of these mental exercises, the fart is still not practiced.

A few years later, he has no achievements in practice, but he has a lot of entry-level mentality. But what's the use? There are so many ways to get started, you still haven't gotten started.

Finally he had to give up.

But in his heart, he was still very unwilling, so that the things that had originally made him fanatical and addicted to it were no longer interesting.

When Zhang Bingyu and Yang Chen were talking, Miao Gaoliang was flipping through the posts in the Chinese Metaphysics Portal Forum.

"Ah! These posts have been turned hundreds of times, and I can almost memorize them. I don't know, when, what new major events can happen, so that I am not so bored..."

Miao Gaoliang turned off the browser, leaned on the big boss chair behind, suddenly felt lonely in life...


Twisted his body on the soft and comfortable boss chair to make himself more comfortable. Miao Gaoliang was very depressed and muttered: "I know, when Tianshifu said to add equipment, I shouldn’t have said that. Ah, this is good, even if I can’t pass the time to work, it’s all processed in seconds... Alas... such a good thing is in my hands, it doesn’t work at all, it’s a pure pearl. These devices need to I have my own consciousness and may have to cry in secret."

"However, this really can't blame me..."

Miao Gaoliang looked up and looked at the luxurious crystal headlights on the ceiling above him, and said depressedly: "Who makes them ask what is best as soon as they open their mouths? As a technical house, if I say something that is not so good, Isn’t that a smashing sign? But, who knows that Tianshi Mansion isn’t just asking..."

If IBM's latest blade server is good, then twenty will come up immediately.

It was a joke about supercomputing has also moved into the company's computer room. I'm going, do you use super calculations to break the forum? Do you think that super-calculation is the same as shopping in a supermarket, and you can put it in the refrigerator when you buy it? That must be maintained frequently! You have to maintain it even if no one is using it!

This is not enough. In order to super-compute uninterrupted power supply, a large diesel generator set was directly used as a backup power supply. UPS (uninterruptible power supply) occupied several rooms.

It is said that each server has the best independent optical fiber effect, and the next 20 servers will have each 10G bandwidth of independent light. Saying that satellites are needed to ensure uninterrupted network, I simply rented satellite communication services in Europe. You are also the forum of the metaphysics circles in China. The metaphysics circles in China are too busy to run to the forum in the United States? Can communication satellites be used to ensure uninterrupted intercontinental networks?

Said that the hard disk capacity is best to reach the PB level, the result really gave me the PB level. In addition to engaging in artificial intelligence or big data that has only recently been proposed, how can the network industry use PB-level capacity? You are not Google, such a giant. The data collected by the Library of Congress of the United States is only more than 200 T, and no more than one petabyte.


This world of local tyrants really makes people envious, jealous, and hate... (to be continued.) Launch of new website

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