The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 345: Mysterious contact

North latitude 21°19’, longitude 157°50’, United States, Honolulu (-Honolulu), Hawaii (-State), 19:40 Hawaii time.

In a luxurious apartment near the sea, Edward Snowden had just finished get off work and turned on his computer with some fatigue.

His girlfriend Lindsay Mills was preparing a sumptuous dinner, and the smell of grilled steak drifted from the kitchen into the study, making him a little hungry.

He is a man of great temperament and demeanor. The tired expression did not weaken his temperament by half, but instead added some of his charming taste that attracted the opposite sex.

In the "buzzing" sound of the computer motherboard fan, he sat at the computer desk, leaned back, leaned against the back of the black leather swivel chair, the back of the neck was resting on the top of the chair, looking at the rococo style above his head The light-colored shells inlaid on the ceiling of the ceiling gave a long breath.

As an employee of Boss Allen, a defense contractor, he has been working for the National Security Agency NSA for a year. His daily work is a torment for him, because what he does every day is to his heart. A blasphemy of faith.

He couldn't stand it, he felt pain, he tried hard to struggle, but couldn't find hope for success.

NSA, Boss Allen, and even the intelligence agencies in the allies of the past and even the United States are all behemoths, powerful, cold, and impersonal. They seemed to be a large net, wrapping Snowden tightly in it, unable to move and breathless.

More than once, he was awakened by the muzzle of these black monsters sent by agents to the monsters in his dream, and he was frightened with sweat. Fortunately, he fell asleep again under the gentle comfort of his girlfriend Lindsay.

However, the frequency of such scenes is increasing day by day.

He really felt very painful.

The computer has been started, and the login shell (system interactive interface) appears in front of him. He successfully logs in as a super user with his account, and types a few commands after the # prompt. Opened (graphical user interface).

"Ding Dong..."

A system prompt for new e-mail is heard. Snowden opened the email program, logged in to the email account, and found that the email came from a secret account of his own.

His eyelids jumped. There was an ominous premonition faintly.

This secret email account was created by him for some consideration. Security is quite high, and few people who know this account are unnecessary. No one will send email to this account.

Once an email appears, it means something big happened.

but. Who is the mail from? He didn't get any news at all and he was completely unprepared.

He carefully looked at the header of the email and tracked the IP address of the server through which the email passed. But the final result made him more uneasy.

Because this email has gone through at least twenty springboards, including the springboards of the deep web and the public network. Several of these springboards, even hidden in the massive exchange of data, are encrypted and transmitted in the form of data redundancy. This makes it almost impossible to trace the sending address of this email.

He increasingly dragged emails into a sandbox mirroring system. At the same time, open multiple anti-virus and security software, and run the security script written by myself, to ensure that nothing is wrong, this opens the mail in the mirror system.

All he saw was a mess. However, these garbled characters were in his hands, but were quickly recompiled and transformed into lines of text.

He was able to compile these garbled characters easily because the email used a unique encryption method known only to him. Only a few people know this encryption method. But before everyone's email is sent, they will add their own proprietary code to the email. However, this email was not known by any code name, but another unknown code name, which was called "monitored" after compilation.

Obviously, this is an ironic name.

And the content of the email horrified Snowden: Mr. Snowden, I think, you need help. If you still do not accept Plan P, I hope you can contact me.

The following is a temporary IP address and login account password. A sentence is marked at the back: Please log in within five minutes, and do not wait for the outdated.

Seeing a few words from Plan P, Snowden couldn't help but stood up, because the force was too strong, and the swivel chair behind him "flipped" to the ground, attracting Lindsay's inquiry in the kitchen: "Dear, happen What happened?"

"! Just accidentally knocked over the chair..." Snowden hurriedly.

"Oh, My-Dear, you need to be more careful." The busy Lin track: "I have to learn to take care of myself when I am away."

",I know……"

After Snowden confided his girlfriend, he fell silent for a moment, and he hesitated to go to that IP address. Plan P is the abbreviation of Prism Plan () in his mind. In NSA and over there, they all call the official code of this plan US-984XN, not just the first letter of the word Prism ().

Then, under his attention, the entire mail file disappeared in the sandbox image.

He quickly logged into the mail server, but found that the e-mail disappeared without a trace in the mail server, and even left no trace. There was no record in the system log, as if the mail never existed. general.

Not only that, even the body of the letter he recompiled in the sandbox image also disappeared.

Fortunately, he had just remembered the IP address and account password. This is his talent for numbers and passwords, otherwise he will not be able to successfully join, NSA as a computer and password expert with a degree that did not get a high school diploma.

Snowden can be sure that the sandbox mirror cannot contact the outside network, because when he opened the sandbox mirror, he completely cut off the network connection of his computer. It is impossible for someone to control the self-destruction of this email through the network.

The only possibility is that the email contains a control code that he could not find, and it will be automatically destroyed after the time expires.

However, even the encryption rules are under your own control. What kind of person is so powerful. Can his control code still work after encryption and decryption, or does it work in a simulated environment like sandbox mirroring?

How high is the technical content of this, Snowden can not understand. He didn't even understand it at all. What is the principle of this technology. At his current level of technology, no matter how advanced the computer technology on this planet is. At least he still understands the principle. Could it be said that this letter came from a mysterious alien? Otherwise, how could this be achieved?

Are you going?

He just hesitated for ten seconds and decided immediately.

Such a technology. As a technology fanatic, he will never let go.

Then he opened the browser. Through multiple springboards, registered that address.

The browser is the onion browser, which is one of the deep web portals. It is a software for anonymous access to the network, which can communicate anonymously on the Internet. In order to achieve the purpose of anonymity, it will disperse computers around the world and together form an encrypted loop.

Snowden is quite supportive of Internet freedom organizations, including this browser. Its security and privacy also make Snowden very reliable.

This is a temporary internet chat room. The chat room will not record any visitor's IP address and any chat history.

See this. Snowden was somewhat relieved. However, before the official chat, he still scanned the external link of this chat room to ensure that only he and another unknown visitor were connected, and all the data was sent using encryption, which began to contact the other party.

Tourist.w54sfg.-3: Hello, Mr. S, welcome to the world of monitored persons.

Tourist.w54sfg.-3 was renamed "Monitored".

Tourist _s6gh56#^ renamed as "Free Internet"

Free Internet: Hello.

Monitored: Free Internet, I know you have a lot of questions, but it doesn’t matter, I will explain to you slowly.

Free Internet: You say it.

Monitored: I know you work for NSA, and I think you should also understand that NSA has a big plan, which they call the "prism plan." You don’t like this, do you?

Free Internet: Why do you say that? I am a qualified employee.

Monitored: Of course I have to say this. And also know that when you worked in Geneva as a technical employee in 2008, you were criticized by your boss for being suspected of leaking secrets. Since then, you've been bored by these guys who monitor and steal private information.

Free Internet: Have you investigated me?

Monitored: This is just an insurance measure for future partners.

Free Internet: Why should I cooperate with you?

Monitored: Because you didn’t choose, did you?

Free Internet: What is your intention?

Monitored: It's simple, I don't like it. I am a geek, mainly for the computer field. But some time ago, I stumbled upon my private information and was monitored. And when I went on the way, I discovered that monitoring me was actually a behemoth: NSA. Moreover, I also found out the big plan of this behemoth: the prism plan. Their ambition and unbridledness made me hard to believe my eyes.

Monitored: So, obviously, there is only one thing I can do.

Free Internet: Are you a geek? Not a hacker? Or a hacker?

Monitored: Yes, I am not. Because I never invade. When I first started learning computer and network knowledge, I vowed to maintain the freedom and security of the Internet and computers, and never invade other people's computers. Of course, this precept has been broken recently. However, I have never invaded companies and private computers, but government departments such as NSA, which do not take personal privacy and internet freedom seriously. I think this can't be regarded as an intrusion into his "human" computer, but against cyber power and hegemony. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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